Chapter : 29

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"I wasn't given a chance; because, some people don't deserve happiness."


'Ready Bhavya??', Gauri asked, once she was done with draping the beautiful red net and golden saree around Bhavya's lean figure.

Fixing the earrings for last time, Bhavya chimed her long train of golden bangles, 'Yes ma'am.. Let's go!!'

'I told you to call me Ri from now', Gauri nudged Bhavya teasingly, 'Someone is impatient, huh??'

'Ri!! Let's go!!', they left hand in hand, through the secret passageways of the manor, about which only the three brothers knew and Bhavya had discovered by exploring the mansion and collecting information from Rudra.

At the end of the underground tunnel, leading to the dumping ground at the farthest corner of the back garden was Rudra, ready with a red impala, waiting for his bride. There were guards too, but Rudra knocked them out and it would take some time to report Dandi about the escape.

'We better hurry', Rudra spoke opening the car door, 'We have to come back before O returns.'

They hurriedly fixed themselves inside and the impala dashed off the barely used laterite alley.


Sis!! Big Bro!! Richa!!', Gauri ran towards Anika and Shivaay, waiting outside the office of the marriage registrar.

In Anika's arms, there was a small pink doll, its eyes closed. Gauri smiled brightly and took it from Anika's hands, talking in a baby voice, 'Hello Ansh! I'm your Chutki Aunty. Are you here to welcome your new Aunt?'

Ansh feebly opened his big baby blue eyes, and parting his little lips, gave Gauri a toothless, gummy grin.

'Awwww.. So nice of you Ansh', Gauri kissed his forehead.

Anika wounded her hands around Gauri's shoulder, 'Are you taking care of yourself properly?? You should be very careful during pregnancy.'

Shivaay continued caressing Gauri's hair, 'Now, that Bhavya will no more be with you, should I send someone to take care of you??'

'I guess I don't need that Big Bro, Gauri smiled understandingly.

They got inside the office. Shivaay and Richa from Bhavya's side and Anika and Gauri from Rudra's side, signed as witnesses. Rudra and Bhavya exchanged garlands, he put vermilion on Bhavya's hairline, tied holy thread around her neck and they were announced as Husband and Wife by the registrar.

Coming out, Rudra skipped, 'What a romantic weather guys! I can't help myself kissing Bhavya!!'

He pulled a flushed pink Bhavya in his arms and holding her head by one hand and squeezing her waist in another hand, he sucked in her lips for a soul scorching kiss. Bhavya also gave in ignoring the scandalous looks they got from other couples or the companies of other couples, pulling him more by snaking her hands around his neck.

The day was really beautiful. The sky was bright azure, light breeze was blowing, birds were chirping hidden in the thick canopy of leaves of a banyan at the yard of the office and the sun was beaming in golden rays, lighting everything on the ground in a beautiful cogent white aura.

'This is a perfect moment to be captured', Gauri thought aloud and searched for her phone in her large retro purse, 'Where is it? Oh shit! I forgot the phone in home!!'

Shivaay laughed, 'Don't worry Gauri, you'll return home soon. Now come, let's click some wedding pics, I will send an album for you later.'

They clicked selfies making different animated faces. Then, the cab arrived. Holding the door from outside, Rudra pulled Gauri's cheek, 'Give your husband the happy news first, then I will come to give him another surprise!'

Gauri's cab took the road to Panchghani, and Shivaay drove the impala heading towards Mumbai.


Gauri tripped a bit at the door of the master bedroom. Omkara was sitting in absolute darkness, shutting the beautiful and refreshing nature out. In his hands, there was a phone, and he was reading something very attentively.

'Are you not home too early from a date?', his voice was sickeningly amused.

'D.. Date? You're getting me wrong Omkaraji, I was out', Gauri started trembling.

'To see my brother!! You slut!!', Omkara bursted in rage.

'No!! Me and Ru.. You're getting it all wrong... Awhww', her voice clogged at her throat as Omkara's fingers clasped her chin painfully tight, his nails digging in the soft flesh of her cheeks, making tears roll down from her droopy lashes, washing the black mascara off, creating a black river running down her cheek.

She clasped his wrist to release her cheeks from the stinging hold. But he grabbed her thin wrists in another hand and shouted while pushing her on the bed, 'Then who sent and received such cheap and vulgar sexts?? Who?? If you like harsh, vulgar, physical intimacy, you could have told me. We would have practiced BDSM too.. But no!!', he got on top of her, his hands gripping her cheeks and wrists like iron claws, ' You women are always a cheater.. You just don't get satisfied by only one man!! But my brother!! How could you??'

