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"Hydra? No, Perseus! I—" Loki's voice was cut off when said person grabbed my and Wanda's shoulders and vanished.

I instantly doubled over when our feet touched the ground. I felt my lunch coming back up, but managed to swallow it. I straightened, and found my sister with her hand holding my stomach, panting softly.

Perseus was to the side observing us silently. His piercing eyes seeing right through me, it was a bit unnerving. I've only known him for about six months, and still knew close to nothing about him.

Although, based off what the rest of the avengers say, they still only knew a minimum about him after working with him for a little over a year. Loki was the only one who actually knew him, but I guessed Steve and Tony were the next to know him.

Natasha and Clint a close second. Surprisingly, Bruce and Thor knew only a little less than the two agents even though they spent the most time with Perseus. I didn't expect the Agent to grab Wanda and I to take on this mission because we barely associated with him.

Every morning for six months, he would go for a walk with Tony and Steve. Who knows what they talk about, or where they go. Then he would have a breakfast or coffee with the two agents.

They would go out, and then to SHIELD after to finish their work for the day. Once they returned, Perseus, Thor, and Loki would go into the training room and perfect his control on the infinity stones.

Then a little after noon, he would take Bruce somewhere, like to the park or movies, sometimes even a place where they would come back with ice on their clothes. After that hour or so, it was Loki's time until dinner, not that he didn't join in the other activities of his boyfriend's.

We would all gather for dinner to become a close team. Talk about our day, and get to know each other more. Which I personally thought was good, and after we'd do a bonding thing. For instance, last night we went old school and played the wii.

Let me clarify, Tony Stark wii, consisting of 11 people at once. Not something fun and laughable, something competitive. Mario cart, and super Mario bros, rigged by the genius himself. Everyone actually participated in the games last night.

Half the time, Perseus refrains from joining in on our bonding. Watching from the side with at least one other person, whether it be Loki, or someone else who didn't feel like joining for the night.

I think it had to do something with his view of his mission. Steve told me he was assigned to work with the team by the director, so I guess Perseus' refusal to bond with the team was because he wanted to be professional in his work. Which brought me back to the conversation I just witnessed.

"So... what's gay intercourse like?" I asked, startling him.

He looked at me with considerably widened eyes, a blush creeping up onto his face. Perseus' sputtered, unsure what to say, and his intimidating demeanor left. Now he was a human, just like us. I saw Wanda in the background muttering while rolling her eyes.

"Aren't you a bit old to be asking what sex is like?" Perseus' shot back.

He turned his back on me, and started walking in the opposite direction. I frowned, and speeded towards Wanda, grabbing her around the waist, and catching up with Perseus. I followed his line of site, and saw a large building that looked small in the distance.

"I know what sex is like, but how's it go when you're with another man?" I questioned curiously.

He shook his head,"I can't believe we're having this conversation."

Wanda's elbow tried connecting with my gut, but I moved out of the way. She narrowed her eyes at me, silently telling me to stop talking. I smirked at her, if it made her uncomfortable, then by all means, let me continue. Nothing more fun than annoying the little sister.

"Tony was saying something about a bottom, what's that mean?" I bugged.

Perseus' rolled his eyes,"Nothing of your concern, kid."

I frowned,"You're not that much older than me. I don't know who you're calling kid."

He turned towards me, a grim smile appearing on his face,"I'm not calling you a kid because of your age. I'm calling you a kid because of your experiences."

My frown increased,"We've both had our share of battles. Where do we differentiate?"

Perseus halted in his tracks. His shoulders were tensed and his body as stiff as a board. I saw his right hand, the one with the red bracelet, not the gauntlet, close tightly into a fist. This time his whole body turned to face my sister and I.

Perseus' face was void of emotion. His eyes were storming as they swirled with his thoughts. He took an exaggerated deep breath, studying Wanda and I closely. He ground his teeth before closing his eyes and continuing to walk, gesturing for Wanda and I to follow.

"For one thing, I didn't volunteer for battle, to gain powers for revenge." Perseus' said, pursing his lips.

"We made our choices, sometimes they weren't the right ones." Wanda remarked.

Perseus gave a slight nod of the head,"I know, maybe one day I'll tell you the rest, but right now we have a job to do."

"Just tell me one thing, Agent Jackson." Wanda requested.

Perseus glanced at her, reluctantly nodding,"One thing if it has a reasonably short answer."

