Chapter twenty one The Dragon of Death

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After the first trial

After everything was situated and done from the first trial master Makarov. then told their meaning contestants to find the first master's grave.

And so the teams dispersed all throughout the island looking for the first Master's Grave.

But as this was happening (Y,N) could feel a dark magic on the island that he knew all too well.

(Y,N): Master Makarov would you allow me to fly around and supervise the trial.

Makarov: hum well I suppose there's no harm in you doing so, so I'll allow it.

(Y,N): Thank you.

(Y,N) then proceeded to float off the ground, and shot into the air, before disappearing within a few seconds.

In no time at all he neared the source of the dark magic and when he landed he saw a man. That was wearing a, high-collared red (black in the anime) and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines.

The man then opened his eyes to see who was there, but came to a screeching halt when he saw who was in front of him.

???: A-Amatsu!!? Is that you!?

(Y,N): *smiles* yes it's me Zeref.

The man now no as the infamous black wizard zeref couldn't help but smile at this sight of his old friend. But soon that smile vanished as the two of them could sense someone arriving.

They looked over to see sayla and Wendy standing there looking at the two.

(Y,N) couldn't help but smile at his mates and little sisters arrival, but Zeref was confused.

Zeref: Amatsu you know they shouldn't be around me! They-

Wendy: Big brother do you know who this is? *Looks at Zeref*

(Y,N): yes.... He's an old friend of mine.

Wendy: really?

Sayla: *See's what's going on* yes they are quite close. But come on Wendy let them be. We still have the first Master's grave to find.

Wendy: *confused* Alright.

And so the two of them walked away from a very confused black wizard.

Zeref: what was one of the members of Tartarus doing here?

(Y,N): I have much to catch you up on so just listen up.

One very long explanation letter

Zeref:........ It would seem that I have much to catch up on after my years of solitude on this island.

(Y,N): yes you do but... I had a question to ask you. Do you think you could remove the magic behind, that binds her to her book? That way she'll be free from Death if her book is destroyed.

Zeref: I see no point in keeping it any longer if Tartarus is destroyed. *Unbind the magic from her book* now tell me Amatsu what is the real reason you came here.

(Y,N): as smart as always Zeref, you see ever since I was called back by my lord's I've been trying to find a means to free you. And I think I have.

This prompted Zeref to feel a sliver of Hope.

(Y,N): but I cannot do it myself so, I looked for someone who can. And I finally found the one person or rather  Elder Dragon in this case. That can free you from your curse.

Zeref was at a lost for words, never before has anyone in this world (except Mavis) care for him for such an extent. To openly go out of their way to find a cure for this curse. Brought a smile to the black wizard's face.

Zeref: then who is the elder dragon that will be able to free me from my curse? Who is he?

(Y,N): not he, she. Her name is vaal hazak, the elder dragon of death and decay.

Zeref simply looked at his shocked that such a powerful Elder Dragon would come to the world much like him.

(Y,N): you might want to stand back.

So the dark wizard obliged backing away from him, so that whatever he was about to do he wouldn't get caught up in it.

(Y,N): vaal hazak I call you from your realm and I asked you to heed my call. Rise from your realm of death and decay. And descend down to the human world.

Upon the incantations completion a black and gray portal ripped open in the sky as a massive Dragon flew through it. Though this one looked a lot stranger than any other that Zeref has seen. This one had what appear to be rotten flesh strapped all over its body, As its wings were hollow. And bare to the Bone. it's jaw was Hollow it looks like it contains two of them.

Over all the dragon was frightening and menacing, but all that came to a screeching cold when footsteps rapidly approached and I turned around to see a pink hair to Dragon Slayer with a surprise look on his face.

Natsu: (Y,N)..... *Realizes there's a massive Dragon there* OW YOU ARE YOU! (Y,N) WHY IS THERE A DRAGON HERE!

(Y,N): *shushes him* keep it down she doesn't like loud noises.

Natsu: WHA! Wait a minute. Large creepy Dragon do you know where igneel is! Bec-

???: Keep your voice down human. I detest loud an unsightly noise.

The voice of the dragon who was Hollow and echoey although it contain some semblance of a female voice the cold and echo part of it cause the fire dragon to shiver in fear. Hell even Zeref took a couple steps back from the large menacing rotten dragon.

(Y,N): natsu what I'm about to tell you stay strictly between us I'll share this with the guild in due time but. Until then listen up. This dragon that is standing behind me is an elder Dragon much like myself. Her name is vaal hazak the elder dragon of death and decay. I asked her to come to the human world for a important reason.

Natsu: wow..... But wait why, would you ask her to come here?

(Y,N): do you see this man here *points at Zeref* well currently this man is cursed.

Natsu: cursed!?

(Y,N): yes he's been cursed for far longer than he should... Not to mention that this man here is one of my oldest friends. So that is why I asked vaal hazak to come here today. I wish to free my friend of his curse.

The fire dragon slayer was about to speak before the dragon of death cut him off.