Gauri tried to speak, to let him know that it was Bhavya who was using her phone, but her irises dilated and more tears flooded her eyes as she felt him pushing up her saree towards her waist and positioning himself between her legs. She used her free hands with all her might to push him off her by punching and scratching, but that angered him more. With a painful tug at her panty he tore it off and thrust inside her, making her whimper in pain despite of his clasp on her cheeks.

'You betrayed me?', he thrust in, 'How dare you?', he slammed her wall again, 'How? Dare? You?', he thrust himself deeper at the end of each word, tears running down from his eyes too.

Being caught again by her wrists, Gauri could only writhe under him and whimper. The push increased by each thrust and he gripped her throat while she tried to unclasp his grip from her throat that was muffling her whimpers too.

After collapsing upon her, he found her unconsciously lying beneath him. Zipping up his pants, he called Dandi.


'Master!!', Dandi lost his words for sometime.

'Pick her up and finish her. Just do it however you want to do. And yes, bury her, leave her on roads, burn her, do whatever you prefer, just don't let me know where she was for the last time! Got it??'

Tears rolled down from Dandi's eyes. Omkara too broke down embracing the floor. His voice shook, for the first time, during his announcement of a death sentence.

Dandi picked Gauri's limp body up and left, his legs shaking, suddenly the petite unconscious body of Gauri seemed too heavy to carry to him.


'Why so silent??', Rudra shouted standing at the gloomy hall, Bhavya by his side, 'O!! Ri!! Come out from your make out session buddy!! Meet my wife!!'

'Rudra sir', a servant came towards Rudra, 'Master has locked himself in his bedroom.'

'Did he lose it after hearing the good news??', Rudra mused for sometime, but ran towards Omkara's room. Breaking open the door to see  black swirls of smoke coming out from beneath the door, he regretted letting Gauri to go alone back in home.

Omkara was sitting in lotus position, Gauri's phone in his hand, his eyes fixed at the lolling flames of fire dancing upon some clothes and boxes, and Bhavya recognized the clothes to be Gauri's, those she wore during her living in this house.

Realisation hit Bhavya a like a granite wall and she bursted in a loud, shrieking wail, covering her mouth with both of her hands, as she crumbled down the floor on her knees, shaking hysterically.

So, how many of you are going to leave the story?? I guess all.

So, I am going to give a really long author's note. Yesterday, many of you asked me to clear the MUs between them. Why?? I cry along with you, I joke on the various comments but that is just because I don't want to break  the suspense. But I knew from the prologue what I'm gonna write. And for your kind information, this may be a fanfiction, but it is a thriller too, a psycho thriller to be precise.

So, from the prologue I'm telling you guys that Omkara is a complete black character. He is schizophrenic and psychotic. His thought process is very different than us. He is not compassionate like us, he cannot feel other's pain like us. Those who always say that Omkara is melting, he is changing, I'm sorry, you all have been wrong. Once in a comment to Aashi Di, I told her that psychopaths cannot be cured, nor their behaviour can be changed completely. But, their recurrence of psychotic fits can be reduced, which was done by Gauri.

And yeah, tell me if I wasn't good enough to show you by Omkara's soliloquies and monologues that, he never treated Gauri as a human, she was his doll. His favourite doll. We all had our favourite toys in childhood. We saved the best stories for them, cared most for them and worried most for them. Do you remember, when the toy broke, we almost broke down, lamenting after a toy for days?? We all did this.

And, I was going to tell you in the next chapter, but I guess I have to tell this now. This book will end by the next chapter. I was excited that how would you react, but to be truthful, I'm very disappointed. I truly am. May be I wasn't good enough to convey my plot, this is why you guys didn't understand the main essence of the story. Please, before jumping to any conclusion, Google about psychopaths. I wanted to give you a very different story, but you expected a very conventional and typical ending..

So, being very much preachy, rude and bossy, I want you all to read the story again with very much concentration till the Saturday of next week. Because, after updating the last chapter tomorrow, I'm going to edit this book for six days and finally update a bonus chapter on the next Saturday. So, whoever really loved the story, read it in the meantime again and let me know what you understood by commenting at the last chapter you read by the next Friday using '#rr'.

Because, bonus chapter is going to be a real big one and I have got a lot of things to wrap up in there. And those who don't want waste their time and energy in here, you may leave graciously, I wouldn't mind at all.

Finally, a very happy and prosperous Eid to all of my readers.
✨Eid Mubarak!!✨

Happy reading!
With love,

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