Chapter fourteen the Tower of heaven begins

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At the magic council

Currently the magic council members were arguing amongst themselves, two of the members were arguing about if they should send in the military or not.

"Luckily" siegrain decided to step in.

siegrain: you ignorant fools!

council member: how dare you!

siegrain: only fools would send in the military, and risk the lives of hundreds innocent soldiers. I'm telling you it's far too dangerous.

council member: what do you suppose we do?

siegrain: where in a very precarious situation if we want to stop him we have to completely destroy the Tower of heaven. And there's only one way to do that....... etherion.

After he said that the rest of the council was shocked! To launch such a weapon of mass destruction would mean to be sacrificed in the lives of everyone within miles of the Tower of heaven.

council member: absolutely not!!

Council number: that's cross-dimensional destruction magic!!!

council member: WE CANT!!

council member: do you know what kind of devastation it would cause!! That weapon has the power to obliterate an entire nation!!!!

Belno: ethereal is an absolute last resort! It is more dangerous than the our system itself.

siegrain: just hear me out the satellite square can pinpoint any Target in the region. If we focus it directly on the tower we would be able to cost less collateral damage. And ensure the destruction of the structure.

Ultear (disguised): I vote to fire.

Male council member: not you too have you gone mad!!

siegrain: three more in favor will give us the majority but we can't let deliberation delay us. For time is of the essence. I urge you to vote with me, we cannot allow jellal to activate the Tower of heaven!

Male council member: but along with destroying the tower an etherion blast would no doubt kill your brother.

siegrain: I realize that however it's a sacrifice that must be made.

Inside of the tower of heaven

What's the fairy tale group made it inside the Tower of heaven they were bombarded by tons of black wizards.

Though these cannon fodder were basically nothing compared to them especially with a very angry elder Dragon tearing them apart.

After the beating they gave to the low tier wizards the group decided head in further.

At the magic Council

Leiji: *raise his hand nervously* I also vote Yes.

Council member: leiji not you to!

Leiji: there's no other choice.

siegrain: only two more votes are needed, please trust me on this.

With jellal

Jellal: the magic Council only wishes they had the power to stop me.

With the fairy tail Mages.

Natsu: hey blockhead where are you!

Lucy: geez would you keep it down!

Gray: I don't see all the point in sneaking around after all that ruckus we caused.

Lucy then proceeded to turn around and see that they were eating an absolute insane amount of food.

Lucy: what the heck are you guys eating!

Virgo: I suggest you join them before there's nothing left.

However in the corner of the room an elder Dragon and a beloved demon can be seen giving a deadpan expression at the group.

Sayla: (Y,N) why are they causing such a ruckus?

(Y,N): honestly my dear I've come to expect that this is the behavior that you will get from most fairy tail wizard.

The two of them then silently agreed before they went back to their own thoughts.

The elder Dragon in the room was lost in thought. He couldn't understand why he was sensing such a great amount of dark magic in this structure.

(Y,N) though's: what's going on? I don't remember a structure like this ever being created 300 years ago. Hell not even in the great dragon war was there ever a structure like this! And what's with this dark presence I sense all throughout the structure. What the hell are these humans trying to achieve? What form of dark magic are they trying to use?!

He was luckily brought out of his thought when he felt a loving hand touched his shoulder. He looked over to see his beloved demoness staring at him.

Sayla: me dear I can tell that you're angry what's wrong.

(Y,N): *holds her hand* honestly I don't know what to make of this. I can sense dark magic all around us greater then that of any dark mage I've ever met. well except for Zeref. I just don't understand. What are they trying to achieve by usually such a dark power.

Sayla loving embrace tightened on him as he lovingly accepted her touch after all right now he really needed it.

She then brought her hand up to the top of his head and started to pat it. (Y,N) really enjoyed it, although he might of enjoyed it a little too much. As a little soft purr could be heard coming from him.

This caused the elder Dragon to blush and immediately pull back away from his beloved demon. But to his demise sayla heard the purr and had a devilish smirk on her face.

Sayla: Ara Ara I didn't know you enjoyed head pat's so much, you even let out a little adorable purr~~. you sounded so cute when you did that.

