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"Representation of the twelve juries, please read the conclusion of the sentencing of Mr Marcus Vulcan Flint, Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, and Mr Oliver Aspen Wood."

Cundrie emitted cold sweat, feeling knots in her stomach. She played with the hem of her bright orange jumpsuit, ugh. It clashes with her hair so bad, she's an orange disaster. Focus, Cundrie. A person in black blazer stood up, a parchment scroll in hand. Cundrie, Oliver, and Marcus held each other's hands ever so tightly, trying to not look at her family behind. What if the sentencing's not in her favour?

"We, the twelve juries, have decided that Mr Marcus Vulcan Flint, Mr Percival Ignatius Weasley, and Mr Oliver Aspen Wood are guilty of the nine charges and the appropriate sentencing for them would be three months in Silverchain Juvenile Detention Centre, and six months of house arrest. For the first month, clonidine capsules shall be given to ease them with their drug withdrawal," the person reads the scroll, and Cundrie closed their eyes, shit. From their back, they can hear a few sobs but didn't dare to look. They knew that if they did, their tears would leak too.

"Are there any questions?" Minister Fudge asked. Cundrie can hear the sound of a seat being rubbed against the floor, though she daren't to see.

"What about my child's education?" Cundrie hears the broken voice of her father's. Almost they turned their head, but couldn't. They couldn't.

"There will be a tutor assigned for them and exams will be designed to be as similar as it is of Hogwarts, so you don't need to worry about that," Minister Fudge assures. "Any more questions?"

No one said anything else, so Fudge took it as a cue to lift the mallet and hit it, signifying the end of the hearing and the start of the sentencing. Superintendent Chavéz and Inspector Shafiq stood beside all three of them, and they stood up.

"Can I see me parents?" Oliver begged to Chavéz. "Ployz?"

"After we've transported you," Chavéz answered, putting golden handcuffs on Oliver's hands. Shafiq did the same with Cundrie, rather roughly if Cundrie might say, but they don't care. No, they kept staring at their parents, their mum who kept crying so openly to their dad, who was crying openly himself. "Let's go."

"Cundrie!" Cundrie quickly turned her head to see her mother running in her direction, tears and snot running down freely from her face. Sergeant Stelle stood in between Molly and Cundrie, holding Molly at wandpoint, and Molly stopped running. Arthur, Bill, and Charlie ran up to her, restraining her body.

"Mum, l-let's g-go," Bill stuttered, crying.

"No, please!" Molly begged, trying to push six hands away from her, but the six hands kept restraining her. "Let me go! Cundrie! That's my child!"

"Ms Weasley, I assure you that you may see Mr Weasley appropriately after we've transported him," Stelle promised her, putting his wand down as he approached her. "Please calm down, Mrs Weasley."

"Let's go." Cundrie nodded numbly, letting herself be dragged by Shafiq, trying to see as much of their parents before they are dragged out of the courtroom to the lift, the three teenagers entering first before the two Aurors do. Inspector Shafiq closed the lift door before she pressed the ground floor button, grabbing the handle that's hanging above. As Cundrie is still too short, she held Oliver's hand instead, who held Marcus' hand.

Once the lift door opens, Inspector Shafiq held Cundrie again as they left to a point in the Ministry. Cundrie looks around, mesmerised by the interior of the Ministry. Black marble everywhere with a giant statue in the centre, what statue Cundrie didn't get the chance to properly inspect. Inspector Shafiq moved Cundrie, standing between Cundrie and Oliver, holding both their hands, whilst Superintendent Chavéz stands between Oliver and Marcus, also holding both their hands.

Cundrie took a deep breath in, feeling sucked into a very small hole. Once she felt the sturdy ground again, she dared to open her eyes to see a beige building with thick metal bars as the gate. The gate slides open and Chavéz pushed Oliver in, not that xe would fight him. No one had the energy to fight anymore.

As soon as they entered the building, they are met with another Auror, Chavéz and Shafiq leaving them once the inner gate has closed, separating the three teenagers with the two Aurors. The Auror unlocked each of their handcuffs, giving them navy blue jumpsuits.

"Come on, let's go," the Auror said. "I'll take you to the hall."

"If I see or hear you snogging, I'm begging for a new cell," Marcus whispered to Cundrie's ear, and Cundrie hits his side whilst laughing.

"What?" Oliver asked, and Cundrie laughed as Marcus whispered the same thing to xem, who also hits his side. "We just dated!"

Maybe three months won't feel so long, they're not really alone. The Auror had them sitting on the hall, where they are each given a plate full of risotto and a capsule. Another Auror in their mid-40s approached them, and they started to eat.

"So you'll be staying in a single cell room, but you may see each other and the other prisoners from 8 AM to 9 PM, anyone may visit you up to an hour a day," the Auror said. "We have prepared you a timetable for tutoring, tutoring starts in September, weekends will be your off-days-" the Auror handed Oliver, Cundrie, and Marcus each sheets of paper. "If you need anything, let it be hygiene, clothes, extra pillows, feel free to ask the Aurors here. You are allowed to decorate your cells however you like as long as it's nothing negative. Any questions?"

Neither Cundrie, Oliver, nor Marcus answered, and the Auror nodded. "Alright. Finish your meals. I'll show you your cells where you can change your clothes, then you can maybe explore this place a little."

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