Chapter Nine a devilish meeting part two

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At a small cabin in the woods

In what appear to be a small old cabin in the woods, but the outside's not what's important it's who on the inside.

Inside of this cabin was a beautiful demoness was lying on a bed, she wrapped up within a blanket resting your head against a pillow. Her golden horns pointed upwards as she slowly started to wake up.

When the demoness finally woke up she looked over to see. A man sitting in a chair looking out the window at the stars above them.

She could identify this man or rather dragon as the person who she fought and lost him.

No she didn't just simply lose to him she stood no chance against him. She could only look down nervous at what he was going to do with her.

she also had her nervous was that she couldn't contact the cube. Or anyone inside of it, she couldn't even sense any presents outside of his cabin. All she could sense was a powerful magical barrier around them blocking out everything around them.

She looked over at the man and decided to ask a question.

Sayla: what do you plan on doing with me?

(Y,N) who was star-gazing was brought out of his gazing when he heard her voice. So he turned around to see her on the bed looking at him.

But the more he looked at her he could see the look of fear hidden deep inside of her. She was trying to hide it well but for him it was easy to see.

(Y,N): Nothing.

Sayla: nothing?

Her voice seem jagged and she looked at him with eyes full of hate, she thought that if he was going to prolong her suffering. He needs to get it over with already. She lost to him she could never go back to tartaros she'll be labeled as a failure.

(Y,N): yes nothing... well there is one thing I'm going to do.

Sayla: and what's that?!

(Y,N): tell you the truth.

Sayla: the truth?

(Y,N): yes the truth the true reason why you etherious were created. So just listen up.

Sayla said nothing and did nothing, only thing she did was turn to him and gave him her full attention. There's nothing else she could do and this also piqued her interest.

(Y,N): now that I have your attention this story begins over 400 years ago.

"During this time humanity must be trying to recover from the great dragon war. Many civilizations were decimated in its wake and many more were destroyed. Zeref an immortal and also your creator witnessed all of this and felt remorse.

You seem your creator has been trying to kill himself for over 400 years. the reason why I know this is because I met him 400 years ago."

Flash back 400 years ago

One a secluded mountain far away from most civilization this man wear a high-collared red and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines.

He was overlooking the forest that was currently dead. The trees look like the decade and died and the land around it was a baron wasteland.

This man was Zeref the black wizard, Zeref was just standing on the ledge overlooking in the forest. He didn't like the fact he brought death to everything around him. But there was nothing he could do. He was cursed, cursed because of the goal of trying to bring back one of the people he loved and held above all others.

A sad smile could be seen forming along his face as he saw this happen. But he was brought out of his thoughts when he saw a raging storm coming near him.

But zeref could care less about the storm and was more shocked at the magical power he was sensing from it.

It was gigantic three times stronger than that of acnologia, the black wizard could only look on in shock as it came closer and closer to him.

Eventually it just stopped. Then the clouds were pulled apart to reveal a gigantic dragon staring down at him.

Zeref was once against stunned by this creature. Though he was paralyzed with fear he could see how majestic this creature was.

Gracefully floating in the sky not causing any destruction... It's mighty form and its head held high it looked like a god. And with the level of magic power he could sense from it he had no doubt this was one of those creatures he's heard so much about.

An elder dragon.

He expected the creature to just look at him and then leave but what happened next threw him for a loop.

???: What is this... I smell death, decay *looks down at Zeref* you there human are you the cause of this?

Zeref: Y-yes sadly

he took a step back from the creature clearly not expect it to commune with him.

???: Oh I see now you were cursed by that fool Ankhseram went you.

Zeref: Y-you now of my curse?

???: How could I not know, he was created by Lord alatreon as the overseer of life and death.

Zeref said nothing as you just continue to stare at the dragon.

As for amatsu he continued to stare at the black wizard and looked deep into his eyes. He could see everything that has happened all the death. but he could also see the outrageous amount of guilt he had built up inside of him. A twisted and broken soul that is all amatsu could see.

Amatsu: human tell me your name.