(Y,N): I-I-I shut up.

Sayla proceeded to giggle to her heart's content.

After the chatting and the changing of clothes was done the group was almost ready to head into the Tower of heaven.

Where they were attacked by a squad of dark Mages only for them to be absolutely obliterated by a certain red hair knight.

Lucy: ERZA! Thank goodness you're okay.

Juvia: wow she's amazing.

Erza then looked over to to where she heard the voices as her eyes widened in shock as she saw her precious comrade and Friends from Fairy Tail.

Erza: it's you what you doing here?! Why are you inside the tower?

Lucy: Erza we came here to save you.

Juvia: hello we haven't met my name is Juvi-

Erza: Go home!

After the words the words left her mouth the group of Fairy Tail Mages stared at her shocked but our elder Dragon was eyeing her with suspicion.

Erza: this place is far too dangerous.

Natsu: you're not going to scare me into leaving Erza. I ain't going anywhere until that blockhead gets a good taste of my fist. I'm going to make him pay for shooting me in the mouth!

Erza: you have to go.

Lucy: but why?

Natsu: your friends kidnapped happy! And I'm not going to leave here without him!

Erza: they got him too? But don't worry it must have been millianna.

Natsu: then where can I find him!?

Erza: I'm not sure.

Natsu: then This means war!

Gray: who are you declaring war against exactly?

Natsu: *sprinting off into the distance* The jerk that kidnapped my little buddy!!

Erza: What natsu come back here!

Gray: moron.

Juvia: poor natsu.

Lucy: let's go help him.

After saying that there's a immediately raised her sword into the air to stop there in advance.

Erza: NO!

Her actions might have frightened the group but it just caused the elder Dragon and demon in the room to get even more suspicious of her.

Erza: you don't have to worry about happy millianna is a cat lover. She never do anything to hurt him. I promise I'll bring them both back to the guild with me. But you five need to leave immediately.

She then turned around from the group and was about to walk away with the Fairy Tail members arguing against her. But soon all talking with silenced as an ominous Aura flooded the entire room.

The aura washed over Erza freezing her in place.

She then turned around to see (Y,N) and sayla approaching her.

As Erza looked at these two, she could tell that they were not happy. No they were not at all.

Sayla had a look of disgust written all over her face, and had a glare so sharp it felt like she was being cut by a thousand blades.

(Y,N) on the other hand look like he was about ready to beat her into a bloody pulp. His eyes are flashing with power as the ominous Aura just increase in pressure when these two walks towards her.

Soon (Y,N) walked right up to her, as he glared down at her with his Dragon eyes bursting with power.

(Y,N): Erza Scarlett your actions are suspicious to say the least. Here are your precious comrade from Fairy Tail the friends you grown up with. Here to rescue you and to help you out with whatever you're going through. And here you are spitting in their faces practically saying they would be useless and that it's too dangerous for them.

Erza thoughts: out of all the people we could have been why these two! Shö everyone I'm too late I'm sorry!

Erza had her head lowered unable to form any words, the fairy tale Mages looked on at the two of them a little shocked.

Lucy: (Y,N) sayla maybe you two need to dial it down a little bit I think you're scaring her.

That certainly didn't end well for her as (Y,N) glared at the group basically forcing them to back down before returning to Erza.

(Y,N): what do you have to say for yourself Erza Scarlett.

Erza: I-I-

Sayla: speak already! Before I make you talk myself!

Sayla outburst cause erza to stumble back in shock never before has she seen sayla so angry before.

After about 3 minutes erza finally spoke.

Erza: fine I'll speak but please don't be angry.

(Y,N): depending on what it is, now tell me what the hell are we standing in?

Erza: *heavy sigh* the structure is a dark magic construct named the R system. Also known as the revival system it was meant to cast a forbidden black magic spell that takes the lives of countless sacrifices to bring someone back from the dead. How long ago while I was still a child I was kidnapped for my village and brought to work as a slave. Buy a cult obsessed with black magic, but I wasn't just the only one. hundreds of children just like me were forced to build this Tower. After what felt like years of cruel suffering we came up with a plan to escape the tower. But right as the plan was nearing its completion jellal the one I thought I can consider my closest friend betrayed us. He was tortured by the leader of that dark guild and change in a way that I couldn't even fathom. I begged him to come with me but he didn't he was too far gone at that point. He's then cast me away like I was nothing telling me if I if I ever told anyone about this Tower again I might lose the very friends I made when I was in this Tower.

