Chapter : 9

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~•~ Day One ~•~

Gauri woke up rubbing her eyes. After gasping a huge, noisy yawn, she furrowed her eyebrows.

'Omkaraji was going away today. Has he gone?', she thought loudly.

Suddenly a thought occurred to her, not thought, a memory to be precise. No.. Not a memory, a dream.

Dream? How a dream can be so lively? I can still feel the pressure on my lips.. A hot breath smelling of his musky scent.. She touched her lower lip absent mindedly.

It was a dream. A very very lively dream.

She concluded.


Freshening up, she stepped out of the bathroom, a fluffy towel around her, and entered the closet.

Rummaging through the whole closet, she picked up a pair of navy blue shorts and a baby pink tank top. Coming out, she came face to face with her maid.

'Good morning ma'am.', she bowed deeply.

'Good morning.. Uh.. What is your name?', Gauri asked.

'I'm just your maid ma'am, you are not supposed to ask my name.', she nodded politely.

'That's wrong. You are taking care of me since I've arrived here. Why am I not supposed to ask your name? Tell me your name. Its your ma'am's order.', Gauri ordered in fake authority.

'Bhavya. I'm Bhavya ma'am.', she answered smiling.

'Okay. Bhavya. Wow! You have a really nice smile. You should smile more often.'

'I guess you should not ask more questions, master would get angry if he gets to know about this.'

'Have you eaten your breakfast?', Gauri asked dodging the previous topic.

'No ma'am.'

'Okay. Bring me and yourself our breakfast and we will have a chat session now.'

'But ma'am..'

'You dare to violate your ma'am's order?', Gauri gave her a fake glare.

'Aye aye ma'am!!', Bhavya turned on her heels and left.


Bhavya bumped in Dandi as soon as she exited the room.

'I.. I.. I'm sorry Dandi sir..', she hung her head low.

'Its okay Bhavya. You are not supposed to decline ma'am's order.', he gave off a wink.

'Thank you sir..', Bhavya exhaled audibly and left.


'So Bhavya, how did you end up in here? Did Omkaraji kidnap you too?', Gauri asked, her mouth filled with a piece of puri and a spoonful of chhole.

'No ma'am. I was a street fighter. One night, master came to watch our matches and he bet on me. I won the match defeating a guy. Impressed by my fighting skills, he offered me a job here and a fare salary. So, I'm here. For last seven years.' Bhavya answered.

'And, you like working in here?', Gauri scrunched her nose up.

'I shouldn't. But master gave me the chance to avenge, and I will be forever indebted to him.', Bhavya's eyes were teary.


'Yes. I was an orphan. I was brought up in a home aided by a reputed politician. But our patron had pedophilic fantasies and he used the children to quench his perverted desire,' Bhavya started narrating her story.

'Ewww.. That pervert should be skinned alive!!', Gauri roared in rage.

'But, nobody could give him even a hairline scratch.. Because of his powers and reputation. One day, he tried to molest me and I ran away biting his hand. I was ten then. My trainer found me roaming in streets and raised me to be a street fighter. After coming here, master arranged a meeting for me with the politician and guess what??', Bhavya gritted through her clenched jaws, her red eyes moist, 'He is alive, but he cannot bring the next pervert on this earth!'

'Wow, I think this jerk has some sense of justice then.', Gauri nodded understandingly.

'Ma'am your instruments have arrived,' Dandi announced at door.

'Instruments? Did he order all four of them??', Gauri squealed like a little child.

'Yes ma'am.', Dandi confirmed.

'Great! Uh, bring just the flute and guitar here.', Gauri skipped again, clapping excitedly, 'Omkaraji, I owe you a kiss for this unexpected sweetness! Right now, a flying kiss for you to Italy!!'

Dandi left to shift the instruments shaking his head.


Ma'am seemed too happy for her own good, Dandi thought.

But the main thing that was bugging him that why did master buy a strawberry lip balm and a sandal soap? He already had his ChapStick and aqua scented shower gel packed.. Then, why, why, why?????

Just then his phone rang.

'Yes Master. Have you arrived safely?'

'Yes Dandi.. Just need a power nap. Did the instruments reach?'

'Yes Master and don't worry, they are of top quality and ma'am is very pleased with them. And she has..', Dandi hesitated before saying that.

'And she has what??'

'She has thrown a flying kiss for you to Italy.'

'I see. What is she doing now? Did she have her breakfast?'

'Yes master she did. She is chatting with Bhavya now.'

'What???', Omkara barked in rage.

'Sh.. She is just talking about girly staffs now, makeup, magazine, serials and Salman Khan. Before that she just asked Bhavya about her past.', Dandi recited in a mechanical voice, hiding his tremble.

'She has broken a rule already.. Keep on updating me!', he kicked the bed of his suite.

After cleaning himself up, he opened the laptop to see what Gauri was doing. He saw through the camera in her room and his sour mood soured more.

He picked his mobile out, 'Dandi! Report immediately from Gauri's room.'

Dandi gulped when he peeked through the keyhole and heard her ringing voice.

'Dos and Don'ts when OSO is away'
She twisted her lips and made and animated gesture, mimicing Omkara.


She was reading each and every rule written in the list mimicking the way how Omkara would have said them.

Dandi was having a hard time in mimicking her and muffling his laughter simultaneously.

Omkara was dumbfounded by her actions.. He was unable to decide that whether he would be angry on her impudicity  or laugh at her childish antics.


The night was even more disastrous.

'Ladies and gentlemen!', Gauri got onto the couch in hall, 'in return of your lovely gift, I present you a solo performance by me... Let's put your hands together for the song.. That is tabooed! Banished! Forbidden in this house! In OSO's ears! Let me present you.. 'The Blank Space' by Taylor Swift!!', she clapped after shrieking at the top of her voice.

All the staffs stood with batted breath and terrified heart as she pulled the strings of the guitar.. Omkara too inched his face closer to the screen, curious to listen to the song she mentioned.

"Nice to.. Meet you.. Where you been,

I could show you incredible things

Magic! Madness! Heaven! Sin

Saw you there and I thought

Oh my god look at that face

You look like my next mistake

Love's a game wanna play??"

She continued to sing and pose exactly like a rock star..

"Grab you passport and my hand

I can make you bad guys good for a weekend!"

"So its gonna be forever

Or its gonna go down in flame

You can tell me when its over

If the high was worth the pain

Got a long list of ex lovers

They'll tell you I'm insane

'Cause you know I love the players

And you! love! The Game!"

Her angelic voice and enthusiasm finally melted the fear of the staffs and they started chorusing with her.. The gloomy manor turned into a chirpy concert!!

" 'Cause we're young and we're reckless,

We'll take this way too far

It'll leave you breathless

Or with some nasty scar

Got a long list of ex lovers

They'll tell you I'm insane

But I got a blank space baby

And I'll write your name!!"

The concert ended with a huge round of applauses, staffs cheering madly for Gauri.

Wohoooo! Who is excited?

Thank you so much for the 1.5k+ reads!! I love you dearies!!

Happy reading!
With love,

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