Teen Fiction Winners!!!

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📢✅ Breaking News: The Teen Fiction Winners Have Been Selected!

Attention everyone! Prepare yourself for the announcement of our winners 🌟 We've finally arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for – the winning authors of The Fabulous Writer Awards have been chosen!

"Drumroll, please! 🥁🥁🥁

The winners of the Teen Fiction of the Fabulous Writer Awards are here to claim their rightful place in the spotlight. These incredible and talented writers have amazed us all with their stories and their unique ability to transport us to different worlds.

And a very special thanks to the judge KatherineJones92  for judging all the fabulous books.

Now, time to announce our winners!!!

The book that secured Third place is...

Mermaid Scavengers by WendyyWolfe


Cover- (7/10) Nice cover, not a fan of the font for Scavenger though.
Title- (7/10) I like the title but not sure how it fits yet.
Writing Style- (8/10) Creative. It takes a lot to write in this genre. Fantasy takes a lot of brain work.
Storyline- (10/10) Very original compared to a lot of the other stories have read on Wattpad. You can tell you have thought about this story a lot.
Grammar- (9/10) No big issues.
Characters- (8/10) There are a lot of characters. I see where Delta is emerging though and focused on her development.
Enjoyment- (7/10) Overall it was a cool read. The pace needs a little work. It was a lot of information to take in at once. I would have spread that out just a little more.
Overall- (8/10) I would go back and finish it for sure.

Total- (64/80)

The book that secured Second place is...

A Memory of Starfire by Aravis-Brightspell   


Cover- (9/10) cool cover. Fits well with the story.
Title- (8/10) interesting title even though I don't know how it fits yet.
Writing Style- (8/10) smooth overall. Quickly hooks and keeps me wondering what will happen next.
Storyline- (9/10) Very interesting storyline. Mysterious and catchy.
Grammar (8/10) Only saw a few issues.
Characters- (7/10) didn't get a ton of development in the first few chapters but I could see the groundwork being laid.
Enjoyment- (8/10) I want to keep reading to see where it goes.
Overall- (8/10) Great start to the story. I hope it keeps developing as I read.

Total- (65/80)

And now the book that secured First Place is...


Friendly Dating 2-Ethan by MaggieOHighley

Review: A very entertaining story with a cast of characters that seem to care about one another even when they act like they can't stand each other. I love the sibling relationship she is building and the friendship dynamics. The pace was just right and I want to go and finish the story always a great sign. I want to see how the characters grow together.


Cover- (7/10) I wanted to rearrange the layout of the cover. Too much unused blank space but that is the graphic designer in me.
Title- (7/10) Interesting title. I assumed that there was another book in the series.
Writing style- (8/10) Relatable characters, easy to read and the writing style is good. You have a nice flow with your writing.
Storyline- (9/10) Super cute storyline. I am a sucker for a rom-com or related fields.
Grammer- (9/10) Nothing big stood out.
Characters- (9/10) They had a great chemistry. Loved the dynamics.
Enjoyment- (9/10) Overall I loved the story so far. I want to go back and finish it when I have time.
Overall- (8/10) Well written and a great way of starting a book.

Total- (67/80)


Now, it's time to announce the books that secured the fourth and fifth place in this award. Don't be discouraged because your books didn't win. Your book is great, you just need to make some improvements.

The book that secured fourth place is...

729 Days by eclipswe__


Cover- (9/10) Nice cover.
Title- (8/10) Interesting title. Makes me more wonder about what it's for.
Writing Style- (5/10) I can't get into this story. I am trying but it is very choppy and hard to keep my attention. 
Storyline- (7/10) This storyline has a lot of potential.  The pace just needs some work and the characters need further development.
Grammar- (4/10) I struggled with the grammar in this one. It was very distracting. You might consider Grammarly or another service to help out.
Characters- (7/10) Again, a lot of potential just need to see how they play out.
Enjoyment- (6/10) I think once this gets edited and the pace gets figured out, it will be a cleaner story.
Overall- (6/10) Great potential. Keep at it.

Total- (52/80)

The book that secured fifth place is...

The Smirk On An Oracle by strawberry1d

Cover- (8/10) Very generic people on the front but it works.
Title- (5/10) Creative Title. Make me want to read it.
Writing style- (5/10) I cannot get into this 2nd POV perspective. It drives me loca.
Storyline- (7/10) interesting plot from what I can gather. Makes me wonder what all the marks are about, and would make me read further.
Grammar- (8/10) Not too many issues.
Character- (7/10) I am interested to see how they will interact.
Enjoyment- (4/10) I did not get fully invested here. The pacing lagged.
Overall- (5/10) It was an okay start but it started to lag. I would work on your pacing and chapter length.

Total (49/80)

I will have to post them separately with the character length for messaging.

Congratulations to all the winners!!!!

All the best to all the participants for your future.

Important note for the winners: kindly send me your email address for the prize within three days.

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