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It has been 14 years since the CIS won and with the Republic the two forces became the Empire. For years the Empire has been expanding its Territories and treating everyone as equals. However in the shadows there are those who hate how the Empire limits them thus they begin plotting.

Currently inside the former Jedi temple which became the Imperial Palace but in the center tower is the Empress chamber where Vexaia is busy with paperwork.

Vexaia POV:

I can't believe it has been 14 years since the Empire was formed but despite the Empire formation there was some resistance from old Republic worlds but they surrendered once I personally led the Dark Armada which became the Empire new navy.

However despite the years I did miss when my grampa Y/N rule as he was much better as a ruler than I was but he is stubborn and went to live in peace at the Garden with his lovers.

Suddenly the door to my office slams open which I glare at as I look up to see the new senator of Earth: Udina.

Udina: "Empress Vader. I demand to understand your reasoning for refusing Earth access to your sith military status" he said.

It has been a year since he became a senator after Strongarm retired from being Earth Senator. But I hate how just because he is a senator that means he can boss around like the old Republic.

Me: "Silent you worm!" I said with fury in my tone as I used the force to make Udina kneel.

Udina: "Forgive me!" He said with fear which I have released him.

Me: "Now in case you forgot the Empire doesn't allow the Senate to see any military status since that belongs to the Council of Defense which is similar to the Earth Department of defense. So you understand why the Empire wouldn't allow the Senate which is similar to the Earth Congress to view the military status" I said which Udina pale.

Udina: "It just that it seems unfair that you allow the Rim party to see the military over the Core party" he said which I sigh.

Me: "The only reason the Rim party is allowed is because of the pirates raid in the Rim system attacking them. Thus I allow them to see the process of the Pirates raid being destroyed" I said.

Udina: "I understand but the Rim party doesn't deserve to see the military might" he said which I glare.

Me: "Correct me but most of the Rim territories makes up the Empire Army. And ain't some of the Empire Navy comes from the Rim territories too?" I said which Udina pale slightly.

Udina: "yes Empress" he said sweating as I stand up and walk around my desk then walk around the senator like a predator.

Me: "And doesn't the Empire need the resources from the Rim Party since they managed to fix up many worlds without any issue? While many Core Party members only spend their resources on themselves rather than support the Empire?" I said which Udina tried calming down but I could sense his fear.

Udina "Um see it for the betterment of the Empire that the Core are happy" he said which I rolled my eyes.

Me: "I see well tell the Core Party that if they want to see the military status then I suggest they help more with the Empire" I said which he nod then leave.

Once he gone I sit down and sigh as I realize how my father felt when he was a political back on earth.

???: "It seems you ain't doing so well" a male voice spoke which I chuckled as I look to see my beloved.

He is the descendant of the original Arcann but he honors his father's name by wearing a Vader armor.

Arcann: "I see that you have been busy and rarely see our daughter 13 year old Ember after you left her with Vader" he said which I sigh.

Me: "I know but thankfully I do chat with her and sometimes visit yet you know that I ain't great with children especially since I barely contain myself when I nearly kill Padme with her daughter watching" I said as I remember how Padme simply gave her son away to live on tatooine with Anakin mother.

Arcann: "I know but she deserves it for trying to cause a scene about your father murdering her husband and her children's father" he said.

Me: "True but it wasn't right for me to try to kill her" I said.

Arcann: "I agree but thankfully she learned not to bad mouth your grampa especially since he was not a terrible role leader for the children" he said which I sigh.

Me: "Anyway how is Supreme Commander Jane doing?" I said only for he to laugh.

Arcann: "She definitely deserves the rank especially since she managed to lead the new Specter soldiers against some threats" he said.

Me: "I'm glad Pure Blood Tempest suggested to her when he refused to take the rank" I said then I see a new report which I read only to frown.

Arcann: "Is something wrong?" He said which I show him about the situation involving lothal.

Me: "Trouble" I said.

3rd POV:


Currently the Imperial Command Center is being attacked by the Ghost squad which is led by Hera and Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Padawan Gus, Bounty Hunter Jade Saxon, and a former member of the Avengers: Chloé.

Gus: "I didn't think these Stormtroopers would easily be fool by Chloe shape shift" he said.

Chloe: "we were lucky to get in and start destroying some machines but now they found us before we could escape" she said.

Jade: "I don't know why you two are complaining this is fun for an artist like me" she said as she uses grenades thus killing several Stormtroopers.

Hera: "Chopper did you get everything?" She said which her droid beeps which Kanan nod.

Kanan: "Alright time to cause some trouble" he said then used the force to knock the Stormtroopers away thus allowing the Ghost crew to escape.

Watching the whole thing is the Stormtrooper captain Tex who smirks behind his mask.

Tex: "This is just the beginning" he said as he left.


Meanwhile on Earth Armstrong and Plasma are looking over at the new Talon Troopers and the new Cerberus Troopers.

