Chapter : 10

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"The King wasn't waiting for a Queen, he was looking for the Conquerer of his Heart.."

~•~ Day 2 ~•~

Omkara was getting ready in his suite for the second day of the exhibition. He was tying the necktie around his raised shirt collar, when the intercom buzzed.


'Good morning Mr. Oberoi. Sir there is a lady who wants to meet you, but she is not in your possible visitor's list. Should I send her in?', the receptionist's over-the-top sweet voice tore off his ear.

'Not necessary. Ask her to wait in lounge. I'll come down in a minute.', he put the receiver in the cradle, annoyed.


Gauri was munching her Mexican tacos with an unusual dip of garlic sause and Bhavya was chewing her piece of pizza with extra cheese, when Gauri suddenly asked,

'Bhavya, what is the date today?'

'Today? Today is 19th of July. Why?', Bhavya knitted her eyebrows.

'WTF!! 19th July!! Shit!', Gauri exclaimed.

'What happened?', Bhavya was dead curious.

'The day after tomorrow is the result of my last semester! And I'm detained in here!'
She starts fake crying drama, 'his highness has snatched away this little commoner's freedom, hey Shankarji!! What would happen to your birdie.. I'm not allowed to even attend my graduation ceremony.. '

Bhavya slapped her own forehead in exasperation.

'Ma'am, I think you should ask Dandi sir about it', Bhavya suggested.

'Hmph! He will decline straight away. If he doesn't, then that Omkara Nasty-Handsome-Sexy-Sadu-Akdu-Jatadhari-Hippie Singh Oberoi surely would!!

'I.. (muffled a laughter) think! You (another laughter).. are (and other).. Right (and other)! Ma'am!', Bhavya agreed with a herculean effort to not laugh out loud, tears leaking from her eyes in protest.


Getting ready, Omkara came down in the lounge. A blonde with hazel eyes hurried towards him.

'Hello Mr. Oberoi. This is Alice Foster', she forwarded her hand for a shake.

'Hello Ms. Foster. Good morning. So, how can I help you?'

Alice Foster can easily be compared with the women who never care for their dignity. Her skimpy red dress fitting her like a glove, her breasts on proud display, her red lipstick so deep and overdone that it seemed as fake lips poking out of her real mouth. But to keep it formal, she had lighter eye makeup and a pair of beige stilettoes.

Though her voluptuous presence and strong perfume was making Omkara want to vomit on her face, he controlled himself and held his well practiced composed smile.

'Actually, I'm the daughter of Mr. De Luca and I live with my mother in London. I have been a huge fan of your works for a long period of time.
As you have come here finally, I would like you invite you for a dinner. I know, I'm being too eager, but I have been waiting to serve you a treat for long. If you please..', she trailed off, rubbing her thumb over their entwined hands.

Omkara very well knew that it would be anything but a formal dinner. But, he couldn't decline Mr. De Luca's daughter's offer straight on her face. May be his declination would cause his host's displeasure. So, wiggling out his hands from her manicured claw, he said,

'I am honoured to have such an opportunity, Ms. Foster. I gladly accept your invitation.', he smiled at her, fake obviously.

'But, I would like to meet in somewhere private, so that no unnecessary attention don't pry at us. Hope you agree', he continued.

'Yeah, true I wouldn't like it either, and obviously not my fiancé', she twirled the large diamond ring around her ring finger, 'may I choose our private resort and make arrangement to escort you there?'

'That would be very kind of you Ms. Foster..', though Omkara maintained his smile, he was cringing inwardly. What a desperate cheap woman!

'See you tonight Mr. Oberoi. Bye.', Alice walked away.

'Have a nice day, Ms. Foster. See you.', Omkara waved.

Only if I was in my home Ms. Foster, then you would have got a taste of my medicine to cure your disease of cheating upon your partner, he stomped off his room.


