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3rd Person

Robots were still coming, but slowly and definitely easier to handle than before. Without a word, Perseus linked his fingers into Loki's and they both disappeared. Everyone, but the new avengers acted as if that were perfectly normal.

"Where did they go?" Pietro asked bewildered.

"How did they do that?" Wanda questioned astounded.

"It doesn't matter right now," Hawkeyes answered, putting away his weapons.

"We've got a job to finish," Natasha Romanoff said, following her partner to a vehicle.

"I want everyone gathering the remaining citizens into safety." Captain America ordered.

"Thor, I need you to be here when I give the go," Ironman informed the Norse god.

"Aye, Stark. I shall be ready!" Thor proclaimed.


Meanwhile, Agent Jackson and Loki reappeared at the edge of the island. Both of them silently observed the Earth below. It was steadily growing smaller, and fires and wreckage could be made out.

Agent Jackson turned towards Loki, his expression serious. Loki glanced confusedly at his partner, wondering what his thoughts were.

"I want you to go below, and use your magic to protect them... in case we don't make it." Perseus declared softly.

Immediately Loki scowled,"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving you here."

"I'm one person," Perseus argued, his eyes flickering to the city below,"There are millions down there with families, friends. I'm an Agent."

"With family and friends—" Loki was cut off abruptly.

"Please?" Perseus pleaded.

Loki hesitated, there was something in Perseus' eyes that unnerved him. A spark of hope, intertwined with strings of desperation. There was something Perseus wasn't saying. Something about why this was important to him.


Perseus' lips thinned into a line,"Last time there was a battle, I lost my family because there was no one there with the ability to stop them from getting crushed by a building."

Loki frowned,"The last battle was when I brought the chitauri to New York."

Perseus' gave him a solemn look,"Any dead will result negatively for the Avengers, so Apollo and Hermes are already down there by my request."

"Perseus, I am sorry," Loki's expression was somber.

"Not your fault," Perseus reminded gently,"Go save others."

Loki nodded seriously. Perseus quickly leaned in for a good luck kiss, but Loki had other ideas. Loki wrapped his fingers around Perseus' belt loops, tugging him forward and inserting his tongue into Perseus' mouth.

Perseus quickly lost himself, and moaned heatedly. Unknown to them, their com links were still on, so unfortunately for them, the moment go ruined by Tony Stark. Luckily for the rest of the avengers, they didn't have to listen to their coworkers make out session.

"Hey, Agent Jackson!" Iron man snickered,"That game of tonsil hockey better be short, we've still got to stop this giant piece of rock from falling from the sky."

The two separated, Loki smirking while Perseus was a little breathless with a dazed look in his eyes. Agent Jackson quickly snapped back into work mode at Stark's words, scowling.

"Can it, Stark. I'll be at the core in a minute."

"Hurry, we only have a couple of those," Rogers commanded.

Perseus rolled his eyes, and pecked Loki on the cheek before disappearing into vapor. When Perseus' disappeared, Loki sighed sadly and shook his body to ready himself. Taking a deep breath, the silver tongue jumped off of the island, transporting away in a flash of green.


Thor had returned with Captain America to the core to check up on Wanda. Pietro and Hawkeye were scavenging the citizens, and the Hulk and Natasha were off doing who knows what. The Vision rejoined the group at the core as well and Ironman was below the island trying to put his plan to action.

Agent Jackson reappeared on top of the machine, crouching with the usual blank expression on his face. He spread his hand, and thrust them outwards, all incoming robots were blasted backwards with a wave of water.

"Rogers, Vision, perimeter check." Agent Jackson commanded,"Thor, clear the area. Wanda and I'll be here."

Suddenly, Thor was knocked right off of his feet as Ultron flew in, his metal melted horribly. Ultron caught Thor in a choke hold, his hammer on the ground meters away. A couple of robots flew at the core while Thor was distracted.

Wanda became preoccupied, and the rest of the avengers were not in the area. With the exception of Agent Jackson who's piercing eyes analyzed the situation. His eyes switching from the weapon on the floor, to the enemy under the roof.

"You think you're saving people?" Ultron goaded, "I drop this rock, there are still billions of people dead!"

"I am Thor, son of Odin!" The lightning god bellowed,"As long as there is life in my breast... I am running out of things to say, are you ready?"

