Chapter 13 - Zoey's POV

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"I think Bryan likes me more than just friends," I heard Margo say softly to me as I was switching out my history textbook for my calculus one. I had to internally roll my eyes at her remark, scoffing at how oblivious my best friend is to the world around her.

"Girlie, you don't say ?" I replied sarcastically, but Margo, being the sweetheart she is, didn't get it and proceeded to just nod with a sad smile. This made me laugh at her innocence. I mean, she's not fully innocent, but compared to most everyone I know in this school, she would take the award for "Miss Innocent" in a heartbeat. That's if this school had an award for that kind of weird stuff.

"Zo, I'm honestly worried because I...I think I may like him too. I'm just scared of getting into another relationship..especially since my ex and Bryan literally hate each other's guts!" she exclaimed with worry. She began to rub her thumb; an odd nervous habit of hers that she's had since I can remember. With this action, I instinctively rubbed her arm, calming her down.

One thing about Margo was she may seem like rainbows and pure happiness, but she really isn't. Which is why whenever something happens with me, I try not to burden her too much with my problems because she'll be even more affected by them. She is someone that, once she gets to know you and loves you, she practically gives you her heart, letting you decide her fate. She's done that with too many people, which has resulted in the unhappy and overly anxious Margo we have today.

I really worry about her to be honest. She's my only true friend, but I know she is slowly breaking. So, I understand why she may be nervous to be liking our friend, Bryan. Yeah, he's a nice guy, but I know there is someone better out there for her. She honestly deserves an angel of a man.

"I mean...I know why you are, but you gotta live a little. So, if you feel these deep feelings for him, then pursue it. But, if it's only just a reciprocated crush, then it's not really worth it." I internally applauded myself for my awesome advice. I rock, honestly.

"Okay, alright. I'll see how things go. Thanks, Zo," she thanked me with a warm smile as we walked into calculus together. AKA the class I like to refer to as "hell".

My eyes landed on Josh sitting at a desk in the middle of the room. To most, he may seem like an ordinary guy, but honestly, he isn' all. I've never been so attracted to a guy before. Even Ryan who is, not gonna lie, one of the hotter guys in school, never made me feel this way. I mean even before he was a complete asshole. Excuse my language.

I scanned the room, seeing that there were a couple open seats near the front for Margo and I to sit at, but when I turned around, she had already found a spot next to Bryan. Boy, was his face the brightest red I have ever seen. I swear he doesn't even try to hide his crush on Margo.

Biting my lip out of slight frustration since Margo left me, I decided to take a seat next to Josh. He was conversing with another guy on the football team; Albert, I think. Once I had seated, he turned away from Albert and smiled at me.

"Hey, how are you today?" he asked, with his adorable brown eyes sparkling. His average question had an underlying meaning as I did randomly show up at his house, crying. He asked in the most subtle way, and I internally thanked him for that.

"Hey, and I'm doing alright. Do you think I could talk to you at the back entrance?" I responded with a light smile. He nodded leaning back in his seat.

I would tell him exactly why I was crying. Yesterday was the anniversary of something I wish I could forget, but I know I never will.


I waited at the back entrance, a spot where couples usually go to make-out and not be seen, but Josh and I, unfortunately, wouldn't be doing that. I wanted him to know and understand why I was like I was yesterday.

After a couple minutes of waiting, he showed up with a neutral face, probably wondering why I asked to talk with him. As he neared me, I sat down on the window ledge which was right next to the back door. He took a seat next to me, and an awkward silence arose.

Finally, he broke the tension. "You know...I'm pretty sure Skylar had told me this is the spot where couples go to..."

Before he could finish that sentence, I gave him a stern look. "That's not why I asked you to come here. I wanted to explain my actions from last night." This time the humor from his eyes faded, and a serious nature took about him.

"Oh. Okay, sorry if I ...uh...sorry," he mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. I grabbed his hand - a bold move, I know - and sighed. I set my gaze on the floor, trying to figure out how to even start.

"Well...years ago, when I was about four years old, my dad left my mom and I. Then, a couple years later he filed for divorce out of nowhere. My mom signed the papers with a broken heart, but a few months later, she met this man named Drew. They got married, and had a son. My brother, Zeke, is my half-brother." At this point, I took a deep breath and continued on. "Anyways, one day when I was about thirteen...we had a family gathering with Drew's family. Drew's younger brother, Warren, was about nineteen when I met him. He's also very good-looking and nice, so I hung out with him at the gathering."

I must have began to shake or sound like I was crying because Josh immediately held my frail hand with both of his. I looked up at him, gazing into his eyes. I could see he truly did care, and my heart did a little leap.

"Warren somehow led me away from the party, saying we'd play a game. Me, being naive as hell, agreed. He took me up to his room, locking the door behind him. I still didn't suspect anything odd. Then he blasted some loud music and turned off the lights. It still didn't hit me right away until he grabbed me and threw me onto the bed." I could feel the trickle of tears fall down my face. Josh brushed them away with one of his hands and still held onto my hand with his other.

"Warren gagged me and proceeded to rape me," I cried but in a whisper. Instinctively, Josh circled his arms around me, rubbing my back. "He threatened me, saying if I ever told anyone about it, he would find me and kill me. So, I've never told a single soul except you. Yesterday was the exact day that h-he...raped me."

I cried more as he hugged me tighter. "I'm so sorry for lying to you. So...I'm not exactly a virgin either. It's a reason why I never could get too intimate with Ryan. I would panic and see Warren."

He released me and cupped my face in his hands. " have nothing to feel sorry for. I know how hard it was for you to even talk about this. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. No one should ever have to. You are such a strong person, Zo. If there is anything you need me to do, tell me and I'll do it." I felt my tears stream down my face as I nodded with a sad smile.

"Thank you for being so understanding. It means a lot..." I said, my voice cracking from the crying beforehand. I then thought of something. Since we would be getting together with Drew's family again this coming weekend, I knew if I had Josh with me, he'd protect me from Warren. Warren wouldn't dare harass me or try to rape me again. "Josh...there is actually one thing. Would you be able to come to my family's get together this weekend? The past three years I've managed to skip due to either being sick or having a volleyball related tournament. I know if you come, Warren won't dare go near me. Please..."

Without hesitation he nodded. "Yeah, of course. Where and when? Anything for you Zo." At this, I could feel my heart melt. I'm so glad I told him.

I proceeded to give him the details for this coming weekend which he set a reminder in his phone for. It was so heart-warming to see how serious he took everything. He made me feel important and cared for, which was something I have never felt from any guy before.

Wow...that sounded incredibly sappy. I swear I'm not like this usually.

Anyways, after I gave him the detail for this weekend, we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. By now, we only had ten minutes to actually eat which sucked but was worth it. I finally got that huge weight that's been making me sink in the sand for three years off my chest today. I confided in someone, and not just someone.

Josh Parker.


Hey everyone!

Hope you all are enjoying your week so far! It's been a pretty hectic few days as I have tryouts for the co-ed hiphop dance crew I am on. Even though I was on it last year, we still all have to tryout again which kind of sucks but I guess it's fair. Anyways check out Hypnotiq ( Madison's first co-ed hiphop crew...we rock haha) ;)

Anyways...I hope you liked Zoey's POV. If you did, please comment and vote for this chapter. I may want to add more of her in here if you all enjoyed it. did you like the little tid-bit about may have caught the foreshadowing if you read my other book, The Fallen Guardian. ;)

Also, if you message me nicely...I could put you in here as a character. It wouldn't be a main character, but a character mentioned nonetheless ! :)

Have a great rest of your week my loves!

Much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

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