Zeref: It's Zeref dragneel...but if you don't mind me asking who are you?

Amatsu: human I am amatsu the elder dragon of the storms! It is nice to make your acquaintance zeref.

Zeref: it's nice to make your acquaintance as well.

Flash back ended

(Y,N) just sat there waiting to see her response after he told her his story and he had to keep himself from laughing when he saw her face.

She had the face of complete and total shock,

Sayla: W-Wha that's how you meant Lord zeref?!

(Y,N): yes but the story doesn't end there. What I'm about to tell you next has to deal with your very own creation.

Sayla just nod her head preparing herself for the next story.

Flash back 10 years after the last flashback

Zeref was inside of a laboratory With his friend amatsu by his side. over the last 10 years the two of them have gotten to know each other very well.

Amatsu taught zeref more ancient forms of magic it had a properly use gis magic.

Zeref was beyond grateful for this and use this knowledge to do what he's about to do now... Creating life itself.

Amatsu was against this idea because he didn't want the one person he would consider a friend to bring on the wrath of his Lords. But surprisingly it was actually Fatalis who gave him the go-ahead to.

Fatalis wanted to see if a human trained by a elder dragon could achieve the impossible. He and the other black dragons were quite curious of this so they gave him to go ahead.

With that zeref was about to perform his first ever creation of life magic.

Amatsu: you sure about this Zeref?

Zeref: yes now please stand back I need my concentration.

Amatsu walk to the back of the room before turning around to face Zeref, he nod his head giving him the signed to start the ritual. And Zeref nod his head back before turning back to the ritual.

Zeref close his eyes and gathered up the magic power in his hand holding it out towards the magic circle.

The magic circle started to glow red as he opened his eyes to reveal his eyes glowing bright red

Zeref: aspect of life I command you to bend to my will and answer my call. Create the being of my will have them carry out my orders! Now arise!

When the chance ended a powerful burst of magic flew through the room knocking things over. But when it was done there stood a humanoid being.

He looked like a regular human but something was wrong about him he looked deformed his body was skinny like he was starved for years. The creature looked up at Zeref it only said one thing.

???: Master.

That was all the being could send before it collapsed to the ground and vanished into dust.

Zeref and amatsu were shocked Zeref more then amatsu... He's just created the life.

Zeref was beyond happy maybe if he kept pursuing this he could create a being strong enough to kill him. After years of being tormented by this curse maybe this was the key to ending his eternal suffering.

He turned to his friend and smiled in this smile with a genuine one not a fake one one that showed true happiness.

Zeref: I think... I think this is the key to ending my eternal suffering.

Amatsu: looks like it.

Three years later

After the three years have passed the duo was once again back inside of the laboratory. Over these years Zeref has finally mastered and perfected the form of creating life.

They also found out the reason why he fell at the first time. He tried to create true life life from nothing like how the black dragons did it.

Although he was successful for about five seconds no being is a strong as the black dragon's. So it was guaranteed that it wouldn't work. So He had to find a way to create life but not in the ways like the black dragons.

So he decided to use Ethernano the building blocks of magic. But he also ran into another problem it was trick because he had to gather enough Ethernano to create another living being but as well as give it a personality and shape.

Which he mastered after a long and grueling process. And was now ready to give this one last attempt.

Amatsu: you got this.

Zeref: thank you amatsu.

Like all those years ago he created the magic circle instead there channeling his magic into his hand.

Zeref: aspect of life I command you to bend to my will once again, and for you to answer my call! Create the being of my will, have them carry out my orders! Now arise! My new creation!

The magic power Burst through the entire room sending a shockwave with rippled the entire area.

Lab materials and books were thrown around and the walls cracked but when it was over the first of the etherious were born.

He had a human shape with black horns pursuiting from his head. He wore clothing similar to Zeref.

The demon looked up at Zeref and was confused.

???: Who are you?

Zeref: I am Zeref your creator and he *points at amatsu* is my friend.

???: Who am I?

Zeref: you will be called Black my very first creation.

