Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the EEF threat was announced to the Empire and Rebels. However the Empire and Rebels are prepared for any threat. But the EEF are unlike anything the Rebels and the Empire were prepared.

Currently the Ghost Squad is in the Ghost listening to a HoloNet News transmission about the assault of Empire Transportation and theft of a tie fighter when it is interrupted by an unauthorized transmission from Gall Trayvis.

He reveals that Luminara Unduli is alive and being held imprisoned in the Stygeon system and should be given a trial only for the transmission to cut off.

Thus the Ghost Squad prepared for saving a great ally not realizing that they will face a dangerous foe.

However in the Imperial Command Center Agent Kallus is currently talking to Terminator as they walk towards the training yard where young future soldiers of the Empire are currently training.

Agent Kallus: "So Terminator. How many of your fellow machines will help with the upcoming threat?" He said.

Terminator: "Currently the Cyberdyne automatic Factories are making thousands every day but thanks to the Geth and New Dawn we are always upgrading and evolving" he said as he shifted his arm into a shield that block a blaster bolt that was misfire by a training soldier who froze in fear.

Agent Kallus: "I see also the guns these training soldiers use can be lethal if not handle correctly" he said as the two leave the Training yard.

Terminator: "I can't argue with that but the rookies sure need more training as the Empress know that war is coming" he said.

Stygeon Prime.

Currently the Ghost Squad, using the Phantom, arrived at Stygeon Prime where the Spire is located.

Thankfully they managed to get past the anti-aircraft turrets and tie fighters easily enter the prison however Hera had to fly the Phantom due to Tibidee attracted to the Jamming device.

However inside the Prison where the group was force to split up because of Stormtroopers the two Jedi found the cell where Unduli is located.

But when they enter they discovered that Unduli is trapped in Carbonite then the Grand Inquisitor appears behind them as he closes the door behind him.

Grand Inquisitor: "Ah so you finally arrived. I see you also meet the prisoner Unduli who we capture years ago when she attempts to kill a Darth Lord but she failed and now she is trapped in Carbonite" he said as he look at the two Jedi.

Gus: "Let's fight him!" He said as he have his lightsaber out.

Kanan: "No. I must fight him" he said and fight the Grand Inquisitor but it seems that the Grand Inquisitor prove to be the superior swordman.

However Gus managed to explode the door with a detonator thus causing smoke to blind the Grand Inquisitor as the two Jedi escaped but the Grand Inquisitor recovered quickly and chased after them.

Sadly the rebels escape and the Stormtroopers are force to kill some Tibidee.

Grand Inquisitor: "Mm they definitely got the spark of hope but it can easily be crushed by the darkness" he said leaving to report the situation to the Empress.


A fleet of the Empire arrived at the home planet only to discover that it becomes lifeless and empty thus the turian ST&R elite member Avitus Rix reported the dead planet to the Empress.

Avitus Rix: "Genocidal bastards. Not only did they cause an extinction level on an entire species with one survivor but they also drained the planet of its resources" he said then the fleet Admiral walked up to the window and frowned.

David Anderson: "These sick monsters. They deserve to be executed for killing an entire species despite the fact this race is a parasite species" he said.

Avitus Rix: "I agree but sadly we do not have a lot of knowledge except they are a genocidal terrorist organization that has a fleet and unknown soldiers" he said.

David Anderson: "If only we can identify this threat" he said only for the radars to detect some life on the planet which the Fleet entered the orbit and sent a squadron.

Upon landing the group found a base with heavy turrets but thankfully the squadron easily destroyed the turrets and enter the base only to be glare as they see soldiers wearing some armor.

EEF Trooper: "Oh shit the Empire is here!" A soldier said which cause the other soldiers to attack at the Squadron however their armor protects them and they easily slaughter the soldiers then capture a scientist only for him to die with foam coming out of his mouth.

Squadron leader: "Damn it. Cyanide pill" she said as she recognized the foam quite easily.

Squadron soldier: "Captain. We managed to get some data before it was permanent erase" a soldier said which the Squadron leader nod then saw the symbol of the EEF.

Squadron Leader: "Tell Admiral Anderson that we got a human superior organization on our hands" she said.


Currently the peaceful Cotati who grew gardens are horrified when the EEF fleets arrive and begin slaughtering them.

EEF Heavy Trooper: "These peace loving plant alien freaks are nothing to us humans!" A male soldier said as he and many others burned several Cotati with Incinerator flamethrowers.

EEF Bulk Trooper: "Just slaughter these freaks" a male soldier said as both Himself and many others use their arm mini guns to shreds the Cotati.

Suddenly several Empire ships arrived which surprised the ground forces but they stopped and retreated to their transport ships which they used to escape back to the EEF fleet.

