Chapter Ten our new member!

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Three days later

In Fiore on a train heading towards magnolia inside of said train were two individuals.

One was our lovable elder Dragon of the storms, and the other was a busty  beautiful demoness.

(Y,N) and sayla have been traveling together for the past 3 days, destroying other dark guilds as well as growing a strong connection with each other.

You might be wondering why is sayla traveling with (Y,N) and is not with tartaros.

Well............. Let's just stay the overstep they're bounds severely and paid a very severe price.

But back with the duo sayla was laying her head on his shoulder sleeping, after the traumatic events with tartaros. And learning the truth about their origins she's been more emotional lately.

This could lead to emotional outburst for her or breaking down into an emotional mess.

But (Y,N) was always there to comfort her through her emotional time of needs and she grown to need his presents with her. And after the events with tartaros she was left with waking nightmares, leaving it hard for her to sleep.

(Y,N) was recalling The first time this happened and the events that happened afterwards. When they were staying in a nearby village after destroying a dark guild.


The duo were resting in Ruby village after the destruction of the emerald skull dark guild.

The two we're staying inside one of the guest houses.

Inside said house in one of the rooms could someone hear the sound of thrashing. Like someone was having an endless nightmare.

Sayla was trying to sleep but she was having terrible nightmares and every time she she woke up she would be drenched in sweat and her heart was pounding. Her nightmares started to happen to happen after the day that her old guild betrayed her. She pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them still remember the pain both emotional and physical of there betrayal on her.

An hour pass and she still couldn't sleep so she decided to go to the one person that always made her feel better. She sneaked out of her room and quietly made it into (Y,N) room. And when she entered her room she froze, there was (Y,N) sleeping in his bed with the blanket only covering his legs exposing his shirtless upper body.

she was about to have a severe nose bleed when she saw his upper body. His hard steel like eight pack and his body was like it was chiseled from marvel with the finest of detail.

The demoness could feel her lust acting up and she was forced to take in deep breaths in order to satiate and calm herself down.

This however though woke up (Y,N) who looked over at her with a confused face.

(Y,N): *very confused* Sayla why are you in my room?

Sayla: I-I.......

(Y,N) realizing that something was wrong with her got up and started walking towards her. But unfortunately this act was having a different effect on her. When she saw he was only in shorts.

Her body started to shake and her eyes were feeling with lust unable to take her aside off of the handsome dragon in front of her.

But quickly realizing what she was doing she averted her gaze from him but that didn't help the fact that she had a enormous blush across your face.

(Y,N): Sayla are you okay.

Sayla: nightmares.

(Y,N) eyes widen at this although she said it and almost a whisper he's advanced hearing allowed him to hear it. Knowing how severe nightmares can be and the effects that it can have on her. He quickly walked over to her and brought her into a hug.

Rubbing her back affectionately he could feel her body stiffen but slowly she started to soften and loosen up leaning into his touch.

(Y,N): it's going to be okay I promised you didn't I. I would never let anything happen to you so long as I'm in this world.

He want to let go but was brought back into the hug by the female demon. She brought her hands around his neck and started to lean into his body. (Y,N) seeing this let out of small chuckle before wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into him even more.

Sayla: can I stay with you for the night?

When she whispered that she buried her head into the crook of his neck letting out a happy sign.

(Y,N): yeah I don't mind.

(Y,N) scooped her up bridal style which caused the demoness to let out a cute Yelp. But when he walked over to the bed, he gently laid her down. Before climbing in next to her then wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into him.

Sayla was enjoying the feeling of his strong muscular arms wrapped around her holding her protectively. Letting out a happy sight again she closed her eyes and leaned into his chest. Closing her eyes for the final time tonight as she fell into a blissful sleep.

(Y,N) still awake and looking at the sleeping demon and only smiled happily before falling asleep right next to the female demon.

Flashback end

After that she will would never leave his side and would always sleep with him every single night.

(Y,N) had no objections to this because he only wanted her to get better after all a traumatic experience. Like this could leave leave a human or demon shattered for the rest of there lives. He was only playing his part in her recovery.

Though the only times he would consider this annoying is when he tries to wake up and get out of bed only to be pulled back by the sleeping demon. And she would not let go no matter how hard he tried, the first time this happened he was shocked beyond belief because of how strong she was.