Talon troopers.

Cerberus Stormtroopers.

Cerberus Storm scouts.

Armstrong: "This is a glorious day for the Empire" he said.

Plasma: "Indeed and soon any resistance will be crushed" she said.

Armstrong: "After all war is business and America will be great under the Empire rule" he said.

Plasma: "I agree. Besides the rumors of a new rebellion we need these new soldiers. After all there are threats that not even the Senators are aware" she said.

Armstrong: "No kidding. As the more time the Empire expands the more threats they discover" he said.

Plasma: "btw what does the spies report about the new companies?" She said.

Armstrong: "Well the Resources Development Administration is searching for new energy sources which rumors say that they found a new element ore yet they do have some military hardware" he said as he looked at a datapad.

"Weyland-Yutani been doing some experiments on some of their colonies, Biosyn been doing some illegal deals with sabotaging the marketing of food by experimenting on Locusts, Omni Consumer Products trying to produce new law enforcement while trying to sabotage others robot production, and finally is the Project Pickman which are trying to create super soldiers" Armstrong said.

Plasma: "Mm they might be a threat but we can't stop them not yet at least as they can sue the Empire without hard evidence" she said.

Armstrong: "I agree plus the new galactic police law enforcement unit: The Imperial Shadow Proclamation will need evidence as they were created by the new Senate orders once Vexaia convinces many of them that since the Green Lantern Corps are no more and Nova Corps isn't doing a good job during the aftermath of the war. They need a replacement for both and so far the agents of the ISP keep the galaxies in peace for the pass 13 years which aren't you one of the commanders of the ISP?" He said smirking.

Plasma: "True but Vexaia want me hidden besides the ISP  are led by the Shadow Architect who is someone who both Former Emperor Vader and Vexaia trust dearly as she is the mistress of the mind" she said.

Armstrong: "I see. Well soon the rebels or any threat won't stand a chance against the might of the Empire" he said.

Imperial Shadow Proclamation HQ.

In the Deep Cores system there is the Imperial Shadow Proclamation HQ which are three asteroids connected by two bridges.

Currently there is a meeting in the ISP chamber involving the Shadow Star Council which is form from five different species: the Humans, Judoon, Ogrons, Wrarth Warriors, and Sontaran.

An: the four are from the Doctor who series.

Currently the council is discussing the situation involving the rebel cell as they did attack an Imperial Command Center but Vexaia doesn't want them to attack as the empress believes that this Rebel cell is only a minor threat.

An: image she is wearing black and has a cap.

Shadow Architect: "While the Empress doesn't want us to attack this cell she did give us the green light to send an agent" she said.

Wrath warrior Leader: "I agree with sending an agent to the planet. However what about the situation involving the new aliens like the Cybertronian and the Yautja as despite them joining the Senate they prove they do have superior military strength as the Cybertronian are giant machines while the Yautja are skilled warriors. Yet they refuse to share their technology or any of their own kind to join the military" he said.

Judoon Leader: "I agree with him. As it has been six months since the two species joined the Senate but not once have there been any reports of them sharing their technology or their own to join the Empire military" she said.

Ogron Leader: "I think it's best if we keep an eye on them" she said.

Sontaran Leader: "I say we fight them!" He said only for everyone to glare at him which he chuckled nervously.

Shadow Architect: "For now we will monitor them but I know for a fact that there are some of them who will support the Empire" she said.

Ogron Leader: "How so?" She said.

Shadow Architect: "Because I know two who are rallying their fellow species to join the Empire military" she said surprising the council.

Wrath warrior Leader: "Who are these supporters?" He said which the Shadow Architect smirked then showed two holographic projections.

Shadow Architect: "They are Megatron and Scar" she said.

An: Megatron is much younger and he doesn't become an evil overlord. Yautja Scar is a combination of the lion king scar and Iago from Othello but Scar is still a Yautja thus he uses manipulation on his prey as a warrior and uses his smarts for the benefit of his species.


Currently in the Fortress Inquisitorius the Grand Inquisitor is having a meeting with the Sixteen Inquisitors which during the war only was six originally.

However the Sixteen Inquisitors are discussing about the situation involving the remaining 25 Jedi that remains which originally there was only 100 but the Inquisitors either killed or convinced them to join the Twilight Order. As the Sith and Jedi decided to join forces and become known as the Twilight Order.

For the pass 14 years since the war the Inquisitors were known as the might of the Supreme Commander thus allowing them to have control over certain military forces. Yet the Inquisitors know that some of the Jedi managed to escape and begin teaching again if evidence of what their Empress, Vexaia shows them of Lothal attack is true.

Grand Inquisitor: "For now the Empress wants us to keep an eye on this Rebel group as she knows that they will reveal the remaining Jedi and their allies" he said.

Reva Sevander: "What about Obi wan? He escaped me multiple times and rumors are he is helping keep force sensitive children away thanks to the help of the Hidden Path" she said.