In space the Empire is fighting the EEF fleets yet despite the Empire superior fire power the EEF shields are holding and they easily escape.

Inside the flagship is the general of this fleet Nathaniel Fordham who frowned at the fact the enemies escaped without suffering any damage.

An: Nathaniel Fordham is a character from JuanDeleon662 oc book. I suggest you read the bio to see what the oc looks like.

Nathaniel Fordham: "Admiral Roebuck. I want all empire soldiers to help the Cotati with supplies and medical support. Also I want a report if the sensors pick up anything from the enemies defenses" he said.

Admiral Roebuck: "Understood General Fordham" he said as he began to order the crew.

Suddenly a holographic projection of Grand Admiral Thrawn appears who looks serious.

Thrawn: "Admiral Anderson just reported about the Brood homeworld. I hope you have better news" he said.

Nathaniel Fordham: "We managed to arrive in time to force the unknown enemies back from the planet Grand Admiral Thrawn" he said.

Thrawn: "Good because the Empress just informed me that there will be a special task fleet to deal with this threat that is called the Galactic Extraterrestrials Defense Force" he said.

Nathaniel Fordham: "Who shall lead this Task fleet?" He said then a holographic projection of a hooded man appeared.

Thrawn: "Allow me to introduce Major Drakegon who shall be the leader of the GEDF" he said.

An: Drakegon is another character from Juan oc book so search him up too.

Drakegon: "So far many of the terrorist group attacks are in the unknown regions thus we shall investigate the regions" he said then his holographic projection vanished alongside Thrawn.


Currently Amanda Waller and Ritson are in Argus building talking to their supporters about the fact that they were discovered but thanks to the new shields developed by Far Zenith they didn't lose any soldiers or ships.

Lex Luther: "You are lucky that they haven't found Umak Leth Mining Stations as they are our sources of mass production of ships" he said.

Amanda Waller: "Guess what Luther our soldiers on the Brood homeworld got slaughtered despite the fact that you gave them the best armor in your company" she said glaring but Lex Luther laughed.

Lex Luther: "Those were prototypes used to gather data of the Empire thus they will evolve the next soldier's armor. However if the Empire gets their hands on the armor they can track it down to me so I was prepared" he said showing everyone the video of the soldiers armor being melted yet leaving the dead person intact.

Gerard Bieri: "Nevertheless the Empire will stop us especially since they got powerful allies but thanks to Far Zenith shields our fleet is impossible to break through" he said.

Stan Edger: "Don't forget that thanks to the Vought serum the soldiers are stronger, faster, and tougher than ever before" he said.

Talos Rucker: "And the fact that many of the soldiers who lost their limbs are augmented by ARC" he said.

Walter Simmons: "And thanks to Apex Cybernetics technology the Mechs are why humans will be the Apex in the galaxy" he said.

Major Bonilla: "What about my god damn soldiers! You allow some of Argent best soldiers as sacrifice! If the Empire discovered that the soldiers they got are Argent they will shut the company down!" He said.

Wade Eiling: "Thankfully the Empire doesn't have any identity of the soldiers since I managed to get my hackers into deleting any soldiers under our contract to never seem that they exist on Earth" he said.

Amanda Waller: "At least it ain't a complete failure as the EEF soldiers slaughter half of the Cotati which makes a million alien lives in total from both Brood and the Cotati worlds" she said.

Ritson: "Good soon once we gather a large enough fleet we will free Earth of both the Empire and their loving aliens. However what about the companies that we sent invites to?" He said to his assistant who showed him the list.

Assistant: "Well in the Six Galaxies we got the support of Maliwan, Tediore, Vladof, and Atlas corporate but sadly S&S Munitions, Torgue, Dhal and hyperion are a part of the Empire. On Earth we do have the support of Powers Technology, Hammer Industries, Roxxon Energy Corporation and AIM. Sadly the rest declined as they are either a part of the Empire or refuse. Finally are the Weyland-Yutani and Resources Development Administration who join but the last three refuse" she said.

Lex Luther: "So in total we got ten extra companies that support us. With their support our genocidal goal of a free alien Earth will be achieved in a year or so" he said.

Ritson: "Not unless Emperor Vader returns which is impossible since he retired and lives in some uncharted planet" he said.

An: does anyone else feel like he jinx the Galaxy?


The planet is celebrating the anniversary of when their Queen Fanry signed the treaty to the CIS to free the planet from Czerka Arms control.

However the Queen Fanry is disappointed because she couldn't see her beloved Overlord who help her save her people from slavery and destroy the Czerka ship.

But she smile when her beloved enter the room with flowers as their children run behind him.

Overlord: "Sorry for being late but I was busy" he said giving the flowers to Fanry who accepted.

