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"Disciplinary hearing of the 25th of August into offences committed by Mr Marcus Vulcan Flint, Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, and Mr Oliver Aspen Wood against United Kingdom Wizarding World."

Cundrie looked back, seeing their family all present on the witness seats, no bars blocking their view. For the first time in two weeks, there had been no bars blocking their view. Cundrie lets out a weak smile, they hope they can walk out free and hug them again. It's been so long.

"Mr Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of Magic, please read the charges pressed by United Kingdom Wizarding World against Mr Marcus Vulcan Flint, Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, and Mr Oliver Aspen Wood," the interrogator continued. Cundrie turned their head to let them look up, seeing Minister Fudge with a parchment scroll already.

"The charges made by United Kingdom Wizarding World against Mr Marcus Vulcan Flint, Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, and Mr Oliver Aspen Wood are as follows-" Minister Fudge coughed as he looked down to a parchment scroll in front of him. "Ruining public property, drawing pro-LGBT propaganda, drawing pro-illegal immigration propaganda, drawing infanticide propaganda, drawing blasphemous propaganda, abuse of drugs, consumption of alcoholic beverage whilst underaged, owning unregistered wands, and attacking two Aurors. Hearing the accuser, representation of United Kingdom Wizarding World, Superintendent Daniel Chavéz, please describe the full event of the arrest to your knowledge."

"It was around three AM when Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq came with Mr Weasley, Mr Flint, and Mr Wood tied up together," Chavéz recalled. Cundrie sighed, closing her eyes. "When Chief Inspector Shafiq and I untied the chords, I see that Mr Wood had been holding a bag. Inspector Shafiq took out a wand from her pocket and said that Mr Weasley had attacked her with this. Whilst waiting for Chief Inspector Shafiq to take their mugshots, I opened the bag to find two more wands, a capsule tube, a few spray paints, drawing paper with drawings of the art drawn by the Graffiti Teens, and a camera."

"What did you do next?"

"I requested Pharmacist Alyssa Jones' aid on identifying the capsules, as well as Wandmaker Garrick Ollivander's aid to identify the ownership of the wands. I also requested Constable Marvin Williams to develop the films," the Auror recalled. Minister Fudge nodded. "It was found out that the capsules had been the barbiturate hypnotic secobarbital capsules, and the wands to be unregistered. The photos reveal to be the eight spray paints that had been all over United Kingdom Wizarding World."

"Show us the evidence." With his magic, Chavéz floats all eight pictures, eight designs, the three wands, the capsules, and the spray paints for the juries to see.

"Superintendent Daniel Chavéz, please recall the interrogation process."

"We have to wait until everyone's legal guardians have arrived as they are underaged," Chavéz said. "After we- Chief Inspector Shafiq and I- presented the evidence, Mr Weasley, Mr Wood, and Mr Flint blurted the honest answers."

"Please read the interrogation report." Chavéz took out a parchment scroll.

"There are three members to the Graffiti Teens, Mr Weasley, Mr Flint, and Mr Wood," Chavéz reads. "Mr Weasley would plan the design and draw the painting, Mr Flint would help her, and Mr Wood would plan the location and be the defence. At midnight, Mr Weasley and Mr Wood would meet up in Mr Flint's home before going together. When they returned to Mr Flint's home, they'd drink alcoholic drink. firewhiskey and consume secobarbital capsules together, before returning to their respective homes before anyone of their family wakes up."

"Did they tell you why they did this?"

"Yes-" Chavéz coughed. "They wanted to announce the political ideology leftism through graffiti art."

"How would they commit their crimes?" Minister Fudge asked.

"They admit that it's not just eight times, but their previous ones are in Muggle areas," Chavéz answered. "After Mr Weasley was done spray painting, Mr Wood would take a picture with Mr Flint's camera and Mr Flint would get it developed, and give it around."

"Summon Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq to testify," Minister Fudge commanded. Two interrogators grabbed a seat and placed it in the middle of the room, beside Chavéz. Shafiq stood up from her seat in the witness stand and directed herself to the middle of the room.

"Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq, please describe the full event of the arrest to your knowledge."

"I had a complaint from a local witch who said three teenagers are vandalising the wall in front of Centre Church in Godric's Hollow, so I went to investigate," Shafiq recalled. "What I found was three teenagers standing in front of a spray painting of a gory decapitated black-skinned Jesus. I petrified Mr Wood, but Mr Weasley unpetrified him. I cast the leg-locker curse on Mr Flint, but again, Mr Weasley helped him whilst attacking me with jinxes and curses. I cast the incarcerous spell to tie them all together, and took Mr Weasley's unregistered wand before apparating away with them to the Godric's Hollow precinct."

"Superintendent Daniel Chavéz, who was the other Auror the group attacked, other than Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq?" Minister Fudge asked.

"Sergeant Henry Stelle."

"Please summon Sergeant Henry Stelle to testify. Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq, you may be excused-" Shafiq nodded and stood up, returning to the witness seats, instead replaced by a blond man in his mid-20s.

"Sergeant Henry Stelle, please describe the full event of the attack to your knowledge."

"I was having my rounds around the Ministry of Magic, it was after the Graffiti Teens' first drawing-" Sergeant Stelle recalled. "Mr Weasley appeared far from me, and before I can do anything, stroke me with a stunning spell. I was revived by another Auror, Sergeant John Lewis, to find another drawing next to the existing one."

"Is it this one?" Minister Fudge floats an image of the sign of Venus, the sign of Mars, and an x, with the writing 'oUR gEnDer is oURs to DEcIdE!'.


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