Chapter thirteen the Tower of heaven

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At era

The magic council was having a meeting about the discovery of one of the R systems. Basically a magic system to revive the dead but that sacrifice of many many more. A long time ago the magic council sent out multiple groups in order to destroy these systems. Though they only thought there was seven not eight and now they had a holographic system pulled up revealing that there was an eighth Tower.

Council member: I thought we destroyed them all.

Woman Council member: it would appear that we missed one.

Council member: yes but how do we miss it.... But more importantly is it structure close to being completed.

Woman Council member: I don't know but our team went miraculously missing after sending these images so I have no clue if it's close to completion or not.

Ultear (disguised): looks completed to me

Just got a an angry reaction from most of the council members knowing that the R system was most likely completed.

Council member: but why would they revive the R system after so long?

siegrain (jellal disguised): the Tower of heaven.... It's not the R system it's the Tower of heaven. To be clear.

Council member: it makes no difference what it's called it utilizes forbidden magic chaos would erupt if it's existence was even known to the general public!

Female council member: then I guess we'll have to try to do them somehow. I'd like to make a suggestion that we dispatch the military.

Council member: that wouldn't be an option.

Female council member: what do you mean!!

Council member: our soldiers will be going in blind I'll be going in with great danger. we don't even know who we're dealing with here. According to our latest intelligence the black magic cult responsible for this for the R system is no longer occupied within the tower.

Council member: There not then just who is then.

Council member: it's a group of wizards apparently led by a man named jellal.

Just got a shock response from every single council member they quickly turn to jellal for answers.

Council member: isn't that the name of your twin brother? Right siegrain?

siegrain: yes unfortunately that would be him.

Then a image flash to his mind of a person who look just like him in a black robe sitting on a throne with a cocky ass smile on his face.

On the open sea

In the ocean we could see are Fairy Tail mage group on a boat going towards the Tower of heaven.

Lucy was  re-calling the memories in the casino and how one of the members who kidnapped erza was able to turn people into cards.

Lucy: I hope the people back in the casino who got turned into cards are safe.

Gray: yeah they should be after all we did let the military now before we left.

Lucy: yeah I guess I'm just worried.

Gray: wait a minute ..what the hell are we!!

Juvia: I don't know we've been following the two dragons layers direction.

Unown to Juvia was that (Y,N) wasn't a dragon slayer he was an elder dragon but he decided to roll with it to not cause a panic.

Before he could speak Lucy and gray both looked over at the motion sick natsu. Gray look pissed off same with juvia and Lucy just had a wtf look on her face.

Knowing that he was a lost cause the group turned to the elder Dragon sitting next to his demon.

(Y,N): I can assure you were going the right way, after all I've been manipulating the water around this boat to take us to the exact location.

Gray: man I'm disappointed. they were able to knock us out so easily and kidnapped Erza as well. And the only ones that weren't affected by this was (Y,N) and sayla. We really are pathetic.

Juvia: in our defense they were probably extremely powerful wizards. Maybe even as powerful as Erza.

Gray: *pissed off* they didn't beat erza no way in hell that happened so stop talking about her like you actually know her!

Juvia lowered her head down and pouted, Lucy started to scold Gray. but these little outburst caught the ear of the elder Dragon and their boat so he decided to speak up.

(Y,N): calm down Gray we still have a long way to go but I'll tell you this. But If you're mad about losing so much then you should probably train to get stronger. But at this moment we cannot start fighting amongst yourselves yes they kidnapped Erza but we can't let our anger blind us so calm down. So that way we are the best likelihood of saving her.

Gray got a little mad but quickly calmed down knowing that the elder Dragon across from him was right.

Gray: I guess you're right man.

Soon the conversations ended and then everyone went back to just sitting in silence.

Sayla decided to lay her head on (Y,N) shoulder who happily accepted her embrace. So he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him while resting his chin on top of his head.

The two of them then close their eyes enjoying the nice comforting sound of silence.

But unknown to them Juvia looked at them with mixed feelings. Disappointment and happiness.

Gray just gave a light smile and Lucy just smiled at the two.

Natsu, Natsu was still sick and couldn't really do anything.

Soon Natsu motion sickness apparently just cut out as he stood up to get a survey around of the boat. He and (Y,N) had the same feeling when they saw their boat entering a deeper darker water. A flock of birds that were flying across from their boat as soon as they entered this area dropped dead and their corpses fell into the water.

This left the Fairy Tail Mages in shock.

Lucy: oh my God the birds.

Gray: the hell's happening to them.

(Y,N) though: I can sense dark magic all around us, what the f*** are these humans trying to do!?

Soon they're boat jerked a little as they look down to see multiple dead fish rising to the surface and pieces of wood that look like they were from boats.

Gray: okay what the hell's going on here it's even got the fish as well!

Juvia: I've never seen anything like this.

(Y,N) just silently looked around at the scene in front of them he could feel a tug on his shirt and turned around to see Sayla staring at him with concern.

Sayla: are you all right?

(Y,N): (lightly chuckles) there's nothing to worry about my sweet little demon.

His attention then turns to where everyone else was facing didn't realize how serious the situation was.

Gray: wait a minute that piece over there it looks like it's from a fiore naval ship.

Natsu: guys what's that.