Fanry: "At least you remember. However there something troubling you?" She said which Overlord sadly sighed.

Overlord: "There this new threat called the Extraterrestrial Extermination Force which is a genocidal terrorist organization that plans to cause extinction level of aliens in the galaxy and so far they slaughter the Brood and almost kill all the Cotati" he said.

Fanry: "You worried they would come here?" She said which Overlord nod.

Overlord: "Yes as this might be a human world but it got some aliens as colonies members" he said which Fanry then warp her arms around him.

Fanry: "Don't worry beloved as the Empire is the greatest in the whole Galaxy" she said then both of them laughed as they got hug by their children.


On the moon there is a Rebel cell which are the former members of the Opposition who agree to help as the Empire isn't helping the moon colonies.

Under the leadership of Halin Azucca the Rebel cell has caused some problems but not a lot for the Empire to investigate on both the moon or the planet.

However the Rebel Cell got Intel that the Overlord is on the planet thus the rebel Cell is forced to stop and spy but all they got is no importance.

Thus the Rebel Cell leaves the Overlord alone since they know facing a powerful foe like him is a death sentence.

Eden Prime.

Currently in the human colony world there is a meeting of a Rebel cell under the leadership of a Doctor William Cambiata who is smart enough to attack small Empire transport carriers containing weapons and supplies when the Stormtroopers ain't noticing.

This allows the Rebel Cell to get away with the weapons and supplies unnoticed and they return to the outpost multiple times.

However this Rebel Cell heard on HoloNet news that a elite ST&R member will investigate a new discovery on Eden Prime thus many Rebel Cell panicked thinking that it them only for them to relax as the ST&R will be far away from the outpost and near a Empire research center.

Yet Dr William Cambiata frown as he knows that the Empire been digging around that area for months and now report of a new discovery was strange.

Sadly he let it go as entering that center is a death trap especially since the ST&R elite members might be dangerous.


At the Empire Research center the ST&R elite member Ashley Williams is with the leading scientist and historian of ancient civilization Liara T'Soni.

Ashley Williams: "So what did your team find Liara?" She said as the two are going down an elevator shift.

Liara: "I believe we found evidence of living beings before us as my data show that the bunker is 50 thousand years older than the Republic and the Infinite Empire" she said.

Ashley Williams: "are you saying that there is might be an older empire than the Infinite Empire?" She said.

Liara: "Yes! After all we still haven't explored the entire galaxy but I found older artifacts that weren't made by the Infinite Empire" she said as the evaluator arrived at the bottom where the two enter the bunker which got strange pods inside.

An: It's the best photo I could find.

Ashley Williams: "what's inside of them?" She said.

Liara: "From what I could gather from my instruments these are Stasis Pod and we got living species inside!" She said with excitement in her tone.

Ashley Williams: "... Was the Stasis pods damaged or tempered with?" She said which Liara shake her head for no.

Liara: "No but it seems these pods need a command signal has to be found to end the stasis mode and a method to safety open the pods" she said.

Ashley Williams: "For now I want this entire area shut down and close to the public as I'm activating Unknown Alien protocols and Convention of Civilized Systems as we need evidence that these species are safe or a threat to the empire" she said which Liara nod.

Liara: "I was afraid of that but thankfully we discovered two other objects that have importance and none of the workers or the soldiers mess with the two objects" she said.

Ashley Williams: "Excellent because we need the Empress authorization, the Supreme Commander, or Master Spectre permission" she said.

Liara: "What about former Emperor Vader? It was he who share me his research on the Protheans which he discovered on his traveling days" she said.

Ashley Williams: "I see well for now we can't allow anyone to know we got supposed extinct aliens before the Infinite Empire" she said as the two ladies leave not realizing that Protheans still exist today.


Currently Empress Vexaia is in the Senate building revealing the genocidal terrorist organization identity.

Empress Vexaia: "From what we could gather. This Extraterrestrial Extermination Force aka EEF is all about humanity superior over aliens. So as of now the special task fleet called the Galactic Extraterrestrials Defense Force will hunt these terrorists down and bring order and peace to the galaxy" she said.

Many senators of both Unknown Party and Rim Party cheer while the rest clap however a few human senators glare.

These human senators are:

Udina senator of Earth.

Barbra Pryce Senator of New Galveston which is a great source of the rare material Trimonite which is fifteen times harder than diamond and extremely rare.

Isabelle Ardant Senator of Shānmén which is enriched with a valuable substance called Eitr which produces new drives for ships.

Coriolanus Snow senator of Habitat 7 which is enriched with resources and life.

And Andrew Ryan senator of Osea which is a ocean world with a underwater city called Rapture and a cloud city Columbia. However the planet got untold resources.

An: hope you enjoy this chapter everyone.

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