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6 months later


"I can't believe you made me do that." I said shaking my head.

We were walking back to Stark's tower from lunch. Loki regarded me from the side indifferently. We just had lunch with a group of my old friends. The seven, minus Annabeth, plus Calypso, Thalia, Nico, and Will. Before that, we had breakfast with a larger group of Camp Half-blood friends, such as Clarisse, Katie, the Stolls, Jake, and so on.

I felt exhausted, but more content. I haven't spoken to any of them in years. Once I graduated from high school and entered SHIELD's academy, I took them out of my life. I left them behind, and didn't look back.

From the gods actions, I couldn't bare to be close to anything that reminded me of her. Entering SHIELD's academy helped me take my mind off of the gods, and gave me a purpose. I had put up walls, and decided to not exploit them.

Around month two, Loki started breaking down those walls. Not that I didn't knock down any either. Loki persuaded me to get in touch with them and reconnect. In return, I forced Thor and Loki to hang out more, and become less hostile and more brotherly. Now their relationship wasn't so... I hate you, but I don't.

"You liked it though, didn't you?" Loki's asked me, concerned.

I smiled softly, and nodded,"Yeah, it was nice seeing them again. I can't believe how far they got in life, though."

"I've forgotten." Loki mused,"Remind me?"

I sighed,"Frank and Hazel are entering college in New Rome, but they don't know what they'll major in. Nico is half way through college, on his way to be a lawyer, with Will who's almost got his PhD. Jason and Piper graduated a year ago, Jason's a cop, and Piper's a detective."

Loki frowned as I paused for breath,"I thought there were more than that."

I rolled my eyes,"Leo and Calypso are running a machine repair shop, and Thalia is the lieutenant of Artemis with loads of new recruits. My old Camp Half-Blood friends have pretty good jobs, but haven't settled down yet."

Loki suddenly pulled me into the alleyway between the tower and the next building. He pushed me into the wall, putting one hand on it, and caressing my face with the other. My face flushed, and my breath caught in my throat.

"And you?" He whispered in my ear.

I shivered, a tingling feeling going through me. His pupils were dilated, and his eyes were a dark forest green filled with arousal. I knew my pupils were dilated as well, because a certain anatomy started responding to this turn on.

I grinned,"I'm one of the highest Agents at SHIELD, with the best boyfriend one can ask for."

Loki smirked at me,"Let's see how good I can be to you."

His lips connected with mine in a warm kiss. I ran my hands through his hair, gripping it harshly. Loki moaned at that, pushing me more against the wall. I got what he was implying, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Loki's hands wandered all over my body, sometimes gripping the wall to support us. He started peppering my face with kisses. The warmth of his mouth touching my heated skin. His tongue licking my neck and the back of my ears.

I closed my eyes, and let my head fall back. I exposed my neck, moaning heatedly as Loki attached his lips to my collar bone. Kisses were spread to my shoulders, and my shirt was slipped off.

Tension was building in my body. Endorphins had spread throughout my veins, and every touch from Loki was more than pleasurable. His fingers traced my muscles and dipped behind my clothes. Then I felt Loki's teeth scratching at my collarbone.

My eyes rolled into my head. My entire body shook, and I unconsciously threw my head back. It banged against the wall, but I was too caught up in the moment to care. My whole body tensed. Then a feeling of overwhelming pleasure took me.



"How was the get together?" Stark asked as I entered the room where everyone resided for the day.

I tilted my head to the side,"As good as mortal affairs go."

Thor boomed with laughter,"Aye, brother! Was Perseus more relaxed with the other heroes?"

I sat next to Thor,"No more than he is here."

"So what took so long?" Bruce questioned me, looking over the newspaper he was reading.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion,"I beg your pardon."

"You've been gone an hour more than you should've." Wanda stated, placing a card on the table where her brother, and the two agents sat.

"So?" I asked confused.

"Why were you gone for so long, Loki? Where were you and Perseus, we were starting to get worried." Steve clarified, sitting on the other side of Thor, playing the game with him and Tony.

I smirked, drawing attention from everyone,"I was proving something to Perseus."

"And what is that?" Pietro questioned, smacking Vision's hand away from the card deck.

A sharklike grin appeared on my face,"Nothing for your ears, child."

Instantly Stark whistled inappropriately. Steve looked unfamiliar with the concept, and the rest of them looked at me with raised eyebrows. Wanda blushed at the implication, and turned her head, focusing on the game again.

"So where is the agent?" Barton asked me, giving me a warning glance.

I raised my eyebrow unimpressed. Ever since the night at the bar, the two agents became oddly protective over Perseus. I didn't ask why, but Stark and Steve clearly knew. They acted more familiar with Perseus after their kidnapping, and were starting to become his friends.

"Currently changing his pants." I replied smugly, watching my brother die on screen.

Tony chuckled highly amused,"So you guys did it? Who bottomed?"

"No we did not. Not yet." I responded, my lips pursed.

"Why's he changing then?" Natasha pointed out.

I chuckled,"I was too good for Perseus."

Thor clapped me on the back,"Nay, Loki. You are both equal."

I rolled my eyes, and sighs were sounded,"Not what I meant, Thor."

"How come he's the only one changing?" Bruce asked amused.

I puffed out my chest proudly,"I learned that he loves being marked."

"So he's going to be the bottom when you do do it." Stark announced, laughing.

"Stop talking about my sex life." Perseus' voice demanded, appearing on top of my lap.

His legs straddled my hips. Perseus' nose and forehead touched mine, and our lips were centimeters apart. We breathed the same air, and his eyes stared deep into mine. His fingers curled around my neck, twisting themselves in my hair.

He leaned forward, connecting out lips. My eyes closed on their own accord, and
I thrust my tongue into his mouth. His head twisted so our tongues danced better. Then suddenly he disappeared from my lap. When I turned, Perseus was standing next to Pietro and Wanda.

"Let's go mutant twins, Fury called." Perseus announced.

I frowned,"Where are you going? We aren't done here."

Perseus' raised an eyebrow, expressionless,"The Sahara. You can bang the air while I'm gone and think about why you're being left."

I wrinkled my nose,"I don't understand."

Barton huffed,"Don't talk about personal things without permission: lesson number one."

I scowled,"Which part is personal?"

"All of it." Perseus glared at me.

"What's the mission?" Steve questioned Perseus to get him distracted, watching as the twins stood and got ready.

We all turned and observed the twins scurry in and out of the living room. After a few minutes, both twins stood ready to go, with a weapon of their choice, just in case. Perseus was in his usual SHIELD attire, and his weapon sheaths were all full.


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