CH.8 Tip of the Spear

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40 minutes later....

We can alredy see the enemy forces in the distance. We were on a desert, filled with nothing. Just us, and them.

We had warthogs, moongoses, pelicans.... we were throwing everything we had at them, so were they. They had ghosts, banshees, wraiths...

This won't be easy

Dot:"It appears that Noble Team's discovery last night was not an anomaly. Large Covenant deployements have occurred undetected and we are now under attack across the Viery territory, including orbital defenses."

That's not good

Dot:"As per the Winter Contingency, we are countering on every front. Noble's reconnaissance has also identified sophisticated Covenant army-hiding canopies... and has pin-pointed what's believed to be a landing zone for additional Covenant forces, the origin of which is yet to be determined."

We were getting to close to the enemy, our warthogs started shooting at them, but so did their wraiths...

Carter:"That landing zone has been tagged by UNSC command as a prioritt one target."

Jun:"Time to bake that cake we made last night!"

Jun was inside of a pelican. It seems we had a change of plans, and they choose a pelican instead. Kat grabs a detonator, alredy knowing what he wants to explode.

Kat:"Copy that. Acquiring signal lock on the pylon. Exploding in 3, 2, 1..."

Kat pushes the button and we see an explosion in the distance on our right. The pylon from yesterday was destroyed.

Banshees began attacking us by doing some barrages, nothing our warthogs can't handle, till some of them got destroyed, forcing me to do evasive manouvers.

We went through a bridge, our stop.

Noble Six:"Incoming!"

One of our warthogs got destroyed, breaking the bridge too.

Kat:"Might want to hold onto something!"

Kat then drive through the bridge, jumping and making it to the other side, but the warthog was... well.... not in good conditions...

Six flyed away from the warthog and falls to the ground, not getting up

F/N:"Shit. Marines, provide cover fire! Jorge, cover me while I save Six!"

Marines:"Sir yes sir!"

Jorge:"I have you covered. Now go!"

Some of the marines that made it through started shooting some covies that tried to ambush us. Jorge started shooting too while Lilith took driver seat.

Lilith:"I'll drive now! If we have to move, just say it!"

I went to the destroyed warthog and saw Kat just fine, geting up and retrieving her weapon, so I went to Six.

F/N:"Six! Can you hear me? Six, you alright?!"

Noble Six:"I'm fine don't worry. Let's go."

She got up and we went to her warthog. It was sideways, so we could get some cover on it. We shooted some covies on a hill.

Carter:"Kat, Six, what's your status?"

Kat:"Caravane got down, 1 warthog remaining, we are pushing on a hill."

Our warthog started pussing while Jorge killed any covie that could harm the warthog. The other forces quickly retreated, so we pushed them and dispatch them easily.

Carter:"Kat, be advised, the AA guns are west of your current location."

Kat:"Copy commander."

A pelican dropped us a warthog was dropped, but in the gunner position, instead of a machine gun, it has a missile launcher.

F/N:"I call dibs on gunner. This will be fun."

I went on gunner position while Six got driver. Kat sat next to her.

Kat:"You heard the boss Six, move out."

Jorge:"We will follow you."

Six started driving west, Jorge on our tails and the marines that got left stayed on our new LZ to secure it.

Eventually, we saw a giant plasma weapon aiming to the skies.

Carter:"Noble two, AA gun should be in visual range."

Pelican pilot:"Take care of that Noble One, those guns are pounding us with high velocity plasma shots."

I started shoting to some covies protecting the AA gun, but they couldn't do shit against my new toy.

I'm having a blast with this thing... heh...

Carter:"Noble Six, Seven, our air force cannot so anything if you don't take care of those guns."

Six started driving around the AA gun so we could clear the area first. What we didn't expect, was a wraith there.

Kat:"Shit. Enemy wraith! Focus fire on that thing, Seven!"

I started shooting the wraith, who fired back. Six dodge the enemy fire, but the wraith's gunner was starting to damage us.

F/N:"Ok, I'm tired of you alredy."

I shooted some more missiles and finally, the wraith got destroyed.

Jorge:"The front area it's clear, no more hostiles remaining."

Noble Six:"I'll go inside and take care of the AA gun, wait here."

Six got us in a good position and exited the warthog, running inside the AA gun. After some time, we heard strange beeps coming from the gun, Six running towards our warthog.

Noble Six:"It's gonna blow up! Move Jorge!"

Jorge got his warthog out of the way and the AA gun exploded.

