Chapter twenty two complete annihilation

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With (Y,N) and Natsu

The do over now dirting through the trees as fast as possible, well more like Natsu trying to keep up with (Y,N).

After a short while the to eventually arrived in front of Master Makarov who looked quite confused at their arrival.

Makarov: (Y,N), natsu what are you doing here?

(Y,N): Master the S rank trials must be put on hold.

Makarov: What, Why?

Natsu: Gramps (Y,N) said that there was some crazy large... Ahhh *looks at (Y,N)* what was it called again?

(Y,N): *sigh* dear God Natsu..... Master what Natsu is trying to say is that there was a large amount of malicious intent coming towards the island. And judging by the level of said intent, I would have to say that they have their sets on either destroying us or. Destroying the island.

Makarov: *shocked* What?! How do you know this?

(Y,N): I could sense them from a mile away, after all they probably didn't even think of suppressing their Aura before arriving.

Makarov: Mmmm... This is quite the alarming news, and if what you're saying is true then. *Looks up at (Y,N) seriously* can you get rid of it?

(Y,N): *smirks* master, do you know who you're talking to? They don't call me the strongest man in the country for nothing.

Makarov: *smiles* yes I know your title, and I assume you'll handle this swiftly?

(Y,N): yes when I'm done with them they won't even know what hit them.

Makarov: then it is decided, (Y,N) I give you permission to deal with it.

(Y,N): thank you master Makarov, *starts to float into the air* I promise this won't take long.

(Y,N) then took off into the sky and shot into the distance like a shooting star.

He flew through the sky with such speed the clouds were ripped asunder and dispersed. As he flew closer and closer to the source of the malicious intent.

Eventually he pin-pointed its exact location, and flew directly at it.

With grimoire heart

The members of the dark grimoire heart were currently on their way to the island to wipe out all the Fairy Tail. And awake their lord Zeref.

Among the ship were a small group of dark Mages all underneath the control of Hades.

But currently they were in their airship that was cloaked flying towards the island.

Ultear: Master Hades we are arriving at our destination.

Hades: Good piercing we will be able to awaken Lord zeref and wipe out the fairy tale group.

Ultear: Yes master but what about...

Hades: are you referring to the Storm Dragon?

Ultear: Yes... After all he's now known as the strongest mage in the entire country. And back on the island I could sense such power emanating from him... That it was terrifying.

Hades was about to speak when an arrogant psychopathic voice, cut him off.

???: Ultear why are you so scared of such a weakling? After all I can make him arrival in pain with my flames!

Ultear looked over at the one who spoke and came face to face with the psychopathic fire god Slayer of grimoire heart. Zancrow.

Ultear: I assure you you should not underestimate him. In terms of power he far out clips is yours.

Zancrow: *Angered* as if a fairy from that pathetic you would be as powerful as me! WITH MY FRIENDS I CAN BURN ALL TO ASH WHAT KIND OF MIRROR FAIRY DO AGAINST-


The sound of crackling thunder was Heard as a massive thunderbolt pierce the sky creating a sonic boom.

The members of grimoire heart looked outside to see a raging Storm forming around them.


The wind started to pick up paste, at speeds that caused the wind to start shaking the airship.

Hades:*struggling to hold himself in place* What is going on!?

None of the members were able to speak, as a massive bolt of lightning struck the side of the ship tearing it open.

???: Who dares come to this island!?

A dark and chilling cold voice struck the entirety of the ship freezing the entirety of the dark guild in absolute fear.

???: You! Who dares to come to this island, State your purpose!!

The members of grimoire heart all exchanged worried glances to one another.

Hades: *nervous* who are you?


Another massive hole was teared into the side of the ship.

???: I am the one who is asking the questions here. Now I won't ask again, what is your purpose!

Hades: *lies* we were just passing by that was it.
???: Do you take me for a fool?

