Chapter Sixteen judgment will be swift part two

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Already then as a quick warning before you start this chapter I'm going to tell you guys something. This is around the same episodes or episodes where Trinity Raven will enter The fray. but I wanted to make this perfectly clear to you that I did not plan on writing every single fight.

The only fights I plan on writing are the ones where (Y,N) will be taking place at, so the one against the birdman. Because I don't see a point in writing for the other ones considering the fact that our dragon. Won't even be fighting them to begin with.

Not to mention that would take way too long and have to publish another chapter or make this chapter unnecessarily long and I'm wrapping this ARC up this chapter.

Now with that out of the way let the story begin.

With Jellal

Jellal sat on his throne as he watched the lacrima that was on the dragon of tempest with a confident expression on the outside. But on the inside he was trembling. Never before has a beings words. WORDS! Terrify him to such an extent. By his show of power he realized the achieving his dream would be much harder to achieve now.

vidaldus: well then that was something, the guy was like he came straight from hell itself.

Jellal: you might be right but whether it be demon or God nothing will stop me from achieving my goal and opening the gates of heaven. Go now enter the fray and crush anyone who stands in your way and bring back the sacrifice.

The three assassins of Trinity Raven nod their heads before leaving Jellal to himself.

With Simon's group

Shö who completely lost his mind and who is still holding an Erza that he turned into a card. Then Started spouting some nonsense.

Shö: I won't let him lay a finger on her.

Erza: let me out of here!!

Shö: I'll beat Jellal all by myself if I have to! I won't let him lay a finger on erza!

👆Like I said some real nonsense. Because I don't know what he's smoking, or what he's on but he needs to share some.

Shö then proceeded to run away from the group down the dark hallway.

Simon: no come back you can't beat him by yourself!

He says chasing after the idiot.

With (Y,N) group

Natsu who just heard everything was ready to put the smackdown on Jellal and anyone who comes their way.

Natsu: all right I'm all fired up!

Happy: so we're going to have to go to the very top of the tower. To find this jellal guy aren't we?

(Y,N): yes he's hiding at the very top of the tower.

Wally: but why would he wanna do this to us. If they really fired that thing it's gonna be curtains for everybody. You're just a bunch of stupid kids looking for our own little taste of freedom.

(Y,N): because you're so called beloved leader doesn't give a fuck about you. You're nothing more than pawns to him. For him to get what he wants. In the end he doesn't care about you or your well-being. All that nonsense about getting you all into heaven was just a lie a manipulation he spun around you for him to gain your obedience. And it went off without a hitch you guys never questioned him or anything like that.

Wally just sat there letting everything sink into him. He realized that the man standing across from him was right. Jellal didn't care about them, it was made very apparent when he nonchalantly told them about the etherion blast. Something that dangerous and destructive would completely annihilate them.

(Y,N) eyes shifted back to normal as he calmed himself down and ready to lead his group on towards their target.

That was before natsu said something that caught everyone's attention.

Natsu: hey guys I'm pretty sure we shouldn't play by this guy's rules so... Why don't we bend them a little bit. After all they said nothing about us flying.

His mouth morphed into a cheeky grin as happy flew behind him picking him up as they were ready to fly. (Y,N) smirked as well he was going to stick it right to Jellal with this one.

(Y,N): very well let us do this.

With a snap of his fingers gray and Sayla start the float off the ground and so did he. He gently flew over to his demoness and scooped her up bridal style. Before he threw gray on his shoulder. And the group took off into the air flying up the tower at high speeds.

Natsu: let's skip ahead and go straight to the very top!

Happy: Aye sir!!

As the group is flying up at high speeds then you notice what appear to be an object flying in the air heading straight towards natsu.

The group immediately turned around to face whoever or whatever this was approaching them.

Natsu: guys something's coming this way.

(Y,N): I can see that natsu.

Sayla: the question is what is it?

???: HooHooHoo!

When the thing came into the view range they saw a gigantic buff man... With an owl's head.... With a jetpack... WTF!!

The birdman flew right past natsu causing him to have to invade this person's attack in the air.

(Y,N) looked on at this man and just narrowed his eyes at him, was this guy seriously attacking him? Who is the DRAGON OF TEMPEST! In the air?

(Y,N): this fool.

The group watch as he quickly turned around and went right back towards natsu. Natsu soon realized the danger he was in and flew around trying to invade this guy's attack. The thing was he was a lot faster than natsu he appeared right behind him before punching him dead in the chest sending him back into the tower.

Before the birdman flew right after him not even paying the other members of the group the mildest of attention.

(Y,N) eyes started to twitch with annoyance he was really getting sick of all these people.

(Y,N): *very annoyed* it would appear we have another inconvenience we have to deal with go figure.

Gray: I said we just leave them.

(Y,N): as much as I was love to we can't. Not to mention I'm not going to abandon someone who is opening trying to help me out. I'll save him from his birdman let's go.

The group then flew in towards the same entrance of the birdman punched Natsu through. And once they arrived inside they're in a room filled with nothing but giant chains and bird cages.

As the group looked around they noticed that there was the guy who attacked him at the resort.

(Y,N) immediately wanted to rip him to pieces but stopped himself as he sensed the presence of the birdman approaching once again.

???: Salamander it's you!

Natsu: huh? Who the heck are you?

Happy: you better watch out for this guy. He's one of that blockhead buddies.

Gray: not to mention the one that attacked me and Juvia at the resort!

Natsu: oh yeah? That means he's with that creep Jellal.

Simon: I'm not. Trust me I'm on your side. This whole time I've just been pretending to be under that lunatic's spell. It was the only way I'd be able to stop him.