Ultron turned around quickly to try and face what Thor's eyes were locked on. The glowing red eyes saw not one, but two incoming things. In the distance was a man of red, blue, and gold coloring, but he was not the offender.

That was Agent Jackson, he swung Thor's mighty hammer, and it cackled with lightning as it collided with Ultron. The metal man roared in anger as he flew through the wall. Thor stood, nodding gratefully to the young Agent, who handed back the weapon.

Vision was floating next to them looking quite disgruntled. Agent Jackson surprisingly grinned at the both of them, quickly glancing at Wanda to make sure she was okay. Sure enough, she was doing great as she tore apart the robots with only the power of her mind.

"I believe that was my job." Vision stated.

Agent Jackson laughed, amused by the situation. Thor next to him grinned with his companion, and clapped the agent on the back. The Vision floated over to Wanda, a little confused about the interaction between the godlings. Captain America returned from the check, and had barely called out a warning before it was too late.

Suddenly, Agent Jackson's arm was pulled backwards, the rest of his body following. Everyone could only watch in slow motion as the agent was thrown some feet away from the rest of the group. Then the robots were on top of them again, even ones torn in half.

The Agent rolled to his feet, pulling out his gun. Ultron stalked forward shooting his own blasts. The demigod dodged the energy, and fired several rounds. When it didn't seem to be working, the agent tossed the gun aside and drew his sword.

In the time it took to draw the sword, the space was shortened, and Perseus was pressed with a flurry of attacks. Sword against fists and blasts of energy, there really was no strategy. Then, Agent Jackson's sword sunk hilt deep into Ultron's gut.

The robot was not fazed, as he kicked the Agent into the air. A flash of purple later, the Agent was tackling Ultron midair from the side. The sword fell, and Agent Jackson stabbed his newly drawn dagger downwards, but the weapon was smacked from his hand.

The agent knew the Soul gem wouldn't work because like Vision, Ultron did not have a soul. The Reality gem was useless, because a mind could not be tricked without the traits of a soul. The only applicable gem Agent Jackson could use was the Space gem, because frankly, he didn't have any training with the Time Gem.

Without warning, Ultron's metal blasted them into the sky. Agent Jackson fell unsurprisingly, and vanished into vapor. Ultron was not fooled this time and flew down next to the fallen sword, picking it up. As predicted, Agent Jackson reappeared in front of Ultron.

Surprise washed across the Agent's face before he reacted, but Ultron was already swinging. Agent Jackson raised his arms and fell back in an attempt to shield his body. He shut his eyes, waiting the inevitable, but was surprised when he heard the clang of metal on metal.

Agent Jackson's eyes flew open and he had just enough time to make out the American shield fly between the robot and him. Going with the flow, Agent Jackson snatched the shield from the air, and countered Ultron's slash with it.

He knocked the sword out of Ultron's hand, and hit him with the shield hard enough to knock him back a step. Agent Jackson threw the shield towards the soldier with enough precision to tear through several robots before returning to Rogers.

When Agent Jackson turned back towards the robot, it was too late. The blast had already been fired and it caught him at his point of center gravity. The agent yelled out in pain, as he flew hard into an abandoned building.

The Agent's chest sizzled, and his vision went blurry. Sounds outside of his head became mixed and distant. He could faintly hear screams and Thor's roar of fury. A bright light took over his vision and he was blinded by Thor's lighting.

All the avengers in the area were racing towards the fallen Agent. Wanda stayed near the core as robots insisted on reaching the machine. Thor flew through the air, with Steve right on his heels, and Vision at his cape.

The Agent lay stunned at the bottom of the building, not processing the situation. Unknown to the Agent, Ultron had blasted the foot of the concrete, so now the building was falling, right on top of him.

They all knew, they were going to be too late. They were to far away, and Agent Jackson wasn't comprehending their words based off of his lack of movement and puzzled expression. Then a miracle happened.

Right before the building came down, Agent Jackson's body flew swiftly towards the avengers with a scarlet wisp. The sound was deafening, and the dust that exploded from the ground was blinding.

The three advancing avengers were momentarily stopped and Wanda stood by the core panting at the effort she exerted. They were all frozen, did she get him out in time? Thor warily advanced towards the last seen position of his brothers partner.

Waving his hand to clear the air, he was met with the barely conscious Agent's top half sticking out from under the building. Captain America sighed in relief as he spotted the young Agent.