Seventh Sister: "Please they don't stand a chance against the Inquisitors and the Twilight Order" she said.

Lyn Rakish: "Don't be blinded as it seems that Yoda and Obi wan managed to get all the Holocrons away from the former Jedi Temple" she said.

Masana Tide: "Tsk they got lucky" she said.

Bil Valen: "If only Emperor Vader was still our leader then we could have prevented the loss of the Holocrons but nope the Senate thought the police droids could be more useful" he said.

Prosset Dibs: "I agree but thankfully Empress Vexaia managed to get the Senate Sentinels back and they become very loyal to Empress Vexaia" he said.

Barriss Offee: "I admit that Empress Vexaia did a lot more in these pass 14 years" she said.

Trilla Suduri: "Same but what the plan if we are force to reveal ourselves to the Rebels?" She said.

Lyn Rakish: "I say we show them why the Empire shouldn't be f_ck against" she said.

Iskat Akaris: "Patience as Emperor Vader created the Inquisitors to plan and think smart when he first created the Sith and Twilight Orders nearly 4 hundred years ago" she said.

Marrok: "Indeed and we will honor his teachings. However what is the plan Grand Inquisitor?" He said.

Grand Inquisitor: "If the rebels does force our hands then we will show ourselves to them. However what is the situation on Vader Fortress?" He said looking at two Inquisitors.

Iskat Akaris: "So far no one attempted to enter the fortress and thankfully only Vexaia and Arcann been there" she said.

Tualon Yaluna: "Indeed and thankfully the mining operations of Mirkanite on the planet far from the stronghold is still hidden" he said,

Grand Inquisitor: "Good because both Empress Vexaia and Dark Lord Arcann would be disappointed if the mining operations for the secret project is discovered" he said.

Fifth Brother: "If the rebels or any threat discovered the project then they can destroy it before it can be completed in the next few years" he said.

Eight Brother: "I agree thankfully the mining operations doesn't have any plans" he said.

Grand Inquisitor: "Then you are dismissed" he said then everyone leaves.

Once alone he contracts Grand Moff Tarkin who appears in holographic projection.

Tarkin: "Ah Grand Inquisitor. Is there an issue?" He said.

Grand Inquisitor: "No but I am concerned over the plans for Project Universal Gate. Is safe?" He said which Tarkin smirked.

Tarkin: "Indeed and it is in the hands of the most loyalist general of all the empire: Sepius Falken" he said.

Grand Inquisitor: "Ah he is a good choice as he is a excellent Turian soldier who was once a part of Emperor Vader Death Squadron and he successfully did a lot for the CIS" he said.

Tarkin: "Indeed thus when he was promoted to general I gave him the plans as the Rebels would never think of the going to the Unknown Regions which is governed by the Unknown Party that might be five years old compared to the Rim party and Core Party which are thirteen years old but the Unknown Party does have a lot of influences" he said.

Grand Inquisitor: "I agree" he said.


Currently Padme and her daughter are in a meeting with fellow Rebels leaders about the situation with the Empire in a building that was built far from the capital of Naboo 13 years ago.

Padme: "Thank you all for coming on such notice" she said.

Sentinel Prime: "It was no problem but what the situation?" He said.

Bail Organa: "This about the Empire isn't it?" He said.

Padme: "Yes as you all know that this Rebellion was formed during the Clone Wars and after the end of the war we tried to start a resistance but our allies fell to the Dark Armada thus we were forced to do small acts. However the Spectres accidentally caught the Empire's attention" she said.

Mon Mothma: "This is bad" she said.

Elder Kalakta: "I fear that we must begin the hunt" he said in his native yautja tongue yet a droid translated for him.

Peter Parker: "I think it's best if we wait as now is too soon Elder Kalakta" he said.

An: Peter Parker was never an avenger in the CIS Empire story also he created Parker Industries after the war so he is around 38.

Thomas Weston: "Besides the armor and weapons that you order from Amertek won't be available for the rebels as they're still in the testing phase" he said.

Gial Ackbar: "I managed to get many of the fleet of my homeworld support but the king refused to help as he believes in the Empire especially since Empress Vexaia promised that the kingdom of Atlantis pays for the death of his father which they did" he said.

Padme: "So in total we got 3 million rebels while the empire got a billion soldiers" she said.

Leia: "Despite the fact that we have not a lot of rebels we do make up for quick tactics" she said.

Saw Gerrera: "Indeed but the Partisans are trying their best to help recruit more but the Empire isn't a joke as their recruiting methods is effective" he said.

Wookie Chieftain: "The Wookies are helping too but the Empire got a tight grip on the planet" he said through a translator droid.

Padme: "Nevertheless the Empire will end as they are nothing but manipulative and slavers that only care about themselves" she said then the meeting ends.

An: this will be a long story for everyone. So enjoy.

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