Happy: we don't believe you.

Natsu: hold on. *turn towards Simon* Is that really the truth?

Simon: yes.

Natsu: so who is this jellal guy anyway. And why is he making us play this ridiculous game in the first place?

(Y,N): yes I would like to know as well.

Simon turned his head to face the elder dragon as a tiny sliver of fear awoken in his heart as he locked eyes with the dragon of tempest.

Simon: he's got a twisted sense of humor. He's a twin brother of siegrain, a member of the magic Council. I assume that's how he know that they're planning on firing the etherion.

Natsu: so this is all just a fight between two brothers?

Simon: it's possible. I don't now the specifics of their relationship, but whether they are at odds.

Simon was about to continue as a sound of rushing wind cut him off they grew up inside the room turned to the sound of where it came from. Only just hit the birdman land one of the gigantic chains.

???: Hoohoo

Simon: no it can't be.

Fukuro: I will not tolerate the breaking of rules. Now prepare yourself to be punished. In the name of Justice!! Fukuro the night of the true justice has arrived!

Akame ga kill vibes intensifies. If you get it you get it.

Happy: a bird.

Natsu: yeah some kind of weird Justice bird.

Simon: oh no dark moment.

Just like before everything went pitch black leaving the entire group unable to see except for their elder Dragon leader.

But even with everything being pitch Black Fukuro could still see perfectly well.

Fukuro: even in the darkness the light of justice *his fist lights up with magic* shines through-Hoo-Hoo

As Simon was about to be punched a hand stopped the punch right before I could get to him.

Fukuro look at whoever stopped his punch only to see something I would haunt him for the rest of his years.

(Y,N): do you think only a owl's can see in the dark? Sorry but that I can do to.

(Y,N) brought his hand back before delivering a mighty punch straight to Fukuro face sending the bird flying.

(Y,N): *turns to Simon* would you be so kind to let down your dark moment?

Simon: ya.

Soon the Darkness vanished and everyone could see once again, natsu and happy cried out enjoy being able to see again. But soon they stopped their celebration when they noticed the birdman getting back up.

Fukuro: I will admit that was a very strong punch, but even a punch like that will never stop true Justice. Hoo-Hoo

(Y,N): has anyone told you that you're very annoying?

Fukuro soon took off rocketing towards the dragon of tempest right before his fist could even get anywhere near him. He suddenly felt like his entire body didn't belong to him anymore, as he stopped.

Everyone was confused why he suddenly stopped, but then became even more confused when they saw (Y,N) with a dark grin on his face.

(Y,N): you know I'm not the only one you should be worried about.

Fukuro: why can't I-

???: That would be because of me.

A beautiful feminate voice cut through the air, as the group noticed sayla walking towards (Y,N) with all of her demon appendages exposed to the group.

Sayla: you see before I decided to join my love I was once apart of a dark guild named Tartarus. There I was misguided from my true goal of the one who created me. We committed horrible actions for murdering thousands to many more atrocities. But that all changed, as it was through the actions of my love that I was able to find out what my real goal was. You call yourself an agent of Justice yet you're an assassin. I know you because Tartarus used to keep tabs of every single dark guild that was under us. You're one of the special ops group of death head order guild. Trinity Raven. Your assassins who kill for money and yet you have the nerve to call yourself an agent of Justice. A true agent of justice is like my love keeping the balance in order. For our world to stay safe. Naturally I do my best part to help him out with this but, When we compare you to him you're basically an insect. And insects deserve to sleep in the dirt. now I ordered you kill yourself.

The group shivered as her voice became cold and emotionless, they all watch in horror. As the birdman stand up trying to force his body back under his control, but it was already too late. Fukuro brought his hand up to his neck before he started to twist his head past its breaking point. And with a loud snap, Fukuro went limp as he fell down from the cage he was standing on into the dark depths below.

The group didn't know what to say, I mean what could you say. They all just stood silent as (Y,N) walked over and wrapped his around her from behind bringing her into an embrace.

Sayla was a little surprised at this but before she melted into it. She released a happy sign and she closed her eyes snuggling into the embrace.

(Y,N): thank you sayla, but you didn't need to waste your time with him. I could have handled him darling.

Sayla: I know but I just thought he was below you. Not to mention all that Justice nonsense he was speaking really got on my nerves.

(Y,N): you know what after we're done with this I'm going to take you to the best restaurant in fiore. Then I don't know what but I know that after this I'm going to spoil you.

Sayla: *smirks* you know if you keep talking like that, it just makes me love you even more.

(Y,N): I know that's why I do it.

After about 2 minutes of pure silence the group decided to get back on track. And started to head towards Jellal.

With Jellal

Jellal took the piece that represented Fukuro and knocked it over. Although he hit it well a sense of frustration could be felt deep within him.

Jellal: to think that one of my three nights would fall so quickly. The tempest Dragon and the Demon of Death. Are quite the formidable opponents.

If you're wondering about the whole Demon of death thing, I just decided that's one of Sayla's titles because let's be honest if it's her pretty well.

Jellal then started to look at all the other pieces that were on the board.

Jellal: well this group might have been able to get past the first challenge easily but I know the others will take more time to do so. After all this is the point of the game for it to be a back and forth challenge. But in the end I will win and I will open the gates of heaven.

He then looked at the locker room at that contained the fight that was going on between Lucy and juvia vs vidaldus.

After a while of attacking the group vidaldus uses his magic to take over juvia and turn her against Lucy.

Jellal: *grins* and so the rain woman falls. I wonder what will happen next.

After observing them a Little longer, jellal knocks over Lucy's piece assuming that she will be taken down by the combined might of the now evil Juvia and vidaldus.

