Chapter 20 - "I am STRAIGHT!"

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It was the Monday after homecoming weekend. Everyone was still seemingly exhausted from the weekend, especially us football players. I had taken a five hour nap Sunday along with going to bed early, yet here I was practically dozing off during my world history class. I just couldn't take the flat and boring voice of Mr. Hughes.

He was going over our last quiz results since half of the class basically failed it, including myself. I guess I haven't been putting my time and effort into this class like I should be. Then again, I've had other important things going on that needed immediate attention.

Like Zoey.

"Josh!" Snapping my head up from the desk, I saw Skylar approach my desk. The room was practically cleared out. Even Mr. Hughes was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit." I muttered as I got up from my desk. I usually got to the lunch line first, but now I'd be at the end. Such a great Monday.

" tired as hell too?" Skylar asked with a yawn. I nodded as we both sluggishly made our way to the cafeteria. I seriously felt like I wasn't really here. My body was, but my mind was still asleep. Which is probably why I grabbed regular skim milk instead of chocolate and only grabbed chips and an apple rather then twice of the main meal. I also managed to walk into Cameron. He turned around but instead of punching me or yelling at me, his face held guilt as he shifted to the side to let me pass.

"Sorry, man," I mumbled awkwardly, walking around him towards my usual table. I took a seat beside Jordan. He was raving to the other guys at the table about how he was able to score 'third base' with his date on Saturday. I cringed at his vulgarity while I took a bite of my apple.

"Apple may keep the doctor away...but you gotta try harder than that to keep me away, Joshy." I turned around to see Zoey giving me a seductive look while crossing her arms, popping her hip out to the side. I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"Maybe I'll just have to bring cantaloupe with me everywhere," I replied with a smirk. She scrunched her face in disgust.

"Ugh please don't. I mean unless you have some pickles with you ..." she trailed as she sat beside me.

"I told you, you can always have my pickle."

With this, everyone at my table stared at me incredulously, listening at our conversation at the wrong time.

"What was that, Josh?" Skylar said, his strange smirk making an unwanted appearance.

Before I could explain, Zoey piped up with a michevious gleam in her eyes. "Skylar, don't you remember?"

He looked at her confusedly. "Uh...remember what? How you almost suck-"

"You told Joshy that he could have your pickle anytime. And by pickle you didn't mean the delicious food item..." She smirked, watching Skylar's face turn a bright scarlet.

"I did not!! I mean, I was drunk and don't remember half the night, but I wouldn't say something that gay!" he exclaimed, causing more people to stare at our table's direction. "I may joke around, but I am STRAIGHT!"

At this point, we knew something must have been up with how he was freaking out. Usually he would go along with it or brush it off. Him freaking out like this was odd.

After he took a couple deep breaths, he stood up, aggressively grabbing his tray as he strode off. Jordan mumbled something under his breath, but then began talking more in depth about his date again. Zoey frowned as she watched Skylar rush out of the cafeteria.

"I don't understand. He usually would joke along too. He knows I was kidding...doesn't he?" I just shrugged because honestly, it seemed like he thought she meant it. Although, he's known her long enough to understand her humor...right?

"Not sure. I should go talk to him. Something seems off." I said, getting up from my seat. I  had barely even touched my food, but Skylar was one of my good friends. I wanted to make sure everything was okay. Friends were more important than food.


"Joshy!" I turned towards Zoey who still sat at the table. "Text me when you're done with practice tonight...please." I nodded with smile before throwing my trash out and placing my tray with the other dirty ones.

I shuffled out of the cafeteria, following where Skylar may be. I had a feeling he would be in the locker room since no one would be in there now. As I walked closer to the boys locker room,  I heard his voice.

I walked in as he was about to punch a locker.

"Sky!" I yelled just in time. He pulled his fist away from the locker door, shaking as he did so. He was fuming with anger as he cocked his head towards me. His green eyes filled with scary intensity. I don't think I've ever seen him like this, even during our football games.

"What the hell do you want? I'm not going to suck your dick if that's why you're here," he sneered, his nostrils flaring. He was like an angry ken doll. Scary yet the girls would still probably go gaga for him.

I almost laughed out loud at the thought.

"Nah I got yo mama doing that," I replied with a laugh, knowing he would laugh at that, considering 'yo mama' jokes were too lame not to laugh at.

Unfortunately, he didn't think it was so funny this time.

"Just get out, Josh. I need some space."

I sat down on one of the benches, giving him a look that said 'spill'.

"Dude, I consider you one of my good friends, what's really the matter? You know you can talk to me." I patted the seat beside me. He relaxed a bit before sitting down next to me, hanging his head while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he stared at his shoes.

"My life sucks," was all he muttered, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Margo and Bryan are clearly going to become a couple, my grades have been shit, and my family stopped coming to my games indefinitely, claiming they're too busy with work. I say it's bullshit because I know they're just sleeping with their coworkers!"

He gripped the edge of the bench, angry tears welling in his eyes.

"My parents have been separated for at least three years now. They only are 'staying together' for me and Chase's sake. Anytime there's a party, I always over-drink. I want to drown my so-called sorrows away." He looked at me as he wiped away the tears beginning to trickle down. "I have a problem, Josh. Do you know last week I drank most of my dad's gin in one sitting. It was a god damn Wednesday night, too!"

He dropped his head in his hands. I patted his back gently as he continued to let silent tears slip out. "Sky, I had no idea. You are always welcome over at my house if you just want to hang or talk about anything. "

"Thanks dude. Just be thankful you have the family and life you have. You have the girl, you have the caring family that comes to all your games, you're super smart and your grades reflect it. Just be thankful for all that...for me." His eyes met mine. I felt myself nodding along even though I disagreed, but I guess I do have a better life than some, even though it is quite average. But, maybe that's what people wanted sometimes...maybe that normal and average life is what some craved.

I didn't crave that. I wanted the crazy and unexpected life. Something that Zoey added in my life. I want crazy.

Hold up. Did I just quote that country-singer dude?

"We should probably head to class. You okay to go, or do you want me to tell them you're in the bathroom?" He shook his head, getting up while plastering on his usual grin. This time though, I knew it was just for the 'show'.

"I'm fine. Thanks Josh. Means a lot." He gave me one last look before making his way out of the locker room. I could tell this was the first of possibly more breakdowns he'd have around me. A person can only bottle up their emotions for so long.

I walked to my art class which I shared with Margo and a couple other guys on the team. I wasn't an artist, but I managed to keep a fairly decent grade so far so that had to say something...right?

I usually took a spot near the back of the classroom since the teacher never truly assigned us seats. She claimed that artists need to be free to move and such. She's very much a hippie, reminding me a bit of Zoey's mom. She, by far, was one of my favorite teachers due to how kind she was to every single student and she always helped our others.

One time, a student struggled to draw a simple tree ( it was this guy who legit took this class for the easy A) and she worked with him to help him draw this tree. The patience she presented was incredible, and the guy ended up drawing the coolest tree.

"Um Josh?" I turned around to see Margo standing there. Her longer skirt and yellow shirt gave her a hippie vibe. Her frown seemed to contrast greatly from her happier appearance.


She but her lip, not looking at me. Her eyes fluttered around the room, showing how shy she really was. "H-how is Skylar? I saw him leave the cafeteria earlier. He looked me." She said the last part more under her breath, but I still heard it.

"He's okay. Things are catching up to him...he just needs some friends to be there for him." I kept my answer short, not knowing how much of what he told me I should really say. I felt like he wanted me to keep most everything private.

She smiled slightly, nodding. "Okay. Thanks. By the way... if you add some darker yellow to shade under your bird's belly, it would stand out more." She pointed to my horrible painting of my bird. It was a work in progress, but any advice for it I could get was much appreciated.

"Thank Margo," I said with a smile. She mirrored my smile before going back to her seat.

As I added the dark yellow to the under belly of my bird, I couldn't help but to realize that Margo does seem to like Skylar. Well, I mean, she seems to really care about him.

Yet, no matter how hard I tried to picture them together... I couldn't. There was bound to be someone else for each of them that would work better. I just had a feeling.

Hey everyone!

I've had such a writers block, and I greatly apologize for such the long overdue update!

I want to make sure what I post is something I'm proud of, and I get discouraged when I can't think of anything good.

I know this is more of a filler chapter, but I like to get background on more characters. Plus, Skylar is legit my favorite character.

Hope you all are having a great week!

Much love <3
~Madelyn Joy

Ps. This is not edited!

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