Soon the group looked at something in the distance, it looked like a black spot in the sky that was moving at them at high speed. But as a thing got closer they realize that you had a humanoid shape. And I realized that whatever this thing was was about to crash right into them.



Whatever that thing was just crash through the front of their ship like a speeding bullet. The entire front of the ship was caved in and destroyed. But when the dust started to clear they saw whoever this was start to stand up.

The first things they notice was the horns on his head, then the scales that formed on the front of his arms. The being then started to rise up. But the aura he was exputing was.


???: I know that you are lying, after all if you were just "passing by" you wouldn't be expelling such killer intent. So I caught you in the act.


???: Who am I are you seriously? so ignorant to not know who I am!


His aura expanded dramatically forcing everyone in this ship to bow down before him.

(Y,N): Since I don't want to spend five hours monologuing like you villains usually do. I'll cut straight to the chase, my name is (Y,N) the dragon of tempest and the strongest mage on this country.

Hades: so you're?

Zancrow: AHAHAHAHA so you're the so-called Dragon of tempest I'll admit you're pretty strong but! *Leaps at him* I'LL BE THE ONE TOO-!


(Y,N) didn't even pay him any mind and gave him a nasty backhand straight to the chest. Completely shattering his ribs.

But before Zancrow could go flying (Y,N) grabbed a hold of his leg and slammed him face first into the ground.

Completely shattering the front of his skull.

(Y,N): such an annoyance, next time you charge somebody don't openly broadcast where you're attacking from. But even if you did that your fate would have never changed. for you never attack a superior Force. Now-

Where do I begin with you fools.

(Y,N) started to walk forward, and with each time his footsteps touch the ground the air around them. was getting colder and colder. But the more he came closer to them the more the overwhelming fear inside their hearts burst to being.

Hades: You how dare- KAH!!!

(Y,N)'s fist found itself buried in the gut of Hades, who vomited blood at the impact of his punch.

(Y,N): be quiet I do not want to hear such a disgusting voice.

Hades: Damn you! GAH!!

(Y,N) used his other hand to grab the dark guild Master by the throat and lift him into the air. And at the same time slowly begin to crush his windpipe.

Hades: What.. are you doing you fools.... ATTACK!!

The members of grimoire hard were reluctant at first but follow through on their Master's command. They are prepared to launch their attacks at him but they didn't know how futile it truly was.

(Y,N): useless.

The elder dragon in human form simply raised his finger up, and pointed at the remaining group as a tiny ball of water started to form on the tip of it. Leaving many of the grimoire heart members confused. until that tiny droplet of water was formed into a microscopic water beam. So powerful and sharp that it sliced through their flesh like nothing. And tear through the ends of the ship like it was wet paper.

(Y,N) then looked at the guild members who were now lying on the ground, thanks to his microscopic beam of water doing a serious number on them.

Some of them sustained life-threatening injuries, while the others was definitely never going to be able to operate again. While the others we're completely fine. Those only being Ultear and Meredy.

(Y,N): to think that's one of the Great Dark guilds one's feared by even the magic Council. Was so easy to dispatch. But I'm not surprised you are all more bark than you were bite. Now onto you.

(Y,N)'s attention was now brought back to the leader of this pathetic dark guild.

(Y,N): now any last words before you die?

Hades: so I was right.... Here aren't human at all.

(Y,N): ow and what gave that away? Was it the horns? The dragon scales, or the claws. Which ones give that away?

Hades: actually.... it was through your intense level of magical power.... And that was another reason why I came to this island..... I wish to know the truth of magic..... So I came to this island to learn it from you..... being that you are a creature higher than us humans....... I had questions I wanted to ask.

(Y,N): Ow like what?

Hades: what is the source...... of magic. And how did it...... originate.

