14) Control the Power

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"Minato Sensei? What are you doing here?" I asked, as Minato walked into my hospital room.

"I'm here, to introduce you to someone." He said, as an old man with long white hair, suddenly stood behind him, giving a small wave.

"Who's the gramps?" I asked, as he finally walked into the room next to Minato Sensei.

"This is Master Jir-"

"The name 'Frog Hermit' is merely a disguise! I shall tell you my true identity. I am the man who has no enemies in the North, South, East, and West! Not even in the heavens! I am one of the Sannin! White haired frog tamer! Even a crying baby would stare in awe! The great Jiriaya! That is me! Jiriaya!" He said dancing and whipping his hair back and forth. I sat there in shock, before I let out a small chuckle. Minato Sensei walked over to my while Jiriaya kept going with his very long introduction.

"Is he normally this... Um.." I said trailing off, whispering to my Sensei.

"You get used to it!" Minato Sensei whispered back to me, and I nodded while giggling.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jiriaya!" I said.

"Oh believe me kiddo, the pleasure is all mine." He said winking at me, and I laughed nervously.

"So... Why are you guy's here? Not that I'm complaining but..."

"I'm here, to tell you that you're being released!" Minato Sensei said, and I smiled wide.

"Really?! Oh that's great! I'm tired of this yucky food!" I said and he chuckled.

"Hasn't Rin, and Kakashi been bringing you ramen every day?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah! But that's just two meals out of the day! Have you ever had hospital breakfast?! It tastes disgusting! It's pure evil!! And you know that means a lot, especially coming from me, and my love for food. And don't even get me started on Asuma's cringe worthy hospital jokes!" I said as they chuckled.
"Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? I don't know Asuma. It does if you if you aim it well enough." I said mocking my brother and his joke telling, before letting out a sigh. Jiriaya let out a booming laugh.

"Well it looks like you're free from the evil hospital breakfast, and the syringey jokes." Jiriaya said before he chuckled.

"Syringey? Oh...Oh no... Not you too!!" I cried out, before I threw the pillow over my head, pretending to suffocate myself.

"Alright kiddo! Let's get you out of here, and get some ramen." Minato Sensei said, and I got excited.

"Okay!!" I said, as I ran up to the bathroom, and changed into my normal clothes quickly.

"Come on you old farts!! I'm starving!!" I said, I walked towards the door.

"H-hey! I'm not old!" Jiriaya and Minato Sensei said in unison.

"That's exactly what old people say!" I sing sang as I walked out of the hospital.

"Just remember who's buying you ramen kiddo!" Minato Sensei said in a playful threatening voice, making me stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around, smiling wide at him.

"Ha... Ha... Minato Sensei, you're looking quite dapper and young this morning!!" I said running to him, giving him a big hug.
"Always looking as youthful as a bare baby, fresh out of the womb! Or something like that, I don't know! Might Guy says stuff like that all the time. YOU LOOK MIGHTY WISE WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH!" I said excitedly, as both Jiriaya and Minato chuckled at my silliness.
"So why don't you take your mighty youthful self, with me and gramps over here-"

"Hey!" Jiriaya yelled, crossing his arms.

"Sorry, with me and the big whiny baby over here, and let's go get ourselves big ole youthful bowl of youthful ramen!" I said excitedly, as I pulled on his Jounin jacket. We walked all the way to the Ichiraku's, and I ordered the usual.

"So gramps, why are you here with Minato Sensei?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm a legendary Sannin, and this child still calls me gramps." He mumbled to himself.

"Actually that is what I wanted to talk to you about (Y/N)." Minato Sensei said, and I nodded.
"As you know, you've condoned a new source of chakra, if you will. And it's clear that under extreme conditions, where your emotions are heightened, you are..."

"Yeah... I know..." I said shutting my eyes, trying to clear my head of the recent events.

"Under orders of Lord Third, Master Jiriaya and I are here to help you control that power. I was able to suppress that chakra with the seal on your stomach. That seal will stay there until I release it, or I die." He said and I nodded.
"You and I are under strict orders, to not go on another mission until we can get your chakra control under wraps. This will be, with the seal of course." He said and my eyes widened.

"What about Kakashi, and Rin?!" I asked.

"They're fine kiddo. Remember, Kakashi is a Jounin now. They will continue to go on missions. And once you're under control, you'll go back to joining them." He said and I nodded, as I finished my ramen.

"Well, what are we waiting then for? Let's go!" I said.

