Percabeth (Part 2)

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You guys know I love y'all right? No? IK that was such a rick move. Here's a p2 to explain things.

Percy's pov
"Mom" I asked. Me and my mom are in the kitchen. She's making cookies. My little sister is with Paul on a daddy daughter dance thing.
"Hmm?" she asks.
"I er I want to um-"
"Spit it out Percy!" She says laughing.
"Uhhh what?!"
"Am I too young to propose to Annabeth?!"
She drops the bowl of cookie dough she's holding.
"I'm 19!"
"Your just a baby!"
We both say at the same time.
She looks at me.
"Do you have a ring?"
I nod. It's silver band with a very small pearl in it. It's very simple and I'll think that she'll like it.

"Percy. It's pretty. I just think that you're really young. I know that you love each other. But she'll still be here in a few years. And you guys can get married then."
"Mom. What if we're not alive in a few years? We're dimigods. We could go on a quest and die tomorrow." She starts crying. "I know. I think if you love her go for it."
The next day I iris message Mr. Chase.
"Hey Percy!"
"Hey. I was wondering if erm, I'm asking for Annabeths hand." He looks surprised for a moment. "Well yes. You seem like a nice young man and you make Annabeth happy. And whatever Annabeth thinks. She is perfectly capable of making her own choices."

So the next time I see Annabeth we go to a park. I see a bunch of little kids running around. "Annabeth, do you ever want to have kids of our own?" She nods. I was going to propose right then but then I thought I should do it's somewhere special. So I don't. A few days later we go to camp. We're on the dock and no one is around.
"Annabeth? Remember our first kiss?"
"Yeah?" I push her in.
Keeping my focus to keep her dry I jump in after her. I make an air bubble and she starts yelling at me. "Hold on Annabeth." I let our bubble sink to the bottom. Then I sit down on one knee. "Annabeth chase, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. You are strong and beautiful. You are perfect. Annabeth chase will you marry me?" She starts crying and then nods. We come out and Annabeth whispers to me. "We should prank everyone! To think we've broken up." This isn't really like her but I smile and nod. Then she starts screaming at me, tosses the ring in the water and slaps me. I dive in after the ring and when I come up she's sitting on the dock crying. "You good" I whisper as I walk past. She nods ever so slightly. So I walk by and storm into my cabin. We only see each other at night (when she comes into my cabin) or when no one is around.

The next week is the funniest thing ever. People come out to me asking what happened to "Percabeth" at the end of the week we decide to tell the camp.

At dinner we ask Mr. D. to announce it.
"We welcome the new campers and we are having some kinda activity tomorrow at the lake blah blah blah and also Perry Johnson and Anniebell Clark are getting married." The whole camp turns to look at us. Then they start clapping.

I was getting married to Annabeth Chase.

Annabeths pov
I already knew. Piper and I were trying to play a prank on Percy. We snuck into his cabin while he was out swimming. We were going to steal all of his clothes. But when I opened his underwear drawer (because eww why would piper want to touch Percy's underwear gross -even though they were clean... maybe) I saw a box. A very small grey box. I screamed and piper cake running over. "See I told you- Oh. My. Gods. Open it!" She yelled. I saw the ring. I started crying. Percy loved me so so so much. I new that. But it's different to know that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

Percy Jackson wanted to marry me.

720 words

Did I fool you? Was this good? I feel like rick *evil laugh*

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