Chapter Seventeen spoiling a demon

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Three days after the tower of heaven.

The group of fairy tail wizards return to Fairy Tail, following the conclusion of the towering of heaven. Since then 3 days has gone by and well the group was as rambunctious as they always been.

Natsu and gray would usually start guild fights which ended in the entire guild having to bring out the extra pairs of chairs and tables.

Or Natsu would always try and get a rematch from (Y,N), who well let's just say he whooped him pretty badly.

Yeah in that free fight (Y,N) gave him it did not go out the way natsu intended it to go.

You see (Y,N) didn't beat him with magic or technique. No he beat the fire dragon slayer with a singular 1 in punch to his head.

That in turn sent our beloved fire dragon, flying out of the guild and crashed into the streets of magnolia.

Yep and ever since then Natsu's been wanting a rematch. but even when they did have their rematch it would always end the same way.

The elder dragon and the guild always had a laugh whenever the fire dragon slayer would challenge him again and again. And (Y,N) knows that his Demoness had a few chuckles along the way.

But as of right now our beloved elder Dragon was currently setting up a reservation to Fiore's best restaurant. With the lovely white hair mage name Mira.

Mira: And done, that's one reservation for a two seat table at Fiore's Best restaurant. Have fun.

(Y,N): Thank you Mira you're a lifesaver.

Mira: Ow it's no biggie at all, I was happy to help. Also by the way what do you plan on doing after this little date of yours.

(Y,N) hesitated to answer. Because he saw that devilish grin on Mira's face. And from what he got from everyone in the guild, that usually wasn't a good sign. But he decided to tell her anyways.

(Y,N): well after I take her to the restaurant, I'm going to take her to the carnival that's going on out there. Then to the jewelry store and just have a fantastic day with her.

Mira: you mean spoiling her right~~.

(Y,N): you can say it like that. But then again we dragons always shower our mates in riches. After all a dragon's mate is more important to them, than an entire cave of treasure.

Mira: *giggles* then she's quite lucky to have you, after all hundreds of women would love to be in her shoes right now.

(Y,N): yes *looks at sayla from across the room* but she's the only one I'll take.

Mira: *smiles warmly* well don't waste your time with me, after all you got a demon to spoil.

(Y,N): yes I do.

(Y,N) then walked away from Mira, who couldn't help but keep a loving smile on her face seeing how The two interacted with each other.

Mira thoughts: these two are made for each other.

The White haired mages watched as (Y,N) walked over to Sayla getting her attention.

(Y,N): *wraps his arms around Sayla* Hello my Demoness enjoying yourself?

Sayla: I am now that your here~~.

(Y,N): My My such a teaser.

Sayla: what I can't help but tease you.

(Y,N): *chuckles* anyways I have somewhere I want to take you.

Sayla: Ow, and where are you going to take me?

(Y,N): *leads her out of the guild* that's a surprise.

He then scooped her up bridal style and took off into the air. And flew out of the town and out of eye view in a few minutes.

20 minutes of peaceful flying later

The Elder Dragon landed on the group about 5 miles away from fiore.

And in front of them was the nicest looking restaurant that Sayla has every seen. With the outside looking like he was entirely made of well chiseled marble. The White and Red color gave it a spectacular coloring scheme.

(Y,N) then wrapped his arms around hers. Before the two of them proceeded forward into the restaurant. To see the man who was going to take their reservation.

Worker: greetings welcome to Fiore's finest restaurant the white dragon. May I please have your reservation.

(Y,N) then kindly handed the man their reservation to the restaurant.

Worker: Ah, Mr (Y,N) and Miss Sayla right this way I will take you to your table.

The man then lead them through a door way and Sayla was blown away by how fantastic it look.

Everything looked amazing and the architecture was fantastic. (Y,N) looked over to see his Demoness stunned face and couldn't help but smile.

(Y,N): what's wrong?

Sayla: H-How much d-did this cost?

(Y,N):...........About 40,000 Jews.

Just for your information I'm counting one Jewel as $1 because why not.

Sayla left stunned for the second time of this day. 40,000. $40,000!!! He spent on getting these two a reservations to this restaurant. She knew he wanted to spoil her but, she didn't think it would be to this extreme!

Sayla: W-Why would you pay so much for this?

(Y,N): *chuckles/pats her head* because I want to give you a fantastic time, and for the next 3 days I'm going to spoil you thoroughly. And don't worry about the money trust me I have plenty.

Sayla was about to say something but she just closed her mouth. She wanted to protest but then again. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, after all he was doing all of this for her. But she still felt a little guilty knowing that he was probably going to spend hundreds of thousands on her.

The two of them took their seats and as the worker handed them their menu and walked away. Allowing the group too pick out what they want.

After about 10 minutes of looking through the menu. One of the waiters came to the an asked what they wanted to order.

Waiter: hello what would you like to order?

(Y,N): I would like to order the carnivore Supreme.

Sayla: and I would like to order the Italian Supreme as well.

Waiter: very well I shall take your menus please.

The duo handed the waiter the menus before she walked away and gave her order to the head chef.

Sayla: (Y,N) you don't have to spend so much.

(Y,N):*clueless expression* what do you mean?

