Chapter 4

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It's been three weeks since the Empire unleash the GEDF to deal with the EEF. However the Rebels is growing stronger yet is it enough to beat the Empire.

The planet Diēus which is the capital planet of the Edrana system which is a European independent government called the Edrana Confederation.

However the planet capital New Europe suffers because of a Vigilante called The Remnant who murder members of the Court of Nobles yet he reveals their crimes on the Holo News.

This causes several civilians to question their government and Chancellor Caelus who speech about the false claims of the crimes committed by several dead Nobles is nothing but lies spread by The Remnant.

But tonight the military is guarding the streets as Remnant announces he will attack tonight however what they don't know is that the Remnant have kill the remaining corrupt nobles and Caelus in a building.

Sadly he dies yet a woman by the name of Jean gives him a viking funeral by placing him in the train which is full of explosions and send the train to Houses of Parliament.

Jean: "May god have mercy because I won't" she said.

Meanwhile the Military and the masked civilians listen to music This Vicious Cabaret as the clock struck Midnight when the Houses of Parliament exploded.

Then the crimes of the remaining Nobles and the Caelus are revealed especially since Caelus is revealed as a supporter of EEF thus the civilians and military both created a new body government called the Edrana Union which replaces the Court of Nobles.


Currently the Ghost Squad are celebrating over their victory of destroying the Empire transport ship of kyber while getting rid of three Empire cruisers and several tie fighters.

Suddenly the HoloNet News caught the crew attention as it reveals that the Edrana Confederation former leader Caelus is a supporter of the terrorist organization EEF and he committed genocide of several aliens in the past. Thus the Edrana Confederation became a democracy rather than a fascist party.

This completely surprised the Ghost Squad as they never knew about this information yet the news wasn't finished as they announced that the Edrana Union which replaces the Court of Nobles will sign a neutral treaty with the Empire next week.

Chloe: "Well guess this means that the Edrana system can be used as a space place if we cause too much heat in the system" she said which the others agree.


Currently on the EEF HQ planet Amanda Waller is frowning as the EEF lost their supporter Caelus who helped them allowing them to use one of the Edrana moon as a project for the Remnant Room.

Sadly one of the subjects escapes and reveals to be the one who reveals that Caelus was an EEF supporter and murder him.

Amanda Waller: "Damnit if the Edrana discovers the Remnant Room then they will tell the Empire. I have no choice, The Remnant Room must be destroyed otherwise the Empire will get the data" she said as she put in a code.

Remnant Room Moon.

On the moon there is a transport ship where twenty female called the Remnant Phantoms are in as they got orders to abandon the Remnant Room which was a base meant to create a weaponized weapon that enhanced a woman mental and physical.

Sadly only twenty out of fifty women from the military of Edrana Confederation was a success and they are loyal to the EEF however everyone was force to evacuate the base because it was compromised.

It wasn't long until the transport ships escaped as a battle station appeared and unleashed a warhead that completely vaporized the base.

However what the EEF doesn't know is that there was a traitor who got some data store in the base and they easily arrived at Coruscant.


Currently in the Imperial Palace Empress Vexaia was busy with the paperwork when she pulled out her lightsaber and aimed it behind her.

Vexaia: "I admit you are almost like a ghost if I didn't sense you through the Force" she said as she turned around only to see a blonde woman with a mask.

Jean: "Greeting Empress Vexaia I am Jean a subject to an EEF project called Remnant Room which involves a weaponized virus that gives females like me with enhanced mental and physical" she said which Vexaia frown.

Vexaia: "How do I know you're telling me the truth?" She said which Jean opened her hand showing a data disk.

Jean: "This data shows you everything about the project and it targets plus as a bonus I am willing to be arrested and await your decision" she said as she went to her knees as Vexaia grabbed the data disk.

Then two Darth assassins appear and place cuffs on Jean while Vexaia plug the data disk into a data pad which begins showing her data.

Pandora 1

On this chaotic planet which was originally colonized by Atlas sadly it was abandoned when they found strange structures called Vaults which allow the Empire to seize the planet.