Vaal hazak: Amatsu you stated that this human beside you is cursed correct.

(Y,N): I did say that didn't I.

Vaal hazak: yes you did, but now I have another question how long has he had this curse for?

(Y,N): 400 years.

Vaal hazak: *shocked* WHAT!! There's no way that a human could live for that long! Did you not possess such a longevity!

(Y,N): yes but you see the man standing beside me has no ordinary curse. He has the curse of ankhseram, or more commonly referred as the curse of contradiction.

Vaal hazak: huh so the I want to be God of death, has started to curse humans again huh. Very well Amatsumagatsuchi I shall free your friend from his cursed and restore balance to his soul.

(Y,N): yes but I have another request to me could you enter human form to not scare my other friend Natsu here.

Vaal hazak looked act the pink hair to Dragon Slayer before releasing a sigh of frustration. And started to change, with a dark flash of light. The dragon of death now shrunk down into a less intimidating form.

Vaal hazak: you got what you wished for now let me get this over with.

The dragon of death extended her hand and pointed it at the black wizard. Before a gray like smoke started to float from her hand. And  started to enter his body. After a short bit of time the dragoness then proceeded to start pulling her hand back. Which cause the Dark smoke that entered his body to start appearing from his body. Flowing back to the dragonesses hand. But alongside the Dark cloud could be seen traces of purple and black essence. That was flowing from Zeref. Upon all the smoke being extracted Zeref started to fall, and was about to hit the ground if it wasn't for Amatsu catching him.

Vaal hazak: there you have it Amatsumagatsuchi I have freed your human friend from his curse.

Amatsu was about to thank her, but Zeref had other plans. He stood up from the Elder dragon's arms and walk towards the dragoness of death. And once he was right in front of her he bowed his head to her showing his respect.

Zeref: lady vaal hazak, Elder Dragon of death and decay. I thank you form the bottom of my heart. You truly have given me a blessing now being free from my curse I can now finally return to my family. I thank you.

Vaal hazak looked at the black wizard with her usual emotionless face but in her eyes could see a bit of softness in them. And the flash on her cheek started to pull back to reveal a smile. Never before has she had such praise. After all when you're the embodiment of death many people tend to not like you.

Vaal hazak: think nothing of it human, I was simply doing what I was instructed.

Zeref: still I thank you, lady vaal hazak.

After the words left the black wizards mouth, the feeling of dreaded silence washed over everyone. (Y,N) looked over to see Vaal hazak, with a confused look on her face.

Vaal hazak thoughts: Ok you can stop bowing now...... Oh I have absolutely no idea what to say. Curse me and my inability to come up with the simplest of solutions in a situation like this. Then again I never really had much interaction with anyone other than Amatsumagatsuchi and my other brethren but... FOR THE LOVE OF FATALIS STOP BOWING!


Vaal hazak: please human stop bowing it's not really that much of a big deal.

Zeref: *understands she's embarrassed* As You wish lady Vaal Hazak. *Gets up*

(Y,N): well now that we're all here lets-

Soon (Y,N) Zeref and Vaal Hazak oh felt the dark malicious intent coming towards the island.

(Y,N): what in the world is that?

Vaal Hazak: I don't know but one thing is for sure, whoever it is they carry a lot malicious intent towards you all.

Natsu: *confused* what what are you guys talking about?

(Y,N): Natsu there's a strong form of malicious and dark energy coming to wards to the island. If I had a guess I would say it's some type of dark guild. And judging from the level of malicious intent I would say that they come here to eradicate us or the island itself.

Natsu: then we can let that happen!! I'll beat them to a bloody pulp!

(Y,N): ahahaha same old Natsu very well we have to inform the master quickly. But as for you to *looks at Zeref and Vaal Hazak* you two get to know each other a little more.

Natsu and (Y,N) then proceeded to bolt as fast as they could. Back towards the master to warn him of the coming storm.

As Zeref and Vaal Hazak just watch them.

Zeref then started to feel a little woozy and decided to lay down against a tree until his head stopped spinning.

And vaal hazak proceeded to watch Zeref as he slowly started to fall asleep.

She then looked towards where the malicious intent was coming from and couldn't help but smirk. After all whoever these fools are made a great mistake in angering amatsu.

She knew that a battle was to assume, well more like a one-sided massacre. But she would sit here and watch, and when the massacre is over. she would then adventure the world to see what the world has become after the last 400 years and see what it has to offer her.

There you go ladies and gentlemen the newest chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Now as a quick word of warning there is about one maybe two more chapters left to this story.

And for you guys who guessed it yup you guys were most definitely right. vaal hazak made her way into the story. And don't worry her character isn't just going to be a one and done thing. She will play a significant role in the coming chapters. Also I decided to have unique pairings for the end of the story so I hope you guys enjoyed the pairing I'm about to show you.

Yup that's right Zeref and Vaal Hazak as a pairing who would have thought about it.

So now I got to go.

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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