Jorge:"That was beautiful, nice work."

Lilith:"One more remaining, right?"


After the gun was destroyed, one of our big ships come from the skies, providing us air support on our mission. A phantom tried to drop troops on us, but it got destroyed easily by our air support.

Kat:"Okay Six, you know what to do. Move."

Six started driving and Jorge did too, staying on our tail.

We saw some type of facility filled with Covenant troops. Marines were attacking said troops.

Carter:"Noble Two, Covenant forces has taken a mining facility. They are using it as a command outpost. There are friendly troops there, assist them."

Kat:"Copy that. Give them hell."

The warthog couldn't pass through the bridge separating our forces and theirs, but I provided support fire from affar, destroying some turrets and jackals.

Six, Jorge, Lilith and Kat reunited with the marines and started pushing.

Some jackals went to the bridge to form a wall, but as quickly as they came, they died to my missiles.

Jorge:"Nice job Seven!"

F/N:"I'm having the time of my life here!"

Our forces began going to the facility, so I got ut of the warthog and runned to them, sad that I couldn't use the rocket launcher anymore.

I still have the one from my back though...

Dot:"New intelligence: Near the Covenant outpost, command has located a high value target, an elite zealot informant."

Kat:"Zealot? We are on something big, commander."

Carter:"Eyes on the prize, Noble. Take out that elite if you got the chance, but keep moving towards The Spires."

Could it be.... the one that escaped us...?

We went inside the facility, and splitted up so we could find that target. It was filled with grunts, nothing we couldn't handle. Some of them tried that nasty suicide attack, but they died before they could get close.

F/N:"Tch, stupid things."

Suddenly, I hear an energy sword going on behind me. I instinctively dodge to the side, but he breaks my DMR, leaving me unnarmed.

I see the target command said, the zealot that escaped us. He declocked and pointed his sword at me.

Zealot:"*Threats in shanghelian*"

F/N:"Okay asshole." I pick my knife "Round two."

I lunged at him, scratching his face, but his shields protected him. The elite shouted and tried stabbing me, but I dodged to his left. He made a quick swing to said direction, but I grabbed his arm, stopping the attack. I stabbed him multiples times in the arm so he could drop his sword and it worked. He punches me in the helmet, pushing me back. Just when he tried to pick his sword, I knee him in the chest, staggering him enough time for me to pick the sword and thrusted it in him, killing him. Once I made sure he was dead, I examinated the sword, making sure I knew how it worked.

Noble Six:"Seven! Are you okay?!"

My team founded me, looking at the sword and our target dead, his back showing a big wound.

F/N:"Target neutralised. Emile will be happy to know it was the same one that escaped him."

Kat:"Command, the mining facility it's clear. The zealot has been dealt with too."

Carter:"Copy that Noble Two, good job."

We went to the other side of the facility and saw an enemy wraith, but, it was shooting our ground forces, unaware of us.

Noble Six:"Wait. I have an idea."

Noble Six went silently towards the wraith and climbed it, making a hole in the back of it and tossing a grenade in it, killing the driver. She then got it and after a while, she starts driving it.

Noble Six:"It's not that hard to drive this thing, it's like an scorpion it seems. Anyone wants gunner?"

F/N:"Lilith, go in. The rest of us will go on foot."


Lilith took gunner position, and we started moving forward, now, with a wraith with us.

Carter:"Update Six, scan shows  the other AA gun ahead of your location. Eliminate it by all means necessary."

There were more enemies protecting this gun, hunters, elites, jackals... but, with a wraith on our side, it won't be that hard.

Our wraith started shooting the hunters, so the rest of us moved towards the AA gun. Jorge provided us cover fire, since there were still defenders inside of it. Kat took care of the grunts and jackals outside, while I went inside. I still had the sword, so it was perfect for me. Two elites were there, looking outside, aiming at Jorge. I silently killed one, thrusting my sword on his back. The other one got surprised and went for his sword, dropping his plasma carabine to the ground, but it was to late. I lunged at him and swinged at his torso, making a big cut on his chest. The elite dropped to the ground, dead.

F/N:"Alright, the AA gun it's blowing up right..." I broke the shields protecting the core of the gun, so I tossed a grenade in there "Now."

I runned outside, and when the grenade exploded, the gun began emmiting the same beeps as before, eventually, exploding.