"Now hang on there, wild child. This training will be suspenseful, and potentially very stressful on your body. It's going to take a lot of time and effort. This won't be something you fix overnight. You just got out of the hospital, why don't we start tomorrow." Master Jiriaya said, and I shook my head.

"No, my comrades will be going on missions without me. I need to start now so I can join them sooner. I refuse to have a repeat of last time." I said firmly, and Minato Sensei nodded, as I got off the chair.
"So let's go." I said, as we headed towards the field that my birthday was taken place at.
"Okay Sensei, Master Jiriaya, what do I do?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"I'm going to remove the seal, that way your chakra is no longer suppressed. Once that is complete, Jiriaya and I are going to push you to your limits. You have to reach your breaking point, to get a feel for your chakra. At that point, it's solely based on your will power, to control that chakra. Our main overall objective is to figure out, what chakra natures you possess, as well as controlling it. If you can control yourself, you'll be able to use this new power of yours as easily as you can with your normal fire style jutsu." Minato Sensei said and I took a deep breath.

"What happens if I can't control it and I-" Minato Sensei put his hands on my shoulder.

"You're going to control it, I believe in you. If by chance you don't get it the first time, Jiriaya will be instructed to commence with phase two." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Which is?" I asked.

"If it needs to come to that, then you'll see." He said ruffling my hair.

"Alright then.... Let's begin." I said and he nodded.

"Are you sure squirt?" Master Jiriaya asked and I nodded. Minato Sensei had me lift my shirt up, just enough to show my seal.

"Five finger compression seal release!" He said as a pain went soaring through my body.

"Mother of a processed chicken nugget!!! That hurt!!" I said clutching my stomach, catching my breath. Master Jiriaya laughed at me.

"You sure have an interesting choice of vocabulary." He said as I sighed.

"Blame my Sensei." I sighed, as Minato ruffled my hair. I looked up at him, as he looked serious.

"Alright, now Master Jiriaya and I are going to come at you, easy at first, but then with the intent to kill." He said and I gulped, before nodding. I took a deep breath, then I smirked.

"Bring it on old man!" I said cockily, as he smirked, before charging at me. That is when the battle, truly began. I could tell they were holding back in the beginning, but the longer we went, and the more tired I became, I began to realize the stronger they got. Forty five minutes in, and I felt as if I was dying. I wanted to give up, but I wouldn't let myself.

I have to push myself. I need to get back out there and protect Rin and Kakashi... I need to do this for Obito.

"Don't tell me you're giving up on us already?! I didn't think the Sarutobi clan was so weak?" Master Jiriaya said, and I felt a nerve being struck. I snapped my head towards him.

"I am not weak." I growled.

"Ah come on kiddo! You're not even putting up a fight worthy killing for." Minato Sensei teased.

"Yeah, you're no good squirt! You weren't even strong enough to save your friend... Obito was it?" Master Jiriaya asked, and my head snapped towards him.

"Jiriaya... Tone it down." I heard Minato Sensei say.

"What? She should know a real shinobi could have saved him. If she can't handle the truth, then maybe she shouldn't be a shinobi in the first place." He added, making me growl.

"What the hell did you just say?!" I growled at him maliciously. He has officially struck my nerve.

"You let your friend Obito die, you're weak, and you're worthless." Master Jiriaya said, before he threw a kunai my direction. I dodged it.
"You want to surpass Kakashi? Well you can forget about it. You'll never be good enough." He stated, and I growled. He threw another kunai at me, and I caught it with my bare hands, cutting them in the process. I let out a sharp scream, as I felt pain in my head. I could feel my eyes changing; I saw my hair turn to gold, as that darkness filled my heart. I fell to the ground on my knees, screaming in agony.

"So what you said was true..." I heard Jiriaya breathlessly say to Minato Sensei, and he nodded, as his face turned serious.

"We need to be careful now." Minato Sensei said as he got himself prepared for what comes next.

"MAKE IT STOP!! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!" I cried out in agony, as my head started to pound.

"(Y/N)!! You need to fight it!! Only you can stop this!!" Minato Sensei yelled as I screamed out.

"MINATO SEN-AHHHH!! M-MAK-KE IT S-STOP!!" I yelled out. I began to see imagines of fire, and pain. Obito looking at me one last time. The rock, the blood, I felt it all rush back to me. Jiriaya's words played in my head over and over again, making me slam my fist into the ground, rocks flying everywhere, causing the two ninja to jump back.

