"Live with your heart on your sleeve."

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-Heather O' Riley, player for the United States Womens' National Team.

Still are We Dragons, and so Shall We Stay

For that is our name; that is how we play.

"Pass!" he screams, like a sword through my Heart.

Names ring though the air, all giving their part.

I still hear the voices thrown over the field;

I see the light still, for they never would yield.

"T-----," I hear, for the one behind me had called.

"Mattman," I notice, the attacks that he stalled.

"E---," I sight, leading the light of our name,

"Bears," and I feel him, how he shined like a flame.

"I--," he towers, startling all, with his height.

"C----" flares by, in flashes in flight.

"H----," bursts past their defense, set there to stay.

"J------," up the sidelines, abruptly stuck in their way.

"C----" fakes a pass, crossing high above offense.

"M------" feigns course, straight by long walls of tall defense.

"J-------," up field, always, still ready to score

"D-----," in place with effort, in store.

"G---," takes the ball in perfect transition.

"Little-E" she still shocks us. Her play shines with fruition.

For her Heart is a Dragon's; she lives in admiration!

Can one pass her courage without giving adulation?

And  S----, you're strength, and you're light, and you're spirit.

S----, you are peace! This day of all you should know it.

I call you friend. I call you splendor, and valor.

You of all, my dear friend, you of all gleam in honor.

Now you, little brother, of you, what shall I say?

Then, only this, little brother: remember this day.

You are astonishment. You should know in your Heart.

You are a Dragon. You have been one from the start.

You are forever the link, the one that always I miss.

But center will be there, offense or defense.

Coach, I could not tell you

of the Heart behind these words.

But even though I have not said it,

it is written in five worlds.

One day, they too will understand.

"Time hold still!" Though none comprehend.

One day, in life, they will know how I feel.

But even so, I know this. The Dragons were real.



Though now, all seems gone, and all has turned dark,

I know we still feel it; it resides in a spark




"This is our field, and this is our game!"

Yes, I told them; I spoke it, I said play for our name.

So then as I knew it, still I feel it now.

(Though I know I still cry it, I still wonder: how?)

We stand as Dragons! I shall speak to that wonder.

We live as Dragons! The name no corruption can sunder.

Fight for the honor, for the glory, the light.

Know in your Heart; feel it is right.

Still are we Dragons, and so shall we stay,

Still are we Dragons. Exude the Dragon way!

Finally, Dragons, remember! Forever remember your part.

They Chose Their Own Names from the depths of their Heart.

Creative inclusive, adaptive and aggressive,

Once a Dragon, a Heart! Indeed, a Heart that is massive.

Lastly Dragons, remember! Remember forever your name.

Dragons, remember. You still play life's game.

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