The fairy tail mages just looked at her in shock. They never thought that Erza Scarlet we have to go through such a rough pass to be forced into slavery has such a young age. It must have been really rough for her.

But that was the least of their concern because right now (Y,N) was fuming with anger. He walked over to the table and put both his hands on it taking in deep breath to try and calm himself down.

(Y,N): and is the tower completed!

Erza: ye-


The sound of something being shattered with immense Force could be heard throughout the entire room as (Y,N) crush the entire table with his bare hand by squeezing it.

(Y,N): you've got to be kidding me!!

His outburst cause Lucy Gray and Juvia to jump back with fear as Erza I took a couple step back herself.

(Y,N): that's it I was willing to be a lenient but after what I've just heard there's no room to be lenient they all have to die.

He when started to walk away from the group in a right past Erza quickly brought up her hand to grab a hold of his shoulder.

The action caused the elder Dragon to flip around and stare at her. He then look at her arm and saw that it was shaking immensely. He could practically smell the stench of fear rating offer.

Erza: Pl-Please don't hurt th-them.

(Y,N): excuse me?

Erza: *steels her nerves* I said please don't hurt them!

(Y,N): and why shouldn't I??

Erza: because it wasn't their fault it was Jellal's it's only because of they there acting like this!
After a long silence they elder Dragon finally broken

(Y,N): do you think that would stop their judgment?

Erza/everyone except Sayla: What??

(Y,N): did you forget that I am the guardian of this world as such it's in my authority to weed out the roots of evil from this world. If they are willing to go along with this Jellal's plan they're just as guilty as he is. In a crime of this magnitude is punishable by Death.

Erza: how could you say that?! They're being manipulated!

Lucy: I mean (Y,N) you have a point but killing them do you think that's the only way? Especially if they're being manipulated?

Gray: I don't know man I mean I'll be willing to stop these guys but killing them do you think that's the only way to stop them?

(Y,N): it's funny you say that gray Lucy do you know what it's like being the guardian of this world? *Only Dead silence could be heard*. Of course you don't Having to clean up after humanity's filth day in and day out? Every century I have to come back to try and refix humanities problems only for them to self-destruct on themselves again. And cause even more work for me more problems to this world? Do you even know what that feels like? Because you know what  I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOUR WORLD! YOUR WORLD IT'S ON THE BRINK OF OF ITS DESTRUCTION AND S*** LIKE THIS IS JUST TIPPING THAT SCALE OVER MORE AND MORE!

After his little outburst (for like the fifth time) the group can now finally understand why he's been so angry since he entered the tower.

Erza: (Y,N).

(Y,N): *calms down* Erza I know you care deeply for your friends and I understand that. But if I have to choose between your friends and the entire world I'm choosing your friends. I'm sorry that it might seem selfish but has the guardian of the world I'm constantly forced to make decisions like this. If you wish to see me as a monster then so be it. but I'm doing that for the betterment of your world.

He and his demoness walked away leaving the fairy tail wizards to their thoughts.


Gray: I don't care what you say erza but after what happened in the casino and what (Y,N) just said I'm going to put a stop to this and you're not stopping me.

He then started to walk forward leaving the group behind to follow the elder dragon.

Leaving the female wizards to themselves and with erza's mind being clouded by horrible thoughts and tough decisions that she would have to make along this journey.

Guess what b****** I'm back oh my f****** god it feels amazing to be back you have no idea how long I have waited to update these story's.

I am so so sorry for the super late update but I've been dealing with a lot of problems some soul searching had to be done. And family problems just kept popping up all over the place it was a mess dudes but I'm glad to be back.

And don't worry all you Supreme Dragon of GX lovers I'll have a new chapter out either bye tomorrow or Sunday just be on the lookout for that.

Now if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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