5) I'm Sorry for Your Loss

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I hadn't seen Kakashi at school for three days, which slightly made me confused. Not that I cared about him, but I was curious, as to where he disappeared to. What made me even more curious was that the day before he disappeared, he didn't say much. He didn't make a smart comment, nor did he really even try to do anything. He just sat there and stared at the area in front of him, until it was time to go home. And the one time, I managed to look into his eyes, they looked... Broken.

I decided that I was going to talk to my dad about it. I mean, what if Kakashi was kidnapped? The Hokage is supposed to protect everyone, including Kakashi.

On my way down to dad's office, I happened to overhear that the great White Fang of the hidden leaf recently died. I had heard of the man, but I didn't really know who he was. All I knew was that he was someone that the village looked up too. I decided that that was something else I would bother dad with. I bolted to the Hokage's office as fast as I could, mentally thanking Obito's and my training daily. I barged through the doors, interrupting whatever my father was doing.

"What is the meaning of- (Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He asked, as I tried to catch my breath.

"I-I think Kakashi is missing dad! I-I haven't seen him in a few days!" I said more worriedly than I intended.

"He is fine my child." He said, as he looked at me with the same look Kakashi had once given me.

"What do you mean he's fine? Have you seen him? D-do you know where he is?" I asked, as he sighed.

"I do... Now, will you come back in a little bit, I'm in the middle of-"

"Where is he?" I interrupted.

"He is at his house." He said, as I sighed in relief.

"Oh that's good. Now, who is the White Fang?" I asked him, as he sighed.

Considering the fact, that I had barged into his office, while he was in the middle of doing something, he sternly told me it was something that could be discussed at another time. Being the stubborn kid that I am however, I just crossed my arms and stood there, waiting for an answer.

"I'm serious (Y/N). I am very busy, at the moment." I just raised an eyebrow, as he cleared his throat. He let out a sigh, when he realized I wasn't going to leave him without an answer.
"Come here my child." He said as I walked closer to the desk.
"Please leave us." He said to his assistant. I walked over and sat on his lap, drawing on one of his finished scrolls.

He claimed that the White Fang was a man that was indeed strong, and was feared by many of our enemies. He single handedly could go against the legendary Sannin, and defeat them if he wanted too, that is, according to dad. I stared at him in awe, as he told me the story of this White Fang.

"Wow... He must have been really powerful, and strong." I said, as he nodded.

"Indeed he was my child." He stated as I frowned.

"What happened to him?" I asked him as he looked down at me. He let out a sigh.

"Sakumo and his team were sent on a mission of great importance to Konoha. When his team-mates' lives were endangered, Sakumo chose to abandon the mission in order to save them. This is against the rules of being a shinobi." He said, as I looked confused.

"B-but, I don't understand? Why is that a rule? People's lives are important too dad." I said, and he sighed.

"The shinobi of the hidden leaf are important. That much is true. But it's the king, who shinobi should die protecting, not themselves. The mission comes first; it must always come first my child. It's the very vows you make when becoming a shinobi." He said.

"Are you the king?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"That is a discussion we'll have when you are older. I'm afraid it's something you'll learn on your own." He chuckled and I nodded.

"Sakumo knew the rules, and because he chose to go against them, the people of the hidden leaf frowned upon him. Even the ones, whose life, he had saved." He said. My eyes widened.

"They should be grateful! They would have died... He saved them! It doesn't make any sense dad..." I said, as he sighed.

"You'll understand when you're older-"

"What if it was you dad? What if someone saved you? Would you really be upset with them?" I asked confused.

"As a man, I would be grateful that he saved my life. But, I would have been just as grateful to die, if that meant a successful mission." Dad said making my eyes widen.

"Well I would be upset if you died, for a mission." I said, as he kissed my forehead.

"I know, but as a shinobi, it is an honor to live and to die for your people." He said as I frowned.

"I just don't get it dad." I said in frustration.

"You'll understand it when you take your shinobi vows."