Everyone then turns to come face to face with this gigantic tower that went to the sky. But this thing did not look natural at all, it was built with what appeared to be multiple metal pipes that wrapped around each other forming it into a spire that was piercing the sky above them.

(Ignore everyone standing there)

Lucy: that must be the Tower of heaven.

(Y,N) thoughs: so that's the Tower of heaven..... And it's also the soon to be Tower of blood.

Juvia: I'll protect us.

She put her hand into the air and a blue magic circle soon appeared around it, soon to everyone shocked minus (Y,N) and sayla the water around them started to form into a water dome that completely covered their boat.

Juvia: my water dome will keep after being seen.

With erza

Erza the Great and mighty Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail was now before her nightmare the thing that has completely ruined her childhood and has turned her into the woman she is today. The nightmare that she tried to run away from all those years ago was no right in front of her.

Erza: the Tower of heaven it's been completed!

Shô: you seem surprised we've been working on it all those years ago since you left almost 10 years ago.

Erza: has it really been that long, it's quite amazing to see how much you've all changed.

Back with the group.

Natsu motion sickness has return back full force and was now groaning on the ground complaining how he wanted his life to end.

Lucy: come on natsu just hold on a little bit longer.

Gray: you know what! Next time we take him on any form transportation if we're knocking him out!



The group turned around and sweat dropped at the site they just saw.

(Y,N) had just karate chopped natsu on the head completely knocking him out.

(Y,N): damn you have really bad motion sickness you know that.

Inside of jail cell

In a area of the Tower of heaven that was a gigantic spiral that went up for who knows how long. Layered with multiple jail cells along each layer of the walls. Erza Scarlet was thrown into one of the jail cells bye shô. With Simon standing in front of the jail cell making sure nothing goes wrong.

Shô: this is where you will stay until the ceremony it should be taking place later tonight.

Erza thoughts: ceremony, are they really going to activate the R system!!

Shô: I'm sorry but this is the price of betrayal and although you've heard him jellal has giving you a special honor.... you're going to be the sacrifice of this ceremony! So I'm sad I've never be able to see you again but with your sacrifice you will help us get to heaven.

Erza hands started to shake, she was fuming with anger though shô mistaked it for trembling.

Shô: you're trembling are you afraid of being the sacrifice? Or is it the cell that brings back memory.

No I'm not doing the flashback. If you want to see the flashback then go to season 1 episode 34 to see the flashback.

Shô: you're the one that ended up being punished even though I came up with the plan. Because I was too scared to say anything I'm sorry it was my fault.

Erza: that was in the past shô right now I'm worried about how dangerous it is to resurrect someone that you don't even know using the R system.

Shô: wow I didn't know that you know what its purpose was for. It's quite a surprise.

Erza: the revive system in the exchange of multiple sacrifices is used to bring back one person from the dead it is one of the most inhumane forbidden forms of black magic imaginable!

Shô: sure it might be forbidden but whoever said that magic had to be humane? I believe that magic wears away at one's humanity.

Erza: that is a black magic philosophy!! Are you going to become one of them now!

Shô: are you seriously going to compare us to those idiots! They only thought that this Tower was good for Resurrection magic. But we now better because we are enlightened, jellal told us that he can use the tower to get us to heaven!

Erza: to heaven do you even know what you're doing!! You are trying to upset the balance that was created by beings that are hundreds of times stronger than all of the beings in this world put together! Do you know what you're actions might bring upon our world!!!

Shô started to walk away before he answered erza's question.

Shô: it doesn't matter and these beings you talk about they're nothing more than a fabrication for you to try and spare yourself from becoming the sacrifice! But with the R system we will use it to revive him and our world will be reborn and we will become its rulers! The cult members who kept us in prison for all those years! The love ones of the sister who betrayed us! The citizens who lives their entire lives blissfully ignorant! Those fools on the magic Council! We're going to put fear and sorrow into the hearts of every last one of them they'll be stripped of their freedom and denied of any rights once we're in control!! They will have no choice but to bow down before us!

While he was giving his evil monologue Erza use this time to get out of her binds and rushed towards shô. He couldn't react in time as he was slammed by Erza into the middle poles of the jail cell. Being knocked out with a single hit.

Erza then use her teeth to uncuff herself before turning to her once childhood friend.

Erza: shô everyone I'm sorry but I cannot let this go through. I cannot let you put our world in danger like this. Because unknown to you or the majority of this world. There is a threat that looms greater than any wizard in existence. A being of power who is meant to keep the balance in order. And if he finds out about this he will no doubt kill you all.

Soon an image of a younger shô flash to her mind as she started to tremble with anger.

Erza: what has caused all of you to change so drastically. What has jellal done to you all!

She re-quipped into her standard armor with a pissed off expression on her face.

Erza: I have to stop this, all of this before it's too late.

She then ran out of her cell and prepared for the fight of her life.

Unknown to her the being that she feared most of all has already arrived and the Tower of heaven will soon be turned into the Tower of blood.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done hope you guys enjoyed it.

I'm sorry it's taking so long to make new chapters it's just that with all the s*** that's been going on with me lately I've been finding it harder and harder to you know write and get my ideas down.

But don't worry all of you fans of supreme Dragon of GX I'll have a new chapter out about next weekend I just need a little time to go over the series and you know gather my thoughts.

Also in that same weekend rise of a new demon god will be coming to an end just to let you know.

Anyways catch you guys later.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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