Chapter : 30

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"I caress you,
I punish you,
I want you,
I loathe you,
My world of emotions go
round you,


'What's happening?? Bhavya??', Rudra looked at the mess in utter confusion.

'He killed her!!', Bhavya cried in agony, 'He killed her!!'

'But, but..'

'Use your fucking brain Rudra!!', Bhavya snarled in a hoarse voice, 'Can't you see Ri's phone in his hands??'

Realisation hit Rudra as if he had been collided with a truck on head. He stood stiffened for a moment without blinking, trying to sink the whole mess in, and more he processed the matters, the more his anger peaked. Usually, he was a happy-go-lucky type, but someone even daring to scratch his Ri, made rage reach at his nose.

With an inhumane growl, Rudra pounced upon Omkara, who fell on his back upon the bed, without any protest. Getting onto his stomach, Rudra started raining punches over wherever his fist landed on Omkara.

'How dare you do this to my Ri??'

'You bloodthirsty psycho!! Ri was special for you, right?? Then how?? How could you?? Idiot!! If she had to have an affair with me, she wouldn't have left our marriage!!', Rudra grabbed the neckline of his v-neck t shirt, 'And listen to me my dear brother, it was me who helped her to escape!!', he spat on his face.

Omkara tried to move Rudra aside, but being beneath him upon his back, wasn't helping him much. But his struggle stopped soon.

Punching his nose again, Rudra hissed, 'You always cry that you were never given a second chance, right?? Then what happened to your special treasure?? Did, you, give, her, a, SECOND, CHANCE?? Did you even give her a CHANCE?? Did you let her once speak and clear the fucking fog of misunderstandings??'

Omkara's struggling hands fell limp.

'Do you know how happy she was today?? Do you know what surprise she had planned for you?? You dickhead.. She was fucking pregnant! And for your kind information, she was pregnant with your kid!! You are a pathetic murderer you asshole, you killed your baby too!!'

Blowing a kick at his stomach for the last time, Rudra cradled a broken Bhavya in his arms. Clutching his crisp white shirt, Bhavya sobbed, 'I'm so selfish Rudra, so selfish.. To set up my family, I broke the floor of a budding one.. I killed my only friend on this earth Rudy, I'm so selfish!!'

Rudra kissed her forehead, 'No, Bhavya, you're not. The one guilty here is O. And I swear, I'll not let him cover up Ri's death like the previous ten.'

He stormed out of the room, pulling Bhavya along him. Taking out his phone, he dialled Shivaay's number.

'Yes Rudra, speak!', came Shivaay's squeaky voice.

Rudra's heart sank into his stomach as he suddenly realized what Anika's reaction would be. Gulping  his saliva along with the bile of emotions he croaked,

'Bro.. Ri..'

'Ri? What Ri Rudra?', Rudra's shaky voice shook Shivaay to the core, he started praying to the Gods, whoever's name came to his mind.

'Bhaiya Ri.. Ri.. Ri is no more..', Rudra wailed.

Shivaay's greenish blue eyes turned  in a sad gray as the colour from his face drained, clutching his phone tighter he hissed, 'Tell me Rudra, this is one of your sick jokes!'

'Call the commissioner, MP, MLA, SP, anyone you can. I want that fucking son of a bitch get his rotten ass bumped in the jail!!!'

Rudra never used this much of curse words only when he wasn't this much  angry. Shivaay's heart shrank into the size of a pea, as soon as his teary gray irised collided with Anika's worried black ones.

'I gotta go Anika', Shivaay tried to brush past her, but she pulled him back by clutching his sleeve.

'Tell me Shivaay, what is it?? Who's on phone?'

'I told you that I gotta go!!', Shivaay jerked off Anika's hands as his temper reached his nose and dashed out of their bedroom talking to Rudra.

'Rudra, calm down. If we take help of law and order, his punishment will be lessened', 'Khanna!! Take out the chopper!!', he barked at Khanna.

'He is mentally challenged, so there is no way we can give him the same pain he gave to our Ri. Don't worry Rudra, keep faith in your elder brother, and I promise, I will make his life a living hell.. Mark my words..', the inhumane chill in Shivaay's voice shook Rudra too.


Omkara opened the door towards the balcony attached to his bedroom after ages. This balcony gave him a view of the dumping ground behind the manor. The night was again a full moon of a chilly winter. The trees, devoid of leaves, stood like century old witches extending their withered claws towards heaven from hell. Snow never fell in here, but the wind was cold, chapping his skin. He stood at balcony, bracing himself up by his bloody knuckles, his face full of mauve bruises, blood dripping from his nose.

His eyes blurred with tears, it was same ground where eight girls were killed ruthlessly. But she was not like those whores, then, why did he misunderstood her?? Why??

More tears blurred his vision as the memories of their encounters came up. She, in his basement cellar, curled up like an animal; lying unconscious on the bed after receiving kicks from him; her getting unconscious after having a panic attack, their first night in each other's arms; him kissing her in sleep before going to Italy; her song when he came back; their engagement and first kiss in full consciousness; the good morning and good night kisses they shared; their rushed wedding; their passionate union at the heavensome terrace; the more passionate lovemakings those followed afterwards.. And, him pouncing upon her like a jealous male, raping her, ordering for her death.. She was just out to attend her best friend's marriage.. She was pregnant.. He killed his unborn baby too..

Rudra's raged voice started echoing in his ears, 'Did you give her a second chance?? Did you even give her a chance??'

He broke down into loud wails gripping the railing tighter. He remembered once he said to her,

'Jaan.. Don't leave me alone.. I will die'

Bending at the floor of the balcony, he scribbled something with his bloodied knuckle and climbed the railing. Spreading his hands at his sides like wings, he started bending himself downwards, and finally his feet slipped and he landed on the mossy ground with a loud thud from his balcony in second floor, on his back.

Cold wind ruffled through the withered, dry leaves making them fall from the loose juncture by which they were attached to the equally withered and twisted twigs of the trees, as the bright moonlight enlightened the words written in blackish red upon the floor of the balcony,



Dandi came back sluggishly, his heart pounding in fear. What if master knew of my failure?? But as soon as he neared the strange looking sack on the ground, he screamed in surprised fear.

Shivaay and Rudra pounced upon the doctor as soon as he came out of the ICU,


'Doctor! What happened?'

The doctor wiped his glasses nervously and wearing them back he said,

'I'm sorry Mr. Oberois, but I think we're late.'

Official last chapter of TFINDO is updated. Hope you also enjoyed reading as much as I did while writing. From Monday, I will start editing. And I know, many questions are unanswered. I promise, I will clear everything in the bonus chapter.

Till then, re-read this book and comment using #rr at the last chapter you read by Friday. And yes, just tell me what did you understand, no appreciation will be recognized as a #rr comment.

See you in next Saturday!! 👋👋 bye!

Happy reading!
With love,

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