Jellal: looks like this is the end for the celestial wizard.

And after about a long 10 minutes of straight fighting Lucy was able to break juvia from the control of vidaldus. As they fuse their powers to gather to create a unison raid. This intern created a gigantic whirlpool. And Vidaldus hair was not able to suck up all the water. And with the combine might of Lucy and Juvia, they were able to overpower the assassin of Trinity Raven and defeated him.

Leaving Jellal speechless.

Jellal: a unison raid they actually did it. Monks have trained for their entire lives trying to achieve it. But even the most disciplined were never able to succeed. That was quite impressive even if it was dumb luck. Well I've learned my lesson, I won't underage the power of erza's allies again. Especially you Dragon of tempest. *Laughs*

At the magic Council

Council member: regarding our debates over whether or not to attack the Tower of heaven. The final vote stands at four in our favor and five against. Therefore the countless decided against firing the etherion blast at this time.

siegrain: You fools! Extreme threats can only be countered with extreme measurements!

Council member: watch your mouth, siegrain. We have made our final decision. We believe it's possible to reach a peaceful resolution.

siegrain: I'm telling you you're wrong! While we're here wasting our breath debating the issue, Jellal's coming closer and closer to resurrecting the Dead! I know you felt it the negative energy that's been slowly spreading across the land. It's because of the man he's attempting to bring back from the grave!

Council member: and who is it?

Council member: stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

siegrain: I dared not speak his name, afraid any mention of him would cause widespread panic should word get out. But you've left me no other choice.

Council member: just tell us who you're talking about.

Council member: explain yourself.

siegrain: he's resurrecting Zeref!

Every other council member: AGH!!

Council member: this is inconceivable!

Council member: and you're absolutely certain of this? You're sure?

siegrain: I am. I know Jellal's motivations all too well. Such is the bond between twins. I call for another vote.

Back at the Tower of heaven.

(Y,N) group we're now heading up further into the Tower of heaven.

With each step they could feel themselves going closer and closer towards their goals. But the group could also feel the darker it got the further you head up. But the group payed no mind as they kept going to their goal not going to let anything stop them.

Back at the magic Council

Council member: there are now eight votes in favor and only one against. Therefore an Etherion blast will be used. To strike down the Tower of heaven.

siegrain was now in his office couldn't help but smirk probably as he leaned back into his chair.

???: The Council made a decision.

???: A Etherion will be fired.

???: Begin the preparation.

siegrain: *here's a knock on his door* enter.

The door swings open to reveal yajima.

Yajima: please forgive my intrusion.

siegrain: yajima.

Yajima: I'm sorry sieg, but I don't think this is a wise move. Surely an intelligent man like yourself, could easily come up with a more peaceful way of resolving this volatile situation.

siegrain: I wish there was another way but the consequences of Zeref's resurrection are just too dire. That's why we must stop him by any means necessary. You understand don't you, elder?

Yajima: *sighs* yes we must stop Jellal, I agree. But can you live with the consequences of today's actions?

siegrain: of course. That's a burden I'm willing to carry.

Yajima: *Angered* this blast could kill thousands of innocent people, including your own twin brother! I hope you realize the burden of his death. And the countless others that fall among side him will rest squarely on your shoulders. Do you?

siegrain: I know what is a stake here. And I'm prepared to do what I must.

With Jellal

Jellal: So your move now, but you'd better hurry. Soon the light will rain down upon our heads.

With (Y,N) group

As the group kept walking Simon kept sending side glances towards the two leaders of the group. (Y,N) and sayla.

Simon thoughts: these two are something entirely different. No wonder they can scare Erza so easily. (Y,N) and his monstrous physical strength on top of that he has the Keen senses of that of a dragon. It really is no joke that he has an elder dragon. And Sayla deserves her title of demon of death, to be able to kill someone as powerful as a trinity Raven assassin with just your words. It's something terrifying.

At the Etherion launch square

In a city that housed the launching square. A large blue Crystal that was surrounded by four other crystals that were on top of pillars could be seen in the air. Each one of the four separate smaller crystals were sending each one of the four separate smaller crystals were sending energy from themselves into the large blue crystal charging up the etherion.

???: Magic energy levels at 60%.

???: Etherion fusion is up to 47%.

???: Pinpointing Target in 27 minutes.

Org: such a critical decision to make. And while the chairman is on leave due to his health problems. But It is our solemn duty in his absence we nine remaining council members must do whatever it takes to maintain order.

Council member: there's no need for you to worry, org. I realize we're violating international protocol by initiating this massive attack. But we're protect under clause 4 of article 27. Of the national security directive.

Org: The legality of this is not my concern. Our decision to fire an Etherion blast will put innocent lives at risk.

Council member: Yes but if Zeref is resurrected then more lives will be at risk. Sadly, an evil force of that magnitude can only be countered by such extreme measures.

Ultear(disguised): the time has finally arrived master siegrain.

siegrain: Yes.

Ultear(disguised): after all these years, your dream will become a reality.

siegrain: let me ask you something. are you afraid?

Ultear(disguised): no not in the least. I trust you hold heartedly and I have complete faith in your judgment.

siegrain: of course you're not why would you be? Your life isn't in jeopardy.

Ultear(disguised): that's true.

Unaware to the group yajima was listening in on their conversation.

siegrain: I must admit I'm a little nervous. If my plan fails I will cease to exist.

Yajima thoughts: What?

siegrain: *hold out fist* even so I consider the risk to my life a small price to pay. I'm so close now my destiny awaits.

Ultear(disguised): yes.

With Jellal

Jellal: 25 minutes left. *Knocks over Fukuro's piece* to say our final farewells Siegrain.

