6) I Used to Hate the Rain

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Hey Rin,
Are you coming to train with Obito and I today?

I wrote down, before folding up the paper, signaling my class mates behind me, to pass the note back to Rin. After a few seconds, I turned around to see if she got the note. I saw she had it, and began writing down on it. As I went to turn back around, I made eye contact with Kakashi. We just stared at each other, as if we were in a trance, before he looked away.

Well that was weird... But I guess it's been weird, ever since that incident at the shinobi memorial ground.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I held my hand out for the paper. Once I felt it in my hand, I put it under the desk and opened it slowly.

I'm sorry, but I can't today. My mom wants me home tonight so I can start training in medical ninjutsu. But I'll root for the two of you in spirit!! -Rin

But the Gennin exams are tomorrow!! -(Y/N)
I wrote down, before passing it back.

"What are you doing?" Obito whispered.

"I'm trying to see if Rin is going to train with us today." I said and he blushed.

"Oh... Okay." He said before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I held my hand open as I felt the paper in my hand. I put it back under my desk and unfolded it.

I know, but I know you guys will do amazing at training! We will all become gennin... I just know we can do it! - Rin

I handed Obito the note so he could read it, and know the plan. I turned back around to see Rin. I made a sad face, making her giggle and playfully pout back.

"I don't believe the board is back there (Y/N)! Eyes up front." Inu Sensei said, making me jerk my head back to the front of the room, and turn red.

"Sorry Sensei..." I mumbled as the class laughed at me. I laid my head on the desk, embarrassed, while listening to the rest of the lesson. Finally, it was time to go, and Obito and I hurried out of the classroom.

"Last one to the spot has to do one hundred extra sit-ups?" I asked and he grinned. Our spot was a tree in the training grounds, that Obito, Rin, and I carved our initials into.

"Oh it's on!" He said, while clenching his fists, getting excited.

"On three?" I asked and he nodded, as we got in the racing position.
"Okay... One... two..." I made a mad dash for it.

"HEY!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THREE?!" I heard Obito scream, before chasing after me. I giggled like a mad woman, as I ran into the forest, trying to get to our spot before he could. I slowed down a little bit so Obito could catch up.

"You're too slow! What are you? A turtle?!" I asked as he grunted, speeding up. We were neck and neck, the training tree in our sites.

"Ever read the Tortoise and the Hare? If I'm the turtle, then I'm gonna win!!" Obito screamed out. I giggled.

"OH NO YOU'RE NOT!!" I said hitting the fastest speed I could. When I got to the tree, I used my chakra to run up it, jump off, doing a flip in the air, before landing on my feet.

"Pfsh... Show off." Obito grumbled, crossing his arms, and rolling his eyes. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Awe! Don't be such a sore loser Obi-Tobi!" I teased and he looked away angry.

"Obi-Tobi? And hey!! You only won, because you cheated." He stated and I smiled, before playfully gasping.

"Hey!! I did no such thing! Your name should just be Obi-Slow. And don't dis on Obito-Tobi, I thought it was a cool nick name... Hmm, but seeing as you don't like either of them, how about Tobi?"I asked, as he gave me a weird look. I busted out laughing.

"Ah shut up (Y/N). You're the one who needed the head start to beat me! If anything, your name should be Saru-SLOW-bi. And Tobi? I like Tobi! It's better than Obi-Tobi, that's just ridiculous." He copped back.

"When did you get so good, at clapping back? Saru-slow-bi...That was a good one, I'll admit it." I said, as he chuckled, and smirked proudly.

"I guess just knowing you for nine years, has rubbed off on me." He said as I giggled.

"Hey!"I said, staring at him, pretending to be angry. We stared at each other, before we both busted out laughing.

"That's what you get for cheating." He teased.

"A ninja should always see past deception." I said mocking Iru Sensei. Obito rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Whatever." He replied.

"Ready to start?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Let's go then!" He said as we began training.

