Chapter 13

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At the hotel, the group celebrated Rina's 1st jump. The sat making a circle around the table, "Cheers!" They shouted clinking the beer mug.

"So let's hear from Rina, How was your experience?" Kyle who was beside her asked her.

"I've literally got no words."She shrugged, "That was just...amazing!" She smiled remembering the feel of the air, that height, the jump, and the scene.

"See I told you you'd love it!" Said Rihito from her right.

"Yes, I'll definitely do it again." Rina nodded at Rihito.

"Oh yeah! Let's plan it again someday." Veeda who sat opposite Rina raised her hands and Rina met hers in a high five.

After a few drinks, they were tipsy and the slow song was making them sleepy, "Dude, what's with this music?" Veeda said, her voice was slurred, she then suddenly got up and slammed her fist on the table, "We're here to have fun!"

Rina was startled, she looked at the boys they were all drunk, Kyle and Mac were arguing and Rihito was nodding his head and then he too suddenly got up and banged on the table, "It's so boring!" He agreed with V.

"I think you guys are drunk," Rina rolled her eyes, "and I think we should go now," She added.

"Drunk? Who's drunk?" They all narrowed their eyes at her feeling offended. She blinked. "We're not drunk." Veeda leaned down and whispered, "and the night's just started," She began to laugh.

"Yes!" The boys cheered.

"Let's get that boring music off," Mac stood up and began to walk towards the stage, Kyle and Veeda followed him, Rihito too got up but Rina pulled him back, "Where are you going?" She glared at him.

"Mice testing!" Kyle held on the mike and spoke, "It's Mike, dude," Veeda laughed at him.

"Oops, sorry, Mike testing... 1...2..."

Veeda took the drums, Mac and Kyle took the guitars.

Rihito wiggled his brows at Rina, "What?" She narrowed her eyes at him, "Come, Miss Boring, let's do something interesting," he smiled as he held her hand, "Don't!" She warned him. "Oh come on!" he pulled her up and dragged her to the stage, "Yo people!" Rihito grabbed on the mike.


After all the singing, dancing and drinking, they finally call-it-a-night.

After pressing the button for the lift, "You guys stay in our room, I'll stay with them," Rihito whispered to Rina who was supporting the drunken Veeda.

"Okay," She nodded.

After dropping the girls at the room, the boys turned their heads to Rihito and whistled, "our room, eh? We heard ya."

"So she really is your new hook up? Yes, I win the bet." Kyle looked at Mac. "The bet you kept on your own. I never agreed." Mac rolled his eyes.

"For the last time! she is just a friend alright!" Rihito glared at them. "I only invited Mac, I don't get why you two tagged along!"

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. Don't be so upset." Kyle raised his hands. "But you never brought any girl with you before and V wanted to come." "I'll believe you if you're saying you're just friends. Whatever it is, just don't hurt V. You always pretend not to notice but you do know about her feelings for you, right?" He added.

Rihito sighed.


Entering the room, Veeda was amazed, "Wow!" She looked at the luxurious room. Rina smiled nervously, 'How was she going to explain about the suite? How much does she know about her and Rihito?' She worried but luckily Veeda didn't ask Veeda anything, staggering, she walked up to the bed and lied down on her back, facing the ceiling.

"phew," Rina took a sigh of relief.

"We first met 3 yrs ago." Veeda started, turning over she lied on her stomach as she looked at Rina who now sat at the foot end of the bed, "Kyle brought me for my first skydiving. I was terrified! But then there was Rihito, fearless and full of life... he was.... was just something else. He kept teasing me and I didn't even know when we were inside the plane and when I realized I was already on the door to jump. I wasn't ready and my tandem instructor was whispering some motivational words into my ears but that idiot, he just pushed us out."

"After that, we became friends, and without realizing I started liking his teasing and just everything about him." She hugged the pillow.

"He is just so amazing." She smiled like an idiot.

"And he..." She paused. "Damn am I blushing?" She shouted as she covered her reddened cheeks with her hands.

Rina nodded laughing. So she likes Rihito hmm? This girl is so love-struck, she thought.

"Can I ask you something?" Veeda asked, her voice muffled covered by the pillow.


"What is your relationship with Rihito?" Veeda hid her face behind the pillow.

Oh no, here it comes, Rina gulped.

"I'm sorry, don't mind me, it's just me being drunk." Veeda lied on the bed and pulled on the blanket. Rina thought for a second, she didn't want to lie to her, "We're just friends." She answered.

"Really?" Veeda sprung out of the blanket.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Phew!" She sighed with relief. "umm... I mean..." She stammered.

"Aww look at you." Rina smiled at her. "You've been liking him for 3 yrs?" She asked.

"I guess. I mean who wouldn't? his charm is too hard to resist. But I never really had the courage to confess, you know how he is, he dates for fun and once he's done, he'll never look at you again. I'm fine being a friend, I can at least stick close to him that way."

hmm, I've never really seen him with a single girl for more than a week. Rina thought.

After that, Veeda went on and on about Rihito, before finally passing out.

She sure can talk all night about him. Rina sighed.

Her phone vibrated with a text, none other than Rihito.

how's v?

just went to sleep′ She texted back.

and you? Couldn't fall asleep without me? ;)

She laughed. Jeez, this guy!

yeah right! Good night Mr. flirt.

I'd prefer Mr. husband. ;) :*

LOL! Mr. fake husband. By the way, V just asked me what was our relationship? They don't know about our fake marriage thing? I assumed you told them when you called them over.

I only called Mac, the others tagged along. Besides they're going back tomorrow so we don't need to tell them about our marriage, we're not obliged to. Plus because of them, I'm spending my night away from my wife *cries* :(

Oh yeah? I rolled my eyes. ′Whatever Mr. flirt! Good night!

Dream of me!′ was his reply. Rina went off to bed with a wide smile on her face.


The next day, after breakfast, the group was leaving for Zurich.

"Ma'am!" The receptionist called out to her.

"Yes?" Rina looked at the girl.

"Your husband dropped this." She handed out Rihito's passport.

"thank you." Rina smiled at her. that idiot! What was he doing dropping his passport around?

She turned to go when she found Veeda staring at her. "Did she just say, husband?"

"What? No!" Rina denied. "She said friend, not a husband."

"Yeah, I must be hearing things," Veeda muttered with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

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