Child of Starlight

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"Who are you who walks in splendor

yet wears the cloak of night?

Who are you who bears such honor

such honor, yet veiled in starlight?"

She heard his voice

in the echoes of peace

The beat of her heart dared to cease.

Then she dared to laugh

and she dared to smile

She dared to feel for a little while.

Dear child of starlight.

"You guard yourself from every hope

of one day sharing your heart.

Why do you live so? How do you cope?

with only the friendship of stars?"

Then, she bared her soul

He knew her mind;

Like the stars, his life force shined!

And there was peace!

She felt it so

though hers was a world she dared not show.

She who was child of starlight.

"I know of that light. (How you fear it!)

I know how you hide its power.

I see that light; why do you fear it?

You fear each coming hour."

Down crashed the sky!

and she touched its great height

The mountain greeted the blameless night.

She could not hide

and could not turn

And thus the flame in her mind burned.

He sparked her heart

Her eye flashed bright

The stars inflamed in angry sight!

Then in the sky

a thousand screaming voices

hid in shame for having shown their faces.

Her eye was lit

but her heart was scared.

The words in her heart could never be shared.

Cold thieving air!

Her breath was stolen.

In the midnight, her words had frozen.

Her hope lay now torn

Such joy was dangerous!

The starlit peace could not endure this.

So behind the stars

her heart found hiding.

For on the horizon, worlds were fighting

in the desolate darkness

where hope was shattered.

In that lost night, where hope lay scattered.

Fear ruled the child of starlight.

"Noli timere!" flashed his words, flew his heart

"Do not fear the power of light!

Do not be afraid;     I too am a part

of the song of the chorus of night."

"I have felt that same pain and feared those same fears

Your past has shadowed your future.

I too knew that world of long hidden tears

My past once darkened my future."

"Yet I had hope

for I held to light.

So, let me carry you from this endless night."

The Past then spoke

A future appeared

It was only her heart that the star child feared!

Fearful child of starlight.

"You wish to share your power, your light;

I felt it in the spark of your eye

Then do not turn from the sky; do not forsake such a rare sight

for the strongest still must cry."

His soft voice rang!

and his strong voice stirred

Was this the king of the sky she had heard?

In freezing fear

her own thoughts stopped her

Could this be joy? could she be sure?

Doubting child of starlight.

Her soul's strong spark calmed

as her eye's last light fell.

At last, looking out, "only this can I tell: "

"I am a captain," echoed her voice

"a captain born for her people.

I am a warrior. Though not by choice,

alone amidst my people."

"No more despair." "But the sun has set cold.

I fear the failing of light."

"Cast off this darkness; to my memory hold."

"But alone I live, trapped within night."

"I know who you are. When you shined with such splendor

I saw past your cloak of deep night

I know who you are, who hold heavenly high honor.

I see though you veil it with starlight.

She heard his voice

in the echoes of peace.

The beat of her heart dared to cease.

Then she dared to laugh,

and she dared to smile.

She dared to feel for a little while.

Celestial child of starlight.                                                                               

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