Chapter : 48

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"A morning coffee in your arms and a peaceful night cuddling into each other.. Did I ask for something impossible?"


Cogent sun rays scorched her eyes as she blinked rapidly, and a wet, sloppy touch on her temple made her giggle groggily.

'Good morning', hairs stood pin straight on her skin hearing his voice.

'Uhmm', she cuddled more in his arms that were tightly wrapped around her waist.

'Gauri.. Wake up now. You'll be late', he ran his toe over her calf, as if tickling her.

Gauri's eyes shot open as two saucers. Holy... I forgot!! How could I?? Has he seen my legs?? She scurried away from him.

'I.. Um.. Morning.. Sir.. Faint... Pyjama.. T shirt.. Sorry', Gauri started scratching her head, messing her bed hair more, looking everywhere except him.

He pressed his lips tightly to muffle the laughter bubbling and tickling him inside. But he bursted in a stomach aching laugh when Gauri blushed like a tomato and in the attempt to scurry away more from him, tangled herself in the bed sheet more and landed upon her back at the edge of the bed, her bare legs flung high up.

Gauri closed her eyes as soon as she slipped to land upon the floor along with the bed sheet, but a hand came to hold her by the sheet around her waist and yanked her upon a broad chest. Her nose hit his chest and she lifted her head along with the chocolatey brown bird's nest, 'Ouch!', she cupped her nose.

'You still look like a little girl when you do that', he chuckled.

She glared playfully at him and swatted his bicep.

He rolled upon the bed and switched their positions. Their hearts were thundering together in their ribcages and she was drowning in his eyes, gleaming in mischievousness. He lowered his face upon hers and kissed her forehead. Smirking like a jackal, he dipped his nose in the croon of her neck, and started rubbing his stubble cheek with her.

'Omkaraji!!', Gauri wiggled beneath him, pushing and punching his shoulders, giggling helplessly.

He lifted his face up after kissing the nape of her neck, nuzzling and nibbling. Tilting his head aside, he observed her reddened face glistening in sweat for sometime, her plump pink lips slightly ajar, gasping shortly. His hand traced the sides of her body on the it own accord and his lips lowered at hers, their eyes drooped in anticipation, their breaths heavy and hot, ready crash upon each other.

'Goooood morningggg.. M.. Uncle?', Rikara statued with her hands stretched over her head spirally and her mouth hung open, stopped at the midway of her yawn.

Gauri pushed Omkara away from upon her and sat straight on the bed, panicked. Turning at Rikara, she exclaimed breathlessly, 'Morning sweetie!!', and stuffed Omkara's face with pillows, bedcovers, anything her hand could land upon.

'M(g)ood mongwing(morning) pwinshesh(princess)!!', Omkara's muffled voice came from beneath the pillow and he raised his hand as if surrendering, lightly swinging his white handkerchief.

'Were you wrestling?? Then I'll also join!!', Rikara bolted towards Gauri, and without any warning she jumped while screeching towards her, making her fall on her back.

'Huff!', Omkara was finally able to remove the pillows over his face. But, his relief was short lived, because as soon as he sucked in a deep breath, he heard a childish screech and with that Gauri landed upon his stomach along with Rikara, knocking his breath out.

'Ow!!', he groaned and rolled aside as soon as Gauri shot away.

'!', Rikara lifted a pillow and started hitting both of them, while Omkara rolled on the bed, whimpering comically and Gauri feebly lifted her hands over head to dodge the sudden attacks.

Suddenly Gauri and Omkara took up a pillow each and three of them paused for a moment, gauging each other.




They let out different war cries and pounced at each other, hitting themselves mercilessly. After sometime, they fell on the bed, breathing heavily, exhausted.

'Laughter therapy', Omkara chuckled.

Rikara giggled and climbed upon him. He pecked her forehead and gestured Gauri to come over his extended hand. When she rested her head on his tricep, he pulled her closer and pecked her lips.


'Its not very good to be late for office, Sir', Gauri teased after getting down from the car.

'Don't forget who's the boss here', Omkara smirked.

Gauri giggled and ran out from the driveway. Shaking his head, Omkara reversed his car.

His phone buzzed.

'Yes Dandi.'

'Master, did Ajit reach in time? Are you in office??'

'Yeah', Omkara rubbed his forehead, annoyed of the scorching sun, 'Give him the taxi fare when he reaches home.'

'Okay Master. Hope you had a good time', Dandi teased.

'I don't pay you to tease me. Get into work', Omkara smirked.

'Sorry Master.'


'Where is your car?', Gauri halted at her tracks after being shot by the question in a ear piercing screech.

Gauri looked up at Naynika with a bored expression, 'I have a very old second hand car and its gone for a servicing.'

A sharp sting followed with a finer screech, as if a knife was carved upon a steel plate.

'Liar! I told you not to come between me and my Omkara!!', Naynika held her by the collar of her formal t shirt, 'Look at you!! Short as a pigmy!! You don't even know how to wear proper clothes!! The only thing you know is just how to seduce men in bed, now you have a weekly customer too.. I'm warning you.. Leave my man or else..'

She was shut up by two back handed slap landed on her face as Gauri pushed her on a nearby wall. Holding her hair in a death grip she hissed, 'Classless slut! Remember, you are the one who has stolen my fiancé using his mental condition improperly. You are the one who seduce men in beds, I also have a list of boys you spreaded you legs for in college. Some of them are here, right in this building! So, before splashing mud to others, look at yourself in the mirror. And yeah, if you really want to seduce your boss, take an advice and behave as PA of his only.. Maybe then he'll have the break to see you beyond your annoying getup and nasty flirtation!', she stormed in the employees' lift without sparing a glance at her surroundings.

'She's alive?', a pair of eyes wondered from afar.

'Ms. Mathur', Omkara entered only after the end of the commotion, mentally praising Gauri for her temper and boldness, 'Are the reports on the malfunctioning softwares ready??'

Naynika gasped. She thought to finish the work today before Omkara comes, but the little stunt that she played on Gauri made her late. And more to her dismay, the stunt got backfired 'cause she could clearly see her ex-batchmates smirking viciously at her, like hungry wolves.

'Sorry Sir', Naynika tried to calm him down by her over the top sweet voice and explain him, but today simply wasn't her day.

'Don't you dare sorry sir me! Go and prepare the files within fifteen minutes, else, you won't like the consequences', Omkara hissed as a whiplash at her, 'Right. Now!!'

And with that Naynika ran into the employees' lift perplexed, which she hated the most.

What is his problem? First time, he baulked me so hard that I went to a trauma. Then he's always threatening me to cause a fit of epilepsy. Oh god, why isn't he the bad guy?? Spanking masochist?? I would love to make mistakes then.. She sighed scrunching her nose up, the lift felt claustrophobic with the mixed smell of sweaty people and there haughty scent.

'Damn those Mr. and Ms. Scary Engaged Couple', Naynika muttered under her breath.

Woohooooo!!! My exams are finally over!! So I'm back!!!

Welcome.. Anyone??
Nobody missed me??, okay..

So, so. I wrote a cute comeback chapter and I'm going to post a news. Though I already had posted in Instagram, this is for my readers who aren't in there. I've opened a new account where I will post my works other than fanfictions. And, yeah, if you want to read my work on different genres with different plots and characters, then you are most welcome to follow me in there too!!

So, what are you waiting for?? Go, follow yagnaseni_writes right now!! And feel free to order for your book covers!!

Happy reading!
With love,

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