Chapter : 49

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"A work of art.. Those enchanting hazel eyes, sinfully dark as chocolate and shining as gold in mischief."


'Listen!', Gauri turned back at Naynika, who was smirking like a vixen.

'Have a very good night', she waved at a bewildered Gauri, sickening sweetness rolling off her tongue.

'Ah! Thanks', Gauri cackled faking her happiness and gratitude, and stomped off towards the driveway.


'Good night uncle!!', Rikara kissed Omkara's cheek before he put her down.

He wrapped his arms around Gauri's waist and quickly pecked her lips. Gauri smiled like a candy girl.

'Good night Gauri.'

'Good night Omkaraji.'

Gauri held Rikara's hand and walked in the passage to take the stairs till her flat. But unlucky her, some middle aged women came and pulled her harshly out in the alley again. And as much as Rikara cried to let her mum go, they didn't give two hoots at her pleas. Rather, they held her too by her thick pigtails and slapped her whines shut.

'Noo!! Keep your hands off Rikara!! I'm sorry sweetie!!', but the grip on her hair got harder, 'Aah!! Let me go!! At least tell me what did I wrong!! Aah!!'

The women were her neighbours. When she was pulled right in the middle of the alley, not just the men of the apartment, but also the residents of another apartments and houses gathered there to enjoy the show as spectators.

'She has the guts to ask that!!', one of them screeched, 'You shameless slut!! For some filthy garbage like you, men take girls as easy preys!! We thought we were helping a distressed girl.. But no, madam has opened a brothel here!', she took out a phone and started showing a CCTV clip. It featured Gauri hugging a long haired man and the man, whose face was invisible, was kissing her neck.

Giving the phone to another woman who showed it to the crowd, the lady barked again, kicking Gauri down in the bricked alley, 'Now I know why your husband left you!! Of course, who wants a whore of a wife like you??'

The crowd was blown away by the newest scandal. They barked in rage,
'Beat her! Stone her!!'

Women came forward from the crowd and started raining kicks, slaps and punches over Gauri.

'Mumma!!!', Rikara rushed towards her mom, only to fall prey of the maddened mob.

'Don't let go this fruit of her whoring too!!', someone shouted from the crowd and some people drifted towards Rikara.

Though tears blurred her eyes, Gauri shot towards Rikara as soon as the ladies' grip loosened over her. She quickly pulled Rikara beneath her and her back received all the hits targeted for Rikara.

'Mumma!', Rikara whimpered shaking. Her clutch on Gauri's t shirt got tighter when a roaring thunder stuck the purple sky.

Gauri received all the hits and drizzles raining on her, covering Rikara beneath, standing on all fours. She clenched her teeth as she didn't even let a whimper, let alone the drops of tear.

'This, is a colony of civilised people, not a brothel!', her landowner too came out of blue, throwing her belongings at her.

'Get out of here!'

'She's a shameless whore!'

'Girls like her spoil the names of girls in society!'

'She didn't even say her husband's name!! I wonder who the kid's father is!'

'I strongly doubt if the mother herself knows it.'

Different fingers and sneers were pointed at her from different directions, and some women pulled her harshly out of the thorp. They ran back in their respective houses when it started raining heavier. Gauri stood under the heavy downpour, trying to save Rikara's head by squeezing her tightly in her stomach and covering her by her raincoat, even the shops didn't agree to give her a shelter.

She would have fought for themselves and her virtue if the CCTV footage wasn't there. How could she explain to the mob that he was her ritually wedded husband.. Oh wait!! How could she even prove that it was even her husband!!

'I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry sweetie..', she hugged Rikara whimpering, finally letting the warm trails of tear out.

'Mumma', Rikara hugged her back as if her life depended on it.


Gauri was sitting on the footpath, clearly clueless of the time. The shops were long closed behind the footpath she was sitting upon. Her stomach, along with Rikara's ceased growling after a long time. Gauri kept Rikara feeding water from the only bottle she had in her office bag. Richa and Mukesh were out on a romantic holiday and she didn't had the silver of heart to ruin their re-honeymoon. Suddenly, her phone ringed from her backpack. She stared rigidly at the caller ID.

Rikara stood up to peek in the phone screen after watching her mumma stare at it stupidly, and she received the call immediately.

'Uncle!!', Rikara bursted into wails, while Gauri kept on staring blankly at the cars whooshing past them, tears and rains dizzying her vision, and tuned out the conversation between Rikara and Omkara.

She startled a bit when a white BMW stopped abruptly in front of her and she kept on staring blankly at his reddened eyes, her brain couldn't process the words he was shouting, as only those allegations went on running in her head,

'To see my brother!! You slut!!'

'She's a shameless whore!'

The world around her went black.


'Please, please don't hit me! Please, I beg you, please-',

'Gauri!! Gauri! Its okay! I'm here! I'm here!'

'Mumma its okay!'

'Omkaraji!! Omkaraji!!', Gauri jumped upon him as soon as her eyes opened, and threw herself upon him, her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist and sobbed in the croon of his neck.

Omkara patted her back soothingly, murmuring sweet nothings in her ears. After cooling down a bit, she rushed towards Rikara, who was staring at her clueless mum. She ran her palms frantically over her little frame, looking for injuries, if there was any.

'I'm fine mumma.. I have you, right?', Rikara kissed her cheeks, 'My mumma is most brave!'

Gauri chuckled, 'Its bravest, sweetie'.

'Great!! Now, you have woken up, let's feed you something! Dandi!!', Omkara called.

'Food's here!!', Dandi walked in.

'Eww', Gauri's face twisted after seeing the vegetable broth in a big bowl.

'Sorry Gauri', Omkara smiled sheepishly, 'But, if you finish this, you'll get a cup of, chocochip sundae.'

Gauri stared at him bewildered for sometime, and finally sipped the broth, flicking glances around the black themed room, modernly fernished with French windows and mehgony floor. Rikara was playing with a rubic's cube, sitting upon the silk black bed sheet.

When finished, Omkara put the movie Frozen in the 42" TV in his bedroom. The three of them settled leaning upon the head post of the king sized bed. Omkara hugged Gauri sideways and Rikara sat in there lap, their legs entangled, with the bucket of chocochip sundae before Rikara. To Gauri's utter surprise, Omkara too dipped his spoon and started licking of the ice crème from his lips.

When at the end of the movie, Anna and Kristoff were kissing each other, both Omkara and Gauri clasped their palms upon Rikara's eyes, and Omkara, using this opportunity, gave Gauri's nose a quick peck, lifting her mood higher.

Dandi stealthily clicked a photo of the perfect family, 'Finally, master could have the family moments he dreamt of.'

Later at the night, Omkara wrapped his arm around soundly sleeping Gauri and Rikara, lying behind Gauri, 'I'll let each and every one pay with their everything, who dared to even put a scratch on you', he kissed the temples of both Gauri and Rikara, the twists in his black irises howling in rage, surrounded by glossy red and a howling blow of wind ruffled his locks violently, followed by a deafening thunder, which hid the clicking sound of his jaws clenching in anger.

Who did this to our Ri?? Obviously that bitch Naynika.. Right?
Oh, do you remember something seeing today's chapter?
Oooh whooooh.. Our PsychoKara/ViolentKara/AngryKara/VolcanoKara/OverprotectiveKara is back!!🎉🎊🎉🎊

Anyways, do let me know if you liked it.
QnA game of today:
Q: Where are you from?
My A: I'm from Uttarpara, a small town near Kolkata.

Happy reading!
With love,

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