Historical Fiction Winners!!!

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📢✅ Breaking News: The Historical Fiction Winners Have Been Selected!

Attention everyone! Prepare yourself for the announcement of our winners 🌟 We've finally arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for – the winning authors of The Fabulous Writer Awards have been chosen!

"Drumroll, please! 🥁🥁🥁

The winners of the Historical Fiction of the Fabulous Writer Awards are here to claim their rightful place in the spotlight. These incredible and talented writers have amazed us all with their stories and their unique ability to transport us to different worlds.

And a very special thanks to the judge JDCarvell  for judging all the fabulous books.

Now, time to announce our winners!!!

The book that secured third place is...

Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara

Cover: A beautiful cover made to look like a portrait. I think the author's name should be below the title or remove the 'by' if keeping it in place [8/10]

Title: The title can give a few meanings which I like. It does not give away any plot details [9/10]

Writing Style: Written well, keeping a steady flow. Makes good use of page breaks [8/10]

Storyline: Set in France at the time of the revolution. It is well described and easy to follow [8/10]

Grammar: A few grammar and spelling mistakes, does not ruin the flow of the story [7.5/10]

Character: Development of characters sets forth at a reasonable pace. We learn of the love between the two protagonists and their behaviours with little difficulty [8.5/10]

Enjoyment: An enjoyable read with great detail in the paragraphs, can be immersed in a story like this [8/10]

Overall: Reminds me of similar stories where young love reunites after being separated as teenagers. Great setting and with the backdrop of the French revolution, it could be a favourite among Historical Fiction fans [8/10]


Review: A historical romance setting between a young girl and a painter reunited after their childhood friendship. After an edit and a brush up, this love story could become a classic for the ages

The book that secured second place is...

Parantap Parashakti: Paving the way for them by dwarkaratna

Cover: A beautiful looking cover, full of colour and patterns. Doesn't give much detail on the story [9/10]

Title: Named after the main male protagonist. Gives an indication of what the book is about. My only early critic is- should it not be 'Paving THE way for him'? Although I'm sure it'll be shown as correct in the pages [9/10]

Writing Style: The story is on point with the protagonist and the author does not deter from their characters into useless information to fill word count [9/10]

Storyline: The protagonist has moved to Dwarka  with her sisters/co wives to be a single mum after a dice game gamble. I don't  know if this was a normal thing once but is certainly inspiring to read on and learn more of the culture [8/10]

Grammar: A few minor mistakes, use of words, nothing an edit won't fix. Not sure if English was the first language this was written in [7/10]

Character: The lead protagonist is a strong woman coping with a sudden change in circumstances, I think she is handling it well [9/10]

Enjoyment: I'm not familiar with stories of this culture but the story is easy to follow and you find yourself rooting for the protagonist [7/10]

Overall: An enjoyable read, full of culture and great characters. I just feel some sentences could be looked at for correct English translation [8/10]


Review: A solid story with greatly detailed characters (with helpful visuals.) The writer has obviously done their research before committing to this project. A few edits and revision and this would be a brilliant story to be told. 

The book that secured first place is...


NeverGolden by LadyMaryAverman 

Cover: A lovely wide shot of a beautiful castle hidden amongst trees and stunning sky. Entices you to read and learn how upper society lives [9/10]

Title: Named after the city itself, suggesting many characters and plots to drive the story [8/10]

Writing Style: Screenplay, includes well detailed paragraphs to set the scenes and pictures for visualisation [10/10]

Storyline: A kingly story based on a young king and his younger sister who is expected to marry soon. Plots against the King from noblemen [8/10]

Grammar: No mistakes that I could see, would be minor if any [10/10]

Character: Everyone in the story seems so young but the way they talk and act would have you believe they were twenty somethings [7/10]

Enjoyment: An easy to read and follow screenplay that makes sure you visualise and immerse yourself within the story [9/10]

Overall: An interesting premise with likeable characters. Would love to see it in novel form [8/10]


Review: An immersive story into the lives of young, King Tybalt and his sister, Princess Isabel, and the trials they face as royalty. Giving vibes of deceit and betrayal from the nobles around them. The writer has taken a lot of care into describing and setting the scene for each chapter for the reader to fully enjoy and follow along. 


Now, it's time to announce the books that secured the fourth place in this award. Don't be discouraged because your books didn't win. Your book is great, you just need to make some improvements.

The book that secured fourth place is...

The Past in the Spotlight by LORAINEJD

Cover: Brilliant, professionally detailed cover, love the background effects. Doesn't give away much to the story [9/10]

Title: Interesting name for a title, doesn't tell much about the story, part of a trilogy. Curious to know if it's a play on words revealed in the plot. [7/10]

Writing Style: Liked how the speech was written in their native language then translated to English. Made me a little confused but it isn't seen often enough [8/10]

Storyline: Story was a little difficult to follow as they jumped from one scene to the next in quick succession, but it had a great concept and was easy to enjoy [7/10]

Grammar: Minimal grammar mistakes, nothing to affect reading [9/10]

Character: There were a lot of characters introduced in the opening chapters. Many I believe were background characters [7/10]

Enjoyment: This story has a lot of value and areas to enjoy. Could do with breaks in the plot but a good read [7/10]

Overall: An ambitious start which I hope follows through [7.5/10]

TOAL SCORE: 61.5/80

Review: A solid plot with a quick pace, which I feel could benefit from going down a gear. The characters are well written with a lot of care and understanding. A lot of work and research has gone into this novel and it shows. Would recommend.

I Am Extremely Sorry For The Delay In Posting The Result 🙏      I got busy with my new book and with my studies.

Congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉🎊

Note: all the winners, kindly provide me your email address for your prize.

Have a wonderful day :)

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