"You said in the com-link that Loki's invasion killed your parents. Now you're dating him, how did you get past that?" My sisters words struck sadness in my heart, and a weight fell on all of us.

"Why are you asking me that?" Perseus' asked her quietly.

"Tony Stark's bomb killed our parents. How can we fully embrace him as a teammate if his inventions caused us to loose them?" Wanda's voice held a bit of anger, but mostly clinging to desperation.

Perseus stopped walking and turned to us. A troubled look was on his face, then he hesitantly opened his arms. Surprise hit me, but I found myself hugging him and my sister tightly. His hands patting us gently on the back as our heads lay on his shoulders.

Perseus' voice was unusually low as he spoke,"I was angry at first. Absolutely furious, all I wanted to do was grab him by the neck and watch him slowly drown over and over again."

"What changed?" I whispered.

I felt him shrug,"Nothing, but time passed, and I realized it wasn't his fault. That it wasn't my fault, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one but the gods could stop a building from crushing them, and they were just mortals. Not important enough for the gods to stop it."

"You still must hold some hostile feeling, do you not?" Wanda alleged.

Perseus shrugged, pulling away from us,"Sometimes when I think of my parents, but then I see the honest green of Loki's eyes, and..."

He stopped talking, letting us listen to the silence. A somber expression was on the Agents face, and I could see the slight tremble of his hands as his emotions effected his body. Perseus lightly squeezed our arms, turning and walking towards the building again.

"You really like him don't you." I stated, catching up to the young man.

He nodded immediately,"You'll eventually learn to live with it. Just get to know Tony and the team. Approach them with an open mind, and you'll see them in a different view. Only then can you judge them unbiasedly."

"How do you know that?" Wanda asked disbelievingly.

Perseus sighed,"It worked for me."

I bit my lip, we needed a mood lightener before we started the bloodshed,"So who bottoms?"

Perseus snorted amusedly at that,"I don't know."

My face morphed into confusion,"How do you not know? You're the one in the relationship."

The Agent grinned along with Wanda,"I don't know because we haven't done it yet."

"How long have you been dating?" Wanda asked curiously.

Perseus tilted his head, thinking,"A little over six months. I think we're half way through the seventh."

My eyebrows shot up,"That a pretty long time."

Perseus smiled,"Yeah, hopefully it'll be much longer."

Wanda smiled softly at that,"I believe it will be."

"So when you do do it..." I winked playfully,"Who'll bottom?"

Perseus rolled his eyes,"If you must know, it'll probably be me."

I grinned,"Finally an answer from, The Eye."

"The Eye?" Wanda mused.

"Yes, it's my code name." Perseus confirmed.

"I'm going to tell Tony what you admitted." I mocked the Agent playfully.

"Do what you must, Quicksilver." Perseus jabbed, winking,"Woe is me when the dreaded Stark learns my secret."

We all chuckled heartily. Then the playful expression on Perseus' face disappeared. He held up his arms, making Wanda and I run into them. His eyes stared straight ahead, and a flash of panic appeared in his eyes.

Perseus' arms pushed us behind him, but I peeked my head over his shoulder. What I saw made me shiver, and fear overtook me. A giant stood tall with a vortex for a face. His body was made of a mix of things, screaming in pain.

The things aura spread for miles and his power washed over my sister and I. I just wanted to grab my sister, and Perseus of course, and run until the thing standing there couldn't ever find us, but I was too stunned to move.

"Tartarus." Perseus growled.

Tartarus, I think, grinned,"I've been waiting, Percy Jackson."

Then a wave of purple hit us all. It emanated from the being, and spread quickly until it touched the three of us. The power didn't effect Wanda and I, but once it touched Perseus, he shook like he was struck with lightning.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his legs gave out. He hit the sand, and lay motionless in front of us, leaving my sister and I alone to face the monster. Said thing snapped his fingers, and instantly chitauri were all over us.

I glanced at the unconscious Agent, and clenched my jaw. Making a last second decision, I turned my head away from him. I grabbed Wanda, and ran as fast as I could away from the scene. I felt her body tense, but go limp when she read my mind.

We couldn't help him if we were stuck too, we'll come back for him with a fool proof plan. I knew we couldn't get back up, I had nothing on me to contact SHIELD or the avengers. Wanda didn't either, and I couldn't transport both of us back to New York from the Sahara. We had to do this by ourselves, but not now.

"I'm sorry, Perseus." I whispered.

Tell me what you think...

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