I went to Six's wraith and see she was having trouble with other wraiths, so i got my rocket launcher and shooted at them. First, I fired towards one alredy damaged by Six, blowing it up easily. The other wraith's gunner took aim at me, but Jorge killed it with his chaingun. Six's wraith and my last rocket did the work for the last wraith remaining.

Carter:"Well done Noble Team. ONI needs recon on those spires. A pelican it's gonna pick you up."

Kat:"Commander, I'm going to put a recon outpost here, see what I can find."

Carter:"Affirmative. Jorge, Seven, Six, take out The Spire."

Jorge:"Roger that. Lilith, stay with Kat."

Lilith:"Got it, Sir!"

Eventually, a pelican arrived, so Six, Jorge and I went inside of it, flying towards The Spire. Six took the turret, aiming at anything on the ground that looked hostile.

Pilot:"Spartans, there are hostiles on the ground, aiming at us, take care of them."

Six aimed at those troops. They had plasma launchers, so they could destroy us if we don't take care of them. Six killed them easily, protecting us.

After some minutes, we see The Spire, surrounded by a big energy shield, protecting it by any orbital attack

F/N:"Commander, Spire on sight, we are going in."

Carter:"Copy. Good luck spartans:"

Dot:"Intel suggest this structure is proyecting electromagmetic plasma shields"

Jorge:"Affirmative. Go in pilot, get ready for whatever could happen."

Pilot:"Affirmative, going in."

The moment the pelican went in, all the power on the pelican went off, stopping the engines. Our shields got depleted too.

Pilot:"We are going down."

Jorge:"Lock your armor Spartans!"

Eventually, the pelican crashses, but I jumped before, so I land on the ground, rolling. It hurted, but I was ok. I looked to my right to see Six getting up, picking up her AR and looking to our surroundings. Jorge went to check the rest of our people.

Jorge:"Crew's dead. We shouldn't stay here."

Some Covenant troops were to the crashed pelican to check for survivors, but Jorge and Six took care of them while I reported our status.

F/N:"Commander, we have eyes on The Spire."

Carter:"Copy. We have your visual."

Once U finished, only some jackals that were retreating were standing, they got killed easily by Six.


I turned around and see the big man, giving me a magnum.

Jorge:"Only a sword won't do the work. Take this."


We started walking towards the Covenant structure.

Jorge:"Say, after all of this is over, you want me to show you around Reach? That way, you will learn more about this planet."

F/N:"Sure. You promise?"

Jorge laughs and nodded.

Jorge:"I promise."

We eventually stop on a hill, looking towards The Spire. It was heavily reinforced, and we don't have the firepower for this.

F/N:"Okay, how do we do this?"

Jorge:"Easy, we go in, fast and furious."

Noble Six:"How?"

Jorge:"With that."he moved his head to his right, and we saw a civillian vehicle, similar to the warthog, but without the armour or the guns.

Noble Six:"I don't like the idea."

F/N:"We doesn't have too many options. Let's do it."

Jorge:"Okay. I will ram it towards the entrance and we will go up the elevators. I will make sure nothing follow us. Six, Seven, you take care of the rest."

I nodded and Six sighed, not amused by our plan. Jorge got driver seat and I took "gunner". As soon as we got close, the covies shooted at us, some plasma hititng us, but our shields protected us. Jorge drived the "warthog" in, killing 2 elites waiting there. We went up the elevators and Jorge waited there, aiming at them.

Carter:"Take care of those shields so we can destroy The Spire."

Jorge:"Six, Seven, you know what to do."

Six went left and I went right. The Spire was a circular building, so we both will end up in the same place, but, we could surround the enemies.

Carter:"Alright Noble Team, you have a fragate ready to fire as soon as the shields got powered down."

Six and I shooted at the guards, killing two grunts. There was an elite standing there, shooting at Six, but I picked my sword and killed him. The sword's battery was depleted though, so i dropped it to the ground. Jorge started shooting, so enemy reinforcments were on the way.

F/N:"Six, take care of the shields, Jorge, go back to the balcony on your right! Evac will be here soon!"

Jorge:"Copy that."

Jorge and I went to the balcony. Six took care of the shields, and, at soon as the shields dissappeared Carter's pelican picked us. Six went running to us and jumped, me grabbing her hand and pulled her to me

F/N:"I've got you."

Noble Six:"Thanks."

Carter:"Get us out of here!"

Carter:"Control? This is Noble One. Spire One is green and youre free to engage... Have a nice day..."

Air control:"Copy that, Noble One. Be advised all ground units: Frigate Three One Fight heavy is inbound, and MAC rounds have been authorized."

