Shadows and Harmony Part 2

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you were at Twilight's welcome to ponyvile party, which Pinkie obviously set up herself, it was flawless. music was just right, all your friends were there, and you were drinking  from a flask of caramel apple bourbon that pinkie pulled from her mane and gave to you. you never took her for a drinker, but then again maybe she wasn't, nothing was certain when it came to that mare.

you were currently talking with Rarity.

Rarity: Darling, While I understand a majority of the specifications, what I fail to understand is why you ask me to make the majority of your clothes Black.

Y/n: It's just my color preference Rarity. I just prefer black and the darker shades of other colors. Like your mane and tail for instance, their both a beautiful shade of indigo purple.

Rarity blushes at your sentiment, she couldn't help it really. Whenever you said anything   remotely nice to her she felt flustered. Normally when a stallion approached her with a nice words of any kind it was then followed by them asking her for a date, she turned them all away of course. Her main goal currently was to find a prince to marry, but however, even when you weren't around, she found her mind drifting off to thoughts mainly about  you. 

Rarity: W-why thank you darling.

Y/n: Well your welcome. *sips bourbon*

Just then you noticed Twilight walk into the bedroom of the library, seeming slightly annoyed. 

Rainbow: What's up with her?

You turn your head seeing Rainbow dash on your left.

Y/n: Don't know, Imma go talk to her. Dash, hold my drink.

Rainbow: Sure thing.

You hand the flask to her and she takes it in her right hoof, as you walk off dash can be seen drinking the booze. You follow twilight into her room to find her sitting on a bed with a pillow covering her head with a depressed atmosphere around her.

Y/n: Hey twilight, you ok?

Twilight: *sigh* well. . . .

Y/n: Well?

You could see it on her face, she was internally debating on whether or not she should tell you something. Eventually, she came to her decision.

Twilight: Ok, so here's the thing, before i came to ponyvile I read an old pony tale and it says on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in Nightmare Moon's escape and she will bring eternal night, and I believe that it's referring to tonight and. . . . .

Y/n's thoughts: Wait, she said Nightmare Moon right? 

Twilight: Ummmm, Y/n?

Y/n: I'm sorry, but did you say Nightmare Moon?

Twilight: Yes why, do you not believe me?

She looked at you with a distressed face.

Y/n: No actually in a matter a fact, I do believe you and I would like to offer you my help.   

Twilight looked up at you with quite a a bit of surprise.

Twilight: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, as if I'll just sit back and let her have her way.  So yeah count me in.

Twilight was stunned you, a creature whom she just met instantly believes her and is willing to risk his life alongside her.

Y/n: Besides your my friend, and I'll be damned to tartarus before I let anyone hurt my friends.

Twilight: We're friends?

Y/n: I mean sure, you look smart and you seem nice enough. Anyway,  I'll be downstairs if you need me.

As you left to go back to the party, Twilight was stunned to say the least,  but then just smiled and chuckled to herself.

Twilight's Thoughts: Y/n, you are a fasnating individual. I'm glad i met you today.

Meanwhile downstairs. . .

Y/n: Dash, why did you drink all my liquor?

Dash: Hey in my defence. . . . . Yeah, i got nothin'.

Y/n: *Sighs* 

Pinkie: Here you go Y/n.

Pinkie suddenly pops up from no where, which makes you jump slightly. She reaches into her mane and pulls out another flask and hands or rather "hooves" it to you.

Y/n: Thank you again Pinkie, great party by the way?

Pinkie: *giggles* Your welcome, and thank you to Y/n.

Y/n: No problem.

You then take a deep swig of the liqour.


Later at night, you and the ponies of ponyvile have gathered in the town hall, waiting for the festivities of the Summer Sun Celebration to begin. You stand next to Twilight who has spike on her back along with RD, AJ, and Pinkie standing by while Fluttershy was getting the bird choir ready to sing while Rarity was standing on the central balcony, ready to reveal the appearance of Princess Celestia. 

As you all waited Pinkie had told Twilight about when you first  arrived in Ponyville, and how helpful you been to the community since. 

Twilight: Has he ever stated where he's originaly from. 

Pinkie Pie: Hmmmm nope, never has now that i think about it. Anyway, Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited— well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went [deep gasp] but I mean really, who can top that?

Mayor mare was now standing at the poduim, ready to give her speech.

Mayor Mare: Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!

You peered out a window and took notice that some of the stars were on a collision path with the moon. Taking your hand you gently tap twilight with the back of it, looking up to you out of confusion you point to the moon out the window and upon looking her eyes widen.  You both watch as the stars crash into it, causing the mark of the pony upon it to disappear.

[ponies cheering]

Mayor Mare: In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria ...Princess Celestia!

With that being said, Rarity pulled on the rope to reaveal moving the curtains to reveal princess Celestia. . . . But she wasn't there.

Twilight Sparkle: This can't be good.

Y/n: She's here. . . .

Twilight looks up at you to see you with your eyes closed, meanwhile everypony else in town hall had begun to chatter amoungst themselfs about the inigma of the current situation.

Mayor Mare: Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?

Rarity: She's gone!

All the ponies gasp at this information, you however felt a demon's presence near, it was strong, dark, and held nothing but mal-intentions. 

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, she's good.

then something appeared that made Pinkie yelp.  A Purple mist gathered at the central balcony where Celestia was supposed to be and it revealed somepony completely different.

Twilight Sparkle: Nightmare Moon!

Spike fainted off twilight's back, you grin and proceed to a table near by.   

Nightmare Moon: Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.

Rainbow Dash: What did you do with our Princess?!

