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"Boys! Ginny! It's time for supper!"

The sound of Ron's cane can be heard from afar, how typical. He's always the first to come down in regards of food. Sure enough, Ron appears in the living room already, on his way to the dining table. Next, Ginny comes down with colourful hair clips on her hair, Fred and George laughing behind her. Charlie walks down, not uttering a single word as he takes a seat. Molly counts in her head, one, two, three, four, five, where's Percy?

"Where's Percy?"

"Probably sleeping-" Fred shrugged, still laughing at Ginny's clips.

"Can you wake him up, Dear?" Molly requested. Fred turned to face Molly, horror evident in his face.

"Why me?" Fred whined. "Why can't the prat come down himself?"

"Just wake him up, Dear," Molly requested again, her voice softer in such tone making it impossible for Fred to refuse her. Fred groaned but stood up, going back up the stairs.

"Perce?" Fred calls, noticing how his brother's door is locked. He hears a grunt from the inside. "Whatever shit you're doing, we're going to have supper and Mum wants you down! What you're doing there?"

"Go away!" Fred hears and shrugged, backing away and going back down, not giving another fuck towards his brother. If he wants to starve, let him. Why should he help him, the prat can take care of himself.

Cundrie immediately took off their t-shirt and their breast form bra they bought from Marcus who happens to live near a store for transgender essentials, hiding it in their wardrobe. As they didn't wear their gaff that day, they immediately hid their next design in between their books and leave their room, descending the stairs. Cundrie took a seat opposite to Ron, who is already starting with the meal. Cundrie takes the meal too, which is sausages and mashed potatoes. That's nice.

"Percy, where were you?" Molly asked, still cutting the sausages. "Nobody saw you earlier today, even Ron can be seen."

"In my room," Cundrie answered, not facing her mother. "I was studying for my next school year, fourth year is a hectic year and I should be prepared for my O.W.L.s."

"It's fifth, not fourth," Charlie corrected.

"Well, fourth year builds up to it, so I have to be prepared-" Cundrie shrugged, smooth lie. "Besides, I want to be a prefect and my scores need to align so I can have my dreams."

"That's a great dream to have," Molly approved, checking the Weasley clock which displays their father to be 'travelling'. "Oh, he should be here any minute, now."

True to her words, the door soon opens to reveal Arthur in his Ministry robes, dropping his work bag on the sofa, walking in to kiss Molly in the cheeks. Ginny, Fred, and George immediately contorted their faces whilst Charlie and Cundrie didn't care.

"How's work, Dear?"

"Same stressful-" Arthur shrugged. "It's weirder for this one, though."

"Weirder in what way?"

"Some kids decided to draw some graffiti on the side of the Ministry," Arthur answered, taking a seat. Cundrie takes a deep breath in, remembering last night. Fred and George snickered and Arthur glared at them, whipping his head towards them. "Was it you?"

"No!" They shook their heads vigorously. "But that's wicked, Ministry of Magic!"

"That never happened before, no one ever spray painted the Ministry before-" Arthur shook his head, ignoring the twins. Cundrie stayed silent, barely eating her meal upon hearing the news.

"Who did it?" Molly asked.

"I don't know-" Arthur shook his head. "But the Ministry is taking a big deal out of this. They're having an Auror to guard the sides of the Ministry, now."

"It's probably just some naughty individuals-"

"Fudge thinks that it can be a revolutionary message," Arthur debates. "Look, I'll talk to you about it later, ok?"

"Revolutionary in what way?" Cundrie spoke up, careful not to seem too interested in the topic of the conversation. Arthur turned to look at them, who only played with the handkerchief. "I mean, I'm interested in politics, am I not? This should be a topic of interest for me."

"Well, the painting is two skeletons kissing, that usually refers to a homosexual relationship, the message 'love is love'. The fact that it's on the side of the outer Ministry wall means that it's protesting the lack of laws legalising gay marriage within the Wizarding World-" Arthur explains. Cundrie nodded to make it seem like she doesn't know what he's talking about. "I'm not sure what these teens want. We are trying, some on the Ministry. Most of the influential ones are bigots."

"They're not doing fast enough," Cundrie mumbled, stabbing her sausage like there's no tomorrow. No one heard her as no one asked her to elaborate on it further. "So, now there's an Auror to watch over the Ministry every once in a while?"

"Yes, and complete cover-up of that painting-" Arthur nodded, staring at all of his young children. "I want all of you to know. This is not the right way to protest. The right way to protest is through diplomacy and peace, not by propaganda. Right now, it's only this drawing. But if this continues, we may have lootings, riots, destruction of public property, maybe even death toll. No matter how right your idea may seem, how you deliver your speech matters and this is not the right way to do it."

"Yes, Dad," Ron nodded, having finished his meal. Cundrie pushed her plate away from her which contained one remaining uneaten sausage, one half-eaten sausage, and some mashed potatoes, having a drink before standing up.

"I'm full," they declared before ascending the stairs, ignoring their mum's calls for them. As soon as they closed the door behind them and locked it, they took their shirt off to wear their breast form bra that they previously wore and returned to the desk, their hands on their pencil.

She will finish this.

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