We trained for hours on end, doing whatever we could; running up and down the trees, practicing our fire ball jutsu, doing sit ups and crunches, and even sparing with each other. We did it all, while trying to push each other's limits.After training, we decided to sit under the tree, and look out on the lake, in silence. The sky was getting gray, signaling that it would rain soon. I took out two apples from my bag, and handed one of them to him.

"I'm really glad we met one another." He said, breaking the silence. I turned my head to look at him, as I watched him stare at the lake. I turned back to the lake, blushing.

"I'm glad too Tobi." I teased, turning more red.


"Yes Obito?"

"What are your goals for the future?" He asked me as I sat there thinking about it.

"My goals huh? I don't know... I've never really thought about anything other than becoming the best leaf shinobi in the world... So I guess that's my goal?" I said sort of confused.
"What about you?" I asked.

"I want to be the future Hokage. I want to be the guy everyone looks up too! Not the guy everyone makes fun of." He said.

"Well you know what I think?"

"What?" He replied.

"I think that you can do whatever you set your mind too. You have a heart of gold... I think our village could use a Hokage like you in the future." I said.

"You really mean that?"

"Would I lie? Besides, then I could say I had the pleasure of personally knowing the two best Hokage's the leaf village has ever seen." I stated, making him chuckle and turn red.

"You really are the best (Y/N)... I don't know what I would do without you!" He said and I felt so happy inside.

If he keeps this up I might actually explode into little bitty happy (Y/N) pieces.

"Hmm... Well seeing as you're forgetful, you'd probably forget everything if it wasn't for me. And I guess I do come up with some pretty great ideas, so you'd probably be bored out of your mind without me. Hmm and I guess you-"

"I get it. I get it. I need you in my life!" He said chuckling.
"If I became Hokage, I'd feel pretty great! Especially knowing that I'd have you and Rin on my side." He stated, and I made a weird noise. He jerked his head towards me and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you okay?"


"Yeah... I uh... Had to sneeze. Ha.. ha.." I trailed off.

"Did I ever tell you, you're weird?" He said, before I punched his arm.
"Hey! I never said there was anything wrong with it. I like weird." He said smiling at me. "I also like that nickname you gave me. Tobi...It seems pretty cool." He added. "It can be our thing, but now I need a nickname for you..."

Is he flirting with me? Oh good gravy! What if he is?! What do I say?! Oh Obito, you have... pretty teeth?! No that's weird. Wait... but he likes weird. Hmm how about can I punch your face... with my lips? No no no that's to straight forward. Just say something (Y/N)!! Well I don't know what to say!!! Well don't be an idiot!! Who are you calling an idiot, ya idiot!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, IM YOU!! OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD SAY SOMETHING!!

"Tee-hee-hee. Thanks. Uh, I mean... For a nickname... I don't know, just call me by my name, it can still be our thing..." I said, before turning red, mentally face palming, as I cleared my throat.

Really? Real smooth! Oh Shut up me!! Go bother someone else!

"Honestly though, if you truly want to be Hokage Obito, then I will do whatever I can, and be by your side, no matter what it takes." I said blushing.
"If it's your true dream, then I would be honored to help you until it's accomplished. I promise I'll look after you, and always be there for you." I said.

"I'm so glad and lucky, that you and Rin both feel this way! You truly are the best friend anyone could ever ask for." He said and I felt weird.

I guess I really am just a friend... Let me just put myself back in the friend zone that I tried so desperately to jump out of. I frowned to myself.

"Ya know, it's so easy being around you (Y/N). I feel like I can tell you anything." He said and I couldn't help but smile again.

"I'm glad you feel that way, you can always come to me for anything Obito." I said staring back at the water.

"Well... Then I guess there is something." He said and I looked at him.

"Well, what's up?" I asked.

"Well you see... I've had a crush on Rin for years now... I know this sounds crazy (Y/N)... And I know that we aren't even teenagers yet, but I think I'm... In love with her." He said, as each word felt like a stab wound to my heart.

"O-oh yeah?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat, as it became hard to swallow.

"Yeah!" He said smiling, nodding his head.