Jorge:"MAC rounds? In atmosphere?"

Carter:"One way to get their attention! Hang on to your teeth, people!"

Then, the frigate came in and destroyed The Spire.

Jorge:"There we go."

F/N:"Wait... What the fuck it's that?"

We looked towards the frigate to see a ray coming from the space, and another one hitting the frigate, destroying it in one hit.

Dot:"New target spotted."

Jorge:"No, NO! Someone tell me this ain't happening!"

Air Control:"UNSC frigate Grafton, do you copy?"

Six and I were looking at the frigate, crashing into the ground. At least, what was left of it.

Carter:"The Graften is dust! We need to get out of here, NOW!"

Then we looked up to see a big Covenant airship, bigger than our frigate.

F/N:"What on earth is that..."

40 minutes later...

We couldn't get back to base. There were scarabs everywhere.

Dot:"Our foe is more devious than we imagined. That spire was indeed a teleporter linked to a cloaked, Covenant Super-Carrier... a grave threat."

Since we couldn't go anywhere, we seek shelter in a cave. The rest of our team was alredy there, waiting for us, including Lilith.

Dot:"Thankfully, help is imminent. Sixty percent of the UNSC fleet is on route to Reach from existing deployements. The first battle group should arrive within forty-eight hours."

Jorge threw a crate besides Emile, sitting on a rock, watching the big guy actions. I sat on a rock, removing my helmet and looking outside. Six sat next to me and puts her head on my shoulder.

Jun:"Forty-eight hours?..." He removes his helmet "That's "imminent?"" He sees Carter and Kat arguing, so, he cleans Jorge's shoulder patch to gain his attention. "Uh-oh. Who's your money on this time?" He looked worried.


Jun:"You always pick her."

Jorge removes his helmet, and looks at the too.

Jorge:"She's always had him dialed in."

Carter it's leaning on the cave entrance, while Kat it's in the middle of it, both without helmet.

Kat:"That thing's crushing us, and we are waiting for backup? They'll be backing up a graveyard."

Carter:"All our nukes are either out-system or went down with the ships that carried them. Youre preaching to the converted."

Kat:"How converted?"

Carter:"I know that look, Kat."

Kat:"You can say no."


Kat:"You don't even want to hear it?"

Carter:"Fine, let's hear it."

Kat:"Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus. Seven hundred dead?"

Carter:"Vaguely, a slip-space malfunction, right?"

Kat:"Actually, it worked fine. The drive was mounted improperly after a service haul-out. When it fired, it teleported half the ship to oblivion."

Carter:"And this is relevant... how?"

Kat:"A certain Covenant Super-Carrier, with some assistance, suffer the same unfortunate accident..."

Carter:"Even for you, Kat, that's-"


Carter:"Not the word I would use."

Jorge and Emile went to them.

Jorge:"What's going on?"

Carter:"Go ahead. Explain."

Kat went to grab Emile's knife, but he stopped her.

Kat:"May i?"

Emile:"Don't cut yourself."

Kat began making her plan on the ground with Emile's knife.

Kat:"F/N, Six, come over here."

We went to her, and looked at her plan.

Kat:"Objective? Destroy the Covenant Carrier in geosynchronous orbit above us."

Jorge:"This sanctioned, sir?"

Carter:"What do you think?"


Kat:"Method? A slip-space drive in lieu of the nukes we don't have."

F/N:"Cool. How?

Kat:"I was getting to that, handsome. Delivery system? Us. Solvable? Getting us up there. That, and getting our hands on a slip-space drive."

F/N:"Hmmm.... it could work."

She returned the knife to his owner.

Kat:"Thank you for sharing."

Carter:"So, all we need is a orbit-capable transport and the single most expensive piece of equipment made by man?"

Kat:"As a soldier in the field I couldn't possibly have access to those kinds of resources-"

F/N:"I do."

They all looked at me.

F/N:"My father can give us that. I can garantee it."

Kat:"There we go. Now we only need a green light from Holland"

Carter:"Good luck with that."

Kat:"Youre the one asking him."

Kat gave him her PDA, and Carter picks it up.

Carter move away and goes away, PDA on hand.

Carter:"Oh, there's no way in hell he's gonna go for this."

We'll see about that...


Necro:"Thanks for watching! What will happen next episode? Will they what they need? See you next chapter!

Jorge:" See you next time readers!" I have a bad feeling about this mission

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