"YOU CAN DO IT (Y/N)!! YOU NEED TO FIGHT IT!!" Minato Sensei yelled out, as the pain got worst. Suddenly I felt as if my body had snapped. The pain suddenly came to a halt, and I stood up on my feet. Tossing the kunai in my hand, as I glared at Master Jiriaya. If looks could kill, he would be slaughtered.

"I don't think I like that look in her eye's Minato..." Jiriaya said, as I laughed.

"Oh you don't? Well... I don't like the fact that you're still breathing." I growled, before I threw the kunai, that was covered in my own blood, hard and fast, making it stick into Master Jiriaya's shoulder. He got down to his knees, as I charged at him. Minato quickly intervened, as we started fighting each other with our kunai.

"You need to control yourself (Y/N)!" He scolded, as I chuckled evilly.

"And you need to die." I said darkly, as I pushed him into a tree, with the force of my chakra.

I need to stop this now!! STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!!

"Fire style: FIRE BALL JUTSU!" I screamed out, as fire spewed out of my mouth, nearly burning Minato.

"(Y/N)!! THINK ABOUT OBITO!!" He yelled as he charged at me, as we began fighting again.
"He wouldn't want this!!" He yelled.

"Obito's dead." I said darkly.

"Well then what about Rin and Kakashi!!" He said, as I cut his cheek, with my blade.
"Dammit (Y/N)!! Control your anger!!" He yelled and I smirked.

"But that's no fun is it?" I asked, before I tried to hit him with my chakra fist again.

"You leave me with no choice." He said, as I raised an eyebrow.
"If you can't calm yourself down with just my words of encouragement, then maybe I'm not the right person to listen to." He added.

"Shut up!" I growled.
"And fight me." I added with a smirk.

"JIRIAYA!! Go to phase two!!" Minato yelled out, as Jiriaya nodded.

"(Y/N)!! Stop this now!" I heard a voice suddenly say. I turned around slowly, and saw Kakashi and Rin. I tilted my head as I looked at him.

"You're now in phase two." I heard Minato Sensei say.

Kakashi... Get out of here... Please... I don't want to hurt you!!

"L-leave..." I forced out and he shook his head.

"You promised me you would always be there for me. You said you'd never hurt me. So prove it now. Control yourself." He said and I screamed out in pain again.

"KAKASHI!!! RIN!!! GO!!!" I cried out, as I began fighting with myself.

"Rin, go over to Jiriaya. I promised Obito I'd protect you two." He commanded Rin and she nodded, before running to Jiriaya.

"GOO!!!" I screamed out.

"I'm not leaving. Hit me, hurt me, or kill me. I promised Obito I'd protect you, or I'll die trying." He said, and I growled.

"Stupid boy." My body was slowly taken over again by the power inside of me. I started to sprint at him, but he didn't dare move.


I got closer and closer to him, and he didn't move a muscle.

"I believe in you (Y/N)..." He said.

I will not let you hurt him.
I will not let you hurt him!
I will not let you hurt him!!

"KAKASHI!!" I heard Rin scream. I was face to face with Kakashi, my hand balled into a fist, squeezing my kunai, frozen in place. I was breathing hard, as it took every ounce of my body to hold myself back. My body shook, as I tried to make sure I didn't stab him. I stared into his eyes, his eyes boring into mine, as his fists clenched. He let out a relieved breath, before he wrapped his hands around my hand near his face, and gave it a light squeeze. I let out a shaky breath.

I will not hurt you.

"I believe in you (Y/N)." He whispered, while looking into my eyes. He started to lower my hand slowly, our eye contact never breaking.
Suddenly I felt myself weaken, as my hair and eye's went back to their normal color, and I nearly fell to the ground. Kakashi caught me in his arms.

"I hurt you once... I promise I'll never do it again." I whispered and he gave me a closed eye smile.

"For a second there, I thought I was going to die." He chuckled nervously.

"I don't think I could ever kill you." I said and he smiled.

"Well I'd certainly hope not." He said giving a closed eye smile.


So (Y/N) can't control her anger, unless Kakashi is there huh? Isn't that strange???? ;) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be taken place after "Rin's Death" I was going to do chapters on it, but quite frankly I'm lazy, and I want to get us going on the good stuff, I've made you guys wait for too long! So next chapter is strictly Kakashi and (Y/N). Please enjoy!

Posted: September 10, 2018

Edited: February 23, 2019

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