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"He doesn't have a what?" Stark demanded.

"A soul." I replied.

We were in the living room in Stark's towers. Everyone was resting from the battle, and once my injuries were evaluated by SHIELD doctors, I was sent on my way. A swig of nectar, and bite of ambrosia later, I was stuck in a wheelchair waiting for my bones to heal.

Bruce, Romanoff, and Barton were sitting on the couch together, the love seat was filled by the siblings. Stark and Rogers were lounging in another couch with Thor and Vision opposite them on a different couch. Then I was in the corner relaxing in my mobile chair, but I still felt tense, Loki hasn't returned.

"I do not understand," Vision stated.

I put my thoughts of Loki on hold for now,"You have a mind, a conscious, not a soul."

"What's the difference?" Wanda questioned me.

"A conscious can decide what's right and wrong," I explained,"A soul decides likes and dislikes. Vision has a conscious, not a soul."

"Can you give him a soul?" Agent Barton asked me curiously, his vision focusing on my left hand.

I frowned,"It is possible, but I need that stone."

Vision brought his hand to his forehead. Confusion was etched on everyone's face, with the exception of Thor who looked side tracked at the moment. He was thinking of Loki, me too. It was getting late, he should've been back by now.

"Why?" Rogers asked confused.

I glanced at him, raising the Gauntlet,"I am the Guardian of the Gems, to protect them, I need to have them."

I saw Pietro about to protest, but with a nudge from Wanda, he stayed silent. I focused on Vision, he contemplated for a moment, before nodding his head in agreement. I wheeled over to him, and he stood, then crouched in front of me.

Closing my eyes, I activated the soul gem. Reaching out in front of me, I located Vision's face. I held it in my hands, and dug my fingers into his temples. He did not feel it, but it was uncomfortable.

I grabbed ahold of his mind, preserving his memories. From that I built a wisp, once it entered him, he would make it his own. Vision would remain the same, but just not carry the powers of the mind gem.

When the mist was strong enough, I manipulated it to stay small. With one hand, I took the mind gem from Vision's body, with my other, I held the soul. Opening my eyes, I stared into Vision's, willing him to open his mouth.

He complied, and gently, I pushed the wisp into his mouth. When the wisp fell inside, it bloomed, filling his whole body, but settling mostly in his heart. I took a deep breath, and placed the mind gem inside the Gauntlet.

When I looked back at Vision, he was blinking like a child. He glanced around curiously, taking a deep breath. I take it, he was just observing his new surroundings because nothing should have changed.

Vision would still have his superior mind, his way of talking, and his memories, but now he was more of a human. The hole in his forehead had disappeared, and he didn't suddenly gain the regular skin color, but he was as normal as the avengers got.

"This is new." Vision stated.

I chuckled, I bet it was. Closing my eyes again, I searched for Loki's soul. I frowned, he wasn't in Sokovia. I searched the other countries just in case. No sign of him, I struggled to reign in my emotions, he had to be somewhere.

I searched Asgard, nothing, where was he. I put my head in my hands, focusing on Loki's soul. I concentrated as hard as I could, ignoring the concerned looks of the avengers.

I sensed someone's hand reaching towards me. I ignored it, but once I felt something poking at my mind, I sat straight up, and hissed at Wanda. She needed to back off or I would make her. Now was not the time.

Pietro started at my attack, and pulled her to the other side of the room. Good, now I was alone. I took a deeper breath, maybe he was in New York, and on the way. Spreading my presence in the World of Souls, I searched all of New York, he wasn't there.

Frantically, I ran across the country to find Loki's soul. Then I stumbled upon Tartarus, he wasn't below the surface like I expected. When I turned, the soul of a horrid titan filled my view. No, I ran to where I knew captives would be if they were here.

Sure enough, there was Loki. I saw his body shaking in fatigue, and his soul flickering in pain. I had to get to him. Suddenly I was ripped out of the World of Souls by Thor. By the expression on his face, he knew.

"I have to go now!" I said to him firmly,"Take me to my room so I can change."

"You're not going anywhere." Romanoff stated seriously.

"Where do you want to go?" Bruce asked.

"I need to go help Loki." I growled, wheeling myself out of the room as fast as I could.

"Help him?" Pietro questioned, speeding in front of me, blocking my way.

"Yes," I said, narrowing my eyes,"He needs my help. You cannot stop me."

"From what?" Wanda asked, standing next to her brother.

"You're still injured!" Barton called out from behind me as I struggled to go around the twins.

"Minor setback." I answered coldly,"Get out of my way."

"No, you can't even walk, Perseus." Thor boomed,"What's wrong with my brother?"

"Just throw me in some water, and I'll be fine." I replied, swiping my hands horizontally.

Pietro and Wanda got moved out of my way. I wheeled my way past, pressing the elevator button. I slammed my hands on the handle rests when it didn't come fast enough. When the doors finally opened, I went to wheel myself in, when my wheelchair suddenly got tipped over.

I let out a yell of surprise as I fell to the floor. It was soon followed by a hiss of pain as my legs were jostled. I glared behind me, Agent Romanoff held my wheelchair in her hands with the rest of the avengers behind her.

"No, Agent Jackson." Romanoff declared,"Tell us what's wrong, and we'll handle it."

I bared my teeth and crawled forward. I looked up at the array of buttons, and reached for mine. Right before I pressed it, a hand blocked my destination. I let out a groan of annoyance, and slapped Rogers hand away.

"Just tell us what's wrong, and we'll let you go." Rogers promised, standing in front of the buttons.

I glared at them all, sighing in defeat,"Loki's in California."

"Why would he be there?" Barton snorted.

I snarled at him,"Not by choice, Tartarus captured him."

"How?" Stark questioned, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes at him,"Keeping thousands of mortals safe is more exhausting than it sounds."

"What's he doing there?" Thor asked me gravely.

I looked at him solemnly,"Holding the sky..."

Tell me what you think...

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