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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

Cundrie, Oliver, and Marcus were all up together in Marcus' room, together coming up with their next graffiti design. As Marcus lives with his aunt and his aunt is away, no one would bust any of them staying up to 1 AM. As long as Cundrie returns before 4 AM, no one at the Burrow would bust them too. Only Molly is an early riser and she wakes at 5 AM.

"I think that's good enough, Dri," Marcus said. Cundrie lifts her 2B pencil from the drawing paper, examining the drawing. It's of two skeletons kissing each other.

"Ver, what do you think?"

"Same as Marc, I fink that's bostin," Oliver answered. Cundrie shrugged, looking back at their drawing.

"Where will we paint this?"

"The wall before the Ministry of Magic?" Oliver suggested. Both Cundrie and Marcus faced xem. "Same-sex marriage bai yet legalised, an' that part is a law issue. Ter address this problem, we need ter be 'in yaw face' ter the people who mek the law, doy we?"

"Are you sure?" Marcus asked. "Ministry of Magic... what if we get caught?"

"It's a pretty simple design, naaa?" Oliver asked again. "But we yav ter help them draw too, so it's quick. Get a wall, all of us draw, immediately leave."

"It is a good idea, imagine the impact-" Cundrie nodded, folding the design paper and shoving it in her pocket. "Let's go."

Cundrie, Oliver, and Marcus got ready with their runner shoes, plain black neck gaiters on top of black thin jumpers, wearing black sweatpants. Marcus brings a backpack full of spray cans behind his back, and together, the three of them left the room for the floo. Cundrie tiptoed at first before remembering that it's only the three of them in the house and felt stupid before walking normally. Cundrie grabbed some of the floo powder, enunciating 'whitehall!'

Cundrie appeared face-first to the ground, immediately standing up for the next to come. Sure enough, Oliver soon comes through, xyr butt covered in soot. Cundrie cleaned their face and their geometric glasses as they waited for Marcus to appear, whose traces of soot is evident in his clothes but he didn't care to clean them. Cundrie pulled up her neck gaiter over her face.

"Cum on," Oliver said, xyr neck gaiter also pulled up already. The other two nodded as they followed xem, looking around for other people. Of course there's no one, it's half past 1 in the morning. Who'd be awake at this hour? Oliver points at a predominantly black wall just on the side of the Ministry, so beautiful.

"We better start working-" Marcus puts down the bag, opening the zip. Marcus handed Cundrie the white spray paint and she starts working. As all three of them have unregistered wands in the bag for this purpose, Marcus takes his out and levitates Cundrie to the air, letting Cundrie start with the heads.

"Lower me!" Cundrie commanded as she wants to start drawing the bodies, and Marcus lowered Cundrie. Oliver shushed her.

"Yom too loud!" Oliver protested, looking around with worry. Cundrie rolled their eyes as they continued their drawing, not forgetting to stay in a spot for their signature drip effect. Oliver checked the time impatiently, 2:12 AM. Xe knew xe can't rush art, but the longer they stay the bigger of a chance they'll get caught. Xe also knew that Cundrie won't go if they don't draw the watermark underneath, so Oliver hurriedly took the spray paint bag and drew the watermark, a pink C, a white connector that makes the C look like an O, and a blue M on top of it.

"Drop me!" Finally, the two words Oliver longs to hear. Marcus lowered Cundrie down, Cundrie putting the spray paint in the bag and Marcus wore the bag again. The three of them stopped to stare at the art, looking so beautiful.

"We should goo, I've drawn ar watermark," Oliver started, pointing at the watermark. "It's already half-pus tewthree, let's goo."

"Let's go-" Cundrie nodded, leaving the wall, following Marcus and Oliver back to the floo-connected fireplace. Cundrie stared at the drawing one last time, oh how they wish they brought a camera with them. Cundrie took a handful of floor powder.

"Flint Bungalow!"

Cundrie appeared back in Marcus' home, seeing Marcus and Oliver waiting for them already. Cundrie stood up, walking to Marcus and Oliver.

"The Ministry of Magic!" Marcus exclaimed. "Oh, Merlin! This deserves a drink, my aunt won't notice."

Oliver and Cundrie stared at each other, Oliver only shrugging and following Marcus, Cundrie too. As it appears, Marcus has already taken out some firewhiskey and three glasses, and poured them in the glasses, presenting the two at his two friends. Oliver took out a bottle of seconal capsules, handing one to Marcus and Cundrie before xemself. Cundrie grinned, seconal capsules taste so good with alcohol. It made her feel so relaxed, so stress-free. This is so nice.

"Ministry of Magic," Marcus repeated. "What was in us? We never did that before."

"I doy knoo, seems loike a bostin idae-" Oliver shrugged, gulping xyr drink. "Criticise roight where we need ter."

"No, that part I get-" Marcus takes a swig of his glass. "I can't believe we did that. It's always been other buildings in Muggle areas, never the bloody Ministry of Magic. We're so bold."

"WE'RE so bold, Ver's a pussy-" Cundrie at herself and Marcus. Oliver's jaw hit the floor. "'You're too loud!' 'Hurry!' Chill, there's no one this late!"

"The'er might be!" Oliver huffed. "Besides, I'm the lookout. It's supposed ter be me job ter werrit!"

"Yeah, yeah-" Cundrie rolled her eyes after finishing her drink, gesturing at the glass for Marcus to fill up more, which he did. He looked at Oliver who also gave him xyr empty glass, and Marcus fills it up to the brim too before handing it back. "Whatever."

"Hopefully, it'll mek an impact."

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