For the next 14 years the Empire has been busy as they have been mining a rare element called Eridium when they discovered Vaults which got powerful monsters that many soldiers lost their lives. Thankfully the Sith and the new human-like species called sirens managed to beat these monsters.

Inside these vaults are loots from an alien species called Eridian which the Empire knows exists in the Six Galaxies as they discovered a lot more vaults and structures all throughout the galaxy.

However the Empire base which is in the The Salt Flats area is the  entrance to the Vault of the former intergalactic being called the Destroyer where the scientists discovered data that the Eridian sacrificed their entire civilization to seal the Destroyer.

Yet the leading scientist and expert of Eridian technology, patricia tannis, is panicking because of the fact she become a siren.

However Commandant Helga Steele the leader of the Crimson Lance enters the room only to be surprised to see that the scientist is a siren like her.

Patricia: "Commandant! Please don't force me to join the military! I ain't a fighter but a scientist!" She said which Steele frowned.

Steele: "Very well but be warned that you owned me" she said which Patricia nod as she glad not to join the military.

Patricia: "Anyway I suppose you're here to see about the process of reverse engineering of the Eridian technology and weapons" she said.

Steele: "Yes as the Empress Vexaia wants to know if these weapons can be mass produced or can create anything new" she said.

Patricia: "Well it is slow as we can't destroy the weapons or technology but thankfully I did create new weapons called E tech which is made from Eridium that shot out slags" she said.

Steele: "And how powerful are these slag?" She said which Patricia smiled.

Patricia: "Once an enemy is coated in slag they can take more damage from non slag weapons that includes energy, slug, or elements" she said causing Steele to smile.

Steele: "Good as the empire will need them against threats like the EEF" she said.

Dromund Kass.

Currently the former sith empire capital is used by the Sith Pure Blood as a safe place to raise their children which in total so far are twenty with half being born naturally while the other half are born by the Empire cloning technology.

However in the Imperial Citadel the ruler of the Pure Blood Avarok is in a meeting with the original Pure Blood.

Pure Blood Avarok: "As you are all aware. Project Pure Blood revival is slow but that is because of the fact that us Pure Blood are almost extinct. Thus we are using both natural and scientific methods to restore the Pure Blood species. So far we got 20 children that ten are natural while the rest are cloned" he said.

Pure Blood Tempest: "I don't see why the rest of you don't want to have natural born families like me and my son Kevin Shepard" he said.

Pure Blood Axen: "Unlike you some of us are too busy with ruling the Kaas City since the Empire did restore the city from the wild" he said.

Pure Blood Rhea: "I am actually glad to give birth to triplets from former Emperor Vader as he is powerful in the force" she said.

Pure Blood Veila: "At least you don't have to handle the ten clones as that is a pain but thankfully I am used to handling it" she said.

Pure Blood Qatia: "Perhaps but unlike you I had to handle a hundred sith students as they want to learn the Pure Blood history" she said.

Pure Blood Bahamut: "Enough. We are the original Pure Blood. So we must act like one instead of being b_tches. Besides we need to focus on the situation involving the planet as the species are only obeying us because we use the dark force to make them our pets" he said.

Pure Blood Kroger: "We could put them through training thus making them obey us without the force" he said.

Pure Blood Avarok: "I agree. What say you all?" He said which everyone else agrees with.

Thus begins the training of the creatures of Dromund Kass.


Currently the President is having a meeting with an ISP agent called Garrus who is there to discuss the situation involving EEF.

Garrus: "As you know president that the EEF is a human only terrorist organization that plans to cause a genocide of extraterrestrial lives in the galaxies. So the council sent me to see if you know anyone who would support or lead this terrorist organization" he said.

George Sears: "Mm I have no evidence but I suggest you watch out for Ritson, Amanda Waller and Lex Luther as I believe they might be involved" he said which Garrus nodded and wrote the information down.

Garrus: "Thank you for telling me Mr president" he said then leave.

George Sears: "Damnit. If you two are involved then I have no choice but to order a warrant of your arrest" he thought.

An: Hope you enjoy this chapter because I am temporarily putting this story on pause as I must focus on my other stories.

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