"You did it, Wanda!" Rogers informed the scarlet.

"Not quite." Vision pointed out.

They all looked closer at the Agent. Mid thigh and lower was what the building had on him, pinning his legs to the floor. The Agent was breathing harshly, and reaching out towards them.

"Get this gods forsaken rock off of me!" The Agent hissed.

"Of course, Perseus." Thor agreed,"Will you grab the other side, soldier?"

Steve Rogers nodded, and crouched on Agent Jackson's left. They both wedged their fingers underneath the piece of concrete. The Vision had landed and gripped Agent Jackson under the armpits, waiting for the go.

"On my count," Rogers announced,"One. Two."

"Three." Agent Jackson growled.

The two men grunted as they hefted the building off of Agent Jackson's legs. As soon as there was enough room, the Vision pulled Agent Jackson out from underneath. As soon as he was in the clear, Steve and Thor dropped the rock.

Agent Jackson groaned painfully, and leaned against the Vision. Heaving a breath, Steve beckoned Wanda over. Dutifully, she approached the group of men as Steve and Thor carefully maneuvered Agent Jackson between them.

"Let's get to SHIELD," Captain America declared,"Thor and I will support Agent Jackson, Wanda you need to cover for us. Vision, find any left over robots and destroy them."

Agent Jackson became limp as they carried him quickly to SHIELD. His head lolled from side to side, and now settled on Steve Rogers shoulder, but that didn't mean he was out of it. Gun shots sounded and the Agent's head snapped up.

Based off of the sound, the bullets would miss the four of them, but Agent Jackson's eyes focused on Agent Barton a hundred feet ahead of them. From the sound and direction, Agent Jackson concluded that he would be hit, as well as the child in his arms.

Agent Jackson launched himself out of Thor and Steve's arms. He transported into a flash of purple, but it wasn't fast enough. Closing his eyes, the Agent activated the time gem, struggling to control it.

He reappeared in the air, a foot from Pietro and Barton. Time gem wasn't working, and Agent Jackson couldn't form a shield fast enough. Control time, control time, control time, the Agent chanted silently. Then he had an epiphany, you don't control time, time controls you.

Agent Jackson's eyes flew open. He glanced around at everything around him and focused solely on slowing it down within his mind. The gem in the gauntlet flashed orange for the infinity stone, and time slowed.

Agent Jackson wrapped his right arm around Pietro's shoulders, and his left around Agent Barton's. He forced them to face each other so they were shielding the child between the three of them.

Calling upon his father's power, water liquified from the clouds and formed into ice. It grew as a dome around the three, and when it was fully formed, the agent let go of the time. The bullets clinked off of the ice, and passed right over them.

Slowly, Hawkeye rose from his crouch and looked around him in awe. Pietro blinked as he realized he wasn't dead in his sacrifice for the old man. They connected eyes, and Barton swore as he realized what the situation was.

Then they both became aware of the pressure on their shoulders. They turned their eyes towards the Agent who grinned tiredly at them. His legs dangled uselessly as he supported his whole weight on their shoulders.

The Agent grimaced in pain when they both moved. His legs were a bloody mess, but they were all alive. Slowly, the watched as the ice liquified into water, disappearing back into the sky.

Thor, Steve, and Wanda were right outside of the protective dome. Wanda tackled her brother, tears in her eyes as she cried in happiness for his life. She nodded gratefully to Agent Jackson who was now being supported by Steve and Thor once again.

The Agent didn't notice as his eyes rolled into his head, exhaustion and pain finally winning the battle. They all boarded the ship, and once Agent Jackson was safely nestled on board, Thor flew back to the core.


Two beings stood among the woods talking as old friends. One man made of only human muscle, the other as pure metal. It was clear that the battle for the metal man was over, and he had lost, but he still fought on which was admirable in the muscle man's eyes. Sadly, this had to end.

"You're afraid." Vision observed.

"Of you?" Ultron scoffed.

"Of death." Vision stated,"You're the last one."

"You were supposed to be the last." Ultron snarled,"Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave."

"I suppose we're both disappointments." Vision sighed.

Ultron chuckled,"I suppose we are."

"Humans are odd." Vision declared,"They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that."

"They're doomed." Ultron deadpanned.

"Yes. But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." Vision said wisely.

"You're unbearably naive." Ultron sneers.

The Vision shrugged,"Well, I was born yesterday..."

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