4) Do I Like Him?

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"COME ON OBITO YOU GOTTA BE FASTER THAN THAT!!" I yelled back at him, as he pushed himself harder.

A month ago, Obito and I decided that working on our agility before class, and during lunch and recess, was a key step in becoming a faster shinobi. And at this very moment, at six fifty five in the morning to be exact, I ran towards Rin, pushing myself as hard as my body would let me. Obito slowly caught up to me, and now we were neck and neck, both of us trying to win this little race of ours. After all, the stakes were high. If I won, then Obito would have to do my share of one hundred sit-ups! And if Obito won, then we would have to swap lunches! And mommy packed my favorite lunch today! So there's no way I can lose now...

I'm so close. If I can't be faster, then I'll never beat Kakashi.

I let that thought run through my head, the only motivation I needed to help make me run faster and faster. Before I knew it, we passed the tree with the swing, in other words, our finish line.

"So... Who won?!" Obito and I asked hastily at the same time, as we panted in front of Rin. She jumped slightly at our sudden outburst, but giggled to herself, before handing us bottles of water.

"It was really close... Really, really close!" She said, as we gulped down the water quickly.

"Rin?!" Obito and I asked, alternating each word.

"(Y/N)!" She said fast, and I jumped up and down, doing a happy dance.

"HAH!! I GET TO KEEP MY LUNCH!!" I screamed in excitement, as I continued to do my happy dance. Obito groaned.

"I'll get you next time!" He said. I smirked.

"I'll still do my one hundred sit-ups though!" I said smiling.

"But why? You didn't lose; I should have keep my end of the bet." He said and I smiled.

"How do I expect to grow any, if I skip out on sit ups?" I asked, and he smiled.

"Well... I won't complain then!" He said happily. All of a sudden, his face twisted up, and started to get sweaty.

"O-obito?" Rin asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and his eyes got watery.

"I drank too much water ha...ha... I GOTTA PEE!!" He got up and ran into the academy building, making Rin and I laugh.

"Just between the both of us, Obito actually won." She said giggling, as I looked at her in shock.


"He won... But... I knew that you liked the lunch that your mommy made you... So, I might have said you won, just so you could keep it!" She said, and I smiled wide.

"Though I'm sad I lost... But I still got to keep my lunch because of you!! Oh Rin!! You're the best!!" I said, making her smile.
"Rin I know we are best friends, but you're also like the little sister I've always wanted!" I said hugging her before taking another sip of the water.

"Guys!!" Obito yelled as he came back to us. He looked upset.

"What's wrong?" Rin and I asked at the same time.

"K-Kakashi..." He said, balling his fist.

"Yes?" Rin asked.

"Obito! Spit it out!!" I said getting annoyed of waiting.

"I saw him. He's a Gennin now... He has the headband." He said, looking down at the ground disappointed.

"That must mean, he passed the actual test." I said, looking at him.

"He's Gennin now, and here we are just racing each other! We will never beat him (Y/N)!" He said, and I sighed. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulders.

"Look at me." I said, and he did. I smiled at him.

Why do I feel weird again?! What's wrong with me?

"Smile, don't be such a Debbie downer." I teased, and he frowned, making me sigh again. "Obito..." I said sadly.
"I know I'm young, and I don't know much, but I know you have a big heart. You're already beating Kakashi in my eyes." I said, and he smiled at the ground.
"Hey!" I said making him look up at me.
"We are gonna get there. I promise." I said softly, holding out my pinky for him to connect too. He looked at it, before smiling at me. He held out his pinky and connected to mine.

"Thanks (Y/N)! You really are the best!! You're like the little sister I've always wanted, you're so awesome!" He said pulling me into a hug.

Best... little... sister... Why do I feel so upset?

I couldn't help but sigh, but I hugged him back.

"We should probably go inside; class is going to start soon!" Rin said, and we walked into the class room together, taking a seat, and learning more about the different chakra natures.

While Inu Sensei was teaching, I heard a light noise coming from beside me. I looked over and saw Obito sleeping. I poked his shoulder to try and wake him up, but it didn't work.

"Obito?" I whispered, careful not to catch our Sensei's attention.
"Obito, wake up!" I whispered loudly.
"Obito... Wa-" I was thrown off by an object flying at Obito's head.

"YES?!" He asked, springing awake, making everyone laugh at him. I looked towards the table and saw a piece of wadded up paper. I then looked at the direction that the paper wad came from.


I rolled my eyes, before looking at Obito buried underneath one of his books. I knew he was embarrassed, and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Why does he still have to be such a stupid Kaka head jerk face!