"No I won't. What if I was on a mission and someone did what the White Fang did... Would you frown upon them?" I asked, as he looked at me wide eyed, not expecting my response.

"I...That's different. You're my child, and I would die for you." He said with sorrow in his eyes.

"So what if he did it because he loved his teammates." I questioned.

"Then that is a personal choice that he has made. Under the Shinobi laws and regulations, it's okay to help your comrades, after the mission has been completed. He chose disregard the mission. That's why he was frowned upon by his own comrades." He said, as I sighed.

"D-did you dad? Did you frown upon him too?" I asked him and he stared at me wide eyed, before turning his head in disappointment.

"Sakumo Hatake, the White Fang took his life, after that." He said, ignoring my question, causing me to look at him in shock.

"Did y-you say H-Hatake?... Was that... K-Kakashi's d-dad?" I stuttered. Suddenly my heart hurt, when he nodded.
"Is Kakashi and his mom okay?" I asked sadly, frowning.

"I'm afraid she died when Kakashi was very young." He said and I shook my head.

"Y-you mean, h-he's all a-alone now?" I asked, full of sorrow. Dad nodded, as my eyes widened. I jumped off of my father's lap.

"Where are you going?" He asked, as I ran to the door.

"I'll be back! I have to go see him." I said, running out of the office, as my dad called out my name.

I know we fight... But no one deserves to be alone for this... Not even you Kakashi.

As I ran through the village, I made a quick stop at the Yamanaka flower shop, and bought four cosmos flowers, before asking for directions to Kakashi's house. I ran as fast as I could all the way there. When I got there, I noticed that the door was slightly opened, so I went inside, looking for Kakashi.

"Kakashi?" I called out, as I walked around the house.
"It's (Y/N)." I said, as I got to what I assumed was someone's room. When I opened it, I noticed dried blood that had already stained the floor, with a bloody rag and cold soapy water next to it. I let out a gasp, as my heart felt heavy thinking about Kakashi having to clean up the mess by himself.

Oh Kakashi... I'm so sorry.... Not even you deserve this.

After I checked the rest of his house, realizing no one was home, I started running around the village. I checked the Academy, the park, and the village strip, but he was nowhere to be found. I decided to check one final place.

I made my way over through the grave stones, as I finally had Kakashi in my sights. I let out a heavy sigh, before I slowly made my way over to him. He was staring intensely at the stone that was labeled Sakumo Hatake.

"Oh Kakashi..." I said softly, full of sorrow. He jumped slightly, but didn't dare look at me. He let out a soft sigh.

"W-What are you doing here (Y/N)?" He asked, not in his normal hateful voice, but in a voice full of sorrow.

"I came by to pay my respects, and to see how you were doing, if I were to run into you here." I said.

"Yeah... Well I'm fine." He said softly, his voice daring to falter. He cleared it and I frowned.
"So you can go now." He said. His voice a little stronger now.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I know you probably, wanted to be alone... But no one deserves to be alone at a time like this." I said, as I put a hand on his back. I felt him suddenly tense up.

"Yeah... Well why do you even care? You didn't even know him, he wasn't your father!" He stated harshly making me bite my lip.

"You're right, he wasn't, and I didn't know him. But I have known you for three years now." I said, and he shot his head towards me. His eyes were red and watery. He looked tired, and seeing Kakashi like this, actually made my heart hurt even more for him.
"Even if you're always putting me down, and I'm always at your neck, that doesn't mean that I would be cold hearted enough to not check on you, and pay my respects. A father is a father none the less." I said before I crouched down, placing three Cosmos flowers on his grave, before standing back up. I handed the extra one to Kakashi. He took it and just stared deeply at it.

I know this isn't much...But it's all I could afford with my own money...