The whole day was very tiring as he spent it outdoor. Coming back to his suite, he started changing for the dinner, after taking a refreshing bubble bath and checked upon Gauri. She was now in kitchen, baking something, wait. A pizza?
He called Dandi.

'Dandi! Report.'

'Yes Mr. Omkara Nasty-..Handsome-..Sexy-..Sadu-..Akdu-..Jatadhari-..Hippie Singh Oberoi, you are given an enormous name by Gauri ma'am, and she is currently watching Ready in her room. She had asked me if you reached safely there yesterday. And now I have come to know from Bhavya that the day after tomorrow is her graduation ceremony.' Dandi reported a long speech.

'Okay. I'll be out for night and update me next morning. Keep her under tight watch, okay?'

'Aye master.', Dandi exhaled in relief.


A black Lamborghini arrived in the hotel sharp at 7:30 pm.
Omkara got in the car dressed elegantly in a black tuxedo and neatly tied half pony with a black and white stud. Basically he had dressed to impress.

The car reached the outskirts of Milan, where stood a little cozy bungalow behind a flock of disheveled trees. Two guards opened the huge iron gates and the Lamborghini was parked near a porch.

Alice was waiting at the door. As soon as he reached there, she pulled him in a hug, her hands running over his back sensually and the haughty scent of her perfume making him nauseated. He straightened himself after giving her waist a quick wrap, saying his hellos.

They entered the bungalow and soon they were served delicious Italian dishes by the cook. They lightly chatted over his artworks and dealerships while eating.

When the dinner ended, the cook and other servants took a short leave and they went inside a bedroom upstairs. It was a cozy bedroom with a large bed, a sofa, a small bedside table with a lamp, a small dresser and an attached bath.

They settled on the sofa facing each other. Slowly Alice started inching closer. Putting a palm on his thigh, she said,

'Mr. Oberoi, I can't tell you how happy I am that you agreed to this dinner. I assure you, whatever happens here would be between us, both of us need to keep our reputation unharmed.. I, you, I mean, I know you already know what's coming next..', she bit her lip, playing coy.

Omkara too gave in to the game. Pushing back a golden strand of her open hair behind her ear, he whispered huskily,

'Ms. Foster, would you like some fantasies tonight?'

Her painted cheeks flushed, ' I.. I'm okay.. I mean anything you want.. An.. And its Alice for tonight,' she almost got onto his lap.

He smirked as he pulled out the sandal soap and strawberry lip balm from his pocket, 'I would like to have you just in this..', he bit her earlobe, though her perfume was almost suffocating him.


He had already discarded his jacket and shoes when she came out only in a towel. He watched her sharply as she leaned on the doorframe of the bath, biting her lips and running her hand through her hair.

He undid his tie, opened two buttons of his shirt and rolled his sleeves up. Taking predatory steps, he reached Alice and with a pull, he removed the towel off her.

She inched back towards the bedpost, unbuttoning his shirt and he tied his black silk tie around his eyes.

With inhumane precision, he pinned her hands over her head and his nose landed exactly at the curve of her neck. He slowly started travelling his nose over her sandal scented skin. She squirmed and moaned every time he squeezed her sensitive flesh with artistic grace and precision.

Finally, he reached up to her lips forming a straight line from her naval, through her cleavage valley and the column of her throat. He grasped her gasping lips in a scorching kiss as his tongue wiped off the strawberry lip balm up to its last layer.

The sweet strawberry flavour coating his tongue, unleashed his sinister desires and raged his hormones. The memory of the night when he kissed Gauri sleeping surfaced his blindfolded vision and he kept on thrusting, moaning Gauri's name in delight and wild pleasure.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, I know I would be dead by now but I need to let you guys know about the fantasies that a crooked mind can hold. There was Alice's body, but he searched for Gauri's soul. Alice became the medium for him to quench his lust for Gauri.

I talked this much just to explain my POV to avoid unpleasant questioning.

Happy reading!
With love,

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