I wish he looked at me, the same way he looks when he's thinking about her.

"I want to tell her. I just want to lay it all out there. I want to say Rin I'm in love with you!! And her say I love you too Obito!! And then she becomes my girlfriend!! That would make me the happiest and luckiest guy in the whole world. To know I got one of the prettiest, and kindest, girl in the whole village." He said.

More stab wounds...

I could feel my eyes getting watery, as I cleared my throat.

"I-I think you should t-tell her." I said, with a hint of sadness in my voice. I got up, and he looked at me.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Y-yeah..." I felt my eyes getting watery.
"I think I'm just tired Obito. I'm gonna go home now. S-see y-you tomorrow!" I said before turning around quickly, as tears streamed down my face. I ran off before he could say anything else to me.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, no matter how hard I tried.

Why did I have to like him? Why couldn't I have liked someone else! Or liked no one! Why does this hurt me so much?! Why me?!

I cried harder, my tears making my vision blurry. I ran through the village, just wanting to get home before it rained. I turned a sharp corner, and ran into something hard, making me fall on my butt.

"Why don't you watch where you're go-" someone growled, but cut themselves off, as I tried to wipe my tears away. I looked up to see Kakashi. His eye's suddenly softened, when we made eye contact.

"Are you okay?" He asked, making me shocked for a second.

Did he just sound concerned?

"Why do you even care?" I asked rudely, sniffling, and wiping my face with my arm, before getting off the ground. He crossed his arms, and his face changed into that normal rude scowl.

"I don't." He growled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Well then don't ask." I copped back before pushing past him. I heard him sigh, before I felt him grab my wrist, making me stop in place.

"Wait." He said, and I turned around to face him.
"I'm s-" he cut himself off when he felt a rain drop roll down his cheek. It was my turn to sigh.

"What do you want Kakashi?" I asked, just wanting to go home. He stared into my eyes, looking at them back and forth, studying them. I raised an eyebrow.
"Well?" I asked, and he cleared his throat, before looking up at the sky.

What was all that about?

"It... Looks like it's going to rain... And you don't have an umbrella." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

I always hated the rain.

"Okay? So what's your point?" I asked.
"Are you gonna lecture me and call me an idiot for not carrying one? Or are you gonna lecture me for crying and having emotions?" I asked annoyed.
"Because if either of those are the answer, I'm not in the mood for it today." I said. He rolled his eyes before taking his backpack off, and opening it. He pulled out an umbrella, before putting his bag back on his back again.

"You're always so dramatic (Y/N). And I don't have to tell you you're stupid, you prove to be that on your own." He said smirking and I growled.
"I was going to offer to walk you home so you didn't get wet." He said blankly. I looked at him with confusion. He opened the umbrella, before standing under it. He didn't say anything; instead he just looked at me, waiting to see what I would do. I felt more droplets on my face. I let out a sigh.

"Oh... Okay..." I said, as I slowly walked under it, next to him.
"Thanks." I added. He didn't say anything. The rain started to pour down suddenly, making me grateful that Kakashi was here.

Well that's a weird thought...

After a few minutes of hearing nothing but the sound of the rain, Kakashi spoke up.

"So, why were you crying?" He asked, sounded as if he wasn't interested.

"It was nothing, just something stupid." I mumbled, and he sighed.

"You do have a tendency of being an idiot." He said while chuckling. I crossed my arms.

"Do you even know how to be nice!?" I asked, annoyed.

"Is me, walking you home, while keeping you from getting soaked in the rain, not a nice thing?" He copped back, smirking. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I meant, do you even know how to say nice words to people?"

"I know how, and I could, but I choose not to." He said smirking.

Well this is hopeless.

He let out a sigh, looking up at the top of his umbrella, before looking back at me.

"I'm sure it wasn't stupid..." he mumbled.

"What did you say?" I asked wanting to make sure I heard that correctly.

"If I have to repeat myself, then I'll push you from under this umbrella." He said, and I rolled my eyes, before biting my lip.