(Y,N): huh I seen a point in telling you considering the fact that your life is all but over. You see magic is what you can consider a gift, a gift from a higher being than myself. Or any other creature on this planet. Magic resonated back to the very beginning of creation back when the three gods of creation which are now refer to as the black dragon. We're in the process of creating humanity. Dire miralis the Smelting Black Dragon. Was the creator of your world, he molded the very planet built its mountains and carved its paths for the ocean. Alatreon the black dragon of Destruction was responsible for creating the oceans and skies. As well as bestowing the elements upon the land to give it its own form of life. The Fatalis the leader and most powerful the black dragons bestowed upon this world magic. It was only through his power that magic flowed through the land. It was the source of all life in your world thousands of years ago. And it was also through this act of giving magic to the land that birthed life into the world. Including the first humans. So do you see now magic isn't some tool that you wizards should just take for granted. It was a gift bestowed upon you by a higher being. But sadly over these years humanity has forgotten who or more specifically what has given them these marvelous things. And it's mages like you who make me sick. *starts to squeeze his throat* Did you really think that there was some other truth to magic? Sorry that's not true. Magic resided from Fatalis and all magic flows back to Fatalis. That is how it's been since ancient times. And that is how it always shall be.

Hades just looked down at the Elder Dragon in human form and just stood in awe of him. He truly was a being above him, a being above All humans! And now Hades knew the truth of magic but that truth will come with a price.

That price being. Death.

(Y,N): now it's time for you to sleep forever.


With one quick movement of the Elder dragon's hand he snapped the neck of Hades. Before chucking his body to the other side of the aircraft like use clothes.

(Y,N) then turned around to see Ultear holding Meredy In her arms protecting her from everything that has just happened.

(Y,N) thoughts: *looks at the two before sign* it would be rude to leave  them here, not to mention I sense no malicious intent coming from theses two.

(Y,N): you too let me ask you something, do you want to leave?

Ultear: W-What you're actually just going to let us leave?!

(Y,N): yeah I am, after all I sense no malicious intent in you two. Not to mention I can see the way that you're holding that pink haired girl that it's the same way that a mother holds her child. I might be a monster at times but I'm not such a monster that would rob a child of her mother and vice versa.

Ultear just looked at the Elder Dragon confused, why would he go out of his way not to strike them down.

(Y,N): look I may kill people but I only kill the ones that deserve it. You on the other hand do not deserve this kind of punishment.

Ultear: but even if you let us go we have nowhere to go.

(Y,N): *sigh* then you'll simply have to come with me.

Ultear stiffened at what he just said, I mean how could she not. After seeing what he just did there was no doubt that she feared this man.

Ultear: how do I know that you won't just kill us, the minute we let our guard down.

(Y,N): listen girl if I really wanted you dead I would of killed you in the blink of an eye. Listen I'm not asking you to trust me all I'm saying is that you should just leave. And I'm offering you to take you to some place that's safe.

Ultear: like where?

(Y,N): Fairy Tail.

A simple answer yet powerful in its own right, after all Ultear knew that fairy tail was a kind group. But at this point she wasn't a concerned about her. She was concerned for Meredy.

Ultear: i-i

(Y,N): oh for Fatalis sake come here.

The Elder Dragon then scooped them up and threw them over his shoulder. Before blasting off through the gigantic hole he made in the ship and flew straight towards the island.

Ultear and Meredy we're too scared to even utter a single word as the cold breeze of the wind Rush past their face like sharp blades.

Right now I'm the only thing they could do was put their trust in this Elder Dragon in human form.

And as for (Y,N) he had a nagging suspicion that's something was going to happen. Something far worse than this pathetic group of dark Mages.

(Y,N) thoughts: why do I get the feeling like something bad about to happen?

There you have a ladies and gentlemen this chapter is now done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Now the next chapter will be the final chapter, I hope you guys are ready because honestly I'm quite happy that this story will be coming to an end.

That doesn't mean I'm not going to take my time and Rush the damn thing no no. I'm going to give you all the best Final chapter that I can give you to wrap this book and a nice neat tie.

So anyways without further to do

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!

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