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It had been two hours since y/n had met Arthur, who had kindly given him a brief tour around the ministry on their way to the wand permit office. Y/n had gotten the permit a little while ago and was walking back the way he came, as to find his way out - he should have probably asked Mr. Weasley about that.

On his way he heard whispers about the escapee, Sirius Black. Unlike the whisperers, y/n didn't believe that Sirius was at fault. He'd heard the telling of the story, well he'd heard many versions of the story. Nobody seemed to know what actually happened, there was always variations and nobody ever fully agreed with each other. So, suspicions indicated that Sirius was either set up, or the whole thing had been a miscommunication. Therefore, y/n was rather glad that Sirius had escaped from Azkaban, and if he ever met the man himself, he'd try and figure out what actually happened.

Eventually, he found the exit to the ministry, which was by using the floo network. Y/n hadn't really used the floo network, as there were easier ways to travel in Korea, so he was a little nervous to use it. Fortunately, he was able to watch other people going ahead of him, so he was able to get the gist of what he had to do, and he decided he'd head straight to The Leaky Cauldron, as it would save him a lot of time.

Y/n grabs a handful of floo powder and stands in the fireplace, holding onto his suitcase and brown bag, before announcing clearly, "The Leaky Cauldron." He then throws the powder at his feet, before being enveloped by the flames. He flinches a little, scared the flames would burn him, but none even came into contact with his skin.

Y/n then stumbles as he was chucked out in The Leaky Cauldron, catching himself before he falls on his face. He then looks up and laughs awkwardly as he sees the people inside the inn we're all looking at him. He then clears his throat and goes to the bar to talk to the owner of the inn.

He smiles at them and says, "Hello, I was wondering if I could have a room for a few nights?"

The owner of the inn looks at y/n, up and down, before smiling and nodding. "Yeah sure, I'm guessing it's going to be until school starts?" Y/n nods as a confirmation to the man, who then walks around the counter and then signals for the teen to follow him. Y/n smiles and walks behind the man, who leads him to an empty room. "This is where you'll be staying. here's the key-" he then hands y/n a key. "And if you want, I can provide you with breakfast and dinner if you'd like. I'll give you a discount as you're a student."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that!" y/n reassures the other, looking a little awkward. He didn't like getting special treatment, it always made him feel self conscious and like he only got it because people felt bad for him. 

He chuckles and smiles at her gently. "It's a thing i do for anyone who stays here that's a student, don't worry, it's not special treatment. I've got a few students and their families staying here at the moment, actually. I'm sure you'll see them around."

Y/n sighs softly and nods, agreeing to the student discount for the bed and breakfast deal. He then smiles and replies, "Then thank you, and thank you for letting me know. I'll be certain to keep an eye out for them, but not too obviously of course, haha."

The man chuckles as y/n pulls out his purse, taking out some galleons and handing it over; the man counted it and thanked him after y/n said he could keep the change. The teen then unlocks his door and goes inside, looking around the room with a gentle smile. "This looks really nice, I'm glad I chose this place," he hummed to himself.

He finally set his suitcase and bag down, before flopping onto the bed and letting out a sigh of relief. 'This is really comfortable', he thinks, shutting his eyes as he relaxed. He'd missed the feeling of a bed, having been stuck on the aeroplane for so long. Without realising, he slowly fell asleep; not even fully on the bed, with his legs off the side of the bed and his arms spread out on either side of his head.


Light shines through the windows, making y/n's face seem like it was the sun itself. Waking up from his face slightly burning from the sun, he groans softly and sits up, stretching out his back. the awkward angle had definitely hurt his back, but he'd never admit that, as he'd had a good sleep; excluding the position.

Y/n yawns and rubs his eyes tiredly, he then stands up and opens his suitcase, getting out an outfit for the new day. He had a few things he had to do before going to Hogwarts, so he suspected that he'd do a few things today. He grabbed out a nice pair of grey jeans, along with a long, baggy white shirt and a baggy dark blue jumper. 

Once dressed he grabbed his keys and his brown bag, before putting it on his back and walking out of the room, locking it behind him. He smiles to himself, before walking down the corridor, towards the set of stairs that would take him to the main area of the inn, where people were eating breakfast and drinking. Looking over the banister, he very briefly people watched, noticing a few families sat around the tables together; before he started walking down the stairs.

Your descent down the stairs caused a few people to look over curiously, but you took no mind and headed straight over to the owner who smiled at you. "How did you sleep? I didn't see you last night for dinner," he half teased, with a small smirk on his face.

Y/n chuckles and smiles at him. "I slept wonderfully, thank you. I fell straight asleep as soon as I led down," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, but soon relaxed when he saw the man smile and chuckle along with him.

"Alright, well go grab your breakfast and look after yourself, I'll see you tonight alright?" he says, obviously hinting that he had to get on with work, to which y/n understood and left the man alone to do what he needed to do.

Y/n stifles a yawn and looks around, before spotting the area where he could get his breakfast, kindly greeting the lady who was giving it out. He made pleasant conversation with each other as the lady made him some pancakes with syrup and strawberries; very similar to what he had back in Korea, if he was lucky.

He thanks her and then turns around to try and find a spot, however he realised that there was hardly any room left. He spotted a space near a rather large family, so he approached them, going to awkwardly ask them. As he got closer, his eyes widened and lit up. He smiles brightly and gently calls out, "Mr. Weasley!"

Arthur turns around to see y/n stood there with a plate in his hand. He smiles and says, "Y/n! How lovely to see you again! Sit, sit!" He then directs you to sit beside a feminine person with fluffy long brown hair and coffee skin and opposite two boys; one with brown hair, glasses and tanned skin, and the other with ginger hair and pale skin. "Everyone, this is y/n. He's just moved over from Korea and I helped him yesterday at the ministry."

"Hello everyone," he replies, smiling and shyly waving at everyone, who returned the smiles and waves. Arthur gently clapped y/n on the shoulder, before moving to sit next to, presumably his partner - from how they interacted, he guessed was his wife. Y/n then smiles at the people around him, before shyly eating his pancakes.

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