Chapter 21

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Nicholas' eyes widened as he all of a sudden pushed me away. I staggered on my feet as I tried to regain my balance. I looked behind to see Nicholas holding off a man. My eyes glinted towards the small 4 inches but sharp dagger that was held by a muscled, tattooed hand. It was so small that I would have missed it if Nicholas had not got hold of his wrist. 

My eyes widened and pulse quickened, my heart thudding like a stone rattling in a box. The blood in my veins ran cold, as it drained from my face. Nicholas struggled  against the very bulky man. Both his hands wrapped around the dagger, preventing it from being lodged in his chest. Nicholas twisted his wrist, bending it into a wrist lock, trying to get him to drop the dagger. 

"RUN! HAYLEY RUN! GO!" Nicholas screamed at me. 

I shook my head frantically. "I am not going anywhere, I am not leaving you." My voice breaking however holding a promise.

Muscles ripped through the shirt and arms of the attacker as his tattooed hand wrapped around Nicholas' throat, choking him. His hair was cut short, reddish brown in color with scars marring his face. Nicholas wouldn't be able to hold him off for long. The man was skilled and had an edge over Nicholas. The Dagger.

I saw the old woman and the waitress duck behind the counter from the corner of my eyes as I looked around to find something, anything. I hoped that they would call 911 for help. Not lingering much on that thought,  I grabbed a glass and smashed it on the floor. Picking it up, I ran towards the man, burying the shard in his arms. Blood trickled down his arms as he flinched, his eyes shut close in pain. His hands dropped from Nicholas' neck. I saw his fingers loosen around the dagger and so did Nicholas. Nicholas taking advantage of his momentary distraction, twisted his hands further making him drop the dagger. 

I pulled the shard out and the thrust is back in making him wince in pain. He suddenly turned around and punched me in the gut, and struck me hard, making me fall on the the floor. I cried out in pain as the small glass shards embedded itself into my palms, blood trickling down. My stomach throbbing in pain due to intensity of the blow.

Nicholas looked at me and then to my palm holding my stomach. An unknown rage made its way in him, a rage like wildfire. Nicholas' palm clenched into tight fists as he punched the attacker in the face, another punch in his gut. The attacker managing to punch Nicholas' jaw. Nicholas locked his legs, his elbows pushing the man down, his arms choking him. The man thrashed against Nicholas' hold. Nicholas held him down, pinned for what seemed like hours but it being only a few minutes. The man losing consciousness due to lack of breath. 

Nicholas stood up and walked towards me. He bent down next to me, slowly taking my hands in his. I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly. The thought that I almost lost him made my heart clench in intense pain, my heart pricking as if being stabbed by multiple needles.  

"I am sorry. I am so sorry." I whispered in his neck. "I should not have asked you to meet me when I knew my father is going to try to hurt you. I should have told you everything on the phone. I am sorry that you were hurt because of my stupidity," I whispered as I pulled back, trailing my fingers on his bruised jaw. 

"It is not your fault. I should have known that this could happen, knowing how twisted that man is. I should have taken more precautions. Don't blame yourself." He whispered back, cupping my cheeks with one hand while his other held my bleeding hands. "You are hurt. We need to get you to the hospital. Let's go before he wakes up," He said, his eyes moving from my palm to the man lying unconscious.  

He helped me stand up, his hands on my forearm. I slowly intertwined my fingers with his, my other hand grabbing his upper arm as I held on tightly still reeling from the shock. 

"Wait here, I will get the car. It is just round the corner." Nicholas said. I shook my head frantically, not willing to let him go. 

What if someone was waiting there to ambush him?  

"It's going to be okay. Count till 20 and I will be here." He said as he pulled away from my hand and cupped my cheeks. 

"No longer than 20." I told him looking into his grey eyes, desperation leaking from my voice. 

He nodded and left me standing there. One... Two... Three.... Four....Five... Six... I counted in my head. A familiar car pulled up in front of me by the time I reached 20.  Nicholas got out of the car and made his way towards me. His feet suddenly moved faster. He pushed me hard as soon as he reached me and soon enough a dagger was lodged deep in his gut. He roared in pain. He had taken the stab that was meant for me.

I let out a ear piercing scream. "Nicholas!" NO NO NO.

The man pulled the dagger out and was going to stab Nicholas again when we heard the sirens. The attacker's eyes widened as he took off in the opposite direction. So the old woman and the waitress had called 911 after all.

Nicholas staggered back. I caught him as he fell down, his head on my lap. Blood, lots of blood oozed out of his wound. He was losing too much blood and too fast. I applied pressure to his wound trying to slow down his bleeding. Nicholas' eye drooping as his face turned pale.  

A gut wrenching pain making its way in me. No. This couldn't happen. No. Seeing Nicholas on the ground, stabbed felt like someone reached had inside me and pulled my guts out with their bare hands. 

"Stay with me Nicholas. Keep your eyes open." I begged, pleaded, cried all at the same time, tears streaming down my cheeks. 

His bloody hands cupped my cheeks as he forced his eyes open, looking into my blue ones. "I am sorry for hurting you," He choked. 

I shook my head frantically. "We will talk about this, when you are better," I said, my cheeks wet with tears as they kept pouring down from my eyes. 

He shook his head. "I love you. I really do." 

"I know. I love you too," I told him as I kissed his lips softly. He smiled at my confession. 

"I know." He said as his hands slumped down, his eyes now closed. 


Hi everyone! 

I know I said that I will be updating on Sunday but I felt like surprising you with a new chapter today. I will uploading one tomorrow as well like scheduled. 

Tell me what you think of this chapter. If you like my story then please don't forget to vote as your votes and comments keep me motivated. 



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