"Okay you guys! When you come back from lunch we will talk about chakra form!" He said before we all left to get food.

"Stupid Kakashi!" Obito mumbled as Rin met up with us.

"Hey guys! Are you guys ready to run before eating lunch?!" She asked as we headed outside.

"Yeah!!" Obito and I said, making Rin giggle, as Obito got into running position. We ran for a while, before agreeing to run again after eating. On the way to our food, I noticed Kakashi sitting on the school's swing by himself. I decided to go talk to him.

"Where are you going?" Obito asked, as Rin looked back to see what was going on.

"I'll be right back! You guys go without me! I'll catch up with you, I promise."

"Are you sure?" Obito asked confused.

"Yeah, I'm just going to be the bigger person." I said before heading towards Kakashi.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" He said with a bored tone.

"Sitting on a swing, by yourself? Real busy I tell ya." I copped back.

"Again, what do you want? Like I said, I'm busy." He stated rolling his eyes. I let out a heavy sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Look, don't let this get to your giant head, or your super big ego, but I came over here to congratulate you on becoming Gennin." I stated crossing my arms.

"You mean you stopped your game of tag with your boyfriend, to congratulate me?! I'm honored!" He said sarcastically, with a huff.

"Okay first off, Obito isn't my boyfriend! And secondly, when people congratulate you on an achievement, most people say Thank you!" I stated annoyed.

"Why would I thank you for something I beat you for?" He asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You failed to prepare yourself, for any other circumstance that could have happened. So if you want me to thank you for being stupid, and allowing me an even easier win than your boyfriend, I'll pass." He stated, making me growl.

"He's. Not. My. Boyfriend." I said angrily.

"It hurts doesn't it?" He asked amused.

"What?" I replied annoyed.

"Isn't it obvious? It's quite pathetic if you ask me!" He said looking at me with a smirk lying underneath his scarf.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked confused.

"You're little crush on Obito. It's painfully obvious! You're always with him. Having failed attempts of training sessions? Let alone, you're always too easy on him. He fails, and you act like he won it all."

"And what's wrong with me caring for my best friend?" I asked putting a hand on my hip.

"See it's not that simple is it huh?" He stated annoyed and I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked him.

"Let me guess, when you see him you become happier right? If he smiles you feel differently? And whenever he's around Rin, you feel weird? If he complements her, you feel hurt?" He asked and I looked down.

"So? What about it?! Like I said, I care about my friend! You sound like you're talking from experience. Did little Kakashi get his heart broken? If so, that's not my problem." I said defensively, making him chuckle.

"Honestly, if I were you (Y/N) I'd just forget about it. Because deep down inside, you know he likes Rin more than you. You want him to like you the way he likes her, but it's never happen." He said, glaring at me.

"You shut up," I growled.

"What? I'm just trying to be nice and spare you of that heartache you desperately want so bad. You like him, and it's so pathetic, because he already is fixated on something else!" He said, each word making my eyes watery.
"Just give up already!" He said smirking at me, as a tear slipped out.

"You can be such a j-jerk you k-know t-that?! What did I e-ever d-do to y-you?!" I asked before I ran off crying.

Do I really like Obito?

I ran into the trees at the academy, trying to find a good spot to just sit and cry. I wanted to be alone.

I'm six years old?! I shouldn't feel like this!!! I shouldn't like boys; I should think they are gross and yucky. Not cute, and nice, and well... Not yucky!! Maybe Kakashi was right... Maybe I am just pathetic.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Rin yell out as she made her way over to me. I quickly wiped my tears away with my shirt.
"Oh (Y/N)! I'm so happy I found you!" She said as she sat down next to me.

"What do you want?!" I said harshly to Rin.

I feel... Jealous?

She went to touch my shoulder, and I yanked it away so she couldn't.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I growled at her, making her look at me wide eyed, as I looked away trying not to cry again.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" She cooed, worried about me.

"Nothing..." I muttered.

What is wrong with me?! Why am I being so mean?! I don't understand.

"Well... What happened?" Rin asked me, full of concern.

"Nothing..." I said annoyed, as I wiped a tear that managed to slip down my face.

(Y/N) stop!!! She doesn't deserve this!!

"Now that's not true... You were happy, and then you went to talk to Kakashi, and all of a sudden you ran off crying... (Y/N)... What did he do to you?" She asked, as she sat next to me in the tree.

"I wasn't crying..." I trailed off.
"I just... I stubbed my toe on a rock, and it made my eyes water, that is all." I trailed off again.

"You stubbed your toe... On a rock... While running through the trees?" She asked giggling.

"It's not funny. Rocks can be dangerous! They could be falling out of the sky! You don't know that!" I said defensively, rolling my eyes.

