15) Work This Out

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"You're late Kakashi." I said before letting out a light chuckle.
"I never thought I'd ever say that to you." I said trying to crack a joke. Kakashi just glared at me, before clenching his fist.

"Minato Sensei said today he wants me to test your sparing abilities. I would have obliged, but I realized you've been slacking, ever since Rin-"

"Kakashi..." I said, cutting off his rising voice. His fist clenched harder, as he lightly shook his head.

"I don't need you slowing me down anymore." Kakashi said almost robotically. I frowned, before I crossed my arms.

"What in the hell pissed in your cereal this morning? And what the hell do you mean by I slow you down?! Kakashi I outta-" Kakashi cut me off by throwing a shuriken at me. My eyes widened as it passed by my head and went into the tree behind me.
"DUDE?! What the hell?!" I screamed at him in anger.

"See you're too slow. If I actually tried to aim it at you, you would have been killed before you could have even processed what happened. I don't need that on my squad." He said annoyed.

"THAT COULD HAVE SERIOUSLY HURT ME! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled at him, as I went up to his face. He just glared at me.
"Say something you dick!!" I said angrily, before I pushed him. He grunted, but didn't say anything.
"I said say something!!" I growled annoyed. I went out push him but he grabbed on to my wrists, and held them tight. I looked at him wide eyed, as I tried to pull them away, but they wouldn't budge from his death grip. His eye instantly went from emotionless, to blood thirsty.

"K-Kakashi! Let go!" I growled, as I felt a stinging sensation on my wrists. I bit my lip, as my eyes slightly watered.

 "Grow up, or give up." He growled back, before throwing my hands down. 

"You have five seconds to take out a weapon to protect yourself. If Minato wants us to spar, that's exactly what I intend to do." He said in a monotone voice.

"Five seconds huh? What are you gonna do if I don't-" Kakashi started to back up, slowly.

"Five." Kakashi said, pulling out his Kunai.
"Four." His voice grunted in annoyance.
"Three." He now sounded malicious.

He wouldn't hurt me... Would he?

He suddenly ran towards me, as our kunai clashed against each other, being held in place, by our own strength.

"What happened to two and one?!" I yelled, as Kakashi growled at me.

"A ninja must see past deception." He said coldly, before he nicked my cheek with the knife. I did a back flip, and moved away, hissing at the pain from my cheeks and my hands, as I wiped the blood from my cheek.

"Why are you being such an asshole today?!" I asked him angrily, as I threw my shuriken at him.

"Earth style: Mud Wall!" He yelled, before a giant wall of mud blocked my shuriken attack. He threw his own set of shuriken towards me.

"Why have you been ignoring me?! What the hell did I do to you Kakashi?!" I yelled out, as I blocked every single one with a kunai.
"WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!" I cried out, as we ran towards each other, before sparing again. All of a sudden, his kunai nicked at the sleeve of my long sleeve shirt, causing it to rip up to the crease of my arm. I threw my weapon towards the ground, and just stood there, heavily breathing.
"End it, I don't feel like dealing with this anymore." I said, as he walked up to me.

"You giving up? Huh?" He said before he pushed me. I glared at him.
"What? Are you gonna get mad?" He said before he pushed me harder. "Are you gonna cry?! Are you a cry baby now?!" He growled.
"You're so weak, it's pathetic." He said pushing me again.

"S-stop." I whimpered.

"Get mad and fight me (Y/N)." He growled before he pushed me harder.

"No." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're pathetic!" He went to slash at me again, but I fell backwards, from the impact of blocking his attack with my hand. He took this opportunity to pin me to the ground. After years of learning my move, he made sure to use his legs to lock me into place. I struggled to break free, but I couldn't move.
"You're finished." He said coldly, but then he eyes scanned my wrist. His hard eyes suddenly turned into confusion, before softening, as he looked from my wrist, to my watery eyes.
"(Y/N)..." He trailed off, moving the fabric to the side, fully exposing the cuts I had left marked upon them.