Rainbow tries to launch herself at Nightmare moon, but Applejack grabed her tail and pulled her back while nightmare moon gives an evil chuckle.

Nightmare Moon: Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty— 

Applejack shoved an apple in Pinkie's mouth to silence her.

Nightmare Moon: Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?

Twilight Sparkle: I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!

Everypony gasped in shock at the fact that Twilight knew exactly who she was.

Nightmare Moon: Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.

Twilight Sparkle: You're here to... to... [gulp]

Nightmare Moon: [chuckle] Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever

Nightmare moon laughs evilly as she released lighting and darkness throughout town hall, everypony was afraid, but you however. . . . . .

Chuckling and then slow clapping can be heard getting louder as you were seen approaching Nightmare Moon from her left on the balcony. 

Y/n: Night. . . Will Last. . . Forever. . . . HeHe, bold claim for somepony so. . . Ignorant.

Nightmare Moon: Pardon, and what sort of filthy creature do you think you are to insult me as such.

Rainbow Dash was quick to come to your defense of Nightmare moon's comment about you being a filthy creature, but before she could speak a word you looked directly at her with a calm face and motion for her silence. You look back to Nightmare moon.

Y/n: Eternal night benefits no one, not the plants, not the animals, not even you somepony who wants to rule Equestira. . . .

Nightmare moon: Oh really?

She was genuinely intrigued by your words.

Y/n: But then I figured out, you don't want to rule Equsetria, you wish to watch as it slowly withers and collapses, as every living thing suffocates and suffers from starvation because nothing will grow due to lack of sunlight. You want to watch it all die as they beg you to bring the sun back.

she looked at you with a hint of surprise, and then gained an evil smile.

Nightmare moon: hmm, look at what we have here . . . . . You know I could use a creature such as yourself. I'll make you an offer, their is one obstacle left before the night becomes truly eternal. help me in it's removal and I'll and I will give you Immortality, as well as a seat beside mine to rule as Equestria dies.

Y/n: hmmm. . . . 

you put your hand to your chin to make it seem like you were considering her offer, much to the distress of everypony in the townhall.

Y/n: interesting offer but, I don't negotiate with weak ass fuckwits, so head strait to Tartarus Bitch.

Nightmare moon look beyond pissed, you turned around and walked away as she made her horn glow. a sword appeared with her aura griping handle.

Nightmare Moon: Then you'll be the first to die!

time seemed to slow as her sword flew at you in an attempt to impale you, Rainbow was preparing to take the blade in your place, she how ever couldn't do a thing because right before she took off, something happened that surprised everypony. . . 

(Play music)

Faster then anypony could blink, their was the sound of steel hiting steel ponies gasped as they watch you spin 180 degrees and parry the sword in a fluid motion with your Katana, you run at Nightmare moon who has a shocked look on her face, she tries to strike you several times over and and with eack quick step you took you blocked and deflect each strike until you end up in a sword lock with her.

You look at her with a serious face and begin taking a few steps forward pushing her sword toward her face. You then stood their your face a few inches from hers, you looked her dead in the eyes and said. . . . . 

Y/n: I ment what i said when i called you weak.

You yanked your katana at a downward angle and she used her wings  to propel herself back barely avoiding the edge of your blade, at that moment sevral circles of dim light appered behind her the same color as her arua, and duplications of her sword flew out of them at you at alarming speeds. 

Your sword disappeared and your bow appears in its place, you made a mad dash for the railing of the balcony, steping off of it you launching you into the air while you knock an explosive variant ice arrow.

Y/n: Time to put this hot head. . .

You fully extend your wings keeping you in the air.

Y/n: . . . On ice!

You let the arrow go and your is true, the arrow hits it and explodes in a white fog that envelopes the balcony freezing over everything it touches leaving behind only ice, but how ever Nightmare moon had transformed back into mist, and you watched as she left through the window behind the balcony, you then whisper to yourself.

Y/n: Fuck.

(stop the music here or if your a skillet fan let it play) 

When the clash started, ponies fled the Town hall like it was on fire, the only ones that did't were the mane six.  all 6 of them ran up to you with Fluttershy almost tackling you hugging you as tight as she could.


Y/n: Yeah Rarity, I'm-

Rainbow: Are you kidding, of course he's fine. That was AWESOME!

Twilight: WHAT ARE YOU!?

You and the rest of the mane 6 jumped a little upon hearing her yell.

Y/n: I-i don't know what you me-

Twilight: You know exactly what i mean, I've studied my entire life in a vast range of subjects, one of which being magic, and thier is not a ice spell, charm, or enchantment in equestria, that potent or instantaneous. 

Y/n: . . . .

Twilight: So i'll say it again, what are you?

Their was an uncomfortable scilence among the 7 of you,the others never really thought about your arcane capabilities, you just told them you had magic and that was it, they never asked how strong or what your magic was primarily for.

Y/n: I. . . i can't tell you.

Applejack: Can't and won't are two different things Y/n. So would ya mind explai'n why you can't?

You were at an impasse, you don't want to lie especially not to AJ, but you can't tell them the truth either.

Y/n: As much as i want, i can't tell you that either, but once we solve the nightmare moon situation,  i'll tell you all everything. . . .i promise.

Pinkie: Pinkie promise?

You smile.

Y/n: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

Pinkie smiles.

Y/n: Now. . . 

Your bow disapears as you point to Twilight.

Y/n: I assume you have a plan considering you knew about Nightmare moon in the firstplace? 

Twilight: As a matter of fact i do, follow me back to the library i need to find out where the Elements of Harmony are.

You all left towards the Golden Oak Library 

To be continued. . .

Sneak peak:

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