Chapter : 38

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"I don't know how to convey my desire for you."


'You betrayed me?', he thrust in her, 'How dare you?', he slammed her wall again. 'How? Dare? You?', he thrust deeper in her at the end of each word, tears running down from his eyes too.

'Ahwww.. Ah!', Gauri shot up on her bed, perplexed. Cold sweat ran down her scalp and she had fisted the bed sheet in a white knuckle grip. She clenched her thighs together to subdue the mortal pain at the juncture of her legs, whimpering, as fresh set of tears washed her face, making her skin itchy and flamming.

'Mumma!', a panicked Rikara hugged her neck from aside, standing beside her, 'Its okay mumma, everything will be alright', she started rubbing her back with her little palms.

'I'll bring water for you', Rikara climbed down from the bed and ran towards the kitchen.

Finally, I've found my way out of my terrible past. I've left behind everything, everyone.. Even those whom I loved and cared most for. But there is a part of the man I fear, hate and loathe most, still sticking to me, Gauri mused as she took the glass from Rikara's hand. Gulping down the water, she pulled her in her arms and laid down on the bed, caressing her hair.

'Mumma is perfectly okay', she patted Rikara's hair to sleep, as the beaming full moon's radiating happiness glowed their sleeping forms in a silvery aura, but some stray dogs howled in unison, scared of something.. Indicating ominous presence.

** Six Days Later **

'These six days suck my blood out, finally, finally I got some time today to explore the office', Gauri murmured while roaming around the enormous building, decorated so tastefully, that regency and beauty were oozing out of each furniture, each panel on the walls, each tile on the mirror-like floors, even from the air perfumer that lingered in the nose.

In this way, she reached the 9th floor,  beneath which her cabin was. It was the top floor of the building and the whole building was OberoiTech's office.

'Uff! Huff!', Gauri walked towards a large sliding wooden door, 'Activity Corner' written on it, to find out the source of the panting behind it.

Sliding it open, her jaw dropped to the floor. It was a huge hall of partitioned glass cabins. One of the cabins was a multigym, and it was fully packed. People, dressed in comfortable workout clothes were exercising, some were practicing kicks and punches under the supervision of a bulky man. Another glass door led to a small library, some people were reading with such attention that it seemed as if the glass walls of the library was soundproof.

But her feet carried her towards another mehgony door, and her heart skipped a beat when she found out the room's purpose, dimly lit by low voltage bulbs attached in antique, designer, bulb holders.


Omkara entered the office cursing under his breath. The woman, his PA, was a headache. Daughter of a rich businessman, definitely planning to get hooked to him for marriage, and working as his PA, to increase his workload more than to lessen.

Such audacious!! How dare she entered my private suit in Guahati at night!! That too without my permission!! His eyes were livid, nostrils flared in anger. He punched the desk as soon as he entered his cabin.

'Omkara', No, not again, Omkara glared at the irritating woman, 'I brought you coffee, I know work is getting on your nerves', she kept the coffee mug on his desk and ran her manicured fingers over his shoulders, 'Would you like a shoulder massage,'

But her eyes dilated in terror as soon as she was pushed on one of the walls of the cabin and one of his fists landed just next to her face with a loud bang. Her stomach shrank in fear, sweat beaded on her perfectly arched eyebrows, and her eyes almost fainted as the collided with a pair of black irises, a howling tornado raging in its each and every swirl, and black flames of rage bore holes in her terrified soul.

'Remember Ms. Mathur', he hissed in a spine chilling voice, 'You, are my Secretary and I, want you to behave like one. Else, I'll not, be this much polite! Understood?'

Naynika felt her knees wobbling and body shaking in fear. Her eyelids forgot to blink in shock. She never even her dreams imagined this calm and collected man to be such horrifically livid when angry. She almost jumped as the wall just beside her head was banged again.

'I. Want. An. Answer!', he growled deeply, his face dangerously close to hers.

'Y.. Ye.. Yes Sir!', Naynika found her voice after gasping like a fish for sometime.

'Good', he stormed off.

Naynika slid down the wall and hugged her knees, dipped her head between them. Her back started shaking as she broke into hysterical sobs, 'I've done a mistake, a terrible mistake..', she whisper croaked to herself.


'Jaan!', Gauri lifted her head from the book she was reading, The Fault In Our Stars.

Omkara sneaked in the duvet to peek in the book.

'Love conquers all, even death', he commented while twirling a strand of her rich chocolatey brown hair around his finger.

'Hmm', Gauri smiled faintly at him.

He pecked her cheek lightly, 'Don't you like the piano I got for you?'

'No, no, its very nice, much better than the one that was in our college! Why?', Gauri asked appalled.

'I never heard you playing it', Omkara stated, unsure.

'Would you hear if I play now?', Gauri smiled at how cute he seemed when he demanded such small things from her.

'Will you really?', he jumped on the floor on his feet, 'Let's go right now!'

Gauri's eyes pooled at once when she removed the hood of the piano. It was the same model he had bought for her back in Panchghani. Tears leaked from her eyes as soon as her fingers slowly caressed those black and white keys and a sad, torn smile adorned her beautiful face. She started to press the keys at random, but unaware of her fingers' wish, she started to play the tune she played for him that night.

(Please listen to the YouTube video added at top for the tune referred here)

Gauri's fingers were flowing on the keys like smooth streams of water. He didn't enter the room all the time she played, instead, he stood leaning on the doorframe, his hands shoved in his pockets and a dreamy smile of admiration adorning his face.

'You are the best thing happened to me Jaan', he circled his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead lovingly. His black orbs shone in a eery silvery glow, gleaming in the dull moonlight entering through the only window of the room, situated behind the dias of the piano.

Omkara's feet stopped at the door of the piano room of the activity corner. People busy in gym and library didn't notice his silent approach, much to his relief. But a shockwave of nostalgia hit him and tugged at some weird strings of his heart as soon as the beautifully mysterious tune entered his ears.

He felt as if his heart would jump out of his ribcage the moment he figured the face beautiful lady from the party was the one playing the piano. Her porcelain skin was glistening at the dim light emitting from the antique bulb holders. She gracefully ended the tune and dipped the head lower near the keys, her back wrecking in silent sobs. His heart twisted painfully, but his anger vanished in a flash of a moment, and was replaced by a unbearable ache numbing his heart.

Gauri wiped her tears. She could feel as if he was standing at the door. She looked up startled, but saw none. I'm getting nostalgic, she ran out of the room, sobbing hysterically, unable to bear the painful burden of his memories weighing her heart.

Welcome back!! Scary Omki!!
People die, but habits don't. He bitched the bitch pretty hard.. She's scared out of her wit.

How was the flashback of RiKara married life?? Do let me know. Though I'll not be able to reply, I would love to read your thoughts, please don't mind my inability.. 🙏

Happy reading!
With love,

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