With shö

Shö at this point in time I was running down the Tower of heaven screaming at the top of his lungs acting like a complete fool.


Erza: Calm down shö!


Like I said acting like a complete fool.

Erza: you going to need my help in order to fight him! Release me from this card at once!

Shö: I can't do that. I'm sorry but this is for your own good. You're safe in there.

Erza: don't be stupid.

Shö's running came to an end as he entered a very large room, all around them cherry blossom trees blossomed as they're beautiful pink petals floated around the air. The bridge they were walking on was that of a Japanese bridge.

Soon shö realize something was wrong as he looked up and saw the final assassin of Trinity Raven standing right in front of him.

As she came walking towards him showing off her deadly beauty

Ikaruga: Kon'nichiwa I am the one they call Ikaruga. Who might you be?

Shö not realizing the s*** he was in raised his cards up like they were going to do anything.

Shö: get out of my way lady. Don't Make me hurt You.

Ikaruga: Dear me, why must I be burdened by such a boorlsh man? I would have much rather thanks against the one they call the dragon of tempest. Now he was more interesting.


He yelled out as he threw four cards straight at her.

Which then passed through his magic circle, multiplying the cards. Ikaruga unfazed by this simply put a hand on her katana and quickly unshift it. Slashing all the cards down the middle splitting them in half.

Shö: how did you do that?

Ikaruga: my katana is able to cut through anything with extreme precision.

Shö: well that's sword of yours won't scare me!

When he was about to throw another set of cards the ground below him was suddenly cut into an X shape. As he lost all functions of his body and soon collapse to the ground.

Ikaruga: I just severed your nervous without cutting your clothing or flash. Do not challenge my mugetsu style.

Yo I kind of want this sword now.

Erza:*slamming her fist against the card she was imprisoned in* let me out of here!

Shö: I can't.

Ikaruga: well well what do we have here? I wonder where you were hiding Erza.

Erza: you've got to release me, shö. She's too powerful for you to take on by yourself.

Shö: don't worry about me all that matters is that you're safe. I cast a shielding spell on that card. She can't harm you from the outside.

Idiot did he not hear what her sword can do?

Ikaruga: is that so. Let's test that theory shall we?

Erza: your spell won't hold up against her, that's no ordinary sword she's wielding. It's magical!

Shö: you're safe I promise. Trust me.

After one slash of Ikaruga sword shö was practically s******* himself.

Shö: she can cut across the dimensional rift!

After about a hundred more slashes and the entire area being destroyed by Ikaruga's sword. The card that Erza was in prison with finally released her and she was able to fight now in the real world not behind some damn card.

Okay and for the sake of time simplicity I'm am going a shorten version of this fight because if I don't do that then this chapter is going to be about 5,000 maybe 6,000 words long. And that's not even getting to the end where they fight jellal.

Erza and Ikaruga had there talk before the two swords woman did battle with one another.

Erza told her to be gone because she had no interest in her, but Ikaruga wasn't going to go anywhere and as a showing of this. she destroyed erza's normal suit of armor in the blink of an eye. Shocking everyone that was there except for the sword woman who did it.

Ikaruga start talking about how a skilled warrior should see a surprise attacks coming. And how a new true warrior should always be prepared for something to happen blah blah blah.

Then she started to sing for some reason like she was in a Disney movie. Then she started to speak facts. Saying how her minded was just focus on the bigger picture. And that left her completely unaware of her katana's flashing.

That was before Erza gave her a death glare that everyone in Fairy Tail knows to run away from. This sudden action caused Ikaruga to be happy that her opponent was now finally going to be serious about her.

And leaving shö a complete idiot because he's never seen his "sister" in this state before.

Then Ikaruga start a spouting some nonsense about how she's not as skilled as her. And how she doesn't stand a chance against her you know your typical evil monologue and all that.

Erza just said enough of that and change into her heaven wheel armor, the two of them finally started to fight.

Erza rushed Ikaruga, only for the two swords women to start slashing out one another trying to hit each other. Erza then jumped back and used her heaven's wheel: circle sword. To launch a barrage of swords at Ikaruga.

Only for Ikaruga to use mugetsu style and completely cleave every single one of Erza's swords in half.

Ikaruga told Erza that, the move she used was called her Yasha-Senku.

Erza the floated down to the ground only to have her armor be cut to pieces by Ikaruga's sword. Causing Erza to scream in pain.

Ikaruga then launch mugetsu style: Kahrudaen. Which send a gigantic wave of fire at Erza who quickly requipped into her flame empress armor.

Ikaruga was impressed that she was able to request so fast, only for her to shatter her flame empress armor in the fracture of an instant.

Ikaruga you started spotting some nonsense of how she was apparently unappropriately dressed even though she's the one who destroy the armor. Then she has the nerve to tell her to requip into her most powerful armor.

Erza then requip into her purgatory armor. And was super pissed off at the level of arrogance Ikaruga was showing. She didn't summon her purgatory mace and told her how every single person who has seen his armor never lived to tell the tale.

Ikaruga then was happy that she replied into her most powerful armor and wanted to test its limits.

Erza jumped into the air before bringing down her massive purgatory maze on top of Ikaruga. The resulting conflict create a shockwave that launched off the bridge and split the water in half in a arc-shaped pattern.

Erza then swung the mace again launching a gigantic torrent of wind at Ikaruga. So she responded to by taking out her katana and slashing the wind severing the torrent and destroying the bridge in the process.

Erza once again came for another overhead slam which completely destroyed the bridge. But Ikaruga jumped up into the air avoiding her attack before bringing down her sword. Destroying the purgatory armor.