Sayla: *deadpan expression* you just spent over $2,000 jewels. Ordering those two meals for us.

(Y,N): *sarcastically* ow really? Must have not noticed.

Sayla could tell he was being sarcastic and uncaring. The only thing the demon could do was just roll her eyes.

After about 30 minutes of waiting the waiter came back with there meals and The two meals were merged into one massive plate, but to say they were surprising was an understatement.

Just the smell alone was causing the two to drool themselves. As the waiter bidded them a farewell as the two of them dug into their food.


(Y,N) couldn't help but chuckle at his Demoness, and how she was acting, like a small child really enjoying her food.

(Y,N): *reaches across the table and pats her head* Ow you're just so adorable~~, when you're like that my little demon.

Sayla: *blushes heavily* S-Stop that! It's embarrassing when you do this to me in front of people BAKA!!!!

(Y,N):....... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Sorry my little demon I'll stop.

He retracted his hand from the top of the Demoness head, who was still blushing. But I couldn't help but smile loving at her dragon.

The two of them sat there in silence and just enjoying the company of one another. As they ate their delicious food.

After about 45 minutes the two of them finish their food and called the waiter to get their check.

Waiter: your total is $2,500 jew's.

(Y,N) payed for the two as they left the restaurant and investigated around the area.

Then (Y,N) lead sayla to the carnival that was going on, sayla looked around and saw kids running around enjoying themselves eating cotton candy.

She then notice that there was multiple rides that were all around, as her curiosity got the best of her.

(Y,N) just smiled before he grabbed her hand again and took her around the carnival.

They wrote a multiple machines from the carousel to the roller coaster. (Y,N) even play a whack a mole machine. And let's just say the machine was never the same after that. But hey at least he won a gigantic stuffed dragon plushie for Sayla.

The two of them had so much fun together that they didn't notice the time flying past them. Once the two of them looked up at a nearby clock once was 3:00 pm what's now 8:30 p.m. So (Y,N) got a hotel for the two of them to stay at.

But sayla would hardly call this a "hotel" it was more like a mini house. The rooms were absolutely massive. With three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large living room and kitchen. And a outside consisting of having a gigantic hot tub and a large swimming pool.

(Y,N) told sayla that she can take a shower first, and sayla glad they accepted.

And after 30 minutes she finally came out and (Y,N) went in to get one as well.

Then finally when he was done, he came out of the shower in his new pair of shorts and shirt. And started to look around for his demon but he couldn't find her.


Sayla: *muffled* over here.

(Y,N) follow the sound of The voice and came to a very large hot tub area. Before he can realize what he did, he felt two arms wrap around him from behind. As what only could be described as two large soft mounds pressed against his back.

(Y,N) immediately knew who this was and started to relax into her touch.

Sayla: well my dragon it seems like you were quite worried about me. Sorry to worry you but I have to ask won't you join me~.

(Y,N): *grins* anything for you.

(Y,N) removed his shirt before getting into the hot tub, but nearly had a heart attack. When he turned around to see sayla with only a towel on covering her body.

Sayla: like what you see~~.

(Y,N): very much.

He then took your hand and gently helped her into the hot tub. Sayla then submerged herself into the warm comforting water below her.

(Y,N) joined her, sitting right next to her as he lowered himself into the warm Waters below.

(Y,N): man this is nice.

Sayla: yes this really is.

She started to lean to her left putting her head on to the crook of his neck and started snuggling into it. (Y,N) then slithered one arm around her waist pulling her close. And proceeded to put his head on top of hers.

The two of them sat there in long terms of silence just enjoying the time they were having with each other. After all they really wanted some alone time after the Tower of heaven.

Sayla: (Y,N) thank you for all of this... It's time's like these that show me how much you mean to me.

(Y,N): I can see the same to you my little demon.

Sayla: *giggles* but you know what (Y,N) there is something I want... It's the most desirable thing that I will ever want.

(Y,N): Ow and what is that?

Sayla: I want to start a family with you.

That one statement caused Amatsu the elder Dragon of the storms in the emperor of the storms to become surprised beyond belief. But soon disbelief was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of happiness. And a longing to accept what she said.

(Y,N): Ya you know what after I save Zeref and kill Acnologia let's get married. Let's start a family together. Have two kids that can freely run around the yard. And I'll be able to call them my little hatchlings, as well as I'll be able to hold you all in my arms. I'll care and protect us against anything, and I'll hold you all as my precious treasure until the end of time.

Sayla: *starts to tear up* you know... you really know what to say to make a demon happy.

(Y,N): and you know what to say you want to make this dragon excited for the future.

The two of them leaned into each other before embracing one another in a deep loving kiss. They poured all their passion and love into this, as the two of them know that this was a symbol of their love. That they will never break. A promise to the future that they look forward to, and the one that they will fight for.

And Fatalis have mercy upon anyone's Soul who tries to come in between that future.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this new chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it.

I know it's not as long as the last one and there was no action in it. But I thought it would be a good chapter because it balanced out from the last one. The last chapter was filled with badassery and destruction/death. So I decided to make this chapter a love chapter where it shows how much the two of them have grown to love each other.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy what I have created because I think it sums up their relationship perfectly.👇

I hope you like this now if you excuse me.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!

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