교환 학생

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Everyone had heard the rumours of an exchange student coming to Hogwarts. Nobody had hear of this happening for years, so it was the talk of the whole school; even people outside of Hogwarts could be heard gossiping about it.

The only thing that people had heard about this new student was that they were moving from Korea, so it was even more exciting to the students already attending and about to attend. It was nearly as big as the news of Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban.

All of this was obviously not boding well for the exchange student, who was already terrified about moving to Hogwarts; not just because of it being a new school, but because it was a whole new country and said school had the chosen one. That wasn't the reason he was going, but obviously going to the same school as Harry Potter was a rather interesting factor to the whole school move.

Sat in Incheon International Airport in Korea, a teen boy in a grey stripped jumper and white jeans with brown Dr. Martins was sat on one of the metal benches. He was reading a newspaper which was talking about the whole topic. He sighs and folds it up into a neat square, rubbing the bridge of his nose and softly shaking his head.

"Why is the headline literally '교환 학생'? Couldn't they have been more adventurous, instead of literally putting 'the exchange student'?" he sighs to himself, speaking in English, so it was less likely the people around him would understand.

The intercom then calls out for the flight to London was now boarding, so he stands up and grabs his handheld luggage - a simple brown bag - and walks towards the flight attendant, who takes his ticket and directs him onto the plane. He smiles to her and thanks her in Korean, before walking along the platform towards the plane he would spend the next eleven hours.

The teen eventually finds his seat on the plane and sits down, placing his bag on his lap. He relaxes in the chair and lets out a sigh of relief, he was finally on the way to his new life, finally able to make his own way in his life, and he was only fourteen. He felt free, well sort of, he was still stuck on a plane, but oh well.

Once everyone had entered the plane, the captain talks over the intercom enouncing to the passengers, "런던행 항공편에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 우리는 다섯 분 안에 들어 올릴 것이므로 안전 벨트를 착용하고 편안하게 지내십시오. 비행은 열한 시간 동안 지속됩니다, 감사합니다." [Translation: Welcome aboard the flight to London. We will lift off in five minutes, so please fasten your seatbelts and get comfortable. The flight will last eleven hours, thank you.]

After double checking that he'd correctly fastened his seatbelt, the exchange student settles into his seat and closes his eyes, ready for a long awaited nap; muttering to himself before he fell into slumber, "A new life awaits you, Y/n..."


Eleven hours later, the plane landed on English soil - not literally. Y/n had been awake for the last four hours, being between sleep for a few hours before, so he'd had a snack to ease his rumbling tummy. He was glad to finally get out of that plane, to be able to look around the country he would call his home, at least for a few years.

He exited the plane along with the rest of the passengers, his bag tightly in his grasp. As he stood on the concrete, waiting to be directed where to go to get his luggage, he took in the fresh air and smiled. From the clouds, he could tell that it was going to rain soon, but that only made him smile more. This was exactly what he predicted from England, exactly like what had been described to him, and he wasn't even at the magical side of the city yet.

He excitedly followed the crowd of people towards the airport, ready to grab his luggage and leave the crowded area as soon as possible. He wanted to find London's ministry of magic as soon as possible, so he could get his wand fully registered before he could find a place to stay for the next few nights. He'd managed to arrive in London a few days before the school year would start so he could have a look around the city before having to get on the train to his new school. He believed this would be the best way to accustom to the new country and the new time schedule - meaning he could get jetlag before he had to deal with all of the fuss of him being the exchange student.

After grabbing his suitcase from the conveyor belt, he quickly walks out of the airport and towards a taxi, asking for the taxi to take him to Westminster - he'd heard that was where the entrance to the ministry was. The taxi then sped off as Y/n looked out through the window, admiring the sites of the new city he'd be a part of now.


Y/n waves to the taxi driver as they speed off, leaving him and his bags on the pavement. He smiles to himself and looks at the red telephone box, before going inside - which was a squeeze with the bags. He calls the number and explains why he was there, which leads to him being pulled down, to the ministry of magic.

Y/n looks out of the window in awe. He'd never seen the ministry in England before, and it was a lot bigger than he would have expected. With a smile on his face, he walks out and drags his bags with him. He then looked around confused, not seeing a reception. He decides to ask someone who was passing by instead.

He spotted a man with ginger hair who had a smile on his face, so assuming he was kind and would help him, he went over to them. "Excuse me?" He calls out, as he was closer, but trying not to sound too rude. Once the ginger man turned around, y/n smiles gently and explains, "I've just moved to England today and I was hoping to get my wand permit fully finished. Could you point me in the right direction, please?"

The man smiles at him and says, "Hello and welcome to London! Yes of course, I can take you if you'd like, I don't start work for a while." You smile and thank him, following after him as he starts walking. "I'm Arthur, by the way, Arthur Weasley."

"I'm y/n l/n, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley," he replies, a his smile widening at the polite greeting exchanged between the two. From this, he could already tell that he'd enjoy it here.

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