Then Ikaruga stated that there's nothing in this world or armor that she could put on that her sword can't cut through. And told Erza Scarlet to admit defeat.

Erza who is not one to back down unequipped her armor entirely only wearing a pair of red baggy pants with orange flames at the end. And with what appears to be cloth wrapped around her chest.

Ikaruga was dumbfounded thinking that this was some kind of joke asking why she would trade in her armor for regular clothing. Asking if her choosing these clothings was to mock her.

Shö who can't shut his f****** mouth up and stay out of the fight. Saying that she apparently didn't stand a chance against her without her armor. Clearly not knowing who Erza scarlet really is.

Erza then started to spot some real heavy stuff. Saying how it's all been a lie how she's never been strong and how she preferred to be alone. Because she was always nervous around other people.

That's when a memory of gray flashes into her head saying "Well you're alone now so why are you crying?" Stating that even when she was a child she had to watch those around her suffer. And how she lost the one she loved because she didn't have the strength to protect them. How she tried to be strong. But when she was alone she can't hide her emotions. So in order to convince everyone that she was strong she would hide her heart away. Inside a suit of armor. And how they're no one could see that she was broken.

She then said she wears armor to "conceal her weaknesses, from the rest of the world". And "without it I've been too afraid to fight".

Ikaruga clearly not seeing any anime or when an anime protagonist does something like this. Stated that it makes no difference if she wears armor or not. she was still destroy her all the same.

And with one powerful speech from the Scarlet Knight she ready herself not going to hide behind a suit of armor. Not going to bury her heart in steel. No she was going to fight without having the armor that encased her, that held her back any longer.

And with a scene straight out of an anime. The two of them rushed past each others with their blades drawn waiting for one to fall. One of Erza's blade shattered into thousands of pieces. And Ikaruga started to paint heavily stating how the battle was over. As it was her blade that shattered into a thousand pieces. Before falling down to the ground and emitting her defeat.

Shö started to compliment her stating how she was amazing.

Ikaruga and then started to say how the taste of defeat was bitter after waiting for so many years. The she proceeded to start saying how it doesn't matter if she beated her. It won't change anything. Because her and Jellal are both doomed to fail.

Shö demanded answers and the fallen swords woman replied with "in 15 minutes the light of Justice, shall come raining from the sky. And it shall kill us all".

Erza insulted the haiku before realizing she was talking about the etherion blast that they magic Council was going to attack them with. She then told shö to go find Simon and her fairy tail companions. And get them as far away from this place as possible.

Shö was dumbfounded at this.

Erza asked if he would do it for her and shö begrudgingly accepted. He didn't ask what will she do? Erza started to walk away with the termination in each step before applying that she was going after Jellal. To settle things once and for all.

Back with (Y,N) group

The group consisting of gray, Simon, Natsu, happy, Sayla and (Y,N) we're all walking up the tower.

(Y,N): we should be reaching our destination very soon.

Natsu: yeah I can't wait to pummel this Jellal guy. I want to get in some action sense Sayla and (Y,N) took it all last time.

Gray: as if you would have been able to win against the third brain flame head.

Natsu: *annoyed* WHAT YOU SEE ME ICE PRICK!

Gray: *get's in natsu's face* YOU WANT TO GO FLAME BRAIN CUZ I'M DOWN TO GO IF YOU ARE!

The two of them are about ready to tear each other apart before a dark shadow loomed over them. They slowly turn to seem (Y,N) staring down at them with his golden eyes.

(Y,N): you two wouldn't be trying to fight each other now would you?

Natsu/Gray: N-No

(Y,N): *happy expression* that's good cuz I thought you guys were for a second.

The elder Dragon then walked back next to his demoness causing the duo to let out a very heavy sigh of really. And causing both Simon and happy to sweat drop at the group's attitude.

The group they know is a group of ships leaving, consisting of that of the henchment of the Tower of heaven.

(Y,N) and Sayla now started to sense a very high concentration of magic power foaming. It was massive such a gigantic blast of magical power would cause unknown amounts of damage.

(Y,N): what is that I'm sensing?

Sayla: my dear I think it's the magic council's ultimate weapon the cross dimensional destruction magic known as Etherion.

(Y,N): they're about to launch that here? If that hits the entire Tower will be obliterated and miles of land beyond that as well.

Sayla: yes I realize that.

(Y,N): shit and these guys aren't going to able take that if it does hit.

Simon: wait are you saying you could take an etherion blast!?

(Y,N): *turn to Simon* I can take that blast and much more. Do keep in mind that I'm one of the first beings to ever be born into this world. As such my defense, attack potency, and my magical power are all exponentially higher than beings nowadays. Taking something like this would be simple for me. But you guys on the other hand won't be so lucky. And if I were you I would try and find a way to escape.

Natsu/gray: no way were staying here!

(Y,N): you guys are idiots what I'm trying to tell you if that etherion blast hits this Tower you all will die. And I can't shift into my dragon form because if I did I would destroy this entire Tower. Not to mention in human form I can only protect one other person from certain death. Not to mention me and Sayla can handle the rest from here. Happy, Natsu, gray, Simon you four should get out of here.

The group was silent for a little bit after all the other Dragon was speaking facts. An Etherion blast is no joke. And since he can only protect one of them. That would mean that they will most certainly die. But even still they couldn't bring themselves to just leave.

Natsu: no way pal I'm staying here that guy try to kidnap Erza you think I'm going to walk away from this.