"Okay fine... I was sitting next to Obito after we trained together. And he was saying things like he trusts me, and other stuff that made me feel like maybe... Just maybe... He liked me more than just a friend. But I was wrong; in fact he wanted to tell me he liked someone else. You were right all those years ago. I'm pathetic." I said, looking to the ground, letting out a hallow laugh.

He couldn't help but feel bad for (Y/N). He let out a heavy sigh, before stopping and turning to me. He looked me in the eyes.

"I'm not going to repeat myself, so I suggest you listen the first time." He said as I nodded.
"You're not pathetic. I didn't mean it when I called you that. I just wanted to get under your skin. But you're not pathetic." He said, and I stared at him. He started to walk again, and I followed him, making sure I didn't get left in the rain. He let out a chuckle.
"And as much as I hate to admit this, I... Enjoy... Having you around... It's amusing to push your buttons... But also, I guess you are the only student in our class that actually makes me feel like I'm being challenged." He said and I couldn't help but smile.

Who would have ever thought, that Kakashi Hatake, actually knew how to somewhat be nice...

"So... what you are saying is that you're... Secretly a big softy?" I teased and he instantly pulled the umbrella away so I was in the pouring rain.

"HEY!!" I yelled, and he chuckled.

"How's that for a big softy?" He teased, and I pushed him down to the ground, making sure he got wet with me. His umbrella ended up on the ground, close to us. Both of us got muddy, and soaked as we rolled around in the dirty water, tackling each other, in the ally way towards my house. Suddenly the unthinkable happened....

He actually laughed. I looked at him in shock, and he took that as his advantage to pin me down.

I have never heard him laugh in the nine years that I have known him.

"Looks like I win." He said, and I chuckled. I moved my leg, and kicked him, repeating the same move, that I had once used on him before. I pinned him down and smirked, locking him in place.

"Looks I win." I said cockily, and he groaned, before we stared at each other out of breath. I forgot where we were, and that it was raining, as we looked at each other, studying the each other's faces. The rain made his light gray grandpa hair stick to his face, turning into a slightly darker gray. I even noticed that his eyes had speckles of a darker grey in them. I came back to reality, and got off of him, before I held my hand out to help him up. He took my hand, and got off the ground, before grabbing his umbrella. He put it back over our heads, and we walked the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence. He walked me up to my door step, before putting the umbrella down.

"Thank you Kakashi... For walking me home. Even if we both ended up getting soaked..." I let out a light chuckle. I could feel my face become warm.
" I uh... Just thank you." I said before I gave him a friendly kiss on his cheek and headed inside quickly, before he could say anything.

"Whoa, what happened to you? You look like you could use a bath" Asuma said, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's a long story." I stated, looking at the muddy ends of my hair.
"But just so you know, some boys suck." I stated and he raised an eyebrow.

"What did Kakashi do now?" He asked as I smiled.

"Actually... He didn't do anything this time." I said, and Asu looked shocked.

"Well that's a first." He said and I nodded.

"You'll be surprised to hear, that for once... He is removed from the boys that suck list." I stated and Asuma chuckled.

"Well... I hope I'm not on the list." He said and I giggled.

"Oh you're always number one on that list big brother, always." I said and he crossed his arms.

"I'll have you know, that I do not suck, and that I can't be on that list."

"And why is that?" I asked curiously.

"Because I... Am a man." He said and I chucked.

"Asu, you're only a year older than me. Besides, don't your balls have to drop before you can be a man?" I asked and he sighed.

"I liked you better when you thought I was your whole world!" He said playfully.

"Don't blame me, blame dad. He's the one who said that, whatever it means. You should know that the day you stopped giving me piggyback rides, was the day your ranking changed." I teased.

"It's not my fault you got bigger." He teased back.

"Oh whatever, you just got weaker!" I said before laughing.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go take a bath now." I said before I ran upstairs to the bathroom.

I used to hate the rain, but maybe it's not so bad after all...


Posted: September 6, 2018

Edited: February 21, 2019

I love you all. You make me a proud mama!

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