Although he quickly accepted this and laid back beside the demon waiting for her to wake up first.

(Y,N) recalling the memories can only smile he really did enjoy his time he spent with his demon companion. And could tell he was developing feelings for her.

But he was brought out of his thoughts when the train came to a stop.

(Y,N) realizing that this was their stop shook the shoulder of the sleeping demon but she didn't wake up. so he just picked her up bridal style and walked off the train with her.

Once they were off the train he could feel the demons stirring in his arms and when she opened her eyes. She was met with his eyes staring right back at her.

(Y,N): well look you finally decided to wake up sleeping beauty.

Sayla: *blushes* thank you (Y,N) sorry you had a carry me off the train like that.

(Y,N) seeing her reaction could only chuckle before he shut her down and started to rub the top of her head.

(Y,N): you know you're the cutest little thing when you're embarrassed.

This caused the demon to blush even harder.

Sayla: BAKA! Don't say something like that in public! It's embarrassing!

She buried her face into his shoulder to hide the blush that was extending across her face.

(Y,N): *rubs her back affectionately* all right come on my little demon let's go to Fairy Tail your new future awaits.

The two of them then started walking towards the fairy tail guild building.

After a short walk the two of them arrive at the door of Fairy Tail (Y,N) looked over at sayla and he could tell she was nervous.

(Y,N) letting out a sign took her hand into his hand. The action caused sayla to look at (Y,N) before squeezing his hand.

(Y,N): you ready?

Sayla: so long as I have you.

(Y,N) then proceeded to kick the door open and took three steps in and got every member's attention.


Random guild member: (Y,N) RETURNED!

Random guild member: yeah and he has some strange girl with him as well!

Random guild member: is she a new member!

The action at the guild going into uproar caused sayla become a little bit nervous, (Y,N) seeing this decided to put an end to this.

(Y,N):* takes in deep breath* SHUT UP!

He gave a ferocious roar befitting that of a dragon and causing every member of fairy tail to close their mouth.

(Y,N): *clear throat* all right to answer your first question yes she is a new member and she would like to join the guild. Second thing she's a bit shy so do not try to bombard her with questions. Now-


(Y,N) look over to see a familiar pink hair dragon slayer with an enormous grin on his face. Clearly excited about the new member to their family.

(Y,N): Yes Natsu I agree with you let's start the celebration.

Immediately covering his ears in order to not suffer hearing damage from the uproar fairy tail excited for their new member.

Sayla was then pulled away by one of the members and started to ask questions and making sure it was not too many questions.

Random guild member: what's your name?

Sayla: My name is Sayla.

Random guild member: what kind of magic do you use?

Sayla: I don't use magic.

Random guild member: then what do you use.

Sayla look back at (Y,N) you only gave her a nod before she answered that.

Sayla: I use something called curses...

Random guild member: what are curses?

Sayla: something that normal humans can't learn.

Random guild member: you make it sound like you're not human.

Sayla: I'm not human..... I'm a demon.

She let down her cloaking spell which revealed all of her demonic appendages.

The members of Fairy Tail were shocked beyond belief before a cheer for your voice cut through it all.


sayla after hearing that was at a loss for words, and soon every member of fairy tail began to scream how awesome their guild was and how awesome it was that they had a demon in their guild.

Sayla hearing all of this was about to cry she was overcome with so much happiness that she could barely contain it. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and turn her head to seem her companion smiling at her.

(Y,N): welcome to the family.

Sayla overcome with so much emotion brought his head down to her level. And slammed her lips into his, for an extremely rough kiss.

the action cost all the Fairy Tail to stop and look at the scene in front of them. Some of the guild was extremely shocked and others were extremely happy.

And when the two lovebirds pulled away Fairy Tail erupted into cheers.

(Y,N): I guess you're what humans would call girlfriend huh. *He says as he pulls her into his embrace and she leans into it more*

Sayla: I guess it does my dragon.

(Y,N): well I couldn't ask for a better lover my little demon queen.

The two of them leaned in for another kiss enjoying the comfort that they gave each other.

Sayla was more happy than she was in her entire life. And her happiness came from the elder dragon of the storms.

There you go ladies and gentlemen the newest chapter is now done hip hip hooray!!

I hope you guys like the chapter and that's about it so if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

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