(Y,N): God damn it natsu why does all this have to be so difficult with you. How do you think Erza would feel that her friends would just throw away their lives like this. You know she would probably beat the s*** out of both of you for even saying something like that. I can get you all down to the bottom of the tower very safely. Not to mention I've been sensing juvia's and Lucy's magical power heading towards the docs. With a couple of other people from this Tower as well. if I had to guess they're about to leave so I can send you four down there.

After about 3 minutes of silence the group of Fairy Tail Mages and Simon begradually accepted knowing that there not getting past the elder Dragon.

(Y,N): thank you all, also natsu after this you can have a free fight against me.

Natsu entire world lit up with that one statement.

Natsu: now I'm definitely all fired up you better come back after this cuz I want that fight!

(Y,N): *chuckles* very well then see you guys when we get back. *Snaps his fingers*

As a fairy tail group started floating down the Tower. And then it was Simon who was next. But he had one last request to make.

Simon: please put an end to Jellal's twisted plan and please save Erza.

(Y,N): you won't have to worry my friend we'll make sure she gets back home safely.

And once the group was finally gone (Y,N) and Sayla's face's turned deadly serious.

(Y,N): let's do this Sayla.

Sayla: *takes his hand* let's do this.

The two of them then just then ventured of the Tower with their destination arriving within a few more minutes of walking.

With Erza

Erza arrived into Jellal's throne room as The Mastermind behind the entirety of the Tower of heaven's sighed in boredom.

Jellal: *Sigh* don't tell me the games already over.

Erza: do you find that much pleasure in toying with the lives of others?

Jellal: Between the moment of our birth and the time of our death, there is only one that game of emotion we call life. What could be more dreary than simply existing day after day? It's been a long time hasn't it?

Erza: It certainly has. Shö and the others are no longer under your influence.

Jellal: that's fine with me. Now about the Tower of heaven has been completed, I have no need for them.

Erza: you don't seem to concerned it'll soon be destroyed or the fact that an elder dragon is coming to kill you.

Jellal: ah yes the dragon of tempest and the etherion *laugh's*

Erza: you're so carefree I'm only assuming you were bluffing.

Jellal: Not so. The Etherion will rain down on us before the dragon of tempest could even get here.

Erza: I'm relieved to hear it. That means I just need to keep you occupied. For the next 10 minutes. And this nightmare will be over at last. And you won't have to die by the hands of (Y,N).

Jellal: No when the beam strikes down your life will be sacrificed too Zeref. This has always been certain. For you cannot avoid fate Erza. This is your destiny.

With (Y,N) and sayla.

The two of them were now nearing their destination. Only a few more minutes until they arrive.

Back with Erza and Jellal

Jellal: there's only 7 minutes left when the etherion strikes the tower, will take our final breath. Why don't we simply enjoy these last moments together?

Erza: you should know I've cast off all my fears. Even of my own death. I'll relish in it because I'll be taking you down with me.

Jellal: oh really is that what you think? Well we'll we'll just have to see about that!

Jellal lunch is magic attack at Erza that's split off into multiple purple tentacles with red symbols inside of them. Erza with one cut severed them all. Before she rushed at Jellal, she went to slash him but jellal grabbed the hilt of her sword stopping her slash in its place. Before he fired another attack at erza that put a hole directly into the side of the Tower. Erza who was thrown outside of the tower use the falling debris as stepping Stones as she jumped back inside the tower from them.

Erza: you'd destroyed the very thing you worked so hard to complete? What's the point? *slashes at Jellal*

Jellal: why should I care about a pillar or two? After all they're nothing more then decoration.

Erza: maybe so but the reason they're here it's because the others spent all those years building them for you!

Jellal: how is it that you managed to find fault in everything I say? I never forced them to work. they chose to. They knew how important the tower was to me. And now at long last it's been completed.

Erza then felt the same Darkness tentacles that she cut in half before below her. They exploded upwards trapping her inside of a gigantic sphere.

Jellal: well it's evident you honed your skills over the years, you're no match for me.

Erza started to have flashbacks of all the encouragement of her friends. That's been helping her along the way and then the last one hit her the hardest. It was when (Y,N) first entered fairy tail.

(Y,N) flashback: Erza Scarlet you are a powerful mage I'll give you that but even still you must learn to rely upon others. The others in this guild look up to you as a source of strength and inspiration. And if you cannot find the strength within yourself then find the strength within others. Allow them to be the ones to give you strength. And when you feel like you're against a force that's too strong or you feel helpless against an opponent. Allow me to tell you something. Do not give up Scarlet, stand and fight find your inner fire. Then strike down your opponent.

Erza passion and flame was rekindled and with her new found strength she cut apart the sphere that was holding her.

Erza: I told you I've cast off all my fears including you.

She charged at jellal and landed a solid hit on him. Sending him flying.

Jellal thoughts: this is not the weak girl I remember.

Erza run over to Jellal sitting on his abdomen and held her blade right next to his throat preventing him from moving.

Erza: Tell me your real goal jellal, we both know the R system isn't completed. Do you know what I've been doing ever since I left this place, I have been researching it relentlessly. And I know even though the tower itself was constructed. Exactly like the blueprints there's still one thing you don't have. A vital part to its completion.

Jellal: that's not true because you're sacrifice will complete it.

Erza: no something even more basic than that. Magic energy. I don't think you realize how much magic energy you'd have to accumulate just to activate the R-system. You could gather every single wizard on the continent and you still wouldn't have enough power to pull it off. Hell the only being in this world that would be able to pull this off is (Y,N). And I highly doubt he'll give you his magic power to complete it. Not to mention this Tower doesn't have the capacity to store that much magic energy within its walls. And you certainly can't do it on your own. I find it highly suspicious that you haven't tried to escape. Especially considering the fact that an elder dragon is only mere moments away. From coming in this room and killing you right where you stand. If the etherion doesn't kill You he most certainly will. What are you up to.

