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I... can't continue.... I'm trying but... I can't.... he's gone... it's just me... left to run the clock... I want to stop... I want to stop...

Tick tock

Tick tock

K-k-keep working... please...

Ti- tick tock

Tick tock

It hurts... it hurts so much... but if the clock stops... they all die...

Tick tock

Tick tock

Don't die....


Bumblebee and Grimlock ran towards their shelter they made and quickly hid as they held on to the boy. They waited for a moment then looked towards the direction of the center of the arena. They all knew more supplies would be there. Grim looked at his friend knowing it would be risky, but they needed more supplies. He glanced back and stared at the field as they remained hidden in the trees.

They both knew with the boy, it would be difficult to just run across, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves as well. The two men continued to scan the area and frowned a bit as they felt this was a set up. It had to be.

Bumblebee looked at Grimlock and then to the boy who was sitting by a tree, trying to be small. They watched him then Grim stood and nodded slowly before picking the boy up and the three followed the woods until they were closer to the supplies. They still had a field to cross. Grimlock inhaled deeply as he held the boy close then ran towards the supply covering.

Bumblebee drew his bow and prepared to shoot anyone who tried to kill the two. He watched them like a hawk and saw someone leave the building to attack them, he quickly shot them and sighed a bit in relief when they went down. The cannon making him feel a little better.

Grimlock held on to the boy and kept him from seeing the body as he continued to run, soon getting to the building and going inside. He looked around and made sure it was safe then set him down. He went to the entrance and made a noise for Bee to know he could come.

The other man glanced around and put his bow away then crouched down as he listened. Once he felt it was safe, he darted out and ran as fast as he could towards the building. The bigger man pulled out his bow and scanned the tree line for movement. He had to keep his friend safe.

Bumblebee continued to run towards his friend, but only got half way before he felt a sharp pain in his back. He grunted as he went down and the tall grass hid him a little. The bigger man quickly looked back, he had looked away for only a moment to scan the area again. His eyes widened and he crouched down as he felt his heartbeat faster.

"Get up Bee... come on get up..." he muttered as he listened for the young man, but didn't hear him. He cursed quietly as he felt the need to dart out.

He bit his lip and listened then saw a figure calmly walking out of the tree line towards the fallen man. It was the villain from earlier who took the boy, they were sure the man had perished.

"Make sure to kill your enemy before you leave them." he said darkly as he stepped on Bumblebee's back, keeping him there as he struggled to get up. "Otherwise, they hunt you down." the man said darkly and stabbed the injured man through with his sword. Bumblebee went limp and a cannon sounded.

The villain looked towards Grimlock and made his way towards him. The other man fought back tears as he grit his teeth and fired at the villain. He stood and shot at him, but the enemy used his sword to deflect them. He was well trained and Grimlock was realizing that.

He quickly pulled out his ax and went to strike the man but he dodged and swung his sword to cut off his head. Grimlock barely ducked in time, but lost the tips of his hair on top of his head. He rammed the hilt of his ax into the villains midsection and grunted as he in turn brought the hilt down on the mans back.

Rafael watched them as he hid and was surprised at how matched the two were in their battle. Though he swore he saw the villain grin like a mad man as if he enjoyed the fight.

The said man dodged another swing and stabbed the man through as he grinned wickedly. Grimlock's eyes widened and he coughed then tried to hit him, but his weapon was knocked away.

"I've enjoyed our little dual and respect you for your fighting spirit. Such a pity to have to end you so soon." he muttered as the man choked on some blood and glared at him. "I am Megatron of Kaon." he growled and shoved the sword up to the hilt, making the victim gasp in pain. "Never interfere with my plans again." he spat and kicked him away. A cannon sounded as Grimlock hit the ground and Raf shook his head in shock as he hid.

Megatron smirked as he looked to the sky then went into the storage shelter. It didn't take him long to find Raf and he stared at the trembling child. The young teen slowly stood and fixed his glasses as he shook with fear.

"I-I'm sorry... I ran away... I-" He stopped as he saw the blood on the mans sword and his clothes.

"The difference between me and those two men, is I don't forgive traitors." he said darkly and raised his sword before bringing it down. A cannon sounded a moment later.



Tick tock ti-

Why did you stop it?!

Stop letting them kill each other. He's m-

Silence! He always dies because he's weak!

No... he isn't.... Rafael is-

That's enough. I'm switching things up.

What? What are you doing?

I'm removing any compassion or kindness. I want them to rip each other to shreds.

You can't do that! You don't know what it'll do to them!

Start the clock again and finish this.


N-n-n-o I-I-I refuse.


W-w-what are you doing with that?

Silencing you for starters. I'm tired of your whining and protesting.

Tick tock

Besides, I like to hear your screams when you have no words.

Tick tock

Tick tock


Part of the reason this takes so long is because I'm trying so stinkin hard to draw a picture for this! UGH!! My art skills stink...

Anyway! This is almost over so enjoy! :D

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