Chapter 12 - She's Back, Like My Boner!

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It's been three days of me tutoring Zoey calculus. Making that three days of us spending all of study hall together talking about math equations and convincing Zoey that she isn't the "worlds stupidest Zoey in the whole world".

Her words, not mine.

As I was scribbling down the process of how to get X by taking the log of the given equation, Zoey took her finger and traced my birthmark on my neck. This resulted in me abruptly stopping my writing and my body to freeze at her touch. Her cold finger on my neck caused an overwhelming sensation to corse through my veins, and I felt something come to life.

My manhood.



I frantically tried to shift my lower region without drawing any attention. I didn't want her to see that she had that affect on me.

"I never realized you had a birthmark the shape of a penis on your neck," she stated and began to chuckle, loudly.

Well, that turned me off. Thanks, Zoey.

"Yeah... good thing it doesn't actually represent mine. Since mine is..."

Zoey cut me off before I could finish, "smaller?"

I smirked. "Oh, you'd like to know. Wouldn't you?" Her face flushed profusely, and her eyes widen at my response back to her.

That's right, Zoey. Two can play at this game.

"It's actually a nice one, Zo. You'll enjoy it for sure," Skylar's voice came from behind us, and I swiftly turned around, narrowing my eyes at him.

Zoey looked appalled while I just rolled my eyes at his disturbing response.

"Skylar. If you keep saying crap like that, people will actually think we are gay. And I am one hundred percent as straight as a board."

Skylar's response was just a snort before he shook his head and walked back to his seat.

I swear if I didn't know that kid had a huge ass crush on Margo, I'd assume he was, in fact, homosexual. Not that I'd really care if he was... just I don't want him making people think that I am, when I'm not. At all.

I looked over at Zoey who seemed to hold in her laughter. "Do you know half the school thinks that you and Skylar are actually lovers?"

A couple of the students around us chuckled, making me shoot a glare at them. They all stopped and continued with their work.

"Well, you could help me in making them stop believing in those rumors," I replied back in a flirtatious manner, sending her my most charming smile and wink.

"Or Brianna could too since you are her homecoming date," she remarked with a bitter tone to her voice. She then began to gather up her textbook and things.

I just sat there, biting my lip until I could taste the metal-flavored, red liquid in my mouth. I knew asking Brianna to homecoming would upset Zoey. Brianna had hinted about the dance a couple times before I had finally asked her. I had my sister color a poster that read, "It would be 'beary' nice if you'd go to homecoming with me!". As I asked Brianna with the sign, I gave her a small teddy bear as well.

Yeah, I know it was pretty lame, but it was the first idea that popped up on Google when I searched for homecoming proposals. Brianna thought it was cute which is all that mattered to me.

Zoey was asked by Cameron, but she declined almost instantaneously. We were all at lunch when we saw Cam stroll over towards where Zoey sat. He held out a rose and got down on one knee, asking for both forgiveness and her hand in marriage.

I'm just kidding.

He asked for her to attend homecoming with him, and she stood up and shook her head with a look that would honestly make the devil shit himself. It was a look I'd hope I'd never see again.

I think Cameron ended up going with one of the younger cheerleaders, since none of the volleyball team liked him much considering Zoey's captain.

Zoey said she was just going to go with a group of friends, which, honestly, seemed like a lot more fun, but I felt like I had to do this for Brianna. She really was looking forward to it, and I guess, so was I.

"Yo, dude ... is your lip okay?"

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and looked up towards Charlie's blue eyes. I blinked repeatedly until I had completely came back into the real world.

I touched my lip and noticed I had been chewing on it, causing blood to trickle down my chin.

"Uh yeah. Just bit my lip," I replied back, wiping the blood with the back of my hand. Charlie scrunched his nose at me in disgust before shaking his head and returning to his work.

I folded my arms across my chest, attempting to take a quick nap before the end of study hall since Zoey left. Closing my eyes, the only thing I could vision as I felt myself slip into unconsciousness, was waking up next to Zoey the day after that party.

A vision that somehow my brain wanted to ruin by then picturing her poking at my genitalia-shaped birthmark.

Just great.