"Well... What I do know is, I'm not gonna leave here until I know that you're okay. Because that's what best friends do for each other." She said putting her hand on my shoulder, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down crying.

"He w-was r-right!" I cried out before she pulled me into a hug.
"I-I'm so p-pathetic." I said into her shirt, as I cried hard. She rubbed her hand on my back, as she tried to calm me down and shush me. "And what's worst is the fact that I'm being so cruel to you, and you didn't do a single thing for me to act like this." I added.

"Shhhhh... (Y/N) don't say that... Please don't say that. You're not pathetic." She said as I held on to her shirt tighter.
"It's okay... It's gonna be okay..." she repeated over and over again until I calmed down. I took a deep breath, before pulling away. She reached into her short's pocket and pulled out a paper towel. I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"Who keeps paper towels in their pocket?" I asked and she giggled.

"Friends who love their friends, and what to stop them from feeling pain...I ran to the bathroom before I came here... Just in case." She said, giving a sad smile.

"You are really a great best friend... I'm so sorry." I said and she smiled at me.

"Hey it's okay! Everyone gets upset from time to time." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"But what got you so upset (Y/N)?" She asked and I sighed.

"I went over to Kakashi, to congratulate him on becoming a Gennin. Because, as much as I hate to admit it, he does deserve it." I said and she nodded, signaling me to go on.
"Well, after that he started being rude to me in general, but he also started calling Obito my boyfriend. Which that just made me angry, and I kept saying he wasn't! I mean... I wouldn't mind if Obito was my boyfriend, that wasn't what made me mad... Wait! I mean- I didn't- I..."

"Do you like Obito?" She asked, as I felt my face heat up quickly.

"I didn't mean it... I-" I cut myself off when I saw Rin raise An eyebrow. I let out a deep breath.
"Okay... I guess I might... But Kakashi doesn't need to know that! But he kept saying it, over and over and over again. Then he started calling me pathetic, saying that I liked him. Which I said I didn't, well, that I did, but only as a friend! And he kept saying how I do like Obito, and gave the reasons why he knows I did. And when I finally realized I liked him more than a friend, he said I should just forget about it. Because, he likes someone else. And I felt jealous, upset and hurt." I said sighing.

"Who does he like?" She asked me, and I looked at her with watery eyes.

"Y-you." I muttered. She looked at me for a second before shaking her head.
"It made me mad at you, even though you did absolutely nothing wrong! I just couldn't control my anger, and I was rude to you. I'm so sorry Rin." I said looking into her eyes and she gave me a soft smile.

"It's okay (Y/N), besides can I tell you a secret." She said giggling.

"Okay." I said, sniffling my nose.

"I care about Obito, I really do, he is my best friend, and you know this." She said and I nodded.
"I just don't like him in that way; he's like a big brother to me. But even if Obito likes me, you don't have to worry, because... I like someone else." She said blushing.

"Wait... Who do you like?" I asked as she blushed harder.

"As long as this stays between us, I like Kakashi." She said and I gasped, before scrunching up my nose.

"Why?! He's such a stupid kaka headed jerk face." I said and she chuckled.

"Well... For starters, I think he's cute. He's really, really smart for second. And I think he's just a jerk so people don't think he's a big softy." She said and I giggled.
"So don't worry about me liking Obito, I do! Just as a best friend, nothing more, and nothing less." She said giggling. I felt better.

"There you guys are!" Obito said, joining us on the tree, holding our lunches in his hands.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?! Did Kakashi hurt you? I swear!! I'll beat him up! I don't know how? But for you I'll do it! No one hurts my best friend!" He said growling, and I shook my head. I patted for him to sit on the thick tree branch with us, which he did.

"It's not worth it Obito, besides I feel better now that my two best friends are here." I said and they both pulled me into a side hug, making me feel warm inside. All of a sudden my stomach growled.

"Oh, here! I almost forgot!" He said, handing me my lunch bag, and I got really excited.

"Oh food!!" I said excitedly as I opened it up and began eating it, making my two best friends giggle. We all ate our lunches in the tree, before we decided it was time to head back for class. But before we could leave, Obito pulled me into a tight hug. I was stiff for a second, before I hugged him back.

"I'm really glad you're okay (Y/N)." Obito whispered, before he pulled away making me look up at him. He kissed my forehead, and I could feel my face getting warm.
"H-hey are you okay? You got red all of a sudden... Do you have a fever?!" He asked trying to check my forehead. I made a weird noise and Rin looked at the two of us and giggled.


I love you guys, just so you know.

Posted: September 5, 2018
Edited: February 20, 2019

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