Jellal: only three more minutes until the Etherion fires.

Erza: Answers me. You know your dream will never come true. So why are you willing to risk your life? Do you want to die? If that's the case we'll go together. I'll stay here to hold you down and I won't let go to The bitter end.

Jellal: to be honest that doesn't sound so bad. For you see I no longer have control over my own body and soul. Because I've been possessed by Zeref. I'm nearly a puppy's his manipulating in order to become flesh again.

Erza: you were possessed by him?

Jellal: I wasn't able to save myself. And not even my closest friends were there to come to my rescue. That's when I realized there is no heaven nor does true freedom really exist. All of creation was finished before it even began.

At the etherion square

???: The final etherion firing phase has been completed.

???: Now deploying the satellite square.

???: Displacement lacrima shows all signs normal. Coordinates are locked.

???: Magic fusion appears to be stable.

???: Start the countdown.

Org: let us pray.

Council member: let us pray.

Frog people: for the innocent

Ultear(disguised): let us pray.

siegrain: for the end.

As the crystal expanded to a massive ball of blue light. As a portal appeared over the Tower of heaven.

With Erza and Jellal

The two of them we're in their final moments as the light of Etherion grew brighter and brighter.

As jellal offered himself to be finished by the Scarlet night, Erza in a very moment decided to spare him.

Erza: there's no need for me to kill you the satellite square is focused and the etherion will be firing any minute now. That means This Is the end of you and me.

The two of them stand up to face each other once again.

Jellal: it is a grim fate that we share.

Erza: so all this time you were just another of Zeref's victims.

Jellal: it's my own fault I let my weakness get the best of me. The ref between my dream and reality was too deep from my mind to comprehend.

Erza: the only people that were capable of saving you from your flaws and your inner weakness. Are those who you call your friends.

Jellal: that's true.

The two of them stay like that looking at each other before the two of them brought each other into a hug. As the light of etherion shine it's absolute brightest and washed over the tower.

With (Y,N) and Sayla

The two of them notice the sky open up to review a massive blue ball of light. The two of them immediately knew but that was the etherion.


Sayla ran of to her dragon as he wrapped his arms around her. As a green and white sphere formed around them protecting them.

(Y,N): shit Erza where the f*** are you!

Soon everything was covered in a pale blue light as the beam of a theory on washed over the tower. (Y,N) kept the hold on his demoness as tight as possible. Fearing that if he lets go of her she will be erased from existence by this light of destruction.

After what felt like an eternity the beam stopped? And when he opened his eyes and expected to be surrounded by water. was actually surrounded by surrounded by a blue crystal.

(Y,N): wait a minute that's a... Lacrima Crystal don't tell me this is entire thing was made out of lacrima crystals.

Sayla: *eyes widen* it absorbed the etherion.

(Y,N) released the protective shield that was around them before he scooped up his demoness bridal style and kicked a hole into the Tower of heaven. He then quickly flew out of that hole and started to race up the tower at alarming speed.

With Erza

Erza: I'm alive. What have you done!

She didn't looked up to see jellal start laughing like I'm mad man.

With the group on the boat

Gray: you've got to be kidding me it's a giant lacrima.

Lucy: so do you think they're okay?

Right as she said that they notice an object flying up to the tower of heaven at an alarming speed. The bings aura was that of a light green and white color and they all knew exactly who that was.

Fairy tail: ITS (Y,N)!!!!

Juvia: that means that they survived.

Gray: yeah and telling from that aura of his he's super pissed.

Back with Erza

Jellal: Erza what you're seeing now is the true form of the Tower of heaven A giant crystal lacrima. And thanks to the council the etherion's magic energy provided the missing piece of the puzzle. Which means the R-system is now complete.

Erza: *gasp*


Erza: so I was your pawn.

???: your expression was priceless, Erza.

Erza turned around to see siegrain standing there.

siegrain: he is incapable of putting forth his full power right now. So he had to manipulate you in order to save himself.

Erza: siegrain! I don't understand what are you doing here?

siegrain: this reminds me of the first time we met years ago. Do you remember.

Jellal: your company of Makarov to submit a rain apology for destruction of property.

siegrain: she attacked me out of nowhere. She must have mistaken me for you.

Jellal: I can't see my brother after all we do look alike.

siegrain: you refuse to let up until I confess to you. That I was his twin but still you were hostile. From that day forward.

???: Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something.

The three wizards eyes widen as they heard the voice of the Dragon of tempest right above them. The two "twin" brothers looked up as her eyes widen. To see him just floating above them staring down at them.

(Y,N): so I guess I'll take your silence as a yes.

He floated down towards the ground and placed sayla next to Erza, who was still shocked at the turn of events.

Jellal: well if it isn't the dragon of tempest to what do we owe-Ack

Jellal was punched directly in the chest by the dragon of tempest who had a pissed off expression written all over his face.

(Y,N): first I want you to the fuse together, talking to someone's projection is confusing and weird.

siegrain: looks like he found out but no biggie.

The two of them fused together back into the original. The Jellal who now had all his magic power.

Jellal: now that I'm back with my full power all I have to do now is take you out of the picture Dragon of tempest. And then I can finally sacrifice Erza and so the Tower of heaven and then it will finally be com-


A Sonic explosion was Heard as jellal was set spiraling out of control crashing into the floor of the Tower of heaven before flipping in the air and being sent crashing into the wall.

(Y,N): you talk too much.

Jellal: Damn you I wouldn't let you stand in my way! Meteor!