Time skip 2 years

Two years past and Zeref created hundreds of etherious, his newest creations were nine demons. He called these demons the nine demon Gates.

However there was a downside to all of this, that downside being the none of these creations were strong enough to kill him. It depressed him greatly that 15 years was all for nothing. So he decided to give his creations freedom. There was no point in destroying them so he decided to give them the one thing he could never have... Freedom.

But the etherious we're confused by their master saying that they were created to serve him so he gave them one directive.

Help humanity.

And so they did the etherious with their abilities help humanity to flourish. For year's humanity was peaceful with their etherious companions. But all good things have to come to an end.

Humanity started to get nervous of the etherious, some even claimed that they were just demons hiding in human clothing.

Which they weren't wrong but the real problem started when humans started to attack them.

The etherious we're devastated by this they were only following their masters orders and in return they were treated like this!

It enraged them and for the first time in history they lashed out.

They decimated the humans that were sent to kill them reducing them to nothing.

During this time amatsu expectations on humans dropped again. He felt ashamed that these were the creatures that his Lords allowed these insects to live.

So with nothing better to do he put an end to the fighting between humans and etherious. By telling Zeref to put them all into their books and have them reawaken in the future.

Zeref agreed with this idea not wanting any more Carnage or death due to his creations.

So he would seal them all within their books and let them be released in about a three hundred years.

But this was also the time that amatsu would return to his realm. So he decided to tell Zeref this.

So he did and although he was saddened by this he understood. So he gave one last goodbye to his dearest friend.

But amatsu brought him in for a hug that surprised the black wizard that this was the first time in years that anyone's hugged him.

With one final goodbye amatsu open the portal to his room and left the human plane.

Flash back ended

Sayla who was still on the bed just sat there trying to process everything she couldn't say anything or do anything once again she was put into this situation.

They were originally created to help humans? Then why... Why do they kill humans? If their lord wish them to help humans to let them thrive then why were they killing them?

Sayla: I-I d-don't know what to say.

She held her low ashamed of herself, she has strayed from the path her Lord set them on. They all did the thought of this made her feel something that she's never felt before.

And she didn't like it, this feeling felt like a 50-ton weight was pressed on your chest. And it felt tight as well as hard to breathe.

(Y,N) feeling her discomfort walked over to her and enveloped her in a hug.

(Y,N): there, there it's all right you were all led astrade there's nothing you could have done.

Sayla: I know that but this feeling in my chest it... Hurts.

(Y,N) look down at the demoness in his arms that was going through a mental crisis.

(Y,N): you finally feel guilt for what you've done but you couldn't have done anything. So don't feel too bad.

Sayla looked up at him her eyes gazing into his but when he saw her eyes they held hatred not for him but for herself.

Sayla: how can you say that! Our lord gave us a mission! And we didn't follow that order we we're so focused on what we thought was right and our own selfish desires we completely forsaken our Lord's original mission! We probably caused him more pain than we could possibly imagine!

At this point tear started to form in her eyes...when she felt them run down her face she brought her hand up and was shocked to see this.

Sayla: why am I crying? I'm a etherious so why am I crying?

(Y,N) only shook his head at her remark.

(Y,N): do you think just because your a etherious that you don't have emotions? All living things have them etherious included, it's just that you are more separated from your emotions. You all thought you were created without emotions but that's where you're wrong. Zeref gave you all your own personalities and emotions so that way you can all live your own lives. The truth is you etherious we're never tools you like normal humans to him and me. So don't go thinking you're a tool because you're not you're a living breathing person demon or not.

Sayla couldn't contain this new emotion inside of her as she cried into his shoulder. So (Y,N) just brought up his hand and caressed her back trying to comfort her.

He was glad that she could see what she truly was not a tool but a living being created for her own wants and desires.

(Y,N) thoughts: I promise you Zeref that the next time we meet I will free you from your curse.

There you have a ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter done and I am super sorry about the late upload.

I have had a ton of s*** going down at my house and with school but I finally got some free time so don't worry I'll try and make some new chapters for my other story tomorrow.

All right that's all for today so the excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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