"W-what are...?" I stopped, when he looked back in my eyes. The only time I had ever seen that look, was the day I found out about his father.

"Why in the hell would you do something that stupid?!" He said scolding me.
"That could have killed you!" He raised his voice lightly.

"You don't think I know that?!" I raised my voice, causing it to crack, as I tried not to cry. He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Just let me go." I said, not looking in his eyes.

"Not until you tell me why." He said, holding me down harder.

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" I screamed in his face, as I tried to break free from him.

"WHY DID YOU SOMETHING THAT STUPID (Y/N)?!" He yelled back, as I winced.

"BECAUSE THEY'RE GONE OKAY!!" I cried out, before I stopped moving completely, squeezing my eyes shut. I let out a short shaky breath.
"They are gone Kakashi!! They were my best friends!! It's all my fault that they're gone!" I said, my voice cracking again.
"I've felt so alone!! A-and I tried to come to you, I tried to, but you've just decided to just shut me out! You've been such an asshole to me, ever since Rin died!! You have no right to do so, especially when I understand exactly what you're feeling!! So stop treating me like I know nothing!! It's like you've forgotten whose team I was on!! I'm not some outsider looking in Kakashi... I- I know exactly how you've been feeling." I said. After a few seconds I felt pressure off my arms, and I noticed Kakashi get up, and sat down next to me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs, sitting in a fetal position.

"Their blood is on my hands, not yours. I killed Rin and Obito. You can't possibly understand it." Kakashi said softy, looking down at his hands.

"Are you kidding me?! Obito's death is on my hands." I said, looking down.

"I tripped (Y/N)!" He said, and I shook my head.

"And I chose to save you, you idiot!! If I just would have been faster, Obito wouldn't have had to save me!! He died because of me!! You're not the only one with blood on your hands." I cried out, before I laid my head on my knees, and took a deep breath.
My eyes felt heavy, as my body felt weak, but I forced myself to get up on my feet. I held out my hand towards Kakashi, and he raised an eyebrow.
"Just take my hand now you stupid Kakahead." I practically whispered, as he took it, and I helped him up. I instantly pulled him into a tight embrace. He tensed up, before he hugged me back just as hard. I let out a relieved sigh, and I squeezed him tighter, letting a few more tears slip out.
"It's been so hard on me too; I can't sleep, without seeing them both dying over and over again. I loved them both so much Kakashi... If I could t-take their places I would... I-" I cried into his shoulder, and I suddenly felt his hands rubbing my back. His head went into the crook of my neck, as he lightly shook.

I don't want to let you go Kakashi... You're all I have left.

I took a deep breath, and let out a heavy sigh.

"Please don't leave me Kakashi... You're all I have left... I-I know this hurts you too Kakashi, but please don't shut me out. I need you in my life, you idiot. I need your cocky, arrogant, asshole of an attitude. We are still a part of team Minato... I still care about you stupid. I know I haven't said this a lot but I care about you so much, p-please don't shut me out..." I begged weakly into his neck. He gave me a final squeeze, before he pulled away from the hug. His eye looked watery, and he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I've been such a dick to you. I've been so hard on you, acting like you weren't friends with them. I should have remembered how close you were to them, how much you cared about them, and remembered that you must have been hurting even more than I have... I'm sorry." He said, as his hands went to caress my face, and wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
"You've always promised me, that you would be there for me. And even if we still are at each other's throats at times, you've always been there for me. I won't leave you. I promise it's my turn to protect you okay?" He said, before he kissed my forehead, pulling me in for a hug, before pulling away. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me down on the ground so I would sit down. He grabbed his backpack off his back, and got out the med kit that Rin had made him. He took out the gauze, and grabbed my wrist.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I asked. He let out a shaky breath, as he started to wrap the gauze around my wrist. I bit my lip as I just watched him.

