Shadows and Harmony (Part 3)

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Back at the golden oak library, Twilight puts an unconscious spike to bed not wanting him to get involved not wanting him to get involved With Nightmare Moon. She then rushes back to the library  as you and her both were tossing books around for the information you were looking for.

Twilight: Find anything?

Y/n: not yet, but I'll keep looking.

of course you already knew where they were, the elements were in the castle of the two sisters out in the Everfree and on top of that you already knew the 6 mares in the room were to be the next bearers of their own element, with Pinkie receiving laughter, Fluttershy kindness, Applejack honesty, Rainbow loyalty, and Rarity Generosity, now that means Twilight was left with the element of magic. however you couldn't just tell them that, there was a process  that had to be done in order for them to receive theirs and it was already under way.

Twilight: Elements, elements, elements... Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?

Rainbow: And just what are these Elements of Harmony, and how do they relate Nightmare Moon anyways? 

Twilight: The Elements of  Harmony are apparently these mysterious objects that are the only things that can stop Nightmare Moon, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!

Y/n: Calm down Twilight,  something, anything on the elements has to be somewhere in the library.

Pinkie: Found it, The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.

Twilight pushed pinkie away to confirm her search and it was the book she was looking for

Twilight: How did you find that?!

Pinkie: It was under "E"!

Y/n's thoughts: 

You snicker.

At that moment Twilight opened the book and began to read it aloud.

Twilight: it is said that There are 7 Elements , six of them being harmony and the seventh being. . .
Y/n: Being ..?

Twilight begins flipping through the pages with her magic.

Twilight: That's. . . odd, It doesn't say anything else about the seventh, I can't find anything about where it is or what it represents.

Rarity: Twilight darling, what about the other six?

Twilight shakes her thoughts away and flips back to the page she was on before.

Twilight: only five out of the six Elements of Harmony are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of these five elements was in the ancient castle of the two sisters. It is located in what is now the Everfree Forest.

Y/n: Well if your going there, then I'm coming with you!

Applejack: No, we are coming with you!

Twilight: Wait, everypony, I appreciate the gestures, but this is something I need to do on my own. and Y/n I know you said you wanted to help me, but the the bottom line is I don't want to put anypony in harms way.

Y/n: neither do I.

Twilight: Huh?

Y/n: let's look at the situation like this, You about to trot into a dangerous forest at night, full of dangerous creatures and Harmonia knows what else, so as your friend I- no we are coming with you. . . as a team.

Applejack: Y/n's right, We ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone, so We'll be stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple.

Pinkie: Especially if there's candy apples in there.

Everyone looked at pinkie with confused looks.

Pinkie: What? Those things are good.

You just rolled your eyes and chuckled.

Y/n: Typical Pinkie Pie.

You and the mane 6 are currently proceeding through the Everfree Forest until you reach a cliffside while everyone besides you and twilight are shaking.

Twilight: So, none of you have been in here before?

Rarity:  Ugh, heavens no! Just look at it - it's dreadful.

Y/n: I was just here yesterday morning.

They all look at you a bit shocked.

Rainbow: What, why !?

Y/n: where else do you think I go to bathe and wash my clothes?

Rarity: Darling I honestly thought you went to a spa, you always looked so well groomed.

Y/n: well I prefer to do that myself, mostly because I know I can more thoroughly clean myself.

While you and the girls were busy, Nightmare Moon's mist seeps into the cliffside.

Applejack: Ok that I can get, but  WHY go to  the Everfree forest, I've heard folks say it don't work the same as Equestria.

Twilight: What's that supposed to mean?

The ground began to rumble, which confused some of the ponies.

Y/n: What is that?

Suddenly there was a loud crash and the ground beneath the 7 of you begins to break away as Nightmare moon's mist flies away from the cliffside. meanwhile Pinkie, Rarity, AJ, and Twilight tumble down the slope screaming, while you, Rainbow, and Fluttershy avoided the fall, by using your wings.

Rainbow: Fluttershy!  Y/n! Quick!

Y/n: Right!

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

The four mares scream as they fall down the slope which leads to a large drop off of a cliff. Rainbow catches pinkie, Flutters catches Rarity, And you catch Applejack, but Twilight kept sliding down the slope and soon ended up hanging off the edge of the cliff.


Applejack: Y/n, hurry!

You nod as both you and AJ land in front of Twilight and grabbed her front legs to keep her from falling.

Twilight: Applejack! Y/n! What do I do?

You and AJ held her tightly as Applejack looked up and saw something and then look back at Twilight.

Applejack: Let go.

Twilight: Are you crazy?

Applejack: No I ain't. I promise you'll be safe.

Twilight: That's not true!

Y/n: Twilight, have faith in the words of your friends, we won't let you get hurt, just let go.

Twilight hesitated and nodded as she lets go of both your appendages. At first, Twilight screamed as she fell, but she was quickly caught Rainbow and Fluttershy who carried her back to the ground where everyone else was.

Y/n: You Ok?

You asked 

Twilight: Yes, Thank you for asking.

You froze for a moment, you could feel The presence of nightmare moon watching you and the girls. It was very clear but you couldn't say anything about it because you had to follow the process. Though it was clear that you had to keep your gaurd up for more attempts by moon on attempts on the girls lives.

(Sorry it's not as long as the other chapters, but I'm honestly thinking about a rewrite. I have for awhile and I want to know if you guys honestly wanna see that, please let me know.

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