Jellal covered himself in a Golden Glow before propelling himself towards the dragon of tempest. Who looked unfazed by the coming attack. When jellal went to kick him the elder dragon grabbed his leg before. Bringing his fist back and slamming it into his leg.

The result was his kneecap exploded into pieces as the bones that were once connected to that area shattered to pieces.

Jellal spiraled out of the air screaming in pain as his bones in his legs were shattered beyond repair.

That was before he felt his leg become better? As if it was healed instantly.

(Y,N): stand up I'm not through with you yet.

Jellal gritted his teeth with a rage as he took off into the air before he prepared to launch his attack.

Jellal: *put his hands together* May the seven Stars bring judgment upon you-

(Y,N) thoughts: please like this is going to do anything.

Jellal: Seven star sword: Grand chariot!

The seven golden magic circles in the air lined up with each other as an arc of gold lightning bounce between each one of them. Before each one of them glowed before rocketing towards the Dragon who didn't look the slightest bit worried.

When they finally made impact to the ground it formed the very same pattern in the air right below the elder Dragon before it explode. Destroying the ground and causing a massive dust cloud to be released.

Jellal smirked think he already won after all that's spelled carry the same amount of impact as a meteor hitting somebody.

But to his surprise the dragon of tempest was still standing there the only thing that was damaged was his clothing.

(Y,N): are you done now? Because the only thing you manage to bring "judgment" upon was my cloths.

Jellal: how are you still standing spell carries him out of force as a meteor!

(Y,N): seriously. Did you seriously think such a weak spell would even be able to put a scratch on me? Did you forget who you're dealing with or DO I NEED TO REMIND YOU WHO I TRULY AM!

(Y,N) focused all of his killer intent on Jellal which seemed to paralyze him completely. As he felt a sense of overwhelming evil staring at him

That was before he noticed the sky started turning crimson as a lightning dance to the skies. The sky was starting to twist and turn. As a massive hurricane was forming around them. He then noticed that (Y,N) starting to float into the air. Before he covered himself in his Aura and shot himself into the eye of the storm. There he heard of the most terrifying thing he ever heard in his life. A roar so great it shattered the heavens and caused his ears to bleed from the mere sound of it.

Everyone then noticed the wind get a hell of a lot stronger. The wind was so strong that it was starting to crack some of the parts of a tower of heaven I'm going to share amount force it was applying to it.

Everyone then watched in horror as the sky turned a dark purplish black color. as Red lightning bolts dance across the ocean's surface. Each time they struck it caused the sea to shake violently.

👆The storm is essentially what you see in this video.

Then everyone could feel the wind that was sucking everything in towards this center of this storm. The wind from this storm then started to rip apart the Tower of heaven and debris from the ocean's bottom. Ripping it up and carrying it to the sky. As a very same roar was Heard except it echoed throughout this massive storm.

Everyone watched with suspense as the being who created this monstrous storm flew out of the eye of it. As everyone was now permitted to gaze upon its majestic form. And tremble with fear as they saw that it was massive dragon over 100 feet long. That had descended down to the earth.

But his coloring was different usually were there should be white was replaced with a dark red. His usual white underbelly was now blue as the jewel in his chest was crackling with electricity. His once gold eyes were now blazing Red. As he raised his head high. The dragon then narrowed its eyes at jellal who felt helpless as he stared at this beast.

Amatsu: now you understand. I am no mere mortal I am an elder dragon. Amatsu the elder Dragon at the storms. And you mortal have sought to bring a ruin to the balance my lords have created. Now judgment will be Swift.

Jellal felt as if he was being sucked into a vortex. The more he tried to resist the stronger it became until eventually he was no longer able to keep himself on the ground and was ripped from the ground.

Erza: JELLAL!!

Erza watched in horror as her once dearest friend was ripped from right in front of her. And sent hurling towards the elder dragon.

Sayla looked at her before walking over to the Scarlet Knight and gave her some comfort.

Jellal was now in front of a dragon of tempest unable to move as the electricity was acting like shackles blocking his movements.

Jellal: release me now!

The only thing he's got was 30,000 volts of electricity blasted straight into his body causing him to scream in unimaginable pain.

Amatsu: do not order me around human! I am deciding on your punishment. For death is not a suitable punishment for you. You attempted to upset the balance of life and death. Manipulated the one who was your closest friend in the past and those who trusted you. And we're planning on killing everyone and trying to take over the world huh... I have it your sentence, it shall be this... Jellal I condemn you to the darkest pits of hell! For all of eternity!

Elder dragons punishment: eternal damnation.

After the words left the dragon of tempest mouth. A gigantic gate formed behind Jellal. The gate started to open as thousands of chains came flooding out wrapping around him. Jellal started to resist these chains and was actually doing surprisingly well.

Jellal: no! NO! I refuse to have this happen to me now! When my dream was so close! Not before I revived my Lord and we create a world of peace! Where we rule over it as gods I refuse to lose!!!

Amatsu: roll over it as a Gods, sorry but there are only three beings in all of existence who deserved the title of gods. And sorry little mortal your not one of them! NOW BE GONE!

Amatsu lunches several gigantic bolts of thunder right at jellal which completely disintegrated his physical form.

As the chains of hell grabbed on to his wretched soul and drag it into the gates.

Then the gates slammed shut and this nightmare was over Jellal was dead at the hands of the Dragon of tempest.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done Jesus Christ I have never written a chapter this long before but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Now we'll be moving on to the guild fight Arc then the S class trial arc and this story will be over I can't believe it.

Like I said before I'm going to be publishing a new chapter every day of this weekend. Because why not.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you excuse me I need to take a nap I've been working on this since 10:00 a.m..

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

Final word count: 9954

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