"Seven years ago, I lost my father because he took his own life. I felt so alone, and out of everyone who knew about it, you went out of your way to make it clear to me that you'd always be there. I tried to push you away, to be alone. I know now that that's something I shouldn't have done. I'm always pushing you, because I-... I care about you. I need you and your over confidence, and your annoyingness in my life. I realize now that can't lose you.... Especially not like this." He said, bringing my wrist to his mask. He kissed my wrist, through his mask, before looking into my eyes.
"Promise me... Promise me you won't hurt yourself... Not again. Please? I can't lose you..." He pleaded, and I nodded. He held out a pinky, and I looked at it before I connect my pinky to his.

"As long as you're with me... I'll be stronger Kakashi... I promise." I said and he gave me a closed eye smile.
"We should go talk to them..." I trailed off.
"I have something I want to tell Rin... Will you go with me?" I asked, as he nodded, making our way to the Shinobi Memorial Grounds. We walked over to the stone labeled Rin Nohara. I let out a soft sigh, and bit my lip, trying hard not to cry. I suddenly felt a hand squeezing my hand, and I looked down to see Kakashi's hand interlaced with mine. I gave it a light squeeze, as a tear went down my face.
"Hey Rin..." I said softly.
"I finally got Kakashi here... We both miss you. It kind of sucks that you're not around anymore. I can't tell you how many times I've hurt myself in missions, and not having you and your medical skills there to help, sucks." I said squeezing Kakashi's hand tighter.

"I'm... Gonna go see Obito okay? I have something I need to tell him." Kakashi said and I smiled at him, letting go of his hand, as he walked towards Obito's name.

"Did you hear that Rin? I guess our boys don't need us anymore to defuse the fights..." I said wiping a tear away chuckling. I let out a long sigh.
"I wanted to make you a deal with you Rin... I'll protect Kakashi with my life, I'll live for him, and I'll die for him if I need too. Just please watch over the two of us, especially Kashi. I know he's taking it pretty hard, yours and Obito's death... Just, please help him have some peace of mind... He deserves it." I whispered to her Stone.
"You don't need to worry about us too much though Rin, we have each other, and we can get through this. I know it won't be easy for the two of us, but just... Remember we love you. Best friends no matter what right?" I said before kissing my hand, placing it on the stone.

Meanwhile, At Obito's Stone.

Kakashi made his way over to Obito's Stone, as he sighed, not really sure what to say.

"Hey..." He said, shaking his head, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I wanted to say thank you." Kakashi said, looking down.
"You saved her... You protected her... She really liked you, and you gave her something, that she'll never forget. You gave her the rest of her life." He said looking over at (Y/N), smiling under his mask.
"I know I promised to protect them both Obito... I failed you once; I swear on my life, I won't fail you again. I'm sure you're happy with Rin, and you both are looking down on us... Will you tell Rin I'm sorry, I can't quite bring myself to do so, not yet." He said with sorrow in his voice, he cleared his throat before he spoke up again.
"Listen, (Y/N)'s been taking all of this hard, we both have... I don't care about what happens to me, will you just...? Watch over her? She blames herself for your death. Will you help her through that? She's so stubborn, but I guess you knew that. You don't have to do it for me; you owe me nothing, but- help her please? If I lost her too, I'd lose myself again." Kakashi said to Obito's Stone.

"Are you ready to go Kakashi?" (Y/N) asked, walking back over to him and he looked down at his comrade's grave one last time, before nodding.

"Let me walk you home." He said, as he held out his hand, and she grabbed it, walking back to her place.


Posted: September 10, 2018

Edited: February 24, 2019

This has been one heck of a journey... I LOVE YOU GUYS!

If any of you are hurting... Please don't be afraid to message me, I'll listen. I really do love you guys and appreciate all of you so much. I believe in you all so much. You guys are my heart, my family... My Ohana. Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten. There's no problem too big or too small that I'm willing to listen too. Bless you all.

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