"My dad says that the Cosmos flower is always good to give to someone in pain, or in a time of sorrow... It represents healing." I said looking at the grave.
"From what my dad said, Sakumo was a very honorable man, and the world's greatest shinobi... I'm sure you're very proud of him. And I'm sure he was very proud of you as well Kakashi..." I trailed off. He didn't say anything; he just kept staring at the flower.
"He loves you, I hope you know that. And he's in a better place now, looking down, and watching over you. I know it sucks, and it hurts right now... But I'm sure he wouldn't want you hurting." I said, and all of a sudden, he squeezed the flower tight, before throwing it on the ground.

"What the hell gives you the right to think you know anything about what he wanted?!" He scowled angrily making me jump. He suddenly pushed me down to the ground quickly, pinning me down in the process.
"What he wanted was to save his comrades! His friends! And tell me (Y/N), what did he get from that?! HUH?" He shouted angrily.

"K-Kakashi I-"

"Just shut the hell up." He growled.
"Don't you DARE think you're allowed to be sorry!!" He yelled in my face, as I started shaking.
"Don't think you're allowed to come here, and fake being sorry!! I know the truth!! You're not sorry, no one is. He wasn't your father, so you could care less. So keep your fake pity to yourself, because I don't need it." He spat. I stared up at him, as I watched his heartbroken eyes, slowly turn cold.
"Besides, he deserved it." He said darkly, as I looked at him in shock.

"KAKASHI!" I gasped, at the sudden change of his mood.
"Don't you dare say that! He-"

"He disobeyed the rules. Those who break the rules are scum." He said in a monotone voice, and I looked in him in disbelief. He started squeezing my wrists hard.

"Ouch... K-Kakashi... S-stop...Please... You're hurting me." I said, as my eyes were getting watery.

"It's the very shinobi laws that your own dad goes by (Y/N)." He said glaring at me.
"My father became scum, the second he chose to abandon the mission." He said squeezing tighter.

"K-Kakashi please...It really hurts." I said as a tear slipped out.

"Stop being so weak (Y/N)!" He scolded, and I growled. I took my leg, and kicked his hind legs, making him fall on top of me. I flipped us over, so I was pinning him down. He looked at me in shock before his eyes softened.

"I was trying to be a friend to you...You idiot!" I yelled in anger, making him scoff.

"Yeah? Well don't. I don't have time to be friends with weak people like you." He growled trying to pull my hands off his arms.

"Y-you can say what you want about me. You can fight me; you can hate me all you want. Tell me to give up, call me useless, and say that I'm weak. You can look down upon me all you want. But as far as I'm concerned, right now, at this very moment, it is me who's looking down upon you. And it is you who is looking up at me... I know that under all those harsh words, is just a broken child, who lost everything and is trying to cover it up. Just admit that you feel alone." I stated.

"You know nothing." He growled as he tried to push me off, but I locked my legs in place.
"Get the hell off of me!" He said angrily, trying to push me off but I ignored him.

"But you're not alone." I said, making him suddenly stop moving.
"You have me." I whispered, trying not to cry while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened for a split second, before going back to normal.
"Yeah... I used to get mad at you all the time back then, and I know I will continue to get mad at you even after this. But you'll always be a friend to me. And I refuse to let my friends, suffer, to go through painful things like this, especially alone." I said before I pushed myself off of him and stood up. I picked up the flower he threw on the ground and looked at it, as he sat up in shock.
"So get over the fact of feeling alone, because you're not. And you take this stupid flower." I threw it at him.
"And you remember that you can be a jerk, a kakahead, an idiot, and a heartless person all you want. But you won't get rid of me that easily. Like I said, I'm sorry for your loss." I said before turning around leaving a wide eyed eight year old Kakashi to watch me in shock.


Hey guys! I hope you guys like the story so far! I wanted to give a quick shoutout to my friend  she's absolutely amazing and helped me with the ending of this chapter. And really just putting up with me sending her random screenshots of the story, to see if it's good enough to post! She has a story out called the Masked Jounin and it's absolutely AMAZING just like she is! If you love Kakashi, make sure to check out her book to its again amazing ❤️

Posted: September 6, 2018

Edited: February 20, 2019

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