Chapter 20

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"You are early," I said trying to lighten the mood, more to calm my nerves.

Nicholas was wearing a shirt that was half tucked in his pants. His collar disheveled, his shirt not buttoned up properly, his hair messy. I could see slight beard on his face. His eyes bloodshot, swollen. It seemed as if he had been crying. Dark circles under his eyes. In short he looked like shit. 

"Yes I have been waiting for the past half an hour. I was scared that you might not turn up," Nicholas said as he played with his fingers that were on the table. 

I nodded in understanding. It made sense. I had almost backed out but the issue in hand was more important than Nicholas and I. I looked around, the cafe was almost empty with only us there. A sweet old lady stood behind the counter with a smile on her face. It was a retro themed cafe, the smell of coffee lingering. A huge shelf with multiple books occupied an entire wall. The cafe had a sense of calmness. It was the kind of place that you would come to when you are looking for solitude as you sit at the corner table, buried in an amazing book, sipping your coffee. 

"What would you like to have?" A petite woman asked us. She seemed no older than 18.

"Cafe Latte. Thank you" I told her with a smile. She smiled back and looked at Nicholas waiting for his order. 

"Nothing for me." Nicholas said, looking at me not sparing her a glance. 

I can't avoid him anymore. I sighed. With that thought in my mind, "I...I asked you to come here because.." I started but was interrupted by Nicholas. 

"Please let me speak first. There is a lot that I need to tell you." He hesitantly said. His hands moving across the table towards mine. I pulled back, I knew if I let him touch me, I would surely melt and I could not afford to do that.

I stared at him for what seemed hours. I can't avoid him and our pending conversation forever. I sighed and nodded.

He let out a breath in relief. "I have always been conflicted between my revenge against your father and the feelings that I have for you," He started as he ran his hand through his hair. "The hurt and anger were so deeply etched in me that I was blinded by it, not caring who I hurt along the way." He said looking straight at me. "Until I met you. I know what I did was wrong, I know I should have stopped when I had the chance but the nightmares..." Nicholas trailed, his eyes darkened, not looking at me anymore. His voice full of anguish. My heart clenched in pain, at his pain. No matter how twisted it may seem, I understood him. The pain of losing your parents at such a young age, seeing their death with your own eyes is sure to leave emotional scars, the depth of which cannot be fathomed. I had lost my mother too, had become the object to my father's scorns.

 I understand your pain Nicholas. I understand. You are not wrong. I wanted to tell him.  My hands were itching to comfort him. I wanted to pull him away from the dark thoughts that had started plaguing his mind. It took everything I had in me to resist the urge. 

"The nightmares, your father killing mine haunts my very existence. It is what kept me going. The only time that I have ever slept peacefully was at your home, next to you." His eyes finding their way back into mine. His eyes were now a lighter shade of grey, his lips pulling up in a small smile. "I knew then and there that I could not use you or hurt you. I meant the promise that I made to you then. You are my salvation, the ray of light in my darkness." He said with a sad smile, obviously regretting his actions. His words evoking the feelings that I was trying to avoid, failing miserably.  

"I then directly attacked your father unable to stop my desire for revenge. I made him sign a contract which I used against him. I had people looking into him so I knew all about his frauds and money laundering. I was just waiting for the proofs. My lawyers were under the orders to use them as soon as they receive them. They had called me repeatedly on the night at the club but couldn't reach me. They took action as you know." 

He stretched his hands towards me as he took my hands in his, I didn't resist this time. His thumb drawing circles at the back of my palm, sending tingles through my body. "The night when I saw you cry, when I broke your heart, lost your trust was the day that made me realize that you are more important than my thirst for revenge. Nothing mattered, only you did. I decided then and there that I will give up my revenge against your father. I want nothing but you however I was too late. The news was out which made you misunderstand me. I swear to you Hayley." He looked at me with a hint of hope.

"Can you give me a second chance. I promise to never hurt you again. Please. I need you." His eyes searching mind frantically, his tone desperate. He paused, his forehead furrowed as if trying to make a decision. He suddenly stood up and walked towards me, pulling me up to my feet. 

He cupped my cheeks slowly, "I love you Hayley." He said looking deep in my eyes, his voice leaking sincerity. 

My feet turned into jelly as I lost my balance. Nicholas wrapped his hand around my waist, supporting me. 

"What?" I breathed out not believing what I just heard. Am I dreaming?  I pinched myself to bring myself back to reality, only to realize that this wasn't a dream. 

"I love you." He said kissing the corner of my lip.


Dear Readers,

Do you think Hayley should forgive Nicholas or should she walk away from him. Let me know your thoughts. Your views are valuable. 

Thank you for all the support that you have been showing to this story and staying with me all this while. I have decided to upload a chapter every Sunday. I might even surprise you with two chapters in a week 😉

If you liked this chapter then please vote, your votes and comments keep me motivated. 



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