"MOM! Josh just turned the channel!" Sarah screamed for my mom since I had just changed her favorite show, Dance Mom's, to the sports channel.

I had to... Packers were playing the Lions, and I literally hate the Lions with a passion. Her stupid dance drama show could wait, as this game was definitely more important than what Susan says about Melissa's daughter's solo being better than her daughters. 

Honestly, I don't get the point of stupid reality shows like that. Like, Keeping up with the Kardashians and those Beverly Hills Housewives shows literally give me a headache with all the over-dramatized crap. 

"Joshua Allen Parker!! You're sister wanted to finish her show. Can't you just watch the game on the basement TV?" my mom scolded me as she walked into the living room with her arms crossed over her chest and a disapproving look directed towards my way. I sat up straighter on the couch, giving her my best "good boy look". She didn't buy it as she pointed towards the stairs that led down to the basement. 

"Ugh...fine!" I muttered in response, tossing the remote back to Sarah while making my way down to the basement. The reason why I wanted to watch the game in the living room was because our TV is freaking huge! The one in the basement is a small flat-screen that has weird black spots on one corner of it, and the quality is complete shit. 

Regardless, of how crappy the TV is, I decided to put on the game, sitting in dad's old recliner. As the game proceeded, with the Packers, thankfully, beating the Lions by one field goal, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I cocked my head so I could see who was here. To my surprise, it was Zoey. Her eyes were red from crying, and she looked as though she were just a mere child. 

"Zoey?" I asked, unsure of what else to say. It was very unexpected and odd, to say the least. 

She walked over to where I sat and immediately wrapped her arms around me and began to cry. For a second I just sat there, but then I  pulled her down on my lap and hugged her back. I rubbed her back as she cried harder in my embrace. I don't what was up with girls always crying and wanting to hug me. 

"'s okay, Zo. I'm here...shhh," I tried to comfort her, pretending as though I were comforting Sarah whenever mom and dad would get in an argument, which wasn't much. 

After about five more minutes of her crying and me comforting her, she stopped crying and only sniffled a bit. She pulled her head away from the crook of my neck and looked away. 

"I'm sorry, Josh. I just knew you wouldn't ask questions. Margo would've asked too many questions. Thank you, Joshy," she whispered with a small smile. She then placed a kiss on my cheek and got off my lap. I only replied back with a subtle nod and small smile back. I was completely thrown off. 

She waved and as she proceeded up the stairs, I finally snapped out of my dazed state and ran over by the stairs. 

"Wait!" I rushed up to her retreating form, catching up to her at the very top of the stairs. She turned around, making our noses almost touch each other. Now if I wasn't so confused as to what had happened prior, my dick would be very much alive at this point. 

"Yeah?" she asked meekly, staring into my eyes. Her hazel eyes still were wet from the tears prior yet still held that vibrancy in which almost defined her. 

"If you ever need to talk to someone or just need someone to not ask questions, I'll always be here, Zo," I said quietly. Her face lit up, and she hugged me again, squeezing me as she did so. "Also, save me a dance at homecoming." 

She pulled back, smiling. "Well, I was expecting most of the dances to be with you, but I guess I'll share you with Brianna for a couple." She was back. The confident, vibrant, and hilarious Zoey that I grew to like is finally back. 

I let out a laugh and nodded as she opened the basement door and waved goodbye. I stood on the steps a little longer, not even caring about the football game. 

I'm kidding. I care about the football game, so I ran back down to the recliner and continued to watch the game. To my dismay, the Packers didn't win, but what mattered to me ( which is surprising because I am a very avid Packer fan and love my team dearly) is that I won Zoey back. 

She was back, and I would make sure she was back for good. 


Hey everyone!!

I am so so so sorry about this late update. With school, dance, and life I've been insanely busy. Plus, I'm writing three other books, so it will take me longer to update and publish a new chapter for you all.

On another note...thank you to those who continue to read my works. You are so greatly appreciated, and I seriously love you all! 

Don't hesitate to message me about anything relating to my books,  P!ATD, or legit anything! I'm a fairly open and easy-going person, so if you just want to rant or anything, by all means, please do so. 

Also, I'd love love LOVE if you all commented and/or voted. It literally means the world to me! 

Thank you all again!

Much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

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