Chapter 21 - Officially Official

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"Where are my khakis?" I frantically ravaged through my drawers, trying to find my khakis for my date with Zoey tonight. I wanted to look somewhat presentable when we went out, even though we were only eating out at Chili's. I suggested somewhere nicer, but Zoey was adamant on going there since she loves their chips and salsa. I honestly didn't mind, I just figured she'd want to go somewhere more 'high-end' and 'classier'. 

To be honest, I liked that she suggested there anyways since I didn't have to dress up in a suit. 

"I just folded them! Look in the laundry room!" My mom shouted back, clearly annoyed with me. I quickly dashed down the stairs and went into the laundry room to see that she was right. My clothes along with my khakis, were folded neatly in a pile. 

"Thanks, mom!" I exclaimed as I ascended back up the stairs and into my room, frantically getting ready before dashing back down and grabbing the car keys. I quickly drove to Zoey's house hoping she wasn't waiting as I was already going to be almost ten minutes late.

Once I pulled up to the curb in front of her house, I bolted up o the front door, heaving slightly as I rang the doorbell. I heard some muffled yelling before Zoey opened the door, clearly still half ready. 

Her eyes widened as she pulled me into the house. It appeared that no one else was home since most of the lights were off and I couldn't hear anyone else. 

"Home alone?" I asked as she put her shoes on. She looked up at me, shaking her head. 

"No, Zeke's in his room playing some video games." I nodded as I smiled at her. She had straightened her hair, leaving it loose without a clip. I couldn't decide if I liked it like this or when she had curled it. I decided both looked good on her. 

"Sorry for running late. I couldn't find the right stuff to wear..." I said, trailing off as I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment. 

She laughed slightly as she finished getting her lace-up heels on. "Josh. I usually run late, so you came just in time. No worries." I just noticed she was wearing a denim dress with a thin black belt around the middle. It was cute...and short. 

Really short.

But I'm not complaining.

"You look nice. Er uh I mean you look really pretty, Zo." She finished with her shoes as she stood up, beaming at me. She brought my head down to hers as she gave me a light peck on the lips. I felt myself blush at the gesture. 

I'm such a pussy.

"You're too cute, Joshy. Should we get going? My stomach has been growling for the past hour," she said while practically dragging me out the door. She yelled a 'goodbye' to Zeke before closing the door. We walked up to my car, where I held the door open for her. 

I couldn't help the smile that tugged on my lips as I saw her slip in. 

Once I closed the door and walked around towards the drivers side, Zoey had already plugged her phone into the aux, blasting COIN's 'Talk Too Much'. As I drove towards the restaurant, I put down the windows as we sang along to the song, belting out the lyrics. 

Our voices matched perfectly as we both are horrible singers. Zoey more so than myself. 

As we arrived, I parked the car and rushed out to open the door again for her. She smirked as she stepped out, attempting to pull down her dress. 

"You know that's not going to help." 

She looked up at me, shrugging her shoulders with a knowing face. "Yeah. I think I need help with it." She then winked, and that's when my little buddy decided to shake alive. 

God dammit.

"Uh-um..." I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly as she shashayed toward the main doors leading into her favorite place. 

And Pam's favorite place too. 


"Wait up!" I yelled as I ran to catch up with her. I tried grabbing the door for her, but she had already opened it and dashed in. She looked behind her at me, smiling innocently.

Once I got in, we walked up to the front where the hostess brought us to our table. At first they brought us to a table with chairs, but Zoey asked to switch to a booth, which resulted in the hostess, who's name was Betty to give us a tight-lipped smile, clearly not happy with switching things up.

"Yes. Of course. Follow me." Her voice was strained, and I wanted to laugh. I felt bad to be honest, but what Zoey wants...Zoey gets.

I mean look...she wanted me, and she got me.

Once seated in the booth, the waiter came out, giving us our menus. I noticed him ogle at Zoey which she took to her advantage, batting her eyelashes at him. She was trying to get me jealous, and it was working.

Yet, I clenched my fist under the table, pretending it had no effect on me.  

"So-o two cherry colas? Anything else?" he asked, pushing his broad-framed glasses up his nose more.

"Yeah. Actually could you get us a margarita to split too, doll?" I bit my lip to suppress the laugh. Zoey had more balls than me I swear.

"Uh-h well um you have to be twenty-one for alcoholic beverages u-uh..." His face flushed a bright red, unknowing what to do. 

"It's alright, two cherry cokes are fine, man." I finally spoke up, with which he nodded before scurrying off. I locked gazes with Zoey as we both laughed. God, her sassy ways would never get old.

"He's fairly hot," she said, knowing damn well he was ugly as shit. 

"Yeah, if you were comparing him to Jordan's face, maybe." With that she laughed so hard, she snorted which then caused me to laugh.

Once the waiter brought out our drinks, he took down our orders which consisted of the chips and salsa and ribs. I was going to get their southwestern burger or something like that, but Zoey convinced me that the ribs were a better choice. 

She's the Chili's expert I guess.

Once our plate of baby-back ribs came out, we devoured those slabs a meat like they were nothing. Well, more Zoey than myself. We were both a mess, with BBQ sauce smothered all over our faces. Zoey, being the little trouble-maker she is, crawled out of the booth, still full of BBQ sauce, slid next to me, and kissed me. 

Not just on the lips where it would've been easy to lick the sauce off, but all over my freaking face. She giggled as she thought she was victorious. But little did she know, two can play at this game.

I smeared more sauce on my face and grabbed her's with my hands and rubbed it all over her face. She squealed in disgust as every head, I swear, in that restaurant stared at us like we were idiots.

Which we are. This time, me more so than Zoey.

"You jerk!" she muttered, as she grabbed my napkin, wiping her face off. Once she cleared her face off, she wiped mine off too. I couldn't help to study her face. She is damn beautiful.

"We are such children..." she mumbled, giving me a small smile. I smiled back before pulling her in to kiss me again. She tasted like BBQ and something sweet. 

"Be my girlfriend?" The statement was more of a question. She rolled her eyes before nodding.

"I mean I kind of assumed, but I guess let's make it official." 

"Now we're officially official." I winked with which she chuckled a bit before kissing me again.

I could get used to this.


Hey dudes!

Like woah...I FINALLY updated this book! lol

Hopefully you liked the cute lil chapter! I got more in store for y'all, don't worry!

You may think it's over... but oh no! Not even close! HEH HEH HEH

p.s thank you to those who continue to show me love by commenting and voting! Ya rock mah dudes!

much love <3

~Madelyn Joy

*This is unedited* 

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