chapter 12

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The next day, after breakfast they departed from Zurich to Interlaken. Rihito had something up in his sleeves which he wouldn't disclose to Rina. They boarded the train to Lucerne and thereafter from Lucerne to Interlaken, along the way enjoying the amazing views of mountains and lakes.

After some sightseeing, they spent the night at a hotel only to wake up for a terrifying nightmare which Rihito called an exciting jump from 13,000 ft, the skydiving.

"Tell me this isn't what I'm thinking it is." She glared at him. He grinned from ear to ear. 

"You're mad! I'm going back." She flipped back trying to walk away.

"Come on Rina be a sport! Trust me this is the coolest thing you'll ever experience." He held her hand and pulled her back.

"No thank you." 

"Okay fine you don't need to do this, just accompany me?" He asked.

She glared at him. "No!"

"Oh come on." He pulled her along. 

"Okay let's do this." After entering the place, he screamed excitedly.

"Good for you. But I'm not joining you in this stupid thing." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh no, we're doing this together. Here I even got your consent on the paper." He waved the paper in front of her eyes.

She snatched the paper and looked at her own signature. What the hell?

 She couldn't believe it but there was no doubt, it was her signature. "I never signed any paper." She thought. 

Then her eyes widened, "you forged my signature?" She shouted.

"You think I'm able to?" He shook his head. 

"I don't. But you're the demon who's capable of anything." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh I'm glad you think so highly of me but no it wasn't me." 


"You want me to forge her signature?" Teresa blinked at Rihito's words.

"Yes, I heard from Ethan only you're capable of doing this. I heard even Rina can't differentiate the forged ones." Rihito beamed.

"And why do you think I'll do it?" She glared at him. "I haven't forgiven you yet. You guys dated each other and I only got to know about it at your wedding."

"I've apologized for the 1000th time already. I'll do whatever you ask for. Please!" He folded his hands and looked at her with puppy dog's eyes.

"Okay, so whatever I ask for?"

"Hmm...y-yeah." He let out a nervous smile. He gulped. what will she ask him to do?

"Then take care of Rina until your last breath." She smiled at him.


"Rina has always been taking care of everyone. She's like a mother, always looking after everyone and she often neglects herself, she took care of me, Ethan and that good for nothing Eros the gross added up. But I wanted her to be with someone who would take care of her, you know 'the someone' she can depend on, the one that would help her breaks her chains and get her out of her shell." She looked at him. "Ryouma said that despite your childish behavior you're reliable and I second that cause I've seen Rina rely on you and maybe that's why she married you in a blink and now that you're already married I've got no choice but to accept your relationship. So you better take care of her."

He was silent for a moment. 

"Am I talking to walls? Rihito?" She waved her hands in front of his face.

"I'll take care of her." He smiled at her.

"And remember if you ever break her heart or make her cry, I'll make you cry for the rest of your life." She threatened.

"Did I ever tell you you're scary?" Rihito looked at her horrified.

"Just make sure you don't get on my bad side." She smiled. "So where do I sign?" She took the pen in her hand and grinned looking at the paper.

Flashback ends

"That witch!" Cursing her bff, Rina glared at her signature.

"Come on Rina I thought you were better than this. I thought you were cool now don't be a scaredy-cat." 

"I'm no scaredy-cat. It just means I'm not reckless, I'm just cautious." She said in defense.

"That's all excuses." He shook his head. " Sacredy cat." 

"I'm not!" 

"Prove it. I dare you to do this." He smirked.

"Oh yeah? Fine bring it on then." 


Yeah, he just got me right where he wanted. Argh! He always ends up making me do what he wants! And you always step right into his trap! taunts my subconscious.

I glare at him standing at a corner as he talks to his 'friends'.

"Stop sulking and come here." He calls out to me.

"This is Mac, Kyle, and Veeda." He points at them respectively. "They always tag along." He shrugged. 

Always! this registered on my mind. What does always mean? How many times has he done this?

"Yeah right. You were the one who called us here." Mac rolled his eyes. 

"I'm soooo glad he did." Kyle was very excited. 

"And won't you introduce to your new 'friend'." Veeda gestured emphasizing the word friend.

"This is Rina, the scaredy-cat." 

I hit him and he clutches his stomach in pain, "I told you not to call me that." I glared at him. 

Looking back at his friends, who had a look of shock on their faces, I greeted them with a smile.

Snapping back to reality, "I like her."  Veeda grinned widely. "not anyone can do that." She pointed at Rihito who was still grimacing in pain.

After a few instructions and training, we walked up to the plane. My heart was hammering against my chest. I was terrified!

"First time is terrifying. It's normal." Veeda smiled at me as if reading my mind. "But after that, it's addicting." 

"Yeah tell her V. It's freaking amazing!" Rihito shouted. "She was petrified at first but look at her now, it's her 10th time doing a solo."

"What? You're doing solo?" I blinked at them, trying to process the words in my mind.

"They're all doing solo." Rihito replies. I was then informed Mac and Kyle had an instructor's license. My head spun, they were all pros. 

"Don't tell me you're going to throw me off the plane saying I'm doing solo too?" I looked at him horrified.

They all laughed.

"Come on, I can't just do that." He laughed. "You're very precious, don't worry I have your back." He wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me close to him.

"And what does that mean?"

"What were you doing all this time? Weren't you listening? I'm your tandem instructor. I'll be the one jumping with you." 

"Was that supposed to calm me down? I'm more nervous now."

"I'm hurt." 

"I know he's a troublesome guy but trust me you're in safe hands." Veeda winked at me as she got on the plane.

I tried to distract myself looking out of the window trying to enjoy the view, the view was amazing but the 10-15 minutes ride felt like 15 seconds. Why so soon? I don't want to! I screamed internally. 

The door opened and the sound of the wind penetrated my ears and I freaked out more! Mac, Kyle, and Veeda prepared to jump and I clung on the window beside me. I'm not going!

"Hey, it's okay. I've got you." Rihito pulled me into a hug and whispered. Surprisingly I relaxed as if he cast a spell on me.  "You're going to love it." I heard him and before I knew it we were on the door and we jumped.

"Oh god!" My scream was masked by the sound of the wind. My heart dropped into my stomach. 

"Relax and let it go. Let's just fly." He shouted.

I just did, I let my arms out and Wow!

My heart felt ticklish, 1000s of feet away from the land we were flying, literally. The wind hitting my face threw my cheeks flying away but none of that mattered, nothing mattered, I felt free, I felt like... I don't know I just can't name this feeling and that was just amazing.

"Hang on." I heard him shout and he pulled the parachute. We started to float at a steady slow speed and then the view caught my eye, the most amazing spectacular view that caught my breath. 

"Isn't it amazing?" He whispered.

"Yeah," I replied as my eyes scanned the view, I let it sink, clicking this perfect memory in my mind.

I